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Author: kikilalat

Kaedah IVF-volume 3

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Post time 29-7-2011 08:17 AM | Show all posts
Reply 94# kumiyoza

    Thanks Kumi. My hubby pun ckp kat I last nite, kita redha aje lah. I already have a beautiful daughter. Kalau dah takdir dia jadi anak tunggal, I kena terima.

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2011 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply 100# ziara

    Ziara, please ask hubby carikan cleaner kat ofis/ agent yg sediakan khidmat part time/ weekend cleaner utk MIL... MIL u jenis yg tak segan nak telefon2 nih mintak maid...

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Post time 29-7-2011 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Kiki, I pernah suggest ambil temp maid, tapi diorang tak nak dgn alasan safety issue. Diorang takut maid tu bawa kawan2 indon dia pergi ransack the house once dah tahu selok-belok dlm rumah diorang. Lagipun my married SIL and single BIL live in that house too, so I think they should be the one resolving their maid issue, not my hubby. Yg jadi byk kerja kat rumah tu sbb nak kena iron uniform anak2 SIL and baju kerja hubby dia and my single BIL.

I kesian kat my hubby, tersepit antara I yg kena complete rest dan family dia yg tak boleh survive Tampa maid haha. Yg peliknya maid my BIL lagi sorang diorang tak pernah kacau. Another BIL pula hantar maid dia ke rumah MIL 2 pagi dlm seminggu.

Yg sebenarnya I dah byk kali mengamuk pasal ni dgn hubby. He tries to satisfy both parties, and I pun cuba mengalah bila keadaan mengizinkan. Tapi bendable ni mkn dalam. Lebih2 lagi now I kena.

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Post time 29-7-2011 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Opps sambung sikit lagi.. Lebih2 lagi now I kena complete rest dan emosi pun tak stabil, I rasa agak marah dgn diorang for adding the extra pressure. Kalau ikutkan hati I, mahu je I call my MIL and tanya which part of complete rest that she doesn't understand. Tapi sure keadaan lagi buruk kalau I buat mcm tu.

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2011 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Kiki, I pernah suggest ambil temp maid, tapi diorang tak nak dgn alasan safety issue. Diorang takut  ...
ziara Post at 29-7-2011 08:50

    Wah... Lemak sungguh la your married SIL tuh. Dah ader your other BIL yg hantar 2 days a week, campur dgn your maid utk weekend lagik, plenty of help lah tuh. Naik lemak ler takmo amik bibik sendiri... Try ask wife BIL yg tak hantar her maid tuh, what happened sampai MIL tak mintak maid kat dia. Kena berguru dengan dia... ;)

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2011 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Reply 104# ziara

    Maybe can ask your hubby to explain to her? Mender short term takkan dia tak boleh tolak ansur sikit... Or mintak your hubby nego dgn BIL sorang lagik yg tak hantar maid tuh utk hantar his maid for the next couple of weekends/ months or so. Bayar sikit la...

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Post time 29-7-2011 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 105# kikilalat

    Hehe Kiki jadi counsellor I. Thanks Kiki, I really need this.

Bestkan jadi my SIL, parents dia betul2 jaga. Favorite phrase MIL: "kesian kak Lina" (nama samaran hehe). Kesian dia sbb tak de maid lah. She's a housewife. I tak kisah parents dia manjakan dia ke apa, masalahnya dah menyusahkan hidup I. Actually baru ni dia ada maid, tapi maid dia lari coz tak thn kena marah dgn MIL.

I rasa juga nak tanya my biras apa ilmu dia pakai sampai my MIL tak kacau dia, tapi I takut nanti backfire kat I haha.

I dah tanya hubby whether dia dah explain kat mak dia yg I bled and dr suruh complete rest. Dia kata dah. Itu yg i heran, apasal tak faham2 juga.

Pasal nak suruh maid BIL lagi sorang ganti kan my maid, I don't think my hubby will agree to ask his brother. My hubby ni tak banyak cakap, abang dia tu lagilah kurang bercakap.

My MIL bayar kat my maid whenever my maid pergi tolong kat rumah dia, so money is not the issue.

Knowing my hubby, he will feel guilty, so tonite or esok dia akan hantar my maid ke sana. Esok my SIL nak celebrate birthday anak dia, dia dah invite adik-beradik dia.. So she'll expect my maid to go and help. And my hubby wil volunteer to be my bibik for another weekend. I rasa tocang I nak tumbuh ni, so may be I'll insist that my maid pergi tolong siang esok je, then ptg balik sini.

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2011 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Reply 107# ziara

    Kaunselor tak bertauliah kekdah nyer...

Since your SIL jemput adik beradik, suruh ler semua adik beradik nyer bibiks datang awal to help. You pun can ask en hubby to send a couple of hours early an pick up a couple of hours later... Dah your SIL and MIl ada kat rumah tuh jugak, takkan sumer pun nak harap ka maid kan?

Ntah la ziara,kadang2 kalau kita tak stand our grounds, orang take advantage jugak kan... You nak stress2 pun tak elok utk baby/ babies... Mindrest pun as penting as bedrest.

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Post time 29-7-2011 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Reply 108# kikilalat

   Tak pe lah tak bertauliah pun,you jadi a listener pun I dah appreciate sgt.. lagi better dari I dok berasap kat sini sorang2

Of course other maids are expected to help out too. Tapi nanti maid I je yg dilarang balik. Dah beberapa kali I kena "your maid balik esok lah".

Mmg I rasa they've taken advantage of me.. May be sbb anak I sorang je so they feel that I don't really need a maid.or may be sbb I menantu bongsu.or may be sbb now that I've become a housewife, they look down on me. I dah byk kali mengamuk pasal ni, sometimes kat rumah diorang, but they never give up.

Ok thanks again Kiki, lega rasanya. Sorry I've used this thread for other purpose pulak.

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2011 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Reply  kikilalat

Dah beberapa kali I kena "your maid balik esok lah".   ...
ziara Post at 29-7-2011 10:17

    Yg nih kena pikir aper nak cakap siap2 ziara... Tapi cakap dlm intonasi ceria riang gitu, so that the message gets across tapi takder la nampak stress ker haper. Something like... 'Tak boleh mama, esok ader adik beradik/ tetamu *insert nama sebenar*  nak datang rumah *insert nama sebenar* pulak." ... Sungguhpun takder yg datang. Kalo MIL tanya you or hubby story about the day, cakap la... Ooo, tak jadik datang,  ader emergency pulak dorang...

Haha. Ngajor ko menipu pulak kekdah nyer

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Post time 29-7-2011 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Reply 110# kikilalat

    Kihkih kena belajar berlakon. Okay nanti I practise. Kena practise byk kali ni sbb I ni ala2 neng yatimah, bukan enot

Mmg dah byk kali adik-beradik dtg bertandang waktu maid kat rumah MIL (apasal la sebelum ni I tak guna ni sbg alasan .. Takut hubby tak setuju sebenarnya).  Kdg2 diorang pun lagi licik.. Pergi. Bisik2 kat hubby masa I tengah solat la, masa I dlm toilet la. Apasal la hubby ku prihatin sgt kat family dia.

Next module Kiki kena ajar camne nak buat hubby tak ikut telunjuk mak dan kakak

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2011 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Reply  kikilalat

    Kihkih kena belajar berlakon. Okay nanti I practise. Kena practise byk ka ...
ziara Post at 29-7-2011 10:49

    Practise itu penting... Tapi make sure hubby pun practise jugak. I selalu nyer kalo nak pikir alasan, kowtim dgn hubby dulu. Supaya dua2 nyer story masuk serasi gituh...

Nak manipulate hubby punye ilmu nak kena ader jugak, supaya hubby agree nak jadik pelakon tambahan ... Biasa nyer I berlakon exaggerate emosi I about something tuh lelebih la. Maybe I tak suka something hati/ sedih kat skala 1, tapi I express mcm tak puas hati/ sedih kat skala 10 gituh... Tapi yg usually work ialah biler berlakon sedih terover la, jatuh kesian laki kat kita, senang sket nak cajole masuk our lakonan...

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Post time 29-7-2011 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply 112# kikilalat

    Hihi kelakar you, tapi effective lah kot kan.

I bab2 emosi tak yah exaggerate, mmg kat skala 10 sokmo, sampai baru ni hubby kata "you janganlah over, apa2 you cakap lah baik2, kalau tak I tak tau". Ni kes baru ni I baru lepas polyp surgery, hubby akan balik kerja lambat so dia bagitau MIL tak sempat nak hantar maid ke rumah MIL mlm tu. So my MIL nak dtg ambil my maid ptg tu, before hubby balik. I tension coz I belum betul2 recover, apa lagi, I terus hantar SMS penuh emosi kat hubby. Sudahnya hubby tak kasi parents dia dtg ambil my maid ptg tu, tapi mlm tu balik je dari kerja, terus dia hantar my maid ke rumah my MIL. And dia minta maaf dari I coz tak realize that I needed the maid, at least till he came back from work. Adoi la hubby ku...

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Post time 30-7-2011 07:22 AM | Show all posts
Maksud nyer aper kumi? Lepas 2 kali period baru boleh buat ivf ke? Sebab apa ye? I'm plann ...
kikilalat Post at 28-7-2011 20:32

kiki : aah 2 kali lepas period tp apa2pun depend doc kot..rasanya 2-6 month lepas period okla for gonal f..

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Post time 30-7-2011 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Ziara and Kiki....

Shin seronok plak baca citer korang nih...hehehe and good advices Kiki! Shin pun agree gak ngan Kiki, Ziara. Memang kesian kat u ziara sebab slalu sangat MIL pinjam maid. Shin pun jenis tak suka yang slalu sangat pinjam. Kalau once in a while shin tak kisah. Kalau dah nak sangat maid, ambik lah maid sendiri kan. memang kene fikir cara-cara nak elakkan diorang pinjam ur maid masa u really need ur maid.

By the way shin pun nak citer skit bout my MIL. Aritu MIL and FIL datang KL and stayed at our condo. My MIL ni jenis yang tak berapa sangat with kids. I mean die tak berapa reti jaga budak. Masa hubby and kakak and abang die kecik dulu, nenek diorang yang jaga sampai besar. Something like that. So dengan my son die suke la main-main macam tu je tapi takreti lah nak handle sangat. So nak jadikan cerita, our condo ni tingkat 9 and takde pasang grill tau. So, in order for safety me and my maid always tutup pintu bilik and tingkap. Sebab takut my son masok bilik and panjat tingkap from katil ke. My maid slalu bukak one tingkap sebab bilik rasa takde udara kalau tak bukak tingkap. Tapi tingkap tu jauh dari katil. So for me its okay asalkan pintu bilik always closed. Sebab my son jarang sangat bukak pintu masok bilik maid.

So my MIL and FIL tidur kat bilik satu lagi. Masa tu me and hubby kluar and FIL plak ada kerja outside so tinggallah maid, my son and MIL. My maid kalau MIL ada, die pon bingung. Shin pun sebenarnya kesian kat maid kalau MIL ada kat umah. Hehehe...sebab die tak berape lah menolong malah sometimes memeningkan maid sebab maid terpaksa jaga my son and in the same time kene masak. And my son plak bukannya nak dengan MIL, and selalu kacau my maid bila masak. So susahla kan. Kalau maid tinggal berdua je dengan my son, shin tak pernah suruh die masak for us sebab memang susah nak masak kalau berdua je dengan my son. My son akan kacau and suruh kluar dari kitchen sebab die nak ajak main. So shin cuma suruh die layan je my son, always watch him.

So that day, diorang je kat umah. Lepas balik umah, my maid pegi bercerita dengan shin. Ada something happen rupenye. Macam ni, pintu bilik MIL terbuka and tingkap pun terbuka. MIL plak kat living area. Maid kat dapur. So my maid keluar dari dapur nak ke living area ternampak my son dah kat atas katil bilik MIL sambil menjenguk luar tingkap!!!! OMG, my maid pun menjerit!! And my MIL tanye die apsal. My maid jawablah my son dekat tingkap. And u know my MIL jawab ape..."ohhh"...just like that. I pun dah kecut perut dengar maid citer. So shin citer gak dengan hubby. Yelah, its very dangerous for god's sake......!!

Nak dijadikan citer, the day after hubby kire cakap pasal benda tu kat mak die. My hubby ni jenis yang cakap straight forward tau and suara die jenis yang loud. Kalau die bercakap dengan family die memang bunyi macam bising2 bunyi die cakap ngan mak die macam marah skit laa...actually he just want to tegur, sebab this is considered the safety of our child kan. Silap haribulan budak boleh jatuh dari tingkap beb! My FIL yang taktau cerita pun terkejut gaklah. Hubby tegur lain kali tutup pintu etc etc....lepas tu me and hubby keluar sebab nak settle some stuff.

bila balik umah, my maid told me that MIL marah kat die sebab story kat kitorang pasal kejadian tu. MIL cakap kat maid yang my hubby marah kat die. and MIL cakap kat die kalau nothing happen to our son, takpayah nak sibuk2 cerita kat kitorang lah. kesian gak kat my maid. for me she's not being nosy but she just told me truth what happen. i told my hubby bout that, my hubby cakap kenapa MIL mesti marah kat maid and kenape takboleh nak cerita kat kitorang kalau something happen but our son takde pape. Hubby marahla jugak but i told him not to ask his mom again sebab kesian lak kat maid. And takut jadi gaduh la pulak ke hape. Hubby cakap baguslah die tegur mak die pasal hal tu so that lainkali lebih berhati-hati. bukannya nak marah tanpa sebab.

At that evening MIL and FIL terus pegi tidur kat rumah SIL for weekend. They went out from our house without telling us. Macam kluar gitu je. Masa tu me hubby and our son dalam bilik. Bila kluar dari bilik diorang dah takde so i asked maid, maid cakap diorang dah blah ke rumah SIL and told her that they will come back on sunday sebab monday diorang balik Miri. i told hubby and said diorang merajuk ke ape...hubby cakap lantaklah.

And sunday came tapi diorang tak datang plak, until monday morning. i thought diorang datang early sebab they have to go to KLIA at 10am. But until 9am baru diorang datang. And pack up bags yang diorang tinggalkan kat rumah kitorang then leaves to KLIA. Adalah cakap2 sikit with us tapi macam sedikit lain la. Dah diorang blah, me and hubby pun cakap2 pasal hal tu. Seems like diorang especially MIL merajuk la konon. Itulah orang tua, memang takleh kene tegur. Susah kan? Bukannya marah tanpa sebab, but its about safety for god's sake. Shin memang takut sangat bila dengar pasal tu.

And you guys know what? tak lama lepas hal tu kan, kat condo shin ni, ada satu budak umur 4 tahun jatuh dari tingkap rumah diorang kat level 4 (actually kalau campur carparks kat bawah it will be 7 storeys high!)...!!!! OMG shin seram sejuk dengar pasal budak tu... masa jatuh tu die tak mati and or hurt anywhere, but the day after die meninggal. so it must be internal damage or bleeding......ya Allah ya Tuhanku jauhkanlah anak kami dari kejadian yang tak diingini.....

After that hubby ada bercontact dengan parents die kat Miri, adelah die bagitau kisah budak yang jatuh dari tingkap tu kat diorang.

Lepas hal budak jatuh tu, my maid sangat susah hati. Die terus mula kunci bilik die and bilik FIL/MIL everytime keluar from the room. and kunci letak je kat doorknob sebab my son takreti nak pusing kunci sebab keras. But its better pintu dah berkunci. Pintu masterbedroom tak kunci sebab tingkap always tutup takpernah bukak. Cuma bilik maid and bilik guest je tingkap sometimes bukak.

Scary kan?

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Post time 30-7-2011 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Sorry my cerita panjanggggggggg sangatlah pulak hahahha!!!
nak luah perasaan ni....!

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Post time 1-8-2011 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum semua
mel baru masuk keje arini
4 ari mel x keje.. sblm ni mel ckp luka kt bekas operation tu kan
mel rasa tu bisul la... dh pecah smlm... lega rasa
tp masih blom pecah abis... still kuar air nanah tu lg
huhhh sakit betul kena bisul kt dalam pusat tuh

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Post time 1-8-2011 10:16 AM | Show all posts
mel : bab2 bersin..kumi pun same tp xla hari2..ada masa2 je..yg paling geram bila wat ivf jer..h ...
kumiyoza Post at 28-7-2011 18:59

    tuler kumi nnt mel nk tny ngan doc
aritu waktu tny ngan nurse psl 2ww tuh dia ckp mc derang bg seminggu jer
pastu dia ckp bleh gi keje cam biasa...naik tangga ke apa bleh jer dia ckp
keje bleh buat cam biasa
tp kitala risau kan... kl boleh rasa nk bed rest jer kan hehe

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Post time 1-8-2011 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Reply  mmelonberries

   Mel.....guna hair dryer pun ok gak kut.....sebb angin panas tu pun bol ...
Lucca_Bella Post at 27-7-2011 22:23

    mmg elok guna hair dryer tu tp umah mel xde pon hair dryer
sbb mmg x pakai pon... bila time kena camni rasa nk jer trs beli hehehe

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Post time 1-8-2011 10:22 AM | Show all posts
oo mcm tu ye tula doc pun ada bgtau dulu seeloknya lepas OD trus IVF xperlu tunggu lama  ...
kumiyoza Post at 28-7-2011 18:52

    betul tu kumi.... tp mel masa tuh buat iui jer dulu
ada member tu trs conceive secara natural pas buat OD tuh
rezeki memasing kan...

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