Betul ke Tuhan menyeksa hambaNya melalui doa?
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Reply #92 komicat's post
No.. initially I am not like that. I am so naive. Each step of my life actually so clean and my mind always taught me to think good about others. I used to live with that kind of life for until I started my work. In work life, manipulation seems so normal. A weak person like me always being used by others (seniors) to get what they want. And when they got it, they forgot me just like they never knew me before.When problems occurred, they left me to solve it myself.So, I am asking myself :"Oh no..how can I be so stupid?. How can I be like a human with no brain?. To serve human, and yet they served me like an animal???"
Then I changed. I told myself, if people can be so self centered, then why can't i do the same thing. I remembered the quote, In order to survive in a community, what ones can do is living like the community does. So, lived with that. I fought back those who hurt me.. But, actually it doesnt changed the situation, people still like that and always be like that. My friend said / tell me to be patient. Because Allah wants to make me stronger than ever. Thanks my friend. I appreciate that, but then, I am tired and I am so tired with the cruel persons I met along the way. Those selfish people. They used me. O my Lord, don;t make me be like they are, when I reached the top...Amen
[ Last edited by eastrun at 18-1-2009 09:51 AM ] |
Originally posted by eastrun at 18-1-2009 09:43 AM
I will never use my own hand to make them suffer. I let Allah make them suffer. And they suffered miserably. I am not happy with that, but that is karma. Serve them right ...
maksudnya u percaya dan yakin Allah yg mmbalas sgl pbuatan mrk tu kan...
andai benar u dianiaya, mmg Allah makbulkan doa2 org teraniaya...
teruslah bersangka baik dgn Allah eastrun..Allah Maha Mendengar.. |
yela east, jgn bersangka buruk ngan ALLAH
east, sy ni jenis lurus orangnya, pernah dipulaukan sbb kwn2 termasuk senior kat sekolah kerana fitnah.....sy jugak salu dikenakan time sy
sekolah dulu.... and sy tgk kehidupan org yg penah menabur fitnah kat saya..sy tgk hidup mereka takla sehebat mana...see, sy tgk hidup sy much more better than they..tapi sy tetap tegur(senyum-then lari-) mereka jgkla sometimes when i saw them..tapi kadg2 tu taklah-i buat donno je-but now, alhamdulillah..kat tempat keja tak berlaku situasi dipergunakan tu......
anggap itu satu benda yg boleh mematangkan awak..east...
dunia ni adil east, walaupun ada org kata tak adil...tapi sebenarnya ADIL, tgklah nanti balasan kepada org2 jahat di dunia ni nanti.....apakah hidup mereka bahagia dan tenang?
Yakinlah ALLAH melindungi kita.....kita patut bersyukur kerana kita dikurniakan kesihatan, sekurang2nya kita tak menyusahkan org lain......
Reply #102 MsQuerida's post
The Christina Aguilera's song...called Fighter, inspired me. |
Originally posted by eastrun at 18-1-2009 12:14 PM
The Christina Aguilera's song...called Fighter, inspired me.
makes me stronger...my skin a lil thicker..makes me wiser..thanks for making me a fighter...ahahahhahah |
Reply #105 cursebreaker's post
Favourite quote:
How could this man I thought I knew
Turn out to be unjust so cruel
Could only see the good in you
Pretended to not to see the truth
You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself
Through living in denial
But in the end you'll see
Reply #106 eastrun's post
Who wants to stop you?.Xdpt keje bwh dat offiser,u givap?.Ofiser tu bgus sgt ke yg smpi ko nk sgt dok dkt dgn dia mmnjg.Ko gile ke?.Pd dia, ko xda apa ok.Klu pn dia smpan ko..bkn ko leh pnuhi nafsu serakah dia tu.Nafsu seks?Dia ada bini.Nafsu kedudukan?.Dia ada bos syg kt dia.Bckp psl mpersoalkan kose Tuhan.Aku dlu lex je sound BABI kat Allah,wkt tu aku mrh sgt sb Allah sblahi org yg sketkn ati ni.Pastu aku nyesal,aku tobat.Tp,tiap kali aku ingt muka org tu,aku akn sound Allah tu Vavi sb dia still tlg org tu.Aku x bek pon.Tp aku x givap.Aku langgar je.Cuma aku nk taw,psl apa ko mcm suka kt hang tu? |
Reply #105 cursebreaker's post
Originally posted by khairulazmi at 18-1-2009 01:46 PM
Who wants to stop you?.Xdpt keje bwh dat offiser,u givap?.Ofiser tu bgus sgt ke yg smpi ko nk sgt dok dkt dgn dia mmnjg.Ko gile ke?.Pd dia, ko xda apa ok.Klu pn dia smpan ko..bkn ko leh pnuhi naf ...
ye la east...nape ko nak sgt keje bwh that officer? ko mcm sanjung die but at the same time ko cam sakit hati nagn die.....
just wondering.... |
Originally posted by komicat at 18-1-2009 03:33 PM
weiii, aku pompuan lah.......sukati je ko kata aku ni lelaki............:@
die refer pd posting ai yg #110 |
Balas #114 cursebreaker\ catat
ai baru perasan tadi..hehe...dah buang dah komen tu......hehe |
Balas #114 cursebreaker\ catat
curz..sabar k...jgn pedulikan manusia mcm dia tu, sukati je ketawakan org.....
teruskan usaha u curz......... |
Reply #113 cursebreaker's post
Aku bc dia pnye post je aku taw dia gay.Ko tgk la,nk sgt keje kt bwh ofiser tu psl apa?.Otak tu dh sempit dh.Aku rs dia kna reject bkn sb apa.Sb oficer tu pn msti pk dia gay.Ko ada x bc post dia sblm ni.Yg oficer tu pk dia gay.Jd, pybb dia kna rejek bkn sb dia xda expertise.Tp sb dia gay.Knape ko x sound kt org yg rejek dia tu?P la tlg soundkn klu ko tu baik sgt. |
Reply #116 komicat's post
aku bkn gelakkan si curz,aku gelakkan east.Mcm sengal.Dh gay tu blah je la.Nk dok sana lg psl apa?.Rs ada hak kat situ? |
Originally posted by khairulazmi at 18-1-2009 03:39 PM
Aku bc dia pnye post je aku taw dia gay.Ko tgk la,nk sgt keje kt bwh ofiser tu psl apa?.Otak tu dh sempit dh.Aku rs dia kna reject bkn sb apa.Sb oficer tu pn msti pk dia gay.Ko ada x bc post dia ...
kalo itu yang ko nampak aku x bley nk cakap apa...hak ko..
ak pun bkan baik sangat..ak tau... |
Balas #118 khairulazmi\ catat
o..sorry for missunderstanding...
aku ingat ko gelakkan curz..... |
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