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Author: eddlisa_uyuk


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Post time 15-5-2015 10:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
n@ss replied at 14-5-2015 11:55 PM
dasat kn..still trending top 5..

Kul 10 lebih td trending no 2 kot..  ishh2

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Post time 15-5-2015 11:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijaulover1 replied at 15-5-2015 12:06 AM
dah habisssss

oklah, nak mengaku yg masa mula -mula dulu mmg tak tgk HP nih sbb belum keba ...

Iolss pun nak ngaku jgk ni  

1st episode tertengok ckitt je  terus tdetik.heroin mcm kaku je. Trus assume xbest n tggl je HP mcm tu.  Then ms ep 8 or 9 kot ada tgk vc khenteng kat ig. Terus mcm, eh dorg ni luar set besstt kot. Baca review rmi kata best ramai gak kata xbest.

Iolss gigih gugel novel dulu. Jumpa blog penulis novel ni. HP ni dia tulis 2012 or 2013 kot. Thru blog iolss tgk jln cerita biasa je tp mcm ada tarikan. N mmg byk sgt konflik. Siap ada yg comment kat entry blog tu suh writer kurgkan konflik sbb dia nk sgt bc arilanis happy. Ni sebelum jd novel lg tau..

Katam kat blog iolss terus zass cr novel n still xtgk jgk HP kat tb. 2mggu gak cr novel ni sbb most bookstores  sold out. Lgla meronta2 nak bc. At last jumpa kat minerva jln tar.. bila baca brula iolss fhm, anis dlm novel mmg tersgt la kaku.. xde emosi. N semua family dia pun tau anis ni ssh nak tnjk perasaan dia. N iols igt yg dlm novel ni aril nk kawen dgn anis sbb dia tau anis ni sbnrnya sgt2 fragile wlupun luar nmpk strong n xde emosi. Jd interesting sgt bg iols. Baru la iolss start tgk HP, start dr ep 10/11 xslh n meroyan smpi skrg. Haha..

Dh terjebak ni gegeh plak pi donlod ep awal2 n semua ep  record PVR pun ye jgk.  xpenah2 iols donlod drama.. xpenah2 stalk ig retis mcm i stalk ig mia n SR. Xpenah2 comment kat ig retis tp dh few times terkomen kat ig SR n mia.  

For me mia mmg bjaya bwk watak anis mcm dlm novel even watak tu katenya just 70% je dorg adapt watak anis tu  dr novel Mmg sakit hati ngan anis sama mcm sume haters skit hati ngan dia. Acting mia n sr xdela perfect tp they improved a lot since dr ep 1. Mcm mia. Iolss xboleh tgk dia nangis masa ep ujung2 ni. Iolss mcm rasa smpi ke hati..

N for me tarikan utama HP ni is the chemistry among the casts. Bkn Mia n Sr je but all of them. So chemistry ni buatkan HP jd drama yg sgt2 strong. Xpenah tgk drama yg semua casts rapat n betul2 mcm family luar set. Kudos to the team.

kalau la mia,sr n all the team baca cari ni. I just nak wish them good luck in your future. Im looking forward to watch mia+Sr collaboration in their next project.  It's really hard to say adios to HP n arilanis.. hopefully 1 day iolss boleh move on.

Whatever ur name is.. arilanis or miasr. I lap u.. mana tau ada rezeki menang abp next year. Hehehe.  

Gegehnyee iols taip panjang.. mcm ucapan terakhir sempena tamatnyaa HP. Iolss is sedeyhh..

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Post time 15-5-2015 11:35 AM | Show all posts
mir_rae replied at 15-5-2015 10:48 AM
Kul 10 lebih td trending no 2 kot..  ishh2

kalau isnin nnti time DILB tayang HP yg trending ...... tak tau la nak kata.. sah2 la kalah rating Ariana Rose... hahahahaha...


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Post time 15-5-2015 11:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijaulover1 at 15-5-2015 11:49 AM

Nak edit baliklah komen psl acting mia
Bab dia nangessss mmg sampai..sedih sgt bila dia nangess berjurai jurai air mata sampai merah mata hidung semua

And yes, sgt setuju yg its not jez chemistry between mia dgn syahrul tapi the whole cast ! Adik beradik along angah achik pun best ! Even Jeff ! Even ku bonda pun i suka tengokkkk..lemah lembut mmg mcm i bayangkan a real kerabat mcm tuanku zara or tuanku zarith sofia would be

If nak komen 4 improvement, i wud say the script..tak mcm bahasa bercakap sbb bunyi formal sangat and i think mia especially tak pandai lg nak adlib..guess that wud come with experience later

Pasal haters ramai tuh, biasalah ada org suka ada org tak suka..i pun baca jugak kat thread drama lain mengutuk drama nih non-stop even lat twitter or instagram buts it ok..hati lain-lain minat pun lain lain..kita agree to disagree ajela

Lepas nih org kutuk drama lain pulak

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Post time 15-5-2015 11:46 AM | Show all posts
kalau uols nak ulas pasal part Mia nanges.. me nak ulas pasal dia happy lak... bila time dia happy... gelak2... mmg nampak happy tapi malu2 gitu.. even ngan suami sendiri pun... leh nampak malu2 tu... tu yg wat Kuril geram..... so as wife kita pun kena gelak malu2 gitu tau.. jgn lepas laku.... ...

skrip win Mia 'apeeee......' rasa nk lompat sampai bintang.....

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Post time 15-5-2015 11:51 AM | Show all posts
mir_rae replied at 15-5-2015 11:22 AM
Iolss pun nak ngaku jgk ni  

1st episode tertengok ckitt je  terus tdetik.heroin mcm kaku je. T ...

wahh.. terharu iols baca...
byk point uols yg iols stuju... they improved a lot, chemistry among the casts, rapat n btul2 mcm family wlaupun kt luar set.. n iols pun nk tgok jgk sr n mia brgandingan lagi...

nadzmiadhwaGreat Family , Great Team And Great Friendship


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Post time 15-5-2015 11:52 AM | Show all posts

me ulang byk kali scene ni sbb nak tgk 'gelagat Sr tgk Mia'... bukan nak tgk Aril tgk Anis ok..... sangat SR renungan tersebut.....

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Post time 15-5-2015 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Sayamama replied at 15-5-2015 09:51 AM
me tak boleh tgk vc tu la uols... SR silap apa ek?? scene mana?

yg ni x de la dlm drama... blooper syarul.. yg zaqif jd zaquf tu..

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Post time 15-5-2015 12:12 PM | Show all posts
dlm byk2 scene..plg suka scene yg kuril kene ketuk ngn henbeg tu... bila hanis tnya sakit kat mana... adoyaiiiiii aku yg pmpuan dgr pun leh ckp..manjanyaa laa

dn best scene mestilah jus mangga rasa nak lompat2 bintang gtuuuuu

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Post time 15-5-2015 12:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sayamama replied at 15-5-2015 03:35 AM
kalau isnin nnti time DILB tayang HP yg trending ...... tak tau la nak kata.. sah2 la kalah rating ...

Tak mustahil HP trending lg on monday.  Sbb mcm rmi ygvakan meroyan rindukan HP tmasukla iols. Tp iols xde twider.. hihi

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Post time 15-5-2015 12:27 PM | Show all posts
mir_rae replied at 15-5-2015 12:15 PM
Tak mustahil HP trending lg on monday.  Sbb mcm rmi ygvakan meroyan rindukan HP tmasukla iols. Tp  ...

jom la create uols.. me pun nk create baru la.... yg lama lupa password....


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Post time 15-5-2015 12:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by mir_rae at 15-5-2015 05:35 AM
hijaulover1 replied at 15-5-2015 03:37 AM
Nak edit baliklah komen psl acting mia
Bab dia nangessss mmg sampai..sedih sgt bila dia nangess  ...

Yup agree psl haters tu. Iolss ignore je -ve  comments ni. ''Ko xsuka aku xheran, aku suka ko pun jgn sibuk nak kesahkan..'' cenggituu.... haha

N For me, we'll never reach perfection  coz there's  always room for us to learn, grow n improve to be a better person kan..

just tepikir la kan yg kate tgk HP sbb xde cite lain tu umah die mmg dpt tv3 jeke? Channel lain SCNA ke? Iols klu xsuka mmg xtgk, even klu tv3 je available sanggup ttp je tb tu. Hahaha.  

N ada iols bc kat fb gurl ni xsuka HP sbb xde scene lovey dovey kencing manis sume tu. Ke mmg sbb ni je la haters benci sgt HP. HP kan Xde scene polok2 n extra intim mcm R200%. Sbb iols perati klu cite yg byk lovey dovey ni ssh naw nk jumpa haters mcm haters HP. Sumenya manis bak caramel. Hihi

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Post time 15-5-2015 12:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ariellin replied at 15-5-2015 04:12 AM
dlm byk2 scene..plg suka scene yg kuril kene ketuk ngn henbeg tu... bila hanis tnya sakit kat mana.. ...

Nakkk.. nakkk. Nak jugakkk... baby yg nakk. Shiann babyyy...

Xleh lupaaaa...


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Post time 15-5-2015 12:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
caesura replied at 15-5-2015 01:09 AM
ckap pasal syarul punya acting... iols suka tgok reaksi muka dan bahasa tubuh dia... gatal, happy, ...

Mlm td iols ulang tgk ep28, part doa tu mmg bjurai2 air mata... harta byk mcm mana pun xkan boleh beli nyawa or kbahagian org yg kita syg.

Lg satu scene aril mntk sgt anis ikhlas sygkan dia. Masa tu iols mcm tsentapp jap. Ayat n  face expression  SR masa ni sgt deep for me

yg dgn angah tu iols sebak sbb tgk angah sebak. Haha. Sbb khenteng kan happy je. Bila dia sedih iols pun terikut   

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Post time 15-5-2015 01:24 PM | Show all posts
mir_rae replied at 15-5-2015 12:32 PM
Yup agree psl haters tu. Iolss ignore je -ve  comments ni. ''Ko xsuka aku xheran, aku suka ko pun  ...

Agree with your comment.

Pelik dgn mentality sesetgh org. kutuk maha kutuk drama HP tapi looking forward to DILB yang sah2 ade peluk2, moral pon kelaut. Hypocrisy at its best.


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Post time 15-5-2015 01:35 PM | Show all posts
caesura replied at 15-5-2015 11:51 AM
wahh.. terharu iols baca...
byk point uols yg iols stuju... they improved a lot, chemistry among ...

Caesura.. Iol suka gambar ni.. Tp kulin plak duk rapat gan sr... Mia cam jarak sikit aje... Sstu telah ilang ke... Haha.. Arilanis... Pasti malam ni nak ulang ep lagi..

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Post time 15-5-2015 01:37 PM | Show all posts
mir_rae replied at 15-5-2015 12:32 PM
Yup agree psl haters tu. Iolss ignore je -ve  comments ni. ''Ko xsuka aku xheran, aku suka ko pu ...

Setuju uolss. Cam anis cakap lepas anis akan percaya cakap abg... Haha.... Boleh?

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Post time 15-5-2015 01:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gusimerah replied at 15-5-2015 05:37 AM
Setuju uolss. Cam anis cakap lepas anis akan percaya cakap abg... Haha.... Boleh?

Kak gusiii.. mana pegiii.. rindu iolss ibarat rindu anis pd aril smbil polok bantal.. hahaha.  

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Post time 15-5-2015 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by gusimerah at 15-5-2015 01:43 PM

Iol ulang tgk ep 27.. Masa scene suap2 makan tu tanpa dialog.. Aril bc bismillah baru anis suap makan.. Betul ke iol tgk gerak mulut aril tu... Walau scene tu tanpa dailog tp tatapan suapan npk theyols lovey dovey... Haha..

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Post time 15-5-2015 01:49 PM | Show all posts
mir_rae replied at 15-5-2015 11:22 AM
Iolss pun nak ngaku jgk ni  

1st episode tertengok ckitt je  terus tdetik.heroin mcm kaku je. T ...

Terbaik pandangan uols...

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