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[MERGED] Holocaust

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Post time 6-7-2007 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by silvermuse at 28-6-2007 09:54 AM
holocaust ni bkn setakat bunuh saja.some pf the victim is used as a medical experiments.
dorg nyer experience plak pelik2 cam seksa plak.dorg test dgn freeze the victim or try tukar colou ...

Hitler gila tu nak try tukarkan mata2 yahudi yg dark brown tu jadi blue mcm aryan...

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Post time 6-7-2007 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aw76 at 4-7-2007 10:27 AM
takde bilenye israel serang islam sebab holocaust. mana ada kaitan. itu dulu zaman WWII. dah tutup kitab dah. israel pun dah bertapak di bumi palestin bertahun2 sebelum WWII. cuma bertambah lepas ...

Diorg bunuh HOMOSEKSUAL jugak kan?

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Post time 8-7-2007 09:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #66 mala0n's post

Ye bener.....

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Post time 12-7-2007 06:30 AM | Show all posts
Apa pandangan korang semua kalau aku katakan Holocaust adalah satu dongeng moden ciptaan bangsa Yahudi untuk meraih simpati dunia?

Ada sesiapa yang nak bangkang?

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Post time 12-7-2007 09:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #68 jkkkj's post

Ada. Aku.

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Post time 12-7-2007 03:05 PM | Show all posts
the thing is, benda nih bukannyer ciptaan semata2.. there was facts about this case and everyone knows about this. but then, jew nih pandai.. gunakan holocaust utk buat org lain feel guilty.. so kalau ada2 diorang akan raise holocaust issue. that is y now kalau ko tgk in world politics.. diorang nih makin naik tocang..

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Post time 12-7-2007 10:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #68 jkkkj's post

aku nak bangkang dan tak bangkang. dongeng, no. ciptaan yahudi, yes. uth meraih simpati duni, more like to justify their land in israel. i read some books on the jews. i noticed that they hate the weak links, be it the jews or not. is it possible that hitler was their agent used to exterminate the weak jews and leave the superior ones to take over the world silently? which so far went smoothly...


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Post time 13-7-2007 10:35 AM | Show all posts
How would the Nazis know which one? This is not Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest.

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Post time 13-7-2007 02:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #72 alphawolf's post

do they have to know which one? the key to their dominance is world's guilt. so hitler coulda just massacre half of the jews and the rest that didnt die could easily being in their control because of their small number. or maybe they killed the ones with mixed blood just like hitler. i dont know. its a theory. it could be true since their goal of enslaving the world is so great that nothing will get in their way.

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Post time 15-7-2007 09:02 AM | Show all posts
I don't think so (about Hitler being the Jews' agent). It's not just Hitler who is anti-Jew but practically the whole of the Nasionalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.

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Post time 17-7-2007 01:57 AM | Show all posts
dlm citer PIANIST mengenai JEWS Poland yg tere main piano..dia melarikan diri drpd pihak NAZI...

citer tu menarik

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Post time 24-7-2007 03:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #75 datuk_batery's post

tengok lama dah....
cerita tu aku rasa macam propaganda yahudi jugak tu nak bagi orang kesian dekat yahudi....

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Post time 24-7-2007 06:01 PM | Show all posts
meh pakat baca....

Asal Usul Yahudi

Kita pernah dengar bagaimana keganasan Israel di bumi Palestin, tidak kira tua atau muda saudara kita, tidak kira lelaki atau wanita saudara kita, dikencam begitu hina. Antara ceritanya adalah Wujudnya kaum yahudi dan sejarah kehidupannya, tertubuhnya Pergerakan Zionis dan Pencerobohan dibumi Palestin. Semoga segala cerita ini akan membuka minda kita dan memberi iktibar pada kehidupan kita tentang asal usul kaum Yahudi.

Asal-usul kaum yang laknat.

Pada masa ini ramai orang yang beranggapan bahawa Hebrew, Bani Israel dan Yahudi itu adalah sama sahaja. Tapi sebenarnya, setiap satu dari yang disebutkan itu adalah berbeza. Hebrew merupakan satu bahasa dan bukan rumpun bangsa. Bahasa Hebrew digunakan oleh puak nomad Semitic yang tinggal di Timur Mediterranean sebelum tahun 1300 sebelum Masihi.

Bani Israel pula adalah merupakan satu rumpun bangsa yang sememangnya pernah wujud dalam sejarah manusia. Manakala Yahudi pula adalah satu kumpulan manusia yang telah mengamalkan peradaban Hebrew dan Bani

Orang-orang Yahudi sebenarnya tergolong dari berbagai-bagai rumpun bangsa dan bukan satu bangsa yang tulen. Ia merupakan tidak lebih daripada sekumpulan komuniti manusia yang berjaya memelihara identity mereka selama 1900 tahun. Iaitu dari tarikh musnahnya wilayah kekuasaan Rom yang dikenali sebagai Judea dalam tahun 135 Masihi sehinggalah penubuhan Negara Israel dalam tahun 1948. Dalam tahun 1970, Parlimen Israel telah meluluskan satu undang-undang yang mentafsirkan Yahudi sebagai seorang yang dilahirkan daripada seorang ibu Yahudi. Satu tafsiran yang tidak mempunyai erti langsung. Apa yang telah mengekalkan perpaduan mereka ini ialah keteguhan mereka dalam memegang dan mengeamalkan agama yang dikenali sebagai Judaisme.

Orang-orang Yahudi mengabadikan diri mereka yang begitu mendalam dan bersungguh-sungguh terhadap ilmu pengetahuan. Kepada mereka, mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan adalah satu-satunya amalan keagamaan yang mesti dilakukan di dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun. Bagaimanapun, rata-rata, Yahudi adalah orang yang tidak sepatutnya diberi muka di atas bumi ini. Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, mereka telah dengan mudah tunduk kepada tekanan-tekanan dan desakan Yahudi. Bagaimanakah hanya sekumpulan komuniti manusia boleh diberikan sebuah Negara. Negara itu pula adalah sebuah Negara milik orang lain.

Yahudi tidak dikehendaki walau di mana-mana pun. Di antara tahun 132 hingga 135 Yahudi telah diharamkan memasuki Jerusalem. Sesiapa sahaja di kalangan mereka yang melanggar perintah itu akan dihukum bunuh. Dalam kurun ke-enam pula, orang-orang Yahudi yang merempat di Sepanyol telah diletakkan ke satu taraf kedudukan yang paling hina sekali. Semasa kebangkitan agama Kristian di Eropah, ramai orang Yahudi telah dibunuh di atas tuduhan telah menyebabkan kematian Nabi Isa. Dalam zaman Perang Salib yang berlaku di antara kurun Masihi yang ke-11 hingga kurun Masihi yang ke-13, ramai lagi orang Yahudi yang telah dibunuh. Dalam tahun 1215, majlis Gereja Roman Katholik telah mengarahkan supaya semua orang Yahudi memakai tanda pengenalan. Perkara yang sama juga dilakukan oleh Khalifah Omar semasa beliau memerintah Baghdad. Dalam tahun 1920 pula, Raja Edward I, iaitu Raja England ketika itu, telah menghalau Yahudi dari bumi England. Perbuatan ini dituruti pula oleh Raja Perancis, Charles IV

Dalam abad yang ke-14 dalam satu era yang dipanggil 'Black Death', pembunuhan secara beramai-ramai ke atas orang-orang Yahudi menjadi sebagai satu perkara biasa sahaja. Sepanyol menghalau penduduk-penduduk Yahudi dari Negara mereka dalam tahun 1494. Portugal pula berbuat demikian dalam tahun 1497. Sejarah juga telah membuktikan bahawa orang-orang Yahudi ini telah merempat dari satu tempat ke satu tempat. Ada di antara mereka telah lari ke Turki. Nasib baiklah ketika itu Turki adalah sebuah Negara Islam yang diperintah oleh Constantinople. Islam adalah satu-satunya agama yang sangat bertoleransi. Selain dari Turki, mereka juga lari ke Rusia dan Poland. Dalam tahun 1648 terdapat kira-kira setengah juta Yahudi di Poland. Tapi tidak lama kemudian, di sekitar tahun 1648 hingga 1658, di bawah pemerintahan Bogdani Chmielnicki, sebilangan besar dari mereka telah dibunuh dan harta mereka dimusnahkan.

Selepas tahun 1650, satu era baru muncul pula di Eropah Barat berikutan dengan Reformasi Puak Protestan. Dalam era itu orang-orang Yahudi telah digalakkan pula berhijrah ke tanah jajahan British yang baru, iaitu Amerika. Dalam tahun 1791, Majlis Kebangsaan Perancis membenarkan kemasukan orang-orang Yahudi ke Negara itu. Ini dilakukan sebagai memenuhi konsep demokratik Revolusi Perancis. Namun begitu, tidak beberapa lama kemudian, Napoleon I telah membantah keras dasar itu. Sementara kedatangan orang-orang Yahudi disambut baik di Eropah Barat, Eropah Timur pula mengamalkan dasar yang berlawanan. Rusia dan Poland telah mengamalkan dasar pembunuhan beramai-ramai ke atas orang-orang Yahudi. Pembunuhan ini samalah seperti apa yang telah berlaku di Eropah Barat satu ketika dahulu.

Apabila Poland Timur menjadi sebuah tanah jajahan Rusia di antara tahun-tahun 1772 hingga 1796, orang-orang Yahudi yang masih ramai lagi hidup di situ telah dikenakan sekatan-sekatan yang hebat. Mereka juga hilang hak untuk menuntut ilmu dan berniaga. Mereka tidak dibenarkan tinggal di luar tempat-tempat yang tertentu. Bukan itu sahaja, malah Kerajaan Rusia telah menggalakkan serta membiayai pembunuhan orang-orang Yahudi secara beramai-ramai. Peristiwa inilah yang dikenali sebagai 'pogrom', iaitu pembunuhan orang-orang Yahudi secara beramai-ramai di zaman moden. Ia berlaku dalam tahun 1881 berikutan terbunuhnya Czar Alexander II.

Kemudian dalam tahun 1903 dan tahun1905, ekoran dari kegagalan Revolusi Rusia, berlaku sekali lagi pogrom. Pogrom kali ini hebat dan berlaku di 600 buah kampung orang-orang Yahudi. Mereka dicincang hidup-hidup sementara harta benda mereka serta rumah-rumah mereka dibakar. Pogrom yang mengorbankan beratus-ratus ribu orang Yahudi pula berlaku semasa Perang Saudara Rusia akibat dari Revolusi Bolshevik dalam tahun 1917. Dalam tahun 1938, pogrom juga telah berlaku di Jerman. Dan pogrom yang terbesar sekali yang pernah berlaku dalam sejarah ialah pogrom yang berlaku dalam Perang Dunia Kedua di mana seramai enam juta orang-orang Yahudi telah dibunuh secara sistematik dalam apa yang dinamakan oleh Kerajaan Jerman sebagai 'penyelesaian terakhir kepada masalah orang-orang Yah

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Post time 25-7-2007 11:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #77 idea77's post

Ade kebenaran gak, sbb dekat Israel, ade satu penempatan untuk Black Jew iaitu Yahudi berbangsa afrika, kebanyakkannya dari Ethiopia

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Post time 25-7-2007 01:56 PM | Show all posts
yahudi afrika dikenali dgn nama falashi. kalau kite tgk web/forum/blog/gambar yahudi kite akan nampak mereka terdiri dari pelbagai rupa seperti org putih, org negro, org arab, org cina. mmg variety of skin complexion. dari blond cam kimi rakonen sampai hitam cam will smith. mmg besar julat dia.

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Post time 2-3-2008 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Untung Besar Reka Cerita Holocaust

MASSACHUSETTS: Kisah menakjubkan seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berjalan sejauh 3,000 batu kerana lari dari kawasan tentera jerman menjadikan ia satu daripada buku paling popular.

Lebih menarik, kanak-kanak itu turut hidup bersama sekawan serigala ketika musim sejuk. Namun, selepas memperoleh RM65 juta, pengarang buku A Memoir Of The Holocaust Years, Misha Defonseca atau nama sebenar, Monique De Wael mengaku ia hanya rekaan.

''Saya mohon maaf jika ada yang berasa ditipu,'' katanya. Misha bukan Yahudi tapi lahir dalam keluarga Katolik. ''Yang penting beliau berniat baik,'' kata peguamnya, Marc Uyttendaele.

- Agensi / Metro Ahad -


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Post time 2-3-2008 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Faked Holocaust memoir: Den of lies

By David Mehegan
Globe Staff / March 1, 2008

n 1997, Jane Daniel published a sensational memoir about a young girl fleeing the Nazis and living with wolves. Ever since, she's been trying to prove it's a fraud.

GLOUCESTER - Seldom has a publisher set out to prove that her own book is a hoax. But that is what happened with the memoir of Misha Defonseca, a heartwarming Holocaust-era tale that has turned out to be a fake. The publisher, Jane Daniel, said she disregarded warnings about the book in its early stages but later - after losing a devastating lawsuit by the author - sought proof that the woman she had once hoped would make her a fortune was a liar.

Massachusetts author Defonseca, who wrote "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years," admitted Thursday through her lawyer that her memoir was fabricated. Published in 1997 by Daniel's one-woman operation, the book told the tale of a little Belgian Jewish girl who trekked across Europe on foot during World War II, searching for her deported parents and eluding capture by hiding with packs of friendly wolves. The book was a bestseller in Europe, translated into 18 languages, and the basis for a hit French movie now showing across the continent. After documents emerged that discredited Defonseca's story, her Belgian lawyer issued a statement admitting that she isn't Jewish and that she spent the war safely in Brussels.

The memoir is a fake, but the bitter 10-year legal war over its rights and its profits is real - and still going on. In 2002, Daniel was hit with a $32.4 million judgment, upheld on appeal, in breach-of-contract suits brought by Defonseca and her ghostwriter, Vera Lee. Since the judgment, Daniel says, she has lost most of her assets, spent a night in jail on a judge's order, and is about to lose her house, a bed-and-breakfast inn overlooking Gloucester Harbor.

"It's every woman's worst nightmare," she said, "becoming a bag lady."

Lee's lawyer, Frank Frisoli of Cambridge, is shedding no tears. Frisoli said, "I question her motives and her veracity."

The tale is almost as strange as the one in the book. Defonseca and her husband, Maurice, who are originally from Belgium, moved to the United States from Paris in 1988 and bought a house in Millis. By the mid-1990s, he was unemployed. Misha, an animal lover with a houseful of dogs, began to tell the vivid story of wandering across Europe as a 6-year-old after her parents were deported in 1941, being sheltered by wolves, killing a German soldier, witnessing an eastbound freight train full of moaning Jews, sneaking into and out of the Warsaw Ghetto, and finally finding her way home - still on foot - at war's end. She gave gripping talks to Boston-area Jewish organizations.

Daniel, a freelance writer and sometime publisher, heard about Defonseca and arranged to meet her at a restaurant, where Defonseca retold her yarn. "I thought it was far-fetched, but who knows?" Daniel said. She saw a lucrative book, and Defonseca agreed to a contract. Daniel brought Lee, her French-speaking friend and neighbor, into the deal as coauthor. Defonseca told stories and searched her memory, and Lee put it in writing.

Daniel did further rewriting, and she and Lee quarreled over who wrote what. The book was published - with a glowing blurb from Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, author of the Holocaust memoir "Night" - with Lee's name on the copyright page, not on the cover. Lee sued Daniel in 1998, claiming her rights as coauthor had been violated. Defonseca also sued, alleging that Daniel had broken her promise to publicize the book and had hidden profits in offshore corporate accounts.

The book had excited intense interest at first. The Walt Disney Co. signed an option for a movie, and Oprah Winfrey's program filmed Defonseca frolicking with wolves at Ipswich's Wolf Hollow, but both dropped out amid the bitter court battle. Daniel denied all the allegations, but in 2001 a Middlesex Superior Court jury found for the plaintiffs, slapping Daniel with $7.5 million for damages against Defonseca and $3.3 million for damages against Lee. Judge Elizabeth Fahey tripled the damages, to $9.9 million for Lee and $22.4 million for Defonseca. Rights to the book reverted to Defonseca. Though the English edition went out of print, she signed deals with European publishers and French filmmaker Vera Belmont and toured the continent when the book became a bestseller.

Early on, Holocaust scholars dismissed the book. Daniel asked Lawrence L. Langer, a Simmons College professor emeritus, a preeminent authority on Holocaust narratives, and Deborah Dwork, director of the Strassler Family Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University, to read the manuscript. Dwork recalls that she and Langer, who discussed it, pointed out numerous historical and geographical errors to Daniel. "She kept finding ways to get around my objections," Dwork said. "She said, 'Of course, she was a young girl at the time. You are a historian. This is a memoir - people make mistakes on details and dates all the time.' "

European readers ate up the story, but some had doubts. Belgian surgeon Serge Aroles, author of a book about the history of wolf-children narratives, said he read the French edition and right away thought it was a fake. He knew the roundup of Belgian Jews had happened in 1942, not 1941. Other details about times and places were wrong. And the wolf part, he thought, was laughable.

"It was an utterly absurd story about the wolves," Aroles said, "a hoax and a swindle, totally incredible." When he wrote an article dismissing the book, he said, "fascist and anti-Semitic websites used my article, and people who defended [Defonseca] accused me of being a fascist and anti-Semite. The French press was blind, deaf, and mute."

Meanwhile, the screws were turning on Daniel. She said Defonseca's lawyer went after a $425,000 inheritance held by Daniel's father, who signed it over to Defonseca. In spring 2006, Frisoli, Lee's lawyer, demanded that Daniel pay $2,000 a month, and when she protested that she didn't have it, a judge jailed her for contempt. She spent one night in MCI-Framingham, until a friend raised three months' worth of payments. Under threat of being sent back to jail, she signed a settlement with Frisoli, paving the way for him to take her house.



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Post time 2-3-2008 04:45 PM | Show all posts
With no other recourse, Daniel decided to try to prove what Langer and Dwork had told her in the beginning - that the book was a lie - hoping that if she succeeded, she could go back to court, claim fraud on the author's part, and challenge the judgment. Last year she began telling her doleful tale on her blog, hoping someone might have information on Misha's origins. Waltham-based genealogical researcher Sharon Sergeant noticed the blog, was intrigued by the challenge, and contacted Daniel.

Sergeant began working with Belgian sources, including Aroles, and eventually found the truth: Misha Defonseca was baptized Monique De Wael in a Brussels Catholic church in 1937 and was enrolled in a local primary school in 1943-44. Her parents were not Jewish but resistance fighters arrested and executed by the Germans.

In her statement this week, Defonseca admitted she had made up the story of the journey and wolves - and blamed Daniel for inducing her to put it in the book. "There are times when I find it difficult to differentiate between reality and my inner world," said her statement, translated from French. "The story in the book is mine. It is not the actual reality - it was my reality, my way of surviving. At first, I did not want to publish it, but then I was convinced by Jane Daniel." Defonseca, who now lives in Dudley, declined through her husband to be interviewed.

The Holocaust scholars are outraged, as much at Daniel as at Defonseca. "What happened to the Jews was the worst atrocity in history, and people who exploit it for profit, by posing as Jews or lying about being part of the experience, insult those who went through it," said Langer. "It's as bad as saying the Holocaust never happened."

The truth, however, may be irrelevant to the law. Publishing-law experts say that too much time may have elapsed since the judgment to challenge it now, which Daniel hopes to do with the new information. Lee says she doesn't want Daniel to lose her house, but Frisoli has picked up the scent of final victory.

"She's a very unhappy camper," he said of Daniel. "And when I find a buyer for that house, she is out."

David Mehegan can be reached at [email protected].

- The Boston Globe -


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Post time 21-3-2008 10:54 AM | Show all posts
aku tak tahu sgt pasal holocaust ni...dan sejarah org yahudi....tapi dalam otak aku...yahudi=israel=kejam&jahat....adakah pemikiran ku ini salah....

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Post time 22-3-2008 08:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #83 eauclaire's post


yg jahatnya hipokrit

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