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Author: holmes

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Post time 14-1-2008 08:30 PM | Show all posts
korang , nari sokkabar singapore ada news pasal korang
aku terperasan pasal dia ada sebut pasal duit

Jan 14, 2008
Woes in Brunei over torn S'pore banknotes
AS WE commemorated 40 years of interchangeable currency with Brunei last year, many would expect retailers from both sides to be aware that both currencies are on par and acceptable in the other country.

However, during a visit to Brunei a few weeks back, I was astonished, and at times left fuming, that most places still view the Singapore dollar as 'foreign'. Most shops promptly refused Singapore notes that had a small tear, which I believe is common in our paper notes. This frustrated European tourists I met who had visited Singapore days earlier and were in Brunei with only Singapore notes. Even if shops do accept them, they look carefully for small tears in the notes. Due to this, many of us had to rush to the nearest bank to exchange our Singapore dollars for Brunei currency. I believe more can be done between the two countries, to ensure either notes are readily accepted and this form of rejection does not occur again. This will prevent confusion and frustration among the many visitors who travel between the two countries.
Redzwan Hafidz Abdul Razak

Korang nak reply2 bleh gi
aku pun kalo beli barang , dapat balance duit Brunei, aku pun kalo boleh tak mau ambik, ntah apsal ntah kekok gitu.

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2008 02:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1241 deaf4ever's post

Laaa.... bkn kita tak nak torn Spore dollars tu deaf...

pihak Bank yg tak mau...tak laku depa kata kalo simpan wang kertas yg koyak kat Bank..

kalo kita p Spore pong... ada bbrpa kedai yg tak terima wang Brunei gak... walaupong memang dah tau wang Brunei ngan Spore at par...

[ Last edited by  holmes at 15-1-2008 02:38 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2008 09:42 AM | Show all posts

Flood Havoc In Temburong
By Yusrin Junaidi and Hj Minor Absah

Bangar - Devastating flash floods hit the Temburong District submerging several villages and causing considerable damage to house and property as well as public utilities in a wave of havoc.

Concerned Cabinet Ministers and several top officials lost no time in flying into the flood ravaged areas to study the damage and implement urgent relief measures.

Spearheading the official teams were Minister of Home Affairs Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Adanan, Minister of Development Pehin Orang Kaya Hamzah Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Abdullah and Minister of Culture Youth and Sports Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Dewa Major General (Rtd) Dato Seri Pahlawan Hj Awang Muhammad.

The Ministers were accompanied by senior officials from three Ministries. Among them was the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports and the Director of Community Development as well as the senior officers at the Department of Community Development, senior officers from the Ministry of Home Affairs and senior officers from the Ministry of Development.

The continuous heavy rains which triggered flash floods started yesterday afternoon. Roads to some kampongs were cut off by the floods causing immense hardship to residents. The 'G' Operation Branch of the Fire and Rescue Services in Temburong said between three in the morning and five in the evening, they received four emergency calls, three of which were about flash floods. Some 52 fire personnel were put on standby in case of emergencies and requests for assistance. Parents were also also advised to watch their children's activities during the floods.
Ferry services at Kampong Ujung Jalan were temporarily halted due to the river's strong current. But water taxi services to Bandar Seri Begawan operated normally despite the strong current. Affected government and private schools had to halt schooling sessions temporarily.
Institutions affected around Bangar town included RTB's Studio Premise Temburong branch, the Religious Affairs Office, the Utama Mohammad Salleh Mosque, the Youth and Sports Department, the Government Rest House and the vicinity. The main paddy fields in the district in Kampong Peradayan and Lekiun were also inundated by water.

The Sultan Hassan Secondary School in Bangar Town was among those hit by flood where the soccer field was inundated by water. The quarry industry at Kampong Belingus was also affected.

Kampong Bokok was worst hit. The water level reached the roof of the houses. A surau located near a river and a religious school was also affected. Personnel of the Fire and Rescue Department, the Royal Brunei Police Force, Electrical Department, Royal Brunei Armed Forces and other government agencies were also at the affected areas to monitor the situation and assist the flood victims. The Selangan Agriculture Development Project was also hit by flood while the Indigenous Housing Scheme in Kampong Rataie and some parts of Kampong Amo were not affected.
Personnel of the Fire and Rescue Department, the Royal Brunei Police Force, Electrical Department, Royal Brunei armed Forces and other government agencies were also at the affected areas to monitor the situation and assist flood victims.
According to a statement from the Department of Community Development, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports, these matters were given immediate attention starting with packed food, water and candles for the displaced. More emergency supplies were organised to be given as soon as possible.

Pekan Temburong and Mukim Bokok and the other affected areas were hit by the worst flash flood ever when rain started to fall heavily since Friday night until early hours of Saturday morning according to a resident.
According to another resident, the water from Sungai Temburong over flowed and covered the low area such as the main road, Mosque area, schools, Government departments, shop houses, residences, and cars as well.
According to the Minister of Home Affairs, all related authorities would give immediate relief assistance to the affected residents, and the areas that are affected will be observed day by day. The Minister of Home Affair also said that the Fire and Rescue personnel would clear the entire river, which was blocked by logs. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2008 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Robbery Gang Remanded For Two More Weeks
By Rol Ezam

Bandar Seri Begawan - Nine Indonesians and one Bruneian charged with aimed robberies in Kampong Batang Mitus and Kampong Bebatik were ordered yesterday by the Bandar Magistrate's Court to be further remanded for another two weeks.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Suriana H Radin said the police are still investigating the case. No plea has been taken yet.

The defendants, Ronaldi, 31, Nastain Imam Wardi, 25, Suryono, 35, Supriadi, 26, -Harun Widodo, 30, Mulikin Suraw, 25, Wartono, 38, Nardi Purdan, 32, Muhammad Rangga, 32, and a Bruneian, Abdul Rahim bin Hj Ahmad, 53, will appear before the same court on Feb 20 for further mention.

All 10 defendants were charged with committing theft of properties belonging to a 70-year-old Chinese man and his family, and caused fear of instant hurt.

The offence allegedly took place at 2.45am on January 20.

The second charge said the nine defendants had committed theft of properties belonging to a 40-year-old man and his family and voluntarily caused them fear of instant hurt on Jan 21 at 2.55am.

Both offences are categorised as gang robbery punishable under Section 395 of the Penal Code, Chapter 22 that carries a penalty of imprisonment up to 30 years, and whipping with not less than 12 strokes of the cane.  -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin


atu rupanya nama2 perompak mengganas ah.... org Brunei atu umurnya 53! Cet! apa punya org tua....:@

[ Last edited by  holmes at 10-2-2008 09:46 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2008 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Over 17,000 Involved In 24th National Day Celebration
By James Kon

Bandar Seri Begawan - This year a total of 17,378 people from all levels of the community will be involved in the 24th National Day celebration to be held at the Taman Hj Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien on February 23.

This was revealed by Dato Haji Jemat bin Haji Ampal, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports cum Secretary to the Steering Committee for the 24th National Day Celebration, during yesterday morning's press conference at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Building.

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and other members of the royal family are expected to attend the grand celebration in the capital.

Following the opening ceremony, patriotic songs will be sung and there will be a variety of field performances. A total of 75 teams will be taking part in this year's celebration.

Members of the public can have a close up view of the celebration by the side of the Taman. Mini national flags will also be distributed to the public on Feb 23.

A full dress rehearsal for the celebration will take place on Feb 20 at 8am, while an 'overall practice' will be held the following day at 8am.

Meanwhile, Dato Haji Jemat pointed out that this year, the Fardu Maghrib mass prayer, recital of Surah Yassin and Doa Kesyukuran, as well as mass Isyak prayers for the 24' National Day will take place at Jame' Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque on Feb 22 at 6.25pm.

Normally, the prayers would be held at the Sultan Sir Omar Saifuddien Mosque in the capital. The change of venue is due to renovation works currently being carried out at the mosque.

His Majesty is also expected to attend the special prayers.

To kick start the grand celebration, a giant national flag will be hoisted at the open area of Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah in the capital on Feb 10 at 8.30am. The flag will be lowered on Feb 27 at 9.15am to mark the closing of the celebration. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2008 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Police Learns Mandarin For Better Service
By Ahmed Shaheeb

Bandar Seri Begawan - Some 53 members of the Royal Brunei Police Force yesterday were presented with certificates for completing the Mandarin language course at the Dewan Pencapaian, Civil Service Institute, in Rimba Gadong.
Present as the guest of honour was Supt Haji Majid Bin Hj Awang Damit, acting director of general administration and finance of the Police Headquarters in Gadong.

The event began with the recital of the Surah al -Fatihah followed by a welcoming speech by Acting Supt Mohammad Irwan Bin Haji Irwan, Head of Training.

In his speech, he said that the mandarin course is one of the initiatives taken by the police force as part of their training programme to raise their competence and skills, as well as to give "added value" to all the officers and staff in the execution_ of their duties.
"As a law enforcement agency, the Royal Brunei Police force should always be mindful and ready to face the challenges at the present and the ones to come," he added.

He further stated that the training programme has been arranged in a manner that is conducive to the globalisation landscape that is currently being faced, especially designed to equip each officer and staff member with sufficient knowledge. He added that understanding the Mandarin language will be an advantage to everyone involved, so much so that it will boost their self-confidence in serving the public.
In closing, he expressed his hopes that the course will be beneficial to them and later apply this experience in a daily basis to raise the Royal Brunei Police Force's professionalism.

The event ended with supplication, a group photo session of the participants and light refreshments. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin


Good effort fro the Police....

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2008 09:54 AM | Show all posts
UK Born UBD Professor Embraces Islam
By Yusrin Junaidi

Bandar Seri Begawan - Universiti Brunei Darussalam Associate Professor Dr Charles Harry Vickerstaff Hoyle converted to Islam yesterday in a ceremony held at the UBD Mosque in Tungku.

Dr Charles embraced Islam in December and has chosen his Muslim name as Muhammad Khairul Anuar Abdurrahman Harry.
The UK-born professor, who is currently teaching in UBD's Institute of Medicine, has been a resident of Brunei for the past three and a half years. He has shown interest in Islam for the last two years.

The event saw the Vice Chancellor of UBD, Dato Paduka Dr Hj Ismail Hj Duraman, attending the ceremony where he led the Surah Al-Fatihah. A Dzikir Marhahan was also performed. The guest of honour later gave souvenirs to the new convert. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2008 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Saturday, February 9, 2008

Engineering course popular with locals

Better informed: A representative from one of the universities from the United Kingdom brief students and parents at the Study in UK exhibition.


ENGINEERING is still one of the most popular degree courses pursued by Bruneians compared to other field of studies.

Delon Hon, the general manager of James Hon Marketing & Management, pointed this out at the second annual Study in UK (United Kingdom) exhibition.

The James Hon Marketing & Management is one of the few agencies in Brunei that assists students interested in pursuing a higher education at the international level like to the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

He said that they organised the exhibition just a few days before the closing date for handing in the scholarship application forms to the Ministry of Education, which will be on Monday, February 11.

He emphasised that the exhibition was successfully conducted with the full support of the Ministry of Education.

Making an appearance at the exhibition were 11 higher institutions from the United Kingdom, that included universities such as Keele University, University of Bristol, Essex University and University of Surrey.

Delon Hon took the opportunity to explain that the University of Exeter and University of Bristol had finally made an appearance after a brief absence in the past 10 years.

Delon Hon was optimistic that the number of students coming to the exhibition will increase from last year where over a thousand visited the booths.

The Brunei Times got one of the students to talk about the reasons for her to pursue a degree in the United Kingdom as opposed to doing it at home.

Nursyazwana said that she "feels it is a better opportunity to study overseas because it not only gives me a sense of freedom to study away from home and become a lot more independent individual as it is all part of the learning experience."

For Nursyazwana's cousin, Nordin, who was there to accompany her said that "the majority of students still value studying in the UK for it is part of the mindset of the locals".

Nordin, who has just graduated from the University of Essex in Business Management said that it was somewhat a local culture to study overseas regardless of what areas of study the students were interested in.

The Study in UK exhibition organised by the James Hon Marketing & Management was held at the Rizqun International Hotel.The Brunei Times

[ Last edited by  holmes at 10-2-2008 05:51 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2008 10:38 AM | Show all posts

Banjir di Temburong

Gambar2 suasana banjir yg hom amek dari BRUNEI TIMES... disekitar Temburong... credit to BRUNEI TIMES





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 Author| Post time 17-2-2008 10:43 AM | Show all posts






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 Author| Post time 17-2-2008 10:56 AM | Show all posts

His Majesty visits Temburong

pics from BRUNEI TIMES...






[ Last edited by  holmes at 17-2-2008 03:07 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2008 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Fifa and Bafa have a Goal

Boost for football: Bafa secretary-general Pg Hj Metussin Pg Metassan (L) and Windsor John (second from left) from the Fifa development office in Kuala Lumpur at the signing ceremony of Fifa Goal Project for Brunei Darussalam at Orchid Garden Hotel, in Berakas, yesterday. Picture: Saifulizam

Jason Thomas

Sunday, February 17, 2008

FOOTBALL in Brunei is set to receive a boost with the implementation of the International Federation of Association Football (Fifa) Goal Project which will see the creation of a sturdy football infrastructure for generations to come.

Tailor-made to suit the needs and priorities of individual associations, for Brunei the project includes the building and refurbishment of Brunei Amateur Football Association's (Bafa's) headquarters, the construction of technical centres and all-weather artificial pitches with the long-term aim of raising the standard of local football.

The project was given the approval by Mohamed bin Hammam, Chairman of the Goal Bureau and President of the Asian Football Confederation, three years ago to the day (Feb 17, 2005) and the government has allocated 12 acres of land next to the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium in Berakas for the construction of the facility.

Under the Goal Project, Fifa will be giving Bafa a 'subsidy' of US$400,000 (B$565,678) to build its new headquarters.

The total sum for the construction of all the facilities amounts to around US$1.5 million and the rest of the money will come from the funds allocated to Bafa by the Fifa Financial Assistance Programme (FAP).

Through the FAP, US$250,000 is given out every year to each football association and Bafa has saved the funding from the past four years for this project.

Announced yesterday at the Orchid Garden Hotel, the project is the brainchild of Fifa president Sepp Blatter and is aimed at helping associations as part of the federation's development programme.

Expected to be completed in less than 15 months, Bafa yesterday got the ball rolling by carrying out a signing ceremony between Fifa, Bafa, contractors LCY Development Sdn Bhd and consultants Perunding Alamreka Sdn Bhd.

Present at the ceremony as witnesses were Bafa vice-president Pg Hj Alihassan Pg Dato SLJ Hj Abas and deputy permanent secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports Hj Ahmad Hj Abdul Rahman.

The first contract was signed between Windsor John from the Fifa development office in Kuala Lumpur, Bafa secretary-general Pg Hj Metussin Pg Metassan and Pg Hj Ismail Pg Hj Mahmood, the managing director of Perunding Alamreka Sdn Bhd.

The second contract was signed between John, Pg Hj Metussin and the managing director of LCY Development Sdn Bhd, Francis Lau.

According to Perunding Alamreka's Pg Hj Ismail, the completion of the project might take less than 15 months.

"We have to get the project done in 15 months, but I am sure we can finish it faster if we do not come across any problems," said the managing director.

"Our firm has a lot of experience in building sports infrastructure in the country and, in fact, we were involved in the construction of all of the facilities at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Sports Complex except for the National Stadium," he added.

According to Fifa's official website, the project was launched for the 1999-2002 period with funds of US$100 million, graduated to the Goal II stage with the same amount of funding for the 2003-2006 period, and is now in the Goal III stage with funds of US$120 million for the 2007-2010 period.

So far, 131 of the 312 projects in the pipeline have been officially inaugurated, with a further 20 currently in the planning stage.

The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2008 03:16 PM | Show all posts
UBD opts for UCAS pointssystem for admission

Next step: Students listen carefully to the UBD staff member as they discuss courses during the Study at UBD 2008. (Below) Vice Chancellor of UBD, Dato Paduka Dr Hj Ismail Hj Duraman (R), talking to some of the staff members. Pictures: Saifulizam

Anna Abu Bakar

Sunday, February 17, 2008

UNIVERSITI Brunei Darussalam has opted for the University Colleges Admission Service (UCAS), United Kingdom, points system for its entry requirements.

This fact came to light at the Study at UBD yesterday morning, where hundreds of students flocked Chancellor Hall to gain a better insight about the entry requirements into the University after the recent announcement of the 'A' level results.

The new system is hoped to help ease the students to qualify when sending in their application forms in comparison to the former rigid grading system.

This was said by a representative of the registrar.

Chancellor Hall was filled with interested students bearing their folders of certificates, often accompanied by their parents while others were accompanied by their peers, as the different faculties tried to seize the students' interest in joining their faculties.

Many were seen deep in discussion with the respective departments of interests as the lecturers offered consultations as to the entry requirements and course contents.

The Study at UBD was officiated by the Vice Chancellor, Dato Paduka Dr Hj Ismail Hj Duraman where in his opening speech he stated that the education programme is no longer rigid in structure, as students are no longer restricted to choose only one area of discipline.

He expressed his disappointment where in the past there were students who encountered problems because of choosing a programme that was of no interest to them that resulted in failure.

"This is the main objective of the Study at UBD to be organised as it will give the opportunity and offer advice to potential students in getting to understand the courses and programmes a lot more in-depth "before completely committing themselves to the programme", he said.

The process of development and change has improved the academic programme from time to time as the education system has become more dynamic and not as static as before.

This can be seen from the various kinds of competitive markets in the area of higher education, as the educational provider has since advanced to expand to the needs of students and also to give them the opportunity to further their education.

The Vice Chancellor also emphasised that education is no longer seen as a dream of parents to see their children continuing with their education at a higher level but it is also seen as an investment for the benefit of the students' future.

The Study at UBD is expected to draw in more students before it ends this afternoon.

The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2008 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Honouring their good deeds

Royal appreciation: (Top) His Majesty (2nd R) signing an autograph for one of the Chinese community members at the reception yesterday. (Bottom) The royal family dining at the top table. Pictures: Zamri Zainal and Helmyshah

Hadi DP Mahmud

Sunday, February 17, 2008

WHILE oil and gas continues to play an integral part in prosperously making Brunei what it is today, the sultanate's Tiong Hwa community has played an equally critical role in the country's economical and social development.

The Chinese community has mainly been responsible for a number of developments that have contributed to the sultanate's economic and social growth.

Be they in the form of schools, companies or shops that dot the capital and commercial centres throughout the country, Bruneians owe much of what they have and see today to the Tiong Hwa community.

It was for this very reason, that the community's important contributions to the sultanate were deservedly recognised yesterday when His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam celebrated the Chinese New Year celebrations with members of the community at the International Convention Centre (ICC).The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2008 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Huge response to technical college's consultation week

Syed Rory Malai Hassan

Sunday, February 17, 2008

THE Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College yesterday held its 48th consultation week for this year's intake of students.

The aim of the consultation week, according to Hjh Siti Aisah Hj Mohd Ali, acting principal of the college, is to provide the public with opportunities to really understand and learn more about the courses offered by the school.

For this year's intake, the technical college is offering 14 national diploma courses, four pre-national diploma courses and many apprentice courses for the interested students.

The consultation week (February 16-17) has seen the participation of several private sector companies and government departments which are involved in the training of students such as the Royal Brunei Air Force, the Royal Brunei Airlines and TelBru which will be showcasing their work and presenting several briefings to the public on scope of their work.

According to the acting principal, during the consultation week, guests will be given the opportunity to visit the labs, workshops and classes that offer the said courses so that they can get better understanding and knowledge of the courses that are being offered.

They will also be given the opportunity to get information from the teachers and instructors that are running the courses and get a better perspective of the class environment.

The consultation week, open to the public, will also give teachers and students of secondary schools a chance to map out their educational career by examining the prospects and openings that are provided to them through the college.

According to the acting principal, for this year more than 2,000 application forms have been distributed and he was hopeful that the consultation week, like previous others may bring in more applicants over the next two days.

Since its launching yesterday morning, the college has recorded over hundreds of visitors with national diploma courses in computer studies, interior design and electrical and electronic engineering being among the more popular courses that were visited.

Application procedure takes several months to process whereby applicants will be called in for an interview by May, registered in June and will start lessons by mid July.

The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2008 03:25 PM | Show all posts
505 honoured in investiture ceremony

State recognition: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince (R) awarding the Pingat Bakti Laila Ikhlas to one of the five state dignitaries. Picture: Helmyshah

Hadi DP Mahmud

Sunday, February 17, 2008

HIS Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office, with the consent of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, yesterday presented honorary medals to 505 recipients.

The awards, bestowed in conjunction with His Majesty's 61st birthday celebrations, saw five state dignitaries, including YAM Pengiran Indera Setia Diraja Sahibul Karib Pengiran Anak Hj Idris, receive the Pingat Bakti Laila Ikhlas (PBLI).

Other state dignitaries awarded the PBLI were YAM Pengiran Indera Mahkota Pengiran Anak (Dr) Hj Kamaludin Al-Haj, YAM Pengiran Setia Negara Pengiran (Dr) Hj Mohd Yusof, YAM Pengiran Jaya Indera Pengiran Hj Mokhtar Puteh, and Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Yahya Hj Ibrahim.

His Royal Highness bestowed 130 recipients with the Pingat Jasa Kebaktian (PJK), or Meritorious Service Medals, during the ceremony held at Istana Nurul Iman.

232 others were presented with the Pingat Indah Kerja Baik (PIKB); while another 138 received the Pingat Kerja Lama (PKL), or Long Service Medals.

The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2008 03:15 AM | Show all posts
Exhibition to promote cancer awareness

Raising awareness: Visitors at the Cancer Awareness Exhibition held in conjunction with the World Cancer Day 2008 at The Mall, Gadong.
Picture: Syazwan Sadikin

Syazwan Sadikin

Monday, February 18, 2008

MORE than $50,000 per year is needed to treat cancer patients but this can be reduced if the problems can be detected earlier, a Specialist Oncologist at the Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha (Ripas) Hospital said.

Dr Hj Muhd Syafiq Abdullah said that by seeking help earlier, the cost needed for treatment could be used for more meaningful purposes other than medication.

Speaking at the Cancer Awareness Exhibition organised by the Oncology Unit of Ripas Hospital at The Mall Gadong, yesterday

Dr Hj Muhd Syafiq said most of the medicine for cancer in Brunei are of high quality brands which came from France and the United States, and ranged from $15 per tablet up to more than $4,000 per month. This medication is required to be taken for the rest of the person's life.

He also said that in order to avoid such high cost treatment, he suggested the public to seek help from professionals during the early stages of cancer where signs and symptoms are prevalent as well as maintaining healthy living such as partaking in simple exercises at home or gradually quit smoking.

"Unfortunately, the problem here is mentality," said the specialist oncologist regarding the state of Brunei's health concerns, as he pointed out that many were embarrassed to go for regular check up at the hospital despite the availability of doctors and nurses who cater to both male and female patients.

The exhibition held in conjunction with the World Cancer Day, has generated positive response from the public and took the opportunity to seek consultation and have a health check up. .Apart from the exhibition, the Oncology Department has also conducted other activities in its effort to promote awareness on the disease.

One of them is by making visits to schools and villages in a hope to educate the people, especially the younger generation on the steps they need to take to ensure they are kept safe from hazardous surroundings that could contribute to cancer.

Yesterday's exhibition displays the different types of cancers, prevention and cures that are readily available for the public provided by the government.

This year's World Cancer Day theme is "I Love My Smoke-Free Childhood", which calls for adults and parents to actively support smoke-free environments for children and exposure from second-hand smoke is still a health risk that need needs to be recognised.

In the statistics provided by the Ministry of Health, cancer is the leading cause of death in Brunei for three consecutive years.The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2008 03:16 AM | Show all posts
2007 has been 'excellent' year for BSP: Managing director

Emblem night: Minister of Energy, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Utama Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Yahya bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar (L), and Managing Director of BSP Grahaeme Henderson (R), during the Brunei Shell joint venture companies emblem night held at Rizqun International Hotel. Picture: Syed Rory Malai Hassan

Hadi DP Mahmud

Monday, February 18, 2008

DESPITE coming "just short" of achieving its oil target, 2007 marked an "excellent" year for Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) and the Brunei Shell joint venture companies, said BSP Managing Director.

Dr Grahaeme Henderson said: "For the third year in a row, BSP surpassed its safety targets and continues to maintain one of the best safety performances in the Shell Exploration and Production Group of companies worldwide."

Dr Henderson told guests in his speech during a long service awards presentation ceremony on Saturday night.

According to the managing director, Brunei LNG achieved 12 million man-hours and the refinery 24 years without a lost time injury; Brunei Shell Marketing reached six straight years without a lost time injury; while Brunei Shell Tanker posted its best-ever safety performance with only one lost time injury last year.

"Against some huge challenges and a very tough target, BSP came just short of achieving its oil target, whilst successfully fulfilling its gas sales target," he said.

Saturday night saw 274 staff members from the Brunei Shell joint venture companies awarded with emblems for their service of 35, 30 and 25 years during a ceremony at Rizqun International Hotel in Gadong, which was attended by Energy Minister Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Utama Dato Seri Setia Hj Yahya Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Hj Bakar.

BSP looks set to fulfil the LNG sales contract, with plans for a third offshore hub to be built following significant gas discoveries made at Bubut, a structure 15km away from the Brunei LNG plant in Lumut, Seria, in November last year.

The third offshore gas hub is expected to supplement production at Champion and Ampa.

BSP is currently making "solid progress" in their new production areas in the East asset of Mampak and Bugan fields, said Dr Henderson.

Long-serving Brunei LNG employee Hj Mohd Yusof Hj Mohd Taufik, paying tribute to his company of 30 years, attributed exceptional employee loyalty to the effective human resource management of the companies.

"In Brunei our joint venture companies is still the company of first choice. In this context, it is due to the fact that the company has an excellent structure of systems," he said, "and most importantly good human resource management until an employee retires."

Last year, the Brunei Shell joint venture companies recruited a total of 43 graduates and awarded scholarships to 30 Bruneians for undergraduate and masters programmes in the United Kingdom and Australia.

BSP also sponsored six Bruneians to undergo commercial helicopter cadet pilot training in the US last year.

The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2008 03:18 AM | Show all posts
Minister to attend meet on aviation in Singapore

Communications Minister: Pehin Dato Hj Abu Bakar Hj Apong will also attend a dialogue on challenges facing the aviation industry.Picture: BT file photo


Monday, February 18, 2008

COMMUNICATIONS minister Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Hj Abu Bakar Hj Apong will be attending the Singapore Aviation Leadership Summit held today in the city state, the ministry said in a press statement.

The minister, flanked by the Director of Civil Aviation and senior members from the ministry, will also be attending the Singapore Airshow 2008 at the all-new Changi Exhibition Centre tomorrow.

The minister and his delegation will be in the Lion City until Wednesday, the release stated.

Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Hj Abu Bakar will meet senior officials of various transport ministries at the closed-door summit at the Swisso{aci}tel The Stamford to engage in a dialogue on major development challenges confronting the aviation industry.

Issues addressed during this session include opportunities in the Asian aviation industry, managing safety and security challenges as well as a much talked about subject of the environment.

The Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit is a culmination of a collaborative effort by the International Air Transport Association, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and Ministry of Transport.

Singapore Airshow, Asia's largest aerospace and defence event, is a joint venture between the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Defence Science & Technology Agency. Serving as a global marketplace and networking platform for the military and civil aviation community, this year's airshow is expected to draw some 30,000 attendees world-wide.The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2008 03:20 AM | Show all posts
Students help families in need

Syed Rory Malai Hassan

Monday, February 18, 2008

MORE than 40 students from the Business school in Gadong went all the way to help families residing in Kg Mata-Mata by contributing goods and other daily necessities.

After receiving tips from the public regarding the plight of the families, the students, assisted by their instructors, set up a committee to collect funds and organised a cleaning campaign. .

The students managed to collect some $400 which they used to buy food supplies, cleaning utensils and other items for the family's needs.

[size=0.9em]Helping hands: (Above) Md Iswandi (C), a teacher at the Business School, hands over a sack of rice, part of the school's contribution, to head of the families, Hj Siawang Hj Salleh (L). (Below L) Students help to bring into the house goods they donated. (Below R) Items contributed by the students from the Business School. Picture: Helmyshah

Also part of the contributions made to the families were second hand clothing that were collected from the students.

According to Hj Siawang Hj Salleh, head of the three families that live in the house, he and his family are very grateful to the students for their help and contributions.

He said that although they may seem young but their efforts and kind consideration towards the helpless and needy is a pleasant reminder of the kindness and caring attitude of the younger generation.

The house built under the government housing scheme, is occupied by three families with 22 members, ranging from early teens to late 60's.

The students, through their own initiatives, set up the committee to assist the family through public tip-offs regarding their situation.

The students visited the families yesterday and helped the family cleaning the surrounding compound and handed out the food supplies and clothing to the families. The students, last year's batch of national diploma students in Business and Finance course, most of which said that it was their first charity experience ever.

The Brunei Times

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