matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 11-6-2004 01:39 PM:
favourite but very expensive
expensive but worth buying .............. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by chicsee at 11-6-2004 02:46 PM:
buying must have money
money,root of evil ............. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 11-6-2004 02:53 PM:
evil lose to good
good guys wear black ........... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 11-6-2004 03:05 PM:
black you look slim
slim body no fats .......... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 11-6-2004 03:15 PM:
fats can clog arteries
arteries in good shape ..... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 11-6-2004 03:44 PM:
shape like green pear
pear where to buy ...........l |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by chicsee at 11-6-2004 04:01 PM:
market near my house
house near the beach ........... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 11-6-2004 04:27 PM:
beach got white sands...
sands in my shoes ........... |
shoes wear size 9
*mak oii kaki gajah betul ku ni :lol* |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by chicsee at 11-6-2004 05:07 PM:
9 not so bad
bad smell in toilet ........... |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara