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Author: hike80

Arrow Season 2 Premiere Oct 9th 2013 - City of Heroes on CW

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Post time 2-5-2014 11:13 AM | Show all posts
adakah malcolm akan keluar selamatkan thea..
dan...adakah malcolm akan join team ollie!!! haha
sbb malcolm asalnya pn dr team killer Sara kan?

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Post time 2-5-2014 11:17 AM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 2-5-2014 11:13 AM
adakah malcolm akan keluar selamatkan thea..
dan...adakah malcolm akan join team ollie!!! haha
sbb ...

ha kan? tgk promo next episode Malcolm Merlyn nak selamatkan Thea

Malcolm pun part of the League of Assasins kan?

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Post time 2-5-2014 11:18 AM | Show all posts
bettyboo posted on 2-5-2014 11:17 AM
ha kan? tgk promo next episode Malcolm Merlyn nak selamatkan Thea

Malcolm pun part of  ...

oo mmg ada dlm promo ek scenn malcom. nk carik jap


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Post time 2-5-2014 11:21 AM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 2-5-2014 11:18 AM
oo mmg ada dlm promo ek scenn malcom. nk carik jap

lagi dua episode nak tamat dah season 2

so far cerita tak mengecewakan....

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Post time 6-5-2014 02:27 PM | Show all posts
da tgok latest episode..

ermm byk kisah sedeh arr..

xpernah citer action rase ader plot sedeh cam ni...

aper pon writer citer ni mmg dan x off topic sgt...

mampos la si sebastion blood ngan si slade..

yg aku xpaham awat si slade ni dendam sgt pasal shadow tuh.. org tuh da mampos da..

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Post time 7-5-2014 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Slade tu dendam sgt kat Oliver pasal Shado kena bunuh..masa tu kan Ivo suruh Oliver pilih between Sara and Shado..Oliver tak pilih pun, dia nak selamatkan dua dua tapi Ivo terus jer bunuh Shado tak pasal pasal lak...

Slade mmg sayang kat Shado tapi masa tu Shado suka kat Oliver..Slade jealous tapi masa tu dia ok lagi dgn pilihan Shado tapi lepas dia kena suntik dgn Mirakuru, dia punya judgement dah jadik tak betul dan dia terus assume yg  Oliver pilih utk selamatkan Sara dan biar Shado mati camtu jer...

rasanya selain dari Shado ada sebab lain lagi, mata Slade tu mungkin Oliver yg buat mata dia tu jadik longsong....


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Post time 7-5-2014 11:09 AM | Show all posts
bettyboo posted on 7-5-2014 08:51 AM
Slade tu dendam sgt kat Oliver pasal Shado kena bunuh..masa tu kan Ivo suruh Oliver pilih between Sa ...

ermm ye la time oli nak pilih saper..die xsempat nak wat aper2 si shado da kene tembak.. pasal citer kat island tuh aku byk skip.. mals nak recap pasal pulau tu..

aper pon aku suke si isabel tu.. walopon die jahat tpi action siri sesuai ngan die cam citer terminator...

harap2 isabel jadi baik n join tem arrow.. si barry plak biler nak sedo dri coma.. si sicso call felicty nak kasi tau yg si barry da sedo or pasal antidot maruku tuhh..

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Post time 7-5-2014 11:58 AM | Show all posts
teky posted on 7-5-2014 11:09 AM
ermm ye la time oli nak pilih saper..die xsempat nak wat aper2 si shado da kene tembak.. pasal cit ...

maruku hahahahahhahahhahahaah!!!!!!

rasanya mungkin Star Labs nak kasitau Felicity diorang ada antidote...harapnya gitu la sbb si Slade dah mobilise dah articifial gorillas dia tu


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Post time 8-5-2014 11:43 AM | Show all posts
adoi sakit jantung sungguh tgk citer ni

ok on with the recap:

-Starling City mmg huru hara sampai polis pun tak dpt nak kawal

-Quentin Lance dpt balik jadik Detective

-Sara balik utk tolong Laurel and also others, rupanya masa dia dgn League of Assassins tu they called her The Canary (they called her that in arabic but i could't be bothered to try and remember it)

-Sebastian Blood had a change of heart after seeing the destruction tapi mmg jgn harap la si Slade tu nak dgr ckp dia...what a psycho

-Star Labs managed to create a cure for the Mirakuru but unfortunately Slade got to that guy first..practically cut off his hand to get to the cure...sheesh..again, what a psycho

-Sebastian Blood sneaked the Mirakuru out from under Slade's very nose and gave them to a result that beeyotch of a woman of that Isable stabbed him..with two swords....really Isabel???

-Malcolm Merlyn appeared and tried to save Thea..he did..but Thea did not trust him..AND she shot him  whether he lives or not still remains to be seen..not the first time this Merlyn has cheated death..

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Post time 8-5-2014 11:44 AM | Show all posts
best line of this episode (as usual by Felicity )

(on getting the Mirakuru antidote)

"Why does every secret formula had to be in colour? What ever happened to good ol' fashioned clear??" (when she saw that the antidote is in vials of flourescent blue liquid)


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Post time 9-5-2014 01:01 PM | Show all posts

@hike80  ha dah confirm The Flash is a go  ko mesti suka

Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg's Arrow spinoff The Flash seemed like a sure thing for the CW, but nothing's certain until that series order comes in, and today, it came in! The Flash is a go. Barry Allen will be back on the CW for the 2014-2015 season, this time around as a lead character in his own series -- as opposed to a guest character in CW's Arrow, which is how he was first introduced to us.

Deadline reported today that the CW has greenlit a number of projects to series, including The Flash. Also a go are Jane the Virgin, The Messengers and Rob Thomas' iZombie. But it's The Flash that DC and Arrow fans alike were particularly hopeful for. Grant Gustin will star in the series, which centers on Barry Allen, a Central City assistant police forensics investigator who was last seen rendered comatose after being caught in a lightning storm in his lab.

Gustin's character was introduced in Arrow earlier this season when he enthusiastically helped out Oliver and his team. He hit it off rather well with Arrow's Felicity, but the coma seems to have halted that budding romance. Barry has been referenced, however, so he may be out of sight on Arrow, but he's certainly not out of mind. And Arrow has since featured two other characters who are expected to appear in The Flash. So the tie-ins are already there and we've been given plenty of hope that things would work out for this project.

There's just one episode to go before Arrow wraps up for the season, after which we'll have months to wait. But it's far better waiting for two great shows than for one. Hopes are high that The Flash will live up to the standard set by Arrow. Also high is our hope that CW will give us a sneak peek at this series next week after their Upfront presentation! In the meantime, here's everything we know about The Flash so far.

In other news, as mentioned, CW's also moving forward with the next drama from Veronica Mars creator, Rob Thomas, along with Diane Ruggiero. iZombie will star Rose McIvor as a med-student-turned zombie who gets a job at a coroner's office and uses the memories of the corpses to help solve crimes. Jennie Snyder Urman's Jane the Virgin stars Gina Rodriguez as a young, religious Latina who's accidentally artificially inseminated. Yikes. And then there's The Messengers, which centers on a group of people who are killed-then-awakened after a mysterious object crashes on Earth. They're tasked with preventing the apocalypse.

Zombies, apocalypse, virgins and The Flash!

In the words of George Takei... Oh myyyy!  

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2014 07:38 AM | Show all posts
Ya Rabbi!!! aku ingat season finale dah...tup2 ada satu lagi......ceh!!!

patut la aku tgk..awat ending dia sampai part thea tembak malcolm merlin aku download tak abis

tunggu je la satu episode lagi

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2014 07:40 AM | Show all posts
bettyboo posted on 9-5-2014 01:01 PM
@hike80  ha dah confirm The Flash is a go  ko mesti suka

hhmm...tu la pasal

aku sebenarnye bukan la big fan flash sgt...tapi bole la...asal ada superpower..layan je tgk amcm...cuma mamat ni tak tau la nanti camna...for now skinny sgt....sah2 mamat ni diarahkan ke gym pasni

so sapa nak  buat benang ni?

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Post time 11-5-2014 10:52 PM | Show all posts
slade tu dendam gila sbb kesan mirakuru tu myebabkan dia sntiasa nampak 'hantu' shado ckp dgn dia ikut dia. hehe

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Post time 12-5-2014 08:11 AM | Show all posts
thea ni pon aku tgok cam bipolar jahh...

erkk... malcom da muncul..blood da mampos

aper lagi slade nak??

naikan harga barang??

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Post time 14-5-2014 04:54 PM | Show all posts
aku tgk kt fb arrow, ramai yg bagi amaran.. kalau felicity mati, mereka akan merusuh. haha

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Post time 15-5-2014 08:56 AM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 14-5-2014 04:54 PM
aku tgk kt fb arrow, ramai yg bagi amaran.. kalau felicity mati, mereka akan merusuh. haha

ramai yg ship Olicity neh..  betty pun suka sgt dia...comel walaupun kelam kabut  and she has the best one liners

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Post time 15-5-2014 10:06 AM | Show all posts
alaaaaaaaaa hati dahberbunga bunga dah bila Oli ckp "i love you" kat Felicity...

rupa rupanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

it is just a ruse to fool Slade...Oli dah tahu yg Slade bugged his house jadi dia bawak Felicity and "confessed" his feelings, knowing that Slade will kidnap Felicity..but what Slade does not know was that Felicity is now close enough to him when he kidnapped her to stab him with the Mirakuru antidote

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Post time 15-5-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
best line (from Felicity, as always)

(when meeting Nyssa al Ghul)

Felicity: Who are these ppl?

Nyssa: Nyssa, daughter of Raaz Al Ghul, Heir to The Demon

Felicity:  Felicity Smoak, M.I.T, Class of '09

nak jugak tu si felicity ni with fabulous intro

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Post time 15-5-2014 10:13 AM | Show all posts
episode kali ni:

-Malcolm Merlyn tak mati..dia pakai Kevlar vest masa Thea tembak dia

-Roy dah totally cured from Mirakuru..dia carik Thea pastu ajak Thea lari lepas dia tolong selamatkan Starling City..tapi Thea found out about the arrows under his bed, setting off Thea to leave him.. *whispers* foreverrrrrrrr

-Thea ikut bapak dia, Malcolm, pegi mana ntah..yg penting dia dah fed up sgt with all the people that lied to her (but why she went with that lying Merlyn pun ntah lah)

-Slade's army is defeated...he was sent to an A.R.G.U.S prison in Purgatory, the island where Oliver was stranded for five years

-Amanda Waller recalled the drone after Oliver and gang managed to save Starling City...

-Diggle is gonna be a dad..I think Lyla is pregnant

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