bj sangat liar menggunakan cc ...
itu dulu lah ... setuju dgn. pakai buang & bayar habis
hehe ...  |
Originally posted by drsalehuddin at 26-3-2007 12:48 PM
aku ada cc maybank american express. tak pakai langsung.. better kenseljer ker.. atau start guna (ada thread lepas kata amex maybank bagi 2xtreatpoints)?
yerp, maybank american express, ada 2x ke atau 3x if tak silap, so kalau ada kad tu, elok digunakan, untung ooo...instead of getting 0.5% redeem, u can get at least 1% tu, ok la jugak... |
if ada yg berminat nak buat CC bank islam....PM me ok...much better dr bank lain...if nak buat loan setel yg bank lain pon leh
x ada riba lak tu....islamic kan  |
I have a way that I used for myself...
Apply for credit card if you can have a bank account at the same bank and linked them together.
Plan your purchase ahead and start to save money in the saving account. Later, when you make ur purchase, use the bank account to pay the credit card. Always do this!
But, the best way is to use debit card and only use credit card when you are TOTALLY desperate.
Besides, always keep in your mind, that you will only purchase things you can afford to buy as if you are to bringing your cash, but as a safety method from bringing so many cash, you put it into your debit card account.
It works for me... |
Beban kad kredit jejas kesejahteraan
Hutang dorong manusia melakukan rasuah, jenayah, salah guna kuasa
Institusi kewangan berlumba-lumba menawarkan kad kredit kepada orang ramai kerana memberi pulangan baik kepada syarikat.
Pemilik kad kredit di kalangan golongan berpendapatan menengah menggunakan kad kredit sebagai sumber hutang mudah atau dipanggil ceti moden.
Pengguna hanya perlu membuat permohonan atau hakikat sebenarnya ditawarkan, dan boleh berbelanja sesuka hati selagi tidak melepasi had ditetapkan.
Sememangnya, Islam tidak menghalang umatnya berhutang. Malah hutang diharuskan untuk membiayai perkara penting ketika kesempitan wang. Islam mengharuskan hutang kerana dapat membantu golongan miskin menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi berkaitan wang.
Kad kredit dalam bahasa mudah dipanggil kad hutang. Pemiliknya boleh membuat pembelian dan pembayaran tanpa menggunakan wang atau berhutang.
Ini memberi peluang pemilik kad kredit berbelanja lebih walaupun wang tunai dimiliki sedikit ketika itu.
Kira-kira 60 peratus daripada pemilik kad kredit di negara ini menjelaskan pinjaman mereka mengikut masa ditetapkan. Selebihnya, 40 peratus pemilik kad kredit gagal menjelaskan tunggakan pinjaman yang mencecah RM18.6 bilion (statistik Oktober 2006).
Kegagalan membayar hutang kad kredit menjadi punca banyak eksekutif muda diisytiharkan muflis. Mereka baru bekerja dan mempunyai pendapatan sekadar cukup lepas memenuhi syarat memiliki kad kredit.
Jiwa muda sukar mengawal diri daripada keinginan untuk bergaya. Jika boleh semua hendak kelihatan hebat dan lebih berbanding orang lain. Sedangkan hakikatnya, wang tunai tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kehendak itu.
Justeru, sebagai jalan mudah, mereka menggunakan kad kredit tanpa memikirkan keupayaan membayar. Hidup nampak bergaya dan menarik pada pandangan orang lain. Malangnya, diri sebenarnya diliputi hutang yang jika tidak diuruskan dengan baik akan mencemarkan maruah diri.
Jumlah yang gagal dijelaskan dalam tempoh ditetapkan kepada institusi kewangan pengeluar kad kredit akan dikenakan faedah.
Kadar faedah dikenakan agak tinggi mengikut kadar harian. Sebab itu banyak pemilik kad kredit sukar menjelaskan hutang yang semakin bertambah dari bulan ke bulan.
Sekarang ada kaedah 慻ali lubang timbus lubang |
Maaf, saya rasa ada org pm saya berkenaan tips kredit kad ni, bole pm lagi tak? mailbox full pulak...tq wslm
p/s: Sesiapa masih berminat, utk apply credit card, i still can help... |
Saya ada satu sahaja CC walaupun dpt offer dari pelabagai bank.
CC hanya utk beli gas kereta dan online shopping. |
aku ada 4 kredit kad.. dan ada 2 supplementary card...so far, aku tak dibebani hutang kredit kad yang melampau...aku hanya guna 2 kredit kad pada satu masa. 1 untuk beli barang-barang rumah, online shopping, minyak kereta dan etc. dan satu lagi aku guna bila beli barang-barang yang tak selalu aku beli...contoh mcm bulan nih aku beli printer. Dan satu lagi kad, aku gunakan untuk easypayment (sekarang dah habis bayar) so yang aktif hanya 2 aje.. yang lain, spare backup.
Petua aku, untuk kad pertama tuh, every time aku belanja, aku mesti catit dalam buku...dan aku ada limit tetiap bulan berapa aku kena spend. Let say bulan nih aku estimate dalam 300, so aku akan pastikan aku tak kan guna lebih dari itu. Kalau over budget, aku akan cuba guna duit cash.
Untuk kad yang kedua pula...sebelum aku nak beli, aku akan pastikan duit dah ada untuk barang tu...kire tunggu nak bayar jek..kalau tak de duit, aku tak kan beli untuk bulan tu...
untuk kad ketiga, easy payment...aku akan pastikan yang tetiap bulan aku mampu untuk bayar. Bukan main swap ajek...heheh..dan aku akan pastikan aku akan bayar tetiap bulan..tak de carry foward payment...
So bagi aku, kredit kad nih banyak faedahnya...senang aku nak bershopping...tak payah bawak cash...tapi satu syarat jek...DISIPLIN!! kalau tak de nih..baik toksah pakai... |
Originally posted by myhazil at 24-4-2007 10:38 AM
aku ada 4 kredit kad.. dan ada 2 supplementary card...so far, aku tak dibebani hutang kredit kad yang melampau...aku hanya guna 2 kredit kad pada satu masa. 1 untuk beli barang-barang rumah, onli ...
Good for u Mcm ni la kita nak...hehe |
Originally posted by abgzan at 12-4-2007 06:57 PM
Maaf, saya rasa ada org pm saya berkenaan tips kredit kad ni, bole pm lagi tak? mailbox full pulak...tq wslm
p/s: Sesiapa masih berminat, utk apply credit card, i still can help...
abgzan nie mesti dapat komision nie... |
Originally posted by edaa at 28-3-2007 08:17 PM
if ada yg berminat nak buat CC bank islam....PM me ok...much better dr bank lain...if nak buat loan setel yg bank lain pon leh
x ada riba lak tu....islamic kan
bagus ker CC B. Islam nie. mrcom ada baca juga pasal CC BI nie, tapi, macam sama jer macam CC Bank2 lain. |
Get out ofdebt!
April 26 2007
CREDIT Counselling and Debt Management Agency, awholly-owned subsidiary of Bank Negara Malaysia, wants to reach out toeach and every 26.9 million Malaysians for financial management education.
It has conducted road shows, talks, workshops andbriefings targeted at the public, university students, corporations andgovernment agencies to ensure that Malaysians are aware of its existence andservices that it offers.
For the one-year-old agency, which is known by itsMalay acronym AKPK (Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit) its efforts mayhave paid off.
Over 21,000 Malaysians have knocked on its doors inthe past 12 months, seeking services such as credit counseling, advice onfinancial management, basic money management skills and debt management programme.
"We didn't expect the outreach to be so great.
"We have also opened five branches in JohorBaru, Penang, Kuala Terengganu, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu within fivemonths," AKPK chief executive officer Mohamed Akwal Sultan said in aninterview with Business Times in Kuala Lumpur recently.
Since AKPK opened its doors to the public on April17 2006, 10,000 people came for counseling, over 3,000 for its debt managementprogramme, while the rest came for enquiries.
Mohamed Akwal said these people came from all walksof life with ages ranging from the 20s to 70s and earning from as low as RM500up to RM30,000 a month.
In most cases, poor financial planning, ignoranceand lack of discipline to live within their means are factors contributing totheir debt and inability to repay.
He said about half of those who received assistanceunder the debt management programme are those who abused the credit card.
They were mostly people who lived beyond theirmeans and were not aware of what they were getting themselves into.
Mohamed Akwal stressed that although quite a numberof people who sought AKPK's assistance were those with credit card problems, itdoes not mean credit card is a major issue.
"The credit card is a good instrument and mostpeople are using it as a mean of paying, not as a credit," he said.
He explained that people generally pay their carand housing loans first and leave the payment of unsecured loans such as creditcards, later.
That is why more people have problems with creditcards rather than car or housing loans.
"There are also borrowers who have genuineproblems, arising from unforeseen circumstances such as loss of employment,death of breadwinner, health problems and business failure," he said.
Mohamed Akwal said borrowers can seek AKPK'sassistance in rescheduling or restructuring their housing loans, hire purchaseloans and personal loans or outstanding credit/charge balances due to banks andfinancial institutions regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.
For the agency's debt management programme, themaximum debt limit is RM2 million.
He said on average, people who have been assistedunder the debt management programme have debts amounting to about RM100,000.
"Debt management plans are devised to assistborrowers work out budgets that will help them meet their loan obligations andliving expenses, thereby minimising any incidence of non-payments and avertingforeclosure of their homes," he said.
According to him, the agency can term out theoutstanding loans up to 15 years, with interest ranging from 0 to 8 per cent.
"Banks generally agree to our proposedrestructuring as it is normally a win-win for both parties," he said.
He said AKPK acts as collection agency for banks aspeople whose loans have been restructured or rescheduled under debt managementprogramme, make their payments into the agency's account.
"AKPK will then distribute the payment to thebanks and financial institutions, free of charge," he said.
In contrast, debt-collector agencies charge banksbetween five and 20 per cent of the debt, depending on the age of the debts.
Mohamed Akwal said AKPK's the debt manage- mentprogramme is not for bankrupts or those in advanced stages of legal action.
These people, however, could get financial andcredit counselling from the agency.
For those who receive counselling, the banks willhave no record that they have approached AKPK.
It is the other way round for those who have beenassisted through the agency's debt management programme.
"They will not get new financing until theyexit from the programme (by completing the payment under restructureddebt)," he said.
Mohamed Akwal, who is experienced in debtresolutions after having served asset management company Danaharta as deputygeneral manager, said financial problems are universal.
"Debtors spend without second thoughts andthey don't save enough," he said.
According to him, financial problems have a dominoeffect and always lead to other predicaments.
With over 25 years of experience in local andforeign banks, he said financial education can help Malaysians lead a healthylifestyle, support banks reduce non-performing loans and eventually contributeto a robust economy.
Mohamed Akwal, who was also instrumental in settingup the Small Debt Resolution Scheme under Bank Negara, said good financialmanagement has elements of prudent savings, prudent spending and wise debtmanagement.
He expects more people to approach AKPK in itssecond year of operation.
Besides hiring more counsellors, APK will also openthree more branches in Kuantan, Malacca and Ipoh.
AKPK currently has 70 staff, including 30counsellors, who are mostly former bankers.
Funded by Bank Negara, AKPK is a company limited byguarantee set up under the Companies Act 1965. |
Originally posted by mrcom at 28-4-2007 01:41 PM
abgzan nie mesti dapat komision nie...
kadang2 kita nak tolong sesama kawan, tapi org yg nak ditolong mcm2 kerenah...dpt komisyen la, agent la, itu la ini la...kalau u nak tau kan, mcm ni la org Melayu kita...kalau bgsa lain, semua bijak2 belaka, amik peluang yg ada...padahal memang tiada apa2 caj, tiada annual fee, tiada hassle, FOC...sepatutnya, amik la peluang yg ada ni....wallahu'alam.. |
sabar bro..
maybe dia nak melawak jea. |
Reply #115 abgzan's post
aku rasa elok ko buat sikit comparison antara servis dia ngan bank2 lain...pastu letak kat sticky senang org nak refer..
aku cuma tau cash withdrawal dia charge rendah, then ada coverage takaful free utk baki kredit ...charge2 lain pun rendah compare ngan kad lain |
Originally posted by abgzan at 30-4-2007 04:54 PM
kadang2 kita nak tolong sesama kawan, tapi org yg nak ditolong mcm2 kerenah...dpt komisyen la, agent la, itu la ini la...kalau u nak tau kan, mcm ni la org Melayu kita...kalau bgsa lain, semu ...
laaa... saja bertanya and bergurau jer... naik anginlah pulak abgzan... |
Originally posted by mantan at 30-4-2007 06:27 PM
aku rasa elok ko buat sikit comparison antara servis dia ngan bank2 lain...pastu letak kat sticky senang org nak refer..
aku cuma tau cash withdrawal dia charge rendah, then ada cover ...
mrcom setuju... |
Originally posted by mrcom at 30-4-2007 09:29 PM
laaa... saja bertanya and bergurau jer... naik anginlah pulak abgzan...
hehe...naik angin? tak la naik angin..tapi kekadang konfuse dgn org2 kita sendiri, yg tka percaya dgn org kita, tu aja...apa pon, saya minta maaf kalau saya ternaik angin...maybe teringat peristiwa di McD tempoh hari...maaf ya... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi