Cara download youtube, tv3, 8tv dan yang seumpama.
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Aku lak ade 2 cara paling mudah
1. untuk yang pakai Mozilla ya'all leh add on DownloadHelper, sangat mudah, bila ya'all bukak youtube nanti icon dia akan menyala menandakan da bleh download.. bukan youtube je, ape2 file flv, wmv, mp3.. semua leh download..
2.ya'all leh gunakan keepvid.com, just paste link video youtube, select site youtube.com, then click download..
enjoy it..  |
penah tak kalau korang tengah download, file dia besar sangat sampai 200mb tapi tengah download tu tetibe connection time out? aku penah, gune real player downloader tuh... dah tu tak boleh resume lak tu...
dalam byk2 software korang recommand ni yg mane yang boleh resume ehh?? |
Reply #99 szerone9's post
itu bukan salah software..
tu websitenya punya setting..
kengkadang memang tak boleh resume.. sebab webtu boleh rename link/lokasi fail yang di download tu.. |
Reply #98 MR.MOONJAY's post
selain downloadhelper dan keepvid.. ada satu cara yang paling mudah..
guna download manager seperti IDM n free Download manager..
sebabnya.. 2 download manager ni boleh detect FLV file..
tinggal right click... dan download |
so far aku guna javimoya je..pastu guna flv player or vlc player.
bleh gak try cara2 yg lain.. |
Reply #100 aziz79's post
ooo... mean that youtube memang kerap tukar link diorang la ehh... |
Originally posted by aziz79 at 25-2-2008 09:55 AM 
selain downloadhelper dan keepvid.. ada satu cara yang paling mudah..
guna download manager seperti IDM n free Download manager..
sebabnya.. 2 download manager ni boleh detect FLV file..
tingg ...
nak rightclick kat mana?  |
mekacih la...dah lama cari cara nak download streaming tv nih  |
well, aku recommend 2 software ni.
1. Internet Download Manager.
2.Sothink Web Video Downloader for Firefox.
Sothink is much better compared to the IDM since Not all website is supported by IDM.
In term of speed, idm is better as it is a download manager.
good luck.... |
Aku recommend internet download manager jer..
sebab idm ni laju..
nak download dari youtube pun mudah..
klik kanan pilih download flv video content jer..
xpayah ar korang nak install banyak banyak download manager dalam pc korang..
satu lagi..
idm gak boleh digunakan untuk download dari stage6.divx..
cuma perlu tambah kat automatik download format tu divx jer..
then biler klik play kat web stage6..
dier akan tanya nak download or not..
tu antara kelebihan idm yang aku tahu ar..
nak download mp3 ke dari web web yang ader lagu..
cume klik play jer..
dier akan tanya nak download ke x.. |
Reply #104 Nara_Gaara's post
Get Higher-Resolution YouTube Videos with a URL Hack
try adding &fmt=6 to the end of the address line =seems to work primarily with newer videos, and bumps the resolution from 320x240 to
Add &fmt=18 to the end of the URL =you might get an MP4-encoded version, with better audio and a 480x360 resolution
klu malas nak type tu... kepada pengguna firefox, leh guna extention nih
Better YouTube Firefox Extension

# Add "Download" Video Link
Adds a link to download any YouTube video on-page (uses youtubeloader.com).
# Alternate Video Player (FlowPlayer)
Replace YouTube's player with Flowplayer, which prevents video from autoplaying and buffers the video automatically without having to play it first.
# Hide Comments and "More From" Videos
YouTube Cleaner 2.1--Removes comments and related videos, with links to toggle back on.
# Show Full Video Description
Automatically displays the full video information, without having to click the more link.
# Theater View (Large Video + Clean Page)
YouTube Theater--Enlarges video full-screen and clears away other page elements.
credits to team LifeHacker [link] |
erm bestnye senang skit.. Klau tgk online asyik sangkut je... |
Reply #7 EAStudent's post
mana nak cr internet donloaad manager ni? |
Reply #9 lufiahsreemzah's post
Reply #11 lufiahsreemzah's post
Ya, yang full punya ada dekat ur Inbox. |
salaam. nak mintak tolong. aku nie mmg IT illiterate la...just nak tanya camne nak daripada dload video dari youtube, kita tukarkan video tu jadi audio iaitu dalam bentuk mp3 la sbb nak simpan dalam mp3 player?
kt thread ni dah bgtau kan kalo nak dload dari youtube guna dloadmanager kan? aku nie mmg buta IT la so maaf bebyk... |
Reply #13 IrvingLorenzo's post
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