saaya posted on 29-6-2013 08:30 PM
nak share ni... shame on this girl... xperlu kot nak meroyan sampai gini...
OMG this fandom is full of crazy OTT VIPz I just kenot!!!Lagi satu, I dpt byk citer drp I-VIP yg I kenai, diorg selalu terkena dgn VIP dr Malaysia..mcm2 hal la... Malu okeh bebudak tak matang mcm ni! Konon2 habis hardcore la tuh..lempang lapanbelaskali baru ada akai sikit! I hope warga umah BB ni jgn wat perangai vodo mcm ni ekk, sbb yg dpt nama vusuk nanti is Malaysian VIP in general!!
Sorry gue emo. I'm really thinking of leaving this fandom. Penat la baca benda2 mcm ni. Haish.
stanum123 posted on 2-7-2013 07:38 PM
OMG this fandom is full of crazy OTT VIPz I just kenot!!!Lagi satu, I dpt byk citer ...
marah sungguh kaka ... tp pun kecewa dgn budak2 xcukup akal macam gini... ... harus memahami macam kita ni... kekekeke... contohnya kaka, apa MY VIPs buat ??? iols xberapa nak tahu hal2 sebegini... ... jangannnn tinggalkan fandom ini. xpayah la mereka2 yang childish tu.
saaya posted on 7-7-2013 10:46 AM
memang memalukan honey... benda kecik nak dibesarkan...
at least GD posted something ma ...
itulah..mende kecik pun nak meroyan mencarut bagai...apa mende lah dia nih..nampak sgt perangai yg datang dari bebudak tak cukup umo..tahulah fans tp sgtlah choiiiiii berperangai macam tuh..aku yg fans BB pun malu sbb ada jugak spesis fan pendek akal sudahlah
btw..ada yg cadang nak order DVD final kat seoul tak? calling @hadiff05..lg satu dvd nih macam ada kembar dgn dvd collection video tuh...terbang lagi duit ambe ...photobook extraordinary 20's re-package pun takde fulus lagi nak sambar Last edited by honey_jelly on 7-7-2013 11:15 AM
Tengok Riri punya LET'S TALK ABOUT LOVE MV TEASER sangat 18 tahun dah keatas...
“I’ve noticed that Seungri has changed into a better person and he’s at the best time of his life right now. Out of all the artists I saw, Psy was the most passionate in music, but even Psy said he couldn’t beat Seungri’s passion for this comeback. I look at Seungri who can play well and work hard at the same time and think to myself that I have a lot to learn from him. (Laughs) Except for the times Seungri had Japan promotions, he was always at the YG building working hard on his solo album without rest. Lately I’ve been editing Seungri’s new solo album title song GOTTA TALK TO YOU’s music video myself.”
— YG (in an interview)