Post time 27-6-2016 12:39 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by miz_butcher at 27-6-2016 12:45 AM
Ini bukan soal melayu kampung melayu kolot...dah namanya pon menghormati bulan ramadhan la perempuan.. Kemain petah menjawab siap diri sendiri yg g viralkan.. Tak kesah la kau period sebulan ke ape, tapi ape salah dengan imej kau yang bertudung litup tu makan la dalam kereta or melantak puas2 kat rumah dulu ke. Kat tmpat public sebelum keluar minum air dulu ke. Ape kebulor sangat ke kau... Ape ingat orang kebulor ker tengok engkau mencekik..
Kalau ayat dia difahami maka "it must follow as the night the day" (Hamlet: Act 1 Scene 3), bahawa dia hebohkan benda tu sebab dia dah fed up dengan tukang kira dosa pahala orang yang perasan bagus daripada menganggu kehidupan orang Islam lain. Jadi sebagai mesej dia memberitau dengan sengaja, buat lah kerja lain, tak payah lah nak jadi tukang kira dosa dan pahala orang lain. Tak payah lah perasan bagus tanpa menyadari orang meluat!
kes minah indian tu ampeh gile hahahah cian minah tu...
tapi kan , slalu tgk kes x puas ati rase tergugat bile tgk org pompuan makan ni mesti jejans ...
kalau org pompuan mase dok ganti puasa, ade 10 org makan depan pon relax je... x de rase mati kelaparan
begantung pada tahap keyakinan... kalau dah ade sangsi tu memang x boleh la tu huhuhu kang nak duduk x tenang je... rase satu masjid pandang uolss heheheh
oh gosh..tak leh hormat part of akhlak you know...
gosh..well..hormat is like kafer or muslim yang cannot fast cos gods says so cannot eat in a specific place for..well..EATING" like a R-E-S-T-O-R-E-N.. cos maybe we moslem hijabis subhanallah might get butthurt tgk u all makan in a place for EATING..where i might see u eat while im fastie"cannot eat"...why i go in a retsoren while im fasting?...gosh..thats MY RIGHT!...
you who god commands takleh posa have no right to go in that RESTOREN to makan2..u moslem with great knowlwdge from my friends thesis and my kampung ustaz ustazahs u know...i go to uk u pathetic
kalau time bulan pose ni pon asik tegugat tengok achi makan dalam kerate... ni kan pulak nak ganti pose and ngadap rakyat malaysia semua makan.... alamat nye MC semate2 nak ganti pose
tak leh gitu maideen..gosh..u ni from uk u konw..
i tanya u..u tau tak culturally competent?
we must respect culture...errr..agama got culture meh..???gosh
ooo culture i kat uk ni..gosh...why you all dont know how to respect us moslem..why this moslem girl dont respect our "islam CULTURE"..gosh...well..u know..iknow cos i study in uk..very cold here on my way to see david cameron ni..while listening to radio isim..
even i kat uk pun makan tapau cos why?i respect my "islamic CULTURE" in uk..why that girl dont respect "islamic CULTURE" in malaysia..oh why..its simple kan..
god kata follow "islamic culutr"..gosh..infidels..i tell u..pathetic
Post time 27-6-2016 01:04 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Mryam ni sejenis tak nak mengaku kalah.. Sapa follow twitter mmg selalu tgk dia berkelahi dan kna hencap si tingtong ni. ummah twitter pun kosser dgn dia ni.. Entah apa2
Post time 27-6-2016 01:07 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
xde maslh pon dia nk mkn bg dia sbok nk viral kn diri dia knp...
btw iols klu tk puasa trlupa bln pose
br2 ni slumber je pi minum kt nrn nasib dlm kete
Post time 27-6-2016 01:34 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
akik replied at 26-6-2016 09:59 PM
Apparently dia ni seorang feminist activist dan attention seeker,hasil bacaan aku kat twitter lah. ...
Kat black canyon tu.xde plak sape2 nak tarbiah..weols pun buat dunno je MYOB katenye...waiter nepal..haha ade la customer melayu sorg dua baru masuk sbb nak.order n booking tmpt. Yg pelik napa pilih tempat tgh2..kut yer nak mkn sgt.. g la ujung2 skit..saje nak tayang hak dia nak makan..haiyoo meja iols sblh je meja dia.
Post time 27-6-2016 01:39 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ala maryam lee ni, banyak kali kan tried to seek attention thru socmed. Haha dulu dah ada isu apa ntah but I lupa,
But then.. I rasa motif utama dia bukan nak melantak sangat pun, motif dia nak change Malaysians' mindset towards this issue.. but then mmg I rasa dia attention seeker dr dlu
Post time 27-6-2016 01:44 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Dah lah bodoh, pastu viral di mana sifat kemaluan dan tata susila ko, boleh je makan tapi bukan di tempat public, owhhhh lupa, sikit2 lama jadi bukit, sikit dosa, lama2 x apa gitew