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Author: Syd

WWF temui 11 spesies baru flora, fauna

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Post time 14-5-2010 01:35 PM | Show all posts
A Leopard Kills A Monkey Then Takes Care Of Her Baby , Not Hurting The Young One .Weird But Merciful ...
abgsedapmalam Post at 19-4-2010 14:17

    Betapa binatang pemangsa spt Leapord tu ada nilai keibuan/kebapaan x cedera kan anak monyet tu infact siap jaga elok2 ....terharu part tang bila anak monyet tu mcm tersangkut or nak manjat pokok...punya la dia risau n cuba naik kan balik anak monyet tu kat atas dahan kayu tu...

aku respect sungguh kat leapord ni la kalau nak banding dgn manusia2 yg dok buang anak sana sini....leapord yg pemangsa tu tau bezakan mana baby n mana mangsa ....manusia ni anak sendiri yg dia lahirkan pun boleh aje suka suki nak buang sana sini...

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Post time 27-5-2010 01:44 PM | Show all posts
KEPALA seekor kucing ditusuk paku (bulatan) di Bandar Sioux, Amerika Syarikat.GAMBAR KECIL X-ray menunjukkan paku yang tertusuk kepala seekor kucing

BANDAR SIOUX, Amerika Syarikat (AS) - Seekor kucing masih hidup walaupun kepalanya ditusuk dengan paku di sini, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.

Kucing yang tertusuk paku di kepalanya itu merayau-rayau semasa ia ditemui oleh anggota-anggota sebuah agensi kawalan haiwan selepas mereka mendapat maklumat mengenainya baru-baru ini.

"Saya tidak pernah melihat situasi itu seperti ini terutamanya apabila kucing tersebut masih hidup," kata seorang anggota sebuah agensi kawalan haiwan, Cindy Rarrat.

Dia berkata, paku itu mungkin ditembak dengan pistol paku oleh seorang individu.

Namun, seorang doktor berjaya menarik keluar paku sepanjang 7.62 sentimeter itu di sebuah klinik haiwan pada Jumaat lalu.

Pemilik kucing itu sedang dicari. - Agensi


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Post time 31-5-2010 02:51 PM | Show all posts


Post Last Edit by the_slayers at 31-5-2010 16:05

Malaysia minister: God made animals for testing

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – A Malaysian minister defended an Indian company's plans to build an animal testing medicine lab in his state, saying Monday that God created monkeys and rats for experiments to benefit humans.
The plans by India's Vivo BioTech Ltd. to set up a biotechnology center in southern Malacca state has come under fire by activists because it will conduct tests on dogs and primates to make medicines. The activists say Malaysia has no regulations on animal research, which could lead to test subjects being abused.

But Malacca Chief Minister Mohamad Ali Rustam said the lab had received state approval, and animal testing was necessary to make drugs. The project is still in the planning phase.
"God created animals for the benefits of human beings. That's why he created rats and monkeys ... We cannot test on human beings," he told The Associated Press. "This is the way it has to be. God created monkeys, and some have to be tested."
He said Malaysian agencies, such as the wildlife department, could monitor that the animals were not abused and proper procedures followed. He said eating animals could also be seen as cruel, and yet it was widely accepted.

Vivo inked a 450 million ringgit ($141 million) joint-venture deal in January to build the biotechnology center, including laboratories where trial medicines will be tested on animals. Its partners are state government-owned Melaka Biotech Holdings and local firm Vanguard Creative Technologies.
In a joint statement last month, Malaysia's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection and the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments decried the project because Malaysia has no laws protecting the welfare of animals used in experiments.

The group opposed the proposed facility for "both ethical reasons and the lack of scientific validity of using animals in testing."
The groups has submitted a protest letter to the government, urging it to halt the project.
"Malaysia should not open the economy to businesses like this as it promotes cruelty," SPCA official Jacinta Johnson said.
Activists say companies are increasingly outsourcing animal testing to Asia, where regulations are more lax and costs are lower than in the West.

Vivo has said previously it may import beagles from Holland and try to obtain domestic primates for testing. Last year, a French pharmaceutical research company proposed building an animal testing laboratory in southern Johor state using imported macaques, but the project was suspended amid an outcry from environmental groups...


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Post time 1-6-2010 07:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 89# selimutpurple

kene tembak ngan pistol paku?

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Post time 5-6-2010 10:39 AM | Show all posts

Kucing Dipotong Kakinya Hanya Kerana Mencuri Ikan....( Bukan18SG )

Video ini menunjukkan kehidupan seekor kucing yang bernama Hero selepas dipotong kakinya oleh orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab...ia kini dijaga oleh tuannya dengan baik... sila lawat blog ini untuk kisah selanjutnya....

boleh ditonton di Youtube :

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Post time 5-6-2010 06:03 PM | Show all posts

Blog Kucing Yang Dipotong Kakinya

Post Last Edit by boyachilles at 5-6-2010 18:15

Al-kisah Hero yang manja ni memang menghiburkan kami sekeluarga..terkadang tu, aku cuba untuk menyelami perasaannya...

1 ) Apa rasanya ketika dibuat sedemikian rupa?

2 ) Macamana lenguhnya tulang belakang ketika nak makan dan minum?

3 ) Macamana rasanya apabila tak boleh mencakar seperti kucing2 lain?

4 ) Macamana sukarnya nak mengawan?

5 ) Macamana rasanya apabila selalu berada di rumah dan tak boleh bersiar2?

Macamana rasanya apabila kaki dikerat?

Dan akhir sekali, bagaimana keadaan kami sekeluarga kalau Hero dah tiada nanti?? Hanya blog ini akan menjadi sinambungan kehidupan kucing yang ku sayangi ini....

Nak tahu kisah dan video Hero yang selanjutnya?'

Ini blog tuan Hero :

atau boleh ditonton di Youtube :

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Post time 5-6-2010 07:07 PM | Show all posts
vid youtube pasal Hero ni circulated kat FB dlm 2-3 minggu lepas
memang kesian sungguh ngan kucing ni...

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Post time 5-6-2010 08:39 PM | Show all posts
yer betul.dah byk tersebar kat fb.sedih aku tgk.mengalir air mata
aku tgk kucing ni.kenapala ade lg manusia kejam camni?:@

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Post time 7-6-2010 08:26 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 7-6-2010 14:01

Reply 92# boyachilles

topik ni dah ada kat CLL... saya mergekan.

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Post time 8-6-2010 08:56 PM | Show all posts

Anjing Menyusukan anak rimau..dll

Post Last Edit by ujang at 8-6-2010 20:59

Macam mana haiwan2 ni boleh layan anak haiwan lain untuk disusukan

so cute..


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Post time 10-6-2010 06:49 PM | Show all posts

10 Secrets To Save Your Leopard Gecko’s Life

Free download "10 Secrets To Save Your Leopard Gecko’s Life"

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Post time 12-6-2010 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Reply 97# ujang


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Post time 12-6-2010 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 98# marvin07


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Post time 30-6-2010 09:19 PM | Show all posts

Kevin Richardson - "The Lion Whisperer"

Kevin Richardson - "The Lion Whisperer"

Amazed at the incredible picture above of the guy swimming and cuddling with the lion? It seems beyond comprehension that a human and a 185 kg lion could be act like a couple that has been found cuddling and now they're feeling a mixture of bothered and embarrassed! By the way, look at the head of that lion - it's so HUGE!

However, this is just a normal part of the day for the guy in these pictures, whose name is Kevin Richardson. He is 34 years old and is a zoologist and animal behaviourist and the lions he plays with are his close friends! He is often nicknamed "The Lion Whisperer" and is known for his unusual, controversial, but very successful way to raise and interact with some of the most dangerous animals on earth, especially lions and hyenas.

Kevin's way of developing exceptionally personal bonds with his "pets" or "students" are really unusual. He actually plays, sleeps and even swims with them. Meg the lioness and her sister Amy are some of his best friends. These pictures  are taken in "The Kingdom Of The White Lion", a 650-hectare area near Johannesburg, South Africa.

Here's a video of the bath which shows how strong the bond between Kevin and this lioness is:

Here are some more pics of him during his favourite activities: playing with huge lions:

Look at the faces of these lions!!

Here Kevin gives the lion a kiss..

.. and the lion gives Kevin a kiss back!

Here's Kevin with a Hyena


Kevin is also friends with a black panther.

Here are some videos from YouTube about Kevin Richardson and his unusual friends:

This video is one that you MUST see. Amazing!

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Post time 30-6-2010 09:33 PM | Show all posts

ZOO Keeper transforming a lion to domestic cat!

A zoo keeper has become so close to one of his lions that he can cuddle him and groom his mane as if he was a domestic cat. British wildlife expert Alex Larenty from Chipping Norton, calms the fullygrown lions with gentle foot-rubs.   


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Post time 1-7-2010 10:12 AM | Show all posts
bestnye kawan ngan lion...bro tu gurau ngan lion mcm ngan kucing lak...

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Post time 1-7-2010 09:22 PM | Show all posts

This is what we call best friend forever!!

Post Last Edit by azraindie at 1-7-2010 21:25

setelah aku tgk video ni....air mataku melilir hingga ke pipi.....teringat kepada kucing kesayanganku.....

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Post time 1-7-2010 09:25 PM | Show all posts
video die x kuar la.....den letak link die je la....

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Post time 1-7-2010 11:01 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok dah...mmg touching giler...binatang pun ingat tuan/org yg membesarkan die...manusia pun x mcm tu...

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Post time 1-7-2010 11:34 PM | Show all posts
ingatkan kevin richardson (backstreet boys) tadi..hehe

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