Nasi Lemak Guna Santan,Zamihan Ditahan- Jakim rujuk Zamihan ke lembaga tataterti
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Spotlight on Jakim, how it spends the RM1b
Published on: Saturday, October 14, 2017
By Datuk Dr Johan Arriffin
WHEN Ustaz Zamihan Mat Zin, an officer at Jakim spewed his racial filth on Malaysians of Chinese origin and criticizes the Sultans as seen on YouTube, people were shocked by his crudeness and the absurdity of his speech.
What is more disturbing he is under the employment of Jakim, the controversial department under the PM’s office with a yearly RM1 billion budget. There is not much details on how this RM1 Billion is spent annually.
According to one Syazwani Suhani presentation chart, Jakim was established by the government in 1997 to take over Islamic affairs.
It seems there are three areas Jakim is focused on; Policy sector, Human Resources sector and Management sector. It’s core business is religious development and halal development.
In 2015, a G25 member and former Umno MP, Twafik Tun Dr Ismail criticised Jakim’s overlapping role and he was investigated for sedition. Twafik stood his ground and said he stands firmly by his conviction that matters of religion are solely the purview of the rulers, as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.
He added that Jakim under the Prime Minister’s office was usurping the role of the Sultans and the state religious authorities.
Soon after, the Sultan of Johore joined in the fray and queried Jakim on the RM1 billion budget and how the money was spent. In an interview, the Johor ruler reminded Jakim that the Conference of Rulers was the highest authority on Islamic matters and that the agency’s function was only advisory.
“We are the heads of religion in our own states. Jakim can give advice or propose guidelines but it is up to us whether we want to accept it or not,” he said. The scrutiny over its accounts followed claims by critics that the agency was promoting hard-line Islamism through its programmes, which in turn was slowly steering Malaysia towards Islamic conservatism. The Zamihan tirade on YouTube without doubt, proves what critics long suspected.
People would not believe that Jakim was unaware of what is going on under its very nose especially since it was confirmed that Zamihan was assigned to the Home Ministry, a ministry which is entrusted with the internal security of the nation!
Even toxic lecturer Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, a Muslim convert of Chinese origin felt hot under the collar and disagreed with Zamihan’s statements. Ridhuan argued that the Chinese community are known for keeping themselves and their environment physically clean and urged readers to examine the restaurants, homes and workplaces owned by Chinese. He added that it was rare for him to encounter Chinese homes that are dirty.
What is most interesting about this issue is that Raja Petra Kamarudin, the so-called “No Holds Barred” blogger has come out to condemn Jakim over this incident. I don’t normally read his blogs as I consider him as a turncoat many times over and now a pro-Umno blogger. It’s hard to trust a man who jumps ship frequently.
He related his case when he was put under ISA in 2008 when Jakim alleged that he had insulted Islam.
Raja Petra stated that I have never forgiven Jakim for the mental torture they subjected me to.
“If they had opened my cell door instead of shouting at me through the peephole I would have killed them with my bare hands. Today, Zamihan Mat Zin of Jakim has been arrested. I am so happy that it has finally happened after nine years of what they did to me. I will be even happier if he can be kept in jail until the day he dies”.
To cap off his very emotional and personal story, Raja Petra said, “Oh, and one more thing, I told the SB officers that Muslims are Islam’s worst enemies. We do not need Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc, to destroy Islam. They should all just sit back and watch Muslims destroy Islam all by themselves”.
For Raja Petra, this is karma. Those who have been under ISA like Dr Jeffrey Kitingan will tell you similar stories of mental torture and inhumane treatment at the hands of interrogators. I don’t support Raja Petra, but as a Muslim I feel his pain and anguish and I don’t wish it for anyone to experience the same.
There are many social ills facing Malay Muslim youths today. More are joining ISIS and terrorist groups according to police statistics, mat rempits, drug addiction, bored youth riding bicycles in the middle of the night on highways, death at unregulated religious schools, etc. The recent fire at a religious school in KL which claimed the lives of 21 innocent students was the work of seven school leavers and dropouts from age 11-18.
Why is this all happening when we spend so much money on religious education?
Is it our brand of Islam that is driving our youths to do the opposite? I think Jakim needs to do some soul searching in this area very quickly and provide solutions and talk in the same language as our youth.
Jakim is now seen becoming irrelevant with the Sultans now exerting their mandated authority on religious matters, and rightly so.
Many critics have pointed out with Jakim’s RM1 billion budget they should at least be able to stem the tide of moral decadence. Has Jakim failed in their mandate, has extremist Muslims like Zamihan penetrated their ranks?
It’s not surprising really when you allow a toxic preacher and international fugitive like Zakir Naik to enter Malaysia when countries with huge Muslim populations like United Kingdom and Canada has banned him.
We are just courting more trouble for letting people like Zakir Naik in our midst.
Jakim should also be concerned with the mushrooming of tahfiz schools. These schools are in the limelight recently after receiving bad press due to a large number of pupil deaths abuses and spate of fires.
Most of these schools are unregulated and do not fall within the purview of the education policies of the country.
Education at tahfiz schools is different from that of other private institutions. Each school sets its own syllabus, with an emphasis on memorising the Quran.
Most students end up becoming Ustaz after they graduate, contributing to a rising number of religious teachers.
Jakim should monitor these schools closely and ensure that they do not produce Ustaz like Zamihan.
With their big budget contributed by taxpayers, this should not be a problem.
What is most concerning is that the leadership has chosen to remain silent when they could have easily calmed the situation by issuing strong condemnation of Zamihan’s toxic preaching. If it was not for the Sultans, many Malaysians would have felt lost and despondent with the latest incident caused by a Jakim officer.
Our elected leaders have lost the opportunity to correct society’s wrong and become the moral compass of the nation. Zamihan’s statement was clearly racist and will only contribute to the rising racial tension in an already frail and fractured country. To criticise another race of hygiene standards from the perspective of Islam is preposterous. People like Zamihan are obsessed by cleanliness and purity ignoring big issues like social ills affecting Muslim youths, and preferring to bury it under the prayer mat.
Bashing another race seems the flavour of the week. In Sabah, Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa dropped in to stir more tension in the Chinese community. Ibrahim was reported to have said that minorities in Sabah should stop making “nonsensical” demands and be thankful they are recognised as Malaysians.
They should not cross the line to the point of denying the rights of the indigenous people in the state.
Why is the State allowing toxic people like Ibrahim to come to Sabah and cause communal tension?
Sarawak has banned him but not Sabah. Why ban entry to opposition leaders like Tony Pua and let in people who have no interest in Sabah but sow racial discord. Is it because we are an Umno led government that we have kow-tow to KL.
If that is the case there’s is nothing to be proud of in the 20 Points safeguards or MA63 where we retain immigration control. Letting in Ibrahim and barring entry to opposition leaders like Tony Pua shows we have lost complete control over immigration and handed the powers back to KL.
We should not rest on our laurels and think that what is happening in KL will not happen here.
It’s wishful thinking. It’s a fact that extremism has penetrated our society, and sooner or later it will raise its ugly head.
-Datuk Dr Johan Arriffin was the former Deputy Director of Sabah Foundation and a member of G25 |
Islam tak mengajar mengeji dan mengutuk kaum dan agama lain...you want respect, you give respect.
if your understanding is otherwise...hmmm...baik masuk class balik.
akak...Agama islam ajar kita racist ke kak?
memanglah hak bersuara...tetapi hak bersuara tidak menjanjikan that you are free from the consequences...
Mana mana pelosok dunia ni oun mostly, any speech that has hate or racist comments....memang kau meminta sangat lah...
berani buat...berani tanggung...its the same everywhere...
BilaBellaPanaz replied at 16-10-2017 03:23 PM
akak...Agama islam ajar kita racist ke kak?
Ala dek...dlm Al-Quran ada tak surah kaum Quraish dek?
Ada tak Surah Rom dan pasal Parsi
Nanti adik baca cerita kat akak yer dik....diorg tu semua menentang Islam.
Islam tak mula kan tapi diorg menempah. |
choi.. x de la sezuhud itu..yg mana kita leh elak elak. tu je...islam itu mudah tp bukan sengaja memudahkan...apapun..mknan jd darah daging kita...tp dlm kes sudu garpu kat restoren setakat guna sudu garpu cina makan x de la sampai haram...lain la nampak dia tgk sedap makan babi...so pandai2 la...x payah nak sarkastik sgt.
dlm kes dobi ni..mungkin pengusaha dpt komplen dr org2 islam sekeliling...was was dgn baju yg dibasuhkan....itu jer..kenapa beria2 nak pertikaikan...benda tu sensitif dan particular pd sesetengah org..dan ia x salah kan? cumanya org cina komplen..itu jer...yg over2 nak hentam kedai dobi tu pehal? aku kat oversea dulu kekadang x de pilihan makan jer kedai yg ada..ustaz sana cakap kalu kita x nampak kuali ke periuk guna masak babi...jangan pi jengok dapur..kalu dah nampak..jangan makan...itu kat negara kapir...ni negara kita nak wak cam tu..sabor je la..
poyo la masing2...kunun liberal dan open sgt lah...kowser.
harisbee replied at 16-10-2017 08:26 PM
choi.. x de la sezuhud itu..yg mana kita leh elak elak. tu je...islam itu mudah tp bukan sengaja m ...
Kesahnye kalau basuh kt dobi tu ade ke cina2 tu ajak uols basuh sekali dgan longgokan baju dia dalam masa yg sama? Ada ke cina2 tu basuh babi dalam mesin basuh tu? Ke uols ada nmpak cina2 mandikan anjing guna mesin basuh dobi tu? Choi.. Islam tu simple. Ummah kolot je menyusahkan fefeeling suci |
mana tau kat baju dorang ada tahik babi...who knows...
bagi aku la..kalu x nampak..ok jer...aku pun selalu basuh baju guna dobi kat hostel yg diguna semua warga cina bangla mat salleh india negro arab...tp yg x biasa dgn suasana itu terutama generasi lama pasti timbul rasa was was...kalu dah was was baik elakkan...x perlu nak dikatakan jumud sebab ia benda yg dituntut agama iaitu kalu was was elakkan.
kalau dh jumud tu..tak payah pakai mesin basuh..basuh je guna tangan..baru la konon suci tanpa was was.. close case |
Kalau WAS-WAS basuh je kat rumah guna tangan, dik.
Apasal basuh kat mesin layan diri yang kamu WAS-WAS.....????
Itu mesin layandiri, maknanya kamu cuci baju kamu sendiri,
tidak bercampur dengna baju orang lain. Jadi, kalau kamu was-was
tapi nak juga guna mesin layan diri tu, sebelum kamu cuci baju kamu,
SAMAKKAN mesi tu dulu dengan lumpur atau pasir yang bersih daripada najis....
Bukan susah nor.
Edited by Potpouri at 17-10-2017 11:49 AM
depa ni sejenis was-was sekerat sekerat.. aku pun tak paham
guna mesin sendiri mu patut was was. Pakai tangan je laa... lalukan air macam mana mu nak
guna plk dobi yang dipakai ramai org.. lgla patut was-was..kot islam pun tp najis anak/baby tak diurus dgn baik...
Ada pulak anjing berkeliaran kat area dobi..
dh jangn pening.. tak pyh pakai langsung... hahah |
harisbee replied at 17-10-2017 11:01 AM
mana tau kat baju dorang ada tahik babi...who knows...
bagi aku la..kalu x nampak..ok jer...aku p ...
Ada tahi babi? Apa chuols hengat babi dekat Malaysia di ternak belakang rumah macam bela ayam kah? Atau chuols igt ada Cina bela babi dalam rumah mcm kucing smpai baju deyols nak bertahi babi segala ? Choii... setakat was was, sudu makanan yg ummah cina duk jilat daging babi tak de pulak nak was2... dhtu chuols kata pergi oversea gigih jua la kan makan dkt tmpt non halal? Ada reti nak was was? Nipuu sgat kalau kata terdesak... beli jela susu lembu kalau lapar drpd makan kt kedai makan yg non halal. |
Dia boleh menjejaskan keamanan sbb keluar statement racist. 
aku justify kenapa kedai dobi tu buat mcm tu...x de kaitan dgn aku k..aku ok jer...kalu mkn tu..kalu x lapar sgt..aku rela masak kat rumah jer..atau mcm ko kata minum susu lembu je..hak masing2..ada org jaga..ada org x berapa sgt..masing2 ada justification sendiri. Isunya di sini aku setuju dgn kedai dobi tu....mungkin pengunjung yg dtg suram...dia buat la kedai dobi utk muslim saja supaya ramai acik2 situ mendobi situ...atau mungkin tokey kedai dobi tu nak pastikan mesin basuhnya sesuci embun pagi tanpa unsur2 najis babi. so?
apakata ko open kat amoi apek sebelah guna mesin basuh ko senang citer 
Edited by Orix at 17-10-2017 12:44 PM
harisbee replied at 17-10-2017 12:21 PM
aku justify kenapa kedai dobi tu buat mcm tu...x de kaitan dgn aku k..aku ok jer...kalu mkn tu..ka ...
Hahahaha... adoi la, ko igt Cina kt Malaysia ni semua setiap sorg ada bela babi sekor kah smpai semua pakaian deyols nak bernajiskan babi segala... hahaha.. Iols ok jah kalau Cina India sebelah rumah iols nk tumpang basuh baju.. Even Iols selalu hantar makanan kt India depan rumah Iols guna tupperware... dh habis makan deyols pulangkan balik tupperware tu dgan wade / capati / tose.... ini kedai dobi, perlu ke nk tulis utk muslim sajokk? Kejadahnya bila tulis mcm tu perniagaan dia lagi maju? Bila kaum lain mcm kt negara China tu discriminate ummah Islam dilarang bersekolah, pandai lak ummah Islam butthurt... bila perancis haramkan pakai tudung pndai nk berdemo segala... bila ummah islam sendiri discriminate ummah lain, sebok nak pertahan kekonon deyols tak suci segala.. |
x sama. cth2 yg ko bagi tu...tidak memberi pilihan.
kes kedai dobi ni...motip? pergi je la kedai dobi lain...apa yg susahnya. saja nak create isu?
harisbee replied at 17-10-2017 12:47 PM
x sama. cth2 yg ko bagi tu...tidak memberi pilihan.
kes kedai dobi ni...motip? pergi je la kedai ...
Motip nya knp nak buat dobi utk muslim je? Duhh... even kalau dia tulis utk muslim jah pn ada org duk jaga ke kt kedai utk validate setiap customer yg msuk tu muslim? Even muslim pd IC belum tentu muslim tu tak makan babi n tak bela babi khuensss... |
Dh tkde ekk link utube nya..baru i gigih nk tgk..nk dgr mizan ckp apa..ustaz ni biasa mulut boleh thn...huhu.... |
betul tu. lagi pun dalam kes zamihan ni bukan sekadar pendapat dia. dia siap claim apa yang dia cakap tu memang semua ummah kena ikut. jadi bila fikir2 balik, kes zamihan ni tak termasuk dalam term 'free speech' yang dimaksudkan.
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