1. GM sweet je confess to Hana..mcm @Syik_Gojet ckp..comel je puppy face dia tu..tp Hana mcm determined utk anggap heolls mcm student biasa je..iolls rs GM expect je mende ni (ms scene theyolls mkn kat luar spital tu)..tp somehow iolls rs GM akn frust bila dpt tau Hana sbenarnya suka abg dia and v.v
2. Awal2 ep 11 tu iolsss cannot brain betapa selfish nye prof jin ni..rupa2nya tu semua build-up yg nk tunjuk betapa perangai selfish dia ni bg effect kat org sekeliling..so iolls happy at the end of the ep tu heolls dh prasan perangai heolls. iols rasa selama ni, sbbkan heolls sentiasa berusaha sendiri tanpa harapkan org lain, heolls tk perasan yg over the time heolls develop perangai selfish tu..tp bila dh jd mcm ni dgn hana tk layan heols semua..br heolls sedar. serve him right tp harapnya tk terlambat
tk bleh blah ms prof jin bgn pagi tu...pastu dia admit nk accept his feeling towards hana...tp selfish je manjang ckp hana mesti dh selamatkan negara theyols in the past sbb tu sheolls beruntung heolss suka dia..padahal dh mmg heolss yg jatuh cinta.motif sgt
ntah2 CY tk end up ngan sesape..miracle jugak aklau tetibe CY beralih arah kpd KB sbb skarang pun dh angau semacam dgn GM
kibum jahat nau...ckp bibir CY bersinar mcm baru lps mkn makanan berminyak..
pastu part dgn Jo Kwon tu..iolss tergelak ms JK tanya knp dh tk ckp dirori..smpai dh tk terkejut dah si kibum dgn wishy washy JK tu
Herald Pop - Naver: 'Drinking Solo', Park Ha Sun tired of Ha Suk Jin, wavering feelings because of Gong Myung
1. [+2,333, -78] Only Ha Suk Jin can act out a snob but weirdly adorable character. I admit I did get annoyed at some of his scenes but his charms sucked me in. Jin Jung Seok was cute today ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+1,564, -46] Can't wait for tomorrow ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+1,428, -54] I'm dying to know if Jung Chaeyeon ends up with Gong Myung or with Kibum. Who are you guys shipping her with?
4. [+1,204, -68] Take Jo Kwon out, bring back Prof Min
5. [+783, -38] The preview is the best part of today
6. [+522, -14] Kinda felt empty without Prof Min's impersonation
7. [+488, -13] Prof Min and Prof Hwang don't get enough scenes
8. [+475, -13] Boring when there's no Prof Min
9. [+481, -29] This episode felt weak without Min Jin Woong. Jo Kwon was boring
10. [+365, -14] Jo Kwon's acting makes Key's acting stands out, had no idea Key was so good
*setuju dgn komen psl JK tu..mmg nmpk lg stand out lakonan key sbb JK tk natural sgt..
and kt soompi ramai tgh spazzing HaJin couple..ada huge development kot hubungan theyolsss dlm ep 12
Post time 12-10-2016 11:11 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
irie^nad replied at 12-10-2016 08:56 AM
perangai kibum dlm cite ni susah nk dibenci..kdg2 rs annoyed tp comel..
tp uols mesti akn gelak ...
So far x annoyed lg uols..heols the cutest ever..haha iols xleh move on lg dia mengata minho tp ujung2 kene blasah ngn bdk skolah...
gong myung tu awal2 annoyed gk sbb xnampak significant nya watak dia..lewat jgk dorang intro dia as adik prof jin..skang dh suka dh sbb dah byk part dia n cuteeee..iols suka dia dgn PHN..prof jin save utk iols huwaaaa nyesal x tegorrrr heols duluuuuu..dpt selpie sekeping pon dh xpe
Post time 12-10-2016 11:13 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by siputsedut at 12-10-2016 11:16 AM
irie^nad replied at 12-10-2016 08:54 AM
hahaha..yeke.igt kan theyols sng2 je baik dgn org..
tp nenek2 atuk2 korea mmg stylo kan..i ...
Haha cute ke iols x suka sgt ajoshi korea.... pakcik korea biasa bosan uols..kalau sembang mesti topik serius je mcm isu semasa n politik..no fun...n generasi dorang yg sgt proud of korea...xleh melawak sgt uols...kalau ajumma korea best..cute to the max...
Teringat aunty korea iols dtg malaysia..bwk dua luggage besar makanan termasuk kimchi...pastu dia keluar je balai ketibaan..nampak weols..terus mencangkung bukak beg keluarkan makanan kt tgh2 jalan tu sambil bg pat juta pesanan mcm mana nk simpan makanan2 tu bg tahan lama anak dia tegur..mak mak..malu lah org tgk....
Post time 12-10-2016 11:20 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 11-10-2016 05:12 PM
lorrr ye ke...mati2 iols dorang mcm org msia gigih berebut nk masuk gomen
btw dlm cite age of y ...
Aah style dorang interview ramai2..gilaaaa lah..iols x pernah apply company korean tp seben iols pernah keje ngn company korea..interview dgn bos2 bsr dlm satu bilik dgn ramai gila candidate..sell yourself...sapa yg low self esteem tu mmg malang lah..exam tu x pasti..x ingat plak..yg iols ingat heols cite psl interview tu je..ada kot kan exam saringan...