Solo FilmFestival is an annual event in Solo-Central Java focusing on Indonesianshort-fiction film. The need of a medium to focus on short films becomes theearly reason for Solo Film Festival in responding the production of short filmmakers’s creative works
in Indonesia.
The program inthis festival is a respond towards social condition of the society and thedevelopment of Indonesian film as well. Indeed, we dream about a festival whichcan be close to public through film’s theme which maximally can exploreIndonesia, either geographically or ideologically.
Indonesian shortfiction film competition-National Category is a medium for film makers to sharetheir best works. Ladrang Award will be given to the winner of thiscompetition.
Indonesianshort fiction film competition-Category of Senior High School in Central Javaalso becomes a medium to share the best works of our students. The winner ofthis competition deserves Gayaman Award.
We also hold TamasyaLayar Tancep Program to have closer interaction with public in 26 spots inSolo. Layar Tancep (big screen) will play Indonesian short film fictions insome kampongs (areas) and public space in town. Film communities in othercities support the holding of layar tancep program on May, so it can bethat May is a layar tancep month.
Program CerdasCermat Komunitas Film (kind of quiz) will invite film communities invarious cities to have interaction by exchanging informations and datas amongfilm communities. The questions in cerdas cermat (the quiz) will betaken from the data send by each community. This program will be heldinformally in front of Gedung Kesenian Solo (Solo Art building). Thewinner deserves Solo Film Festival award.
The discussionprogram entitled “Ruang Publik dan Kesenian di Solo” (Public Space andArt in Solo) is expected to encourage the development of art which has lost itsroom. The discussion can be the early mapping towards the condition of artworld in Solo.
for details click here