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hahaha.. dah berani hijack hp.. mmng dasat la..... tau pin nk bukak hp dia.. woow... u r soooo... annoying kalau jadi bini..
kan?? takat padam..hapus..tanam..bende2 yg fizikal konfem lah nmpk jelas n teghang!!!!
tapi yg dlm motherboard..RAM GB KB MB..history activity..yg dlm pale n hati dak joi boleh buang sekali jugak ker??
hehehee...nk tunjukkan action speaks louder than word gituh lah tuuu....
kita enjooooiiiiiceeee!!!
nape plak ai terimagine scene armel jerit2 dlm blk kat zill scene lps mandi tu. y u are so ANNOYING zm? eh? larriiikkk
hahaha.. mmng pun la... adoiii... hahahah
delia_ni replied at 20-11-2015 12:29 PM
samo la ngan bakal menantunya tu.. kikiki
Nanti boleh la pk mertua n menantu p double date kt mune...
Eh menantu ka hantu???
acik memang teringat lagu ni jah, congrats joi , you are heading to that direction.. the best part.. 'suaminya dulu handsome...
hahaha... kata sherashi bershama
haaah???? Beg LV ? pehal nak brand yg sama? budak ni sah-sah psiko nih. wheyyy org yg normal, tak kan dia nak anything yg remind your bf to old flame .. be original la dekk, berapa banyak lagi brand beg kat dunia ni, tak kan nak yg tu jugak.
hahahahaha... kena queen kontroll...
delia_ni replied at 20-11-2015 02:41 PM
hahaha... i wonder co. CROC will hire them as a model of CROC product.. wakakakak
sherashi bers ...
Pak Enol & bakal menantu sajakkkk sangat jd duta brand Crocodile International ni. Tak yah la nak Croc & Lacoste bagai.
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Edited by misspolarisz at 20-11-2015 05:27 PM
joi? dia bukan takat hantu, tu langsuyar tu weh a.k.a parasit
jgn paknol dpt sebaya anak dah ler, kang tak memasal dakjoi sailang. #plottwist
best plak quote ni:
ANYONE can make you smile, MANY people can make you cry, but it takes SOMEONE SPECIAL to make you smile with tears in your eyes
hakhak jgn paknol gi pikat akak G sudah ler..tak memasal jadi mak tiri ZAZM
shudakuda replied at 20-11-2015 07:12 PM
hakhak jgn paknol gi pikat akak G sudah ler..tak memasal jadi mak tiri ZAZM
Baru jd keluarga 69 ..
shudakuda replied at 20-11-2015 07:12 PM
hakhak jgn paknol gi pikat akak G sudah ler..tak memasal jadi mak tiri ZAZM
Euwww! Gross OK! Euwww again. Even the thought make me cringed. Hahaha.
Post time 21-11-2015 01:39 PM
From the mobile phone
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shudakuda replied at 20-11-2015 07:12 PM
hakhak jgn paknol gi pikat akak G sudah ler..tak memasal jadi mak tiri ZAZM
Mana tahu kan. Lepas tu Pak Nol will dapat byk peluang berlakon and jadi duta kopi kapal api eh. Wakakakakaka.
Post time 21-11-2015 01:41 PM
From the mobile phone
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Mejami replied at 21-11-2015 02:30 AM
Sape tu yg komen..gf bru delete pict zulayda kt ipong sado..mcm mustahil je sado mudah2 bg ipong kt ...
Hahahahahahahaha. Maybe kot. Tak rasa sado kuasa nah dgn gigih nak pi delete. Byk plak tu.
agak-agak apa yg melekat dalam hati.. gf baru x boleh delete tak.. za skg boleh rasa perbezaan kot naa..sapa yg serasi bersama
nory replied at 21-11-2015 01:59 PM
agak-agak apa yg melekat dalam hati.. gf baru x boleh delete tak.. za skg boleh rasa perbezaan kot ...
skrg dok hanimun period lagi, belang masing2 tak kuar lagi, tunggulah sikit masa lagi