Auntie ingat2 lupa resepi tu. Tadi surf the net and it jolted back my memory....
Eat black beans soaked with vinegarEating black beans that are soaked with vinegar helps women lose 4 kilograms in weight. Black vinegar is made from brown rice with natural way. It contains a lot of amino acids that can reduce fat and be antidotal. How to make black beans soaked with vinegar: · Roast black bean with small fire until its skin separates and make them cool. · After that, pour all of the black beans into glass vase, pour black beans into that vase. Cover the lid closely in 3-5 days. · When beans are soaked vinegar, they will become bigger and shiny, at this time, you can eat.

Eating black beans that are soaked with vinegar can help women lose weight after giving birth. You should eat this dish before meals and eat about 2 spoons / time (about 10-12 grains). If women eat a lot and feel depressed, they can eat it in meals and this has similar effect.
P/s Beli bahan2 organik yer... Itu pesanan kwn auntie....