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Author: aFViRGo

♥ HoMe oF MiLaNiaNS ♥ Raw Preview Lagu Terbaru Mila (Page 99)

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Post time 19-2-2010 08:27 PM | Show all posts
Tambah satu lagi....

Kita benda lembek2, licin ni memang geli geleman

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Post time 19-2-2010 10:10 PM | Show all posts
Mila dah apdet blog -->
Gilah skodeng Mila gi cuti2 Malaysia ...
aFViRGo Post at 19-2-2010 18:54

selambe jer mila sentuh ular tu

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Post time 19-2-2010 11:12 PM | Show all posts
1207# seraiwangi  

Thx for the post serai ...... nampak Mila macham tak chukup tidor, her eyes puff-up and dark rings - too much on her mind maybe.
braveheart2 Post at 19-2-2010 08:34

... ... wish her all the best...

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2010 10:21 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2010 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Tambah satu lagi....

Kita benda lembek2, licin ni memang geli geleman
seraiwangi Post at 19-2-2010 20:27

Tau xper..tengok Mila pegang ni pun dah geli

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2010 10:24 AM | Show all posts
selambe jer mila sentuh ular tu
virgonz Post at 19-2-2010 22:10

Nampak mcm ala2 terpaksa jer pegang ular tu

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2010 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Taken from mStar Online

Saya Yakin Orang Dekat Cuba Jatuhkan Saya- Mila

SETELAH dihimpit kontroversi cinta diludah kekasih, muncul pula satu persatu cerita buruk mengaitkan juara Akademi Fantasia kelima (AF5) Mila sekaligus memberi tanggapan bahawa gadis berusia 23 tahun ini sebagai artis bermasalah.

Selain digosipkan mempunyai sugar daddy, selebriti ini juga dikatakan tidak sehaluan dan bersikap kasar dengan pengurus peribadinya. Terbaru Syarikat LuvMILA Corporation yang mengeluarkan produk kosmetik dikatakan sudah ditutup.

Namun pemilik nama Noorsyarmilla Jirin tidak patah semangat untuk menempuhi segala yang berlaku, malah dia mengakui dia tahu siapa dalang di sebalik cerita-cerita buruk itu.

"Syarikat LuvMila masih lagi beroperasi dan saya telah serahkannya di bawah pengurusan multilevel marketing dan pejabat saya masih lagi beroperasi seperti biasa.

"Saya tahu ada yang kata pejabat saya sudah tutup dan saya sudah pun bankrap dan saya rasa saya kenal orang itu. Saya tahu dia yang menceritakan perkara-perkara buruk tentang saya kepada orang ramai.

"Saya yakin orang tersebut adalah orang yang dekat dengan saya dan ingin menjatuhkan saya. Dia tidak suka apa yang saya buat sekarang," jelas pelakon utama drama Kau dan Aku di Astro Ria ini.

Gadis genit ini mengakui jauh disudut hatinya, dia terkilan dengan sikap orang-orang yang cuba menjatuhkan kerjaya dengan menjaja cerita buruk tentang dirinya.

"Saya terkilan sebab orang itu saya kenal, dia tahu saya bersusah payah untuk buat semua ini.

"Buat masa ini biarlah saya berdiam diri. Saya malas nak kecoh-kecoh nanti saya juga yang kene tempiasnya. Biarlah... selagi dia tidak mencalarkan maruah dan kerjaya saya," keluh Mila.

Belajar Main Gitar

Melihat senario penyanyi wanita seperti Yuna dan Ana Rafalli membuat persembahan sambil memetik gitar, Mila juga tidak mahu ketinggalan. Dia kini sedang belajar gitar di sebuah sekolah muzik persendirian di Puchong.

"Saya suka gitar, saya dah lama beli gitar tapi tak pandai main. Jadi Ayah suruh saya ambil kelas gitar. Rami yang pandai main gitar boleh mencipta lagu sendiri, manalah tahu saya mampu mencipta lagu saya sendiri satu hari nanti.

"Selain itu penampilan artis-artis wanita baru kini dengan gitar, saya lihat lebih yakin dan bergaya ketika mempersembahkan lagu mereka," ujarnya yang bakal muncul dalam filem Lu Pikirlah Sendiri De Movie bersama Nabil Raja Lawak.

Dari segi perkembangan albumnya, Mila bakal merakamkan single terbarunya pada pulan hadapan untuk album solo kedua dan dijangka keluar pada April depan.

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Takenf from NST Online


JACLYN Victor, Vince Chong, Asmawi Ani, Faizal Ramly (Faizal AF4) and Noorsyarmilla Jirin (Mila AF5) have two things in common.

The five were winners of reality TV programmes. And all five can't get their fans to support their movies.

This is based on box office collections of their respective films.

Jaclyn Victor acted in Talentime directed by the late Yasmin Ahmad. The Malaysian Idol winner was praised by critics and she even nabbed the Most Promising Actress award at the recent Malaysian Film Festival and Anugerah Skrin.

Yet, the film took less than RM500,000 at the local box office.

Faizal AF4 spearheaded Pulau Asmara that opened in November last year.

The film tanked and disappeared from cinema halls after a week of screening due to poor response. The film made less than RM100,000.

Mila AF5's Lu Pikirlan Sendiri De Movie which opened recently also received the cold shoulder from fans.

As for Mawi, despite being the most successful Akademi Fantasi "product", his first film, Jin Notti only made RM2 million at the box office.

Vince Chong played the lead in the love story, Sembilu 2005 produced by Skop Productions. It collected only about RM1.5 million, one of Skop Productions' lowest grossing films.

The question is, where were the fans who had voted for them to become reality programme winners?

This phenomenon of fans not supporting their 'idols' at the movies is not confined to Malaysia, however. It also happens in Hollywood.

Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini, the winner and runner-up of the first American Idol, were the main stars of From Justin To Kelly (2003), a musical romance that tanked at the box office.

One of the few reality programme stars to make it big as an actress is Jennifer Hudson. Dreamgirls, and Sex and the City -- both in which Hudson had starring roles -- were box office hits.

Locally, besides the five winners, runners-up of reality programmes -- Adam AF2, Zarina AF2, Marsha AF3, Dafi AF4 and Ebi Cornalis AF4 -- had also appeared in movies that flopped.

Even Faizal Tahir's appearance in Lu Pikirlah Sendiri De Movie could not turn the film into a box office hit.

One of the reasons why their films did not make it could be because they did not deliver what their fans wanted.

Jaclyn Victor's fans would have expected her to sing and show off her vocal prowess in Talentime, just like what Jennifer Hudson did in Dreamgirls. She did not deliver.

Here's my personal guide to what might work for these reality stars.

• For Jaclyn Victor, give her a meaty role in a rags-to-riches story. It may sound cliche, but a story about a struggling singer who finds fame might lure her fans to the cinemas. Throw in a Malay boyfriend to portray "a love conflict", and a powerful ballad as the theme song and the film might become a box office hit;

• Mawi has always been seen as the good boy from Felda. Thus, the best role for him would be one as a religious man. A religious-themed film like Syurga Cinta might do the trick. Perhaps director Khabir Bathia should consider him for Nur Kasih The Movie, based on the hit TV series;

• Mila AF5 is petite and pretty and fans just want her to be herself. Although a local version of High School Musical might do her good, but personally, I prefer her to act in a horror film;

• Faizal AF4 is well suited for comedy. A role in the next Senario The Movie film or even a comedy directed by Associate Professor Abdul Razak Mohaideen would do his movie career good;

• Rocker and 'bad boy' Faizal Tahir is a film-star in waiting. Give him the right role in the right movie and he might be able to emulate Awie's success.

In my opinion, Faizal is the best candidate for the remake of Azura. In the role made famous by Jamal Abdillah, Faizal will definitely turn the new version into a box office hit.

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2010 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Dari FB Mila Jirin II

esok (sabtu) mila akan berada di Jitra Mall kedah pada jam 3 petang.. jadi pada orang kedah,perlis dan penang mai ramai ramai ok?? dan pada hari ahad mila akan berada di taiping central pada jam 3 petang juga..pada orang orang penang, perak datang lah ke taiping ya!! mila jumpa anda di utaqa oooo balik kampung oooo ...balik kampung hati girang!! ( tapi family kat kl...blk tengok nenek lah hahaha) balik kampung!!ooo

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 Author| Post time 20-2-2010 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Kredits to

Episod 18: Asraf Pula Jatuh Cinta Dengan Mila

Farah tidak menerima hakikat bahawa Mila telah terpilih sebagai penyanyi utama di Musical Concert. Lantas Farah dan rakan-rakannya mula merancang untuk menghalang Mila dari menyertai Musical Concert itu. Anita meracun pemikiran Farah agar turut sama menyertai ujibakat itu kerana sekiranya mereka terpilih, peluang untuk mereka membuli dan menjatuhkan Mila akan semakin mudah.

Sementara itu, hubungan Asraf dan Anita semakin renggang apabila mereka sering bertengkar. Asraf akhirnya memutuskan untuk berpisah dengan Anita, namun Anita enggan. Asraf nekad untuk memutuskan hubungan mereka kerana sudah tidak tahan dengan Anita. Aril yang mengetahu perkara ini berasa senang hati.

Ketika berlatih di studio pada satu hari, Asraf telah terserempak dengan Mila yang ketika itu turut berlatih tarian dengan Puan Linda. Puan Linda memperkenalkan Asraf kepada Mila. Asraf menjelaskan yang dia sudah mengenali Mila sebelum ini. Kebetulan dengan adanya Asraf, Puan Linda meminta Asraf agar menjadi pasangan tari Mila. Asraf bersetuju. Pertemuan itu bagaimanpun telah menyebabkan Asraf mula jatuh hati kepada Mila walaupun pada awal dia cuba menafikannya kerana bimbang hubungannya dengan Aril akan tergugat. Tapi setiap kali bertemu, hatinya berdebar-debar dan dia mula cemburu apabila melihat keakraban Akim dan Mila.

Akhirnya hari ujibakat pun tiba, Puan Luthfia, Puan Norah dan Puan Linda dipilih menjadi juri untuk ujibakat ini. Setiap pelajar berasa begitu teruja dengan ujibakat tersebut termasuk Asraf sendiri. Asraf nekad untuk menang kerana dia yakin ini adalah peluangnya untuk lebih mendekati Mila. Dan ketika tiba gilirannya, Asraf telah menyampaikan lagu Menatap Matamu dengan penuh penghayatan.

Akim pula mula terasa sesuatu kerana ketika lagu itu disampaikan, mata Asraf hanya tertumpu kepada Mila. Keputusan kemudian diumumkan di mana Mila sebagai penyanyi utama wanita, Asraf sebagai penyanyi utama lelaki manakala Farah, Anita, Chichi dan Fitri sebagai penyanyi tambahan.

Drama musikal yang bakal dipersembahkan adalah Cinderella dan Mila memegang watak sebagai Cinderella. Farah, Anita dan Chicha sebagai saudara tiri Cinderella, Fitri sebagai rakan baik Cinderella dan Asraf sebagai Putera Raja. Cerita ni akan dipersembahkan

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Post time 20-2-2010 03:58 PM | Show all posts
Taken from mStar Online
Saya Yakin Orang Dekat Cuba Jatuhkan Saya- Mila

SETELAH dihimpit kontroversi cinta diludah kekasih, muncul pul ...
aFViRGo Post at 20-2-2010 10:27

Eloklah Mila brdiam diri drpd bising2 tk de faedahpun...Biasa lah Mila, adat kehidupan tk kira dlm bisnes ke, hiburan ke or politik seklipun...Kalau Kita naik orang iri hati, kalau kita jatuh orang bersorak malah kata padan muka...

harap Mila bersabar dan tabahkan hati dlm menghadapi semua ni... Berserah kepada Yang Maha Esa....

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Post time 20-2-2010 08:26 PM | Show all posts
Takenf from NST Online


JACLYN Victor, Vince Chong, Asmawi Ani, Faizal Ramly (Faizal AF4) and Noorsyarmilla Jirin (Mila AF5) have two things in common.

The five we ...
aFViRGo Post at 20-2-2010 10:29

What else can I say !!!! was right all along ...... you need to crawl b4 you walk, don't chew more than you can swallow coz the AF series is a reality show based on strong fans support & sheer gud luck , not real talent as one would like very much to believe.
In this real world the meek and humble will be rewarded whilst the arrogant and proud will have a very very short stint in this industry ....another free advice from the 'wise old one '....hee...heeee.

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Post time 20-2-2010 09:25 PM | Show all posts
Taken from mStar Online
Saya Yakin Orang Dekat Cuba Jatuhkan Saya- Mila

SETELAH dihimpit kontroversi cinta diludah kekasih, muncul pul ...
aFViRGo Post at 20-2-2010 10:27

Well just listen to your heart.....and follow your senses


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Post time 20-2-2010 09:28 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-2-2010 09:53 PM | Show all posts

I know something in
the wake of your smile
I get a notion from the look
in your eyes
You've built a love, but that
love falls apart
Your little pieces of heaven turns to dark

Listen to your heart when
he's calling for you
Listen to your heart there's
nothing else you can do
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why
but listen to you heart
before you tell him goodbye

Sometimes you wonder
if this fight is worthwhile
The precious moments
are all lost in the tide
They're swept away and
nothing is what it seems,
the feeling of belonging
to your dreams

Listen to your heart when
he's calling for you
Listen to your heart there's
nothing else you can do
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why
but listen to you heart
before you tell him goodbye

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Post time 21-2-2010 08:20 AM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum semua.....slmt pagi
Phewww....sekarang ni panas betol

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Post time 21-2-2010 08:23 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 21-2-2010 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum semua.....slmt pagi
Phewww....sekarang ni panas betol
seraiwangi Post at 21-2-2010 08:20

waalaikummussalam dan pagi...
a'ah...cuaca skrang ni memg panas tapi kt tempat akak tinggal ni tiap2 ptg hujan...

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Post time 21-2-2010 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Rasanya untuk percalonan Muzik2 TV3 musim terbaru ada lagu Mila tercalon dan rakaman muzik2 pada 24 & 25/2 di Sri Pentas Plaza Alam Central S.Alam.

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Post time 21-2-2010 10:20 AM | Show all posts
1238# taurus-71

Tempat kita kat sebulan tak hujan

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