Originally posted by anj2208 at 17-11-2006 11:47 AM
nasib baik my doter tak kisah duk dlm car seat....
mmg dr 2 mth dah duk dlm car seat....
dia tak nangis pun...
so senanglah anj nak g jln2....
n skrg dia siap panjat sendiri nak duk dlm car sea ...
my son pun mmg tak kisah dok kt car seat sampai skrg ni umur dia 4 yrs sbb dari baby dia dah biasa dok kat car seat...
tp masalahnya my doter.., susah sangat nak dok kat car seat ni.., mmg le baby dia dok kt car seat tp since umur dia seth rajin lak makcik dia bwk jln2 without car seat so sampai la ni melalak kalau letak... :geram: |
my baby 3 mos.. boleh je duk dalam car seat tu. tapi jangan pasang radio atau pasang safety belt kat de.. memang melalak la. pastu nak kena menyanyi @ bercakap dengan dia.. masalahnya mummy de tak reti nak nyanyi kalau takde radio. |
aku beli car seat bila umur baby aku 4 months... cos sebelum tu kitaorang takder keter... kira keter barulah.... beli yang convertable (sp?)... Alhamdulillah dia mau duduk...
position plak depend sapa yang drive.. kalu kami husband n wife kluar skali... dia kena turun pangkat duduk kat belakang.. tp kalu kluar kitaorang berdua jer aku letak dia kat co driver's seat... senang sket nak 'bersembang'... |
muka tensen tak sampai-sampai lagi...
kadang2 kalu aku blk awai dia tak tidor lagi... aku bwklah member drive dekat2 jer..
last pix... nnt org muak plak tgk... momod kalu nk kasik kacang pn takper jgk.. buat sedekah amal jariah...
:love::love: |
Originally posted by jenna at 21-11-2006 04:35 PM
last pix... nnt org muak plak tgk... momod kalu nk kasik kacang pn takper jgk.. buat sedekah amal jariah...
cute nya....:love::love: |
Originally posted by jenna at 21-11-2006 04:13 PM
aku beli car seat bila umur baby aku 4 months... cos sebelum tu kitaorang takder keter... kira keter barulah.... beli yang convertable (sp?)... Alhamdulillah dia mau duduk...
position plak depen ...
jenna, firstly minta maaf ye, if tersinggung....
tapi kan, i thought we are always reminded to secure the car seat at our car's rear passenger seat. that is the safest place to install the car seat.
of course, if front passenger seat has an air bag, lagi lah a big NO-NO. if takde air bag pun, still not advisable to put the car seat kat depan.
kat belakang pun, the most recommended position is in the middle, but if tak boleh, ok lah nak letak kat seats tepi.
i'm sorry if what i typed offended you in any way.. |
Originally posted by mclaren at 27-11-2006 12:49 PM
kat belakang pun, the most recommended position is in the middle, but if tak boleh, ok lah nak letak kat seats tepi.
ish, biar betik?? mcm songsang jek fakta nie.... |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mclaren at 27-11-2006 02:49 PM
kat belakang pun, the most recommended position is in the middle, but if tak boleh, ok lah nak letak kat seats tepi.
hmm... dunt think so la... |
Reply #110 spidernfly's post
yang ni baca dalam websites on car seats, kat internet.
when i first read it in those sites, i felt the same too... tak logik..
tapi fikir balik, if we installed the car seat correctly, and the car seat is well-known for its safety features, probability for it to fail and mencampakkan baby keluar dari seat ke depan, is pretty slim, right? |
Reply #109 tina^^'s post
alasan yang diberi kat all those websites, if install car seat kat tepi, if berlaku collision from the side, higher risk la tersepit.
forgive me again, just quoted back what i read. not my own opinion |
Originally posted by mclaren at 27-11-2006 12:49 PM
jenna, firstly minta maaf ye, if tersinggung....
tapi kan, i thought we are always reminded to secure the car seat at our car's rear passenger seat. that is the safest place to install th ...
takkk... tak tersinggung pun....
keta i takdak airbag so that's why i install the car seat kat dpn if i'm driving alone... senang sket nak comfortkan baby klu dia nangis...
kreta i kenari jer... so kat blakang tu just ada 2 seat belts, either at the left or right... i dah try position it at the middle cos i've read before yang the best position is in the middle tp takleh jgk.. nak buat camno...... |
Reply #113 jenna's post
so jenna pun ada terbaca gak le pasal patut letak kat bahagian tengah seat ye?
masa mula2 baca tu, rasa tak logik gak. tapi since byk websites tulis macam tu, betul al kot.
memang lah, if baby nampak muka kita, dia takde rasa lonely sangat. saya biasanya letak baby yang forward facing, kat blkg, belah kiri, so that once a while if traveling alone dgn baby, boleh toleh blkg agah2 dia, masa kat traffic light ke apa. i mean, toddler, bukan baby.
my baby yang below 1 year duduk dalam rearward facing infant car seat. |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #111 mclaren's post
i mmg tak pernah letak kat tengah coz tak pernah jumpa anyone here doing that. unless if ada 3 org anak la (like when i visited my aunt, my cousin was about 4yrs old... so kena letak 3 carseats) i installed my bub's car seats kiri & kanan (have 2 kids)
depan mmg tak pernah la.... coz of the airbag & kena saman if you letak the car seat kat depan.
but thanks for the info....
**hmm sorry ek if you tersinggung |
Originally posted by jenna at 21-11-2006 04:30 PM
muka tensen tak sampai-sampai lagi...
cutenyer so adorable!!! |
Originally posted by tina^^ at 27-11-2006 01:34 PM
ish, biar betik?? mcm songsang jek fakta nie....
i dont agree to put in the middle!! I mean while I am driving..kalau dia kat belakang passenger seat..it is still easier for me to look at him and talk to him whenever I stop or whatever..and also...it keeps my baby focus on the outside by looking at the view....definately a NO NO for me in the middle!! |
the only reason i tried to put his car seat at the middle pun psl nk kasik kena air cond.. other than that takder pun even if its what they said in the bb's websites..
susahlah nk letak baby jauh kt middle... |
saja nk share ngn korang,
penah my pren drive baby dia letak dlm bouncer jek, dia selit kat btween co diver seat and backseat!! kat lantai tuu.. pastu dia lowered the co driver's seat so she can see her baby..
aku heran betui la org educated pun taktau pasai kewujudan carseat ke.. bukan tadek $ nk beli.. susah2 beli je yg koman/murah cam aku jek..at least la kann.. |
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