beldandy posted on 29-9-2014 12:54 PM
dan emma xde rasa bersalah ke?
ada, dia ada ckp kat Hook yg dia rasa guilty...tapi kat Regina lain pulak dia ckp, dia kata "I am not going to apologize for saving Marian"
bosan lah Emma ni....
oh yer Rumple dah tukar balik dagger dia..dia bagi kat Belle dagger original...sbb dia janji kat kubur Neal yg dia tak nak mulakan hidup dia dgn penipuan...
bettyboo posted on 1-10-2014 10:29 AM
mmg hidup Regina ni kacau bilau sbb charmings nyer family ni suka memandai mandai...tak pernah nak ...
tgk emma tu buat bel terfikir...kalau kita nk tolong org ni jgn kita memandai2...tolong ikut keperluan je
sbb emma tu dah ubah sejarah...marian mmg x patut di bawa balik. tak boleh. tp emma mmg gatal nk jadi hero kunun
betty rasa regina jadik jahat ke eh?
tgk 1st episode ni sedih la sbb regina dah nk pilih evil semula
betul kata dia...villain tu x layak ke dpt happy ending
esp villain yg dah bertaubat gitu
beldandy posted on 1-10-2014 10:33 AM
tgk emma tu buat bel terfikir...kalau kita nk tolong org ni jgn kita memandai2...tolong ikut keper ...
betty rasa niat Emma tu mmg baik...tapi masalahnya sebelum dia dgn hook pegi balik zaman silam utk betulkan keadaan tu kan diorang dah kena warning siap siap jgn ubah apa apa pun...a slight change in the past will have a huge impact in the future....tapi tu la DEGIL kan si Emma tu...alih alih org lain pulak yg kena akibatnya..sapa tak mengamuk kan???
harapnya Regina takder la jadi jahat season ni..bosan jugak kalau kejap jahat kejap baik kejap jahat balik....she just wants justice and finally she went to the source, that book that denies the villains their happy endings.....villains dlm citer ni ada sebab masing masing...tapi tu lah dah lumrah fairy tale kan, evil will never triumph over good, jadi bila jadik villain tu mmg takder harapan lah nak happy happy dah...kesian...
especially Regina who tries so hard to change...everyone deserves a second chance....
In a desperate attempt to locate her missing sister, Anna (Elizabeth Lail), Elsa (Georgina Haig) accidentally traps Emma (Jennifer Morrison) in an ice cave and things go south as the dipping temperatures put her in grave danger. With Regina(Lana Parrilla) abandoning her duties as mayor and focusing on her troubles with Robin Hood and Marian, the townspeople turn to another to lead Storybrooke: Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin).
The Hollywood Reporter exclusively debuts a scene from Sunday's episode, "White Out," wherein Mary Margaret faces her first big test: trying to restore power to the town after Elsa freezes the power lines. Her struggles to solve the problem are noted by Happy (Mike Coleman), Grumpy (Lee Arenberg) and Granny (Beverley Elliott), who suggest other Plan Bs (Gepetto, Dr. Will), angering Mary Margaret in the mean time.
When Happy rattles off all the things they won't be able to use due to the power outage, such as "TV, DVD, CD, DVR, DVD," Mary Margaret β running on minimal sleep and acclimating to being a new mother β has a full-blown freakout. "Stop saying letters!"
Part of this flashback will reveal yet another thing about Charming that is not quite so charming: He had really long, ratty hair at one time. "This is David before that haircut we had him [in] before as the shepherd. This is before he even saw a pair of scissors," Dallas says. "I felt like I was in some 1980s rock band, all in the best way. It was the greatest thing ever. I loved wearing the wig. I wish I could wear it more often. When the wind hit me, it blew, like I was Beyonce or something."