jommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... so guest list:
1. kak Cos - chair lady of the event ehe
2. hd - tukang kompang event ehehe
3. jj - tukang warwar sana situ sini.. ehe
4. ...
hanyadiriku Post at 23-10-2009 10:09
muahahaha....sekelip mata kuar guest list sekali ngn AJK(ahli jong kalut) mengejut lagih
Salam, selamat malam
Kalau dah ada senarai semi final muzik2 ni, harap maaf ya,
x rajin nak belek page belakang, Nadia & RP on 6/11, Riz & Alyah on 13/11
Pada jam 4.30 petang tadi, telah berlang ...
prop Post at 23-10-2009 00:13
harap both abg adik dpt masuk final
rianz))) klu dpt jum g nak?? slalu kat stadium putra kans..
jom la kita buat gahtering dgn budak berdua tu kat 4 season restaurant yang kat Wangsa Maju tu...objektif gathering meraikan adik dan abang ke separuh akhir MM dan 100 rumah rianz...
cosign45 Post at 23-10-2009 09:38
disebabkan kaseh syg ai terhadap kaka john... *tkt nanti meroyan x dpt tgk*
maka dgn gumbiranya ai telah menjumpai youtube tsbut...:pompom:
ade 2 hokeh
1. The rumors about them started because they were so close and spent somuch time together during their breaks and also because YSH was made tochoose who he thought was prettier between YEH or Moon Chae Won duringthe press conference. He didn’t answer the question directly but hesaid that he finds YEH very subs
2.When asked by the host what he dislikes about women, he said it driveshim crazy when a girl puts up her legs on the dashboard while he isdriving. YEH only laughed, because she is one of those girls who dothat due to her back problems. So the host said that the aren’t verycompatible, but YSH quickly said that women with back problems are anexception. *with subs*