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Author: nazzad

hebatnya tasly

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Post time 20-8-2010 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1300# fastrackeng

Salam Ramadhan buat smua.. dh lamaa tk masuk sinii..ntah ke mana daaah thread ni ye.. ok nk share skit.. betul mcm kata bro fast tu.. tpi yg stok duk ada kt akk, smua yg d sbut ada d botol Margarita..

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Post time 24-8-2010 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Salam Guys,
It has been a while not coming here to update things..
by looking at the numbers of page from the forum.. quite number of threads not being updated also..
just to update you guys,
Yesterday meet a chatter who has been using Margaret for almost 2 weeks..
Her skin is more softer and glowing...
Hari raya is near the corner... bergaya sakan lah her with baju raya and glowing face..
For me..good to hear that more people are getting the advantage from margaret..

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Post time 3-9-2010 07:46 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by fastrackeng at 3-9-2010 19:47

Bulan Ramadhan ni sibuk Jakim memeriksa tahap kehalalan di hotel hotel..
teringat lak tasly ni dah renew ke sijil halal diaorng..
Tempoh sijil Hala Tasly seperti berikut:

key in " tasly"

tempoh sijil halal sehingga 2012

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Post time 5-9-2010 07:59 PM | Show all posts
Dalam diam diam jer ..kita akan menyambut aidil fitri..semoga rakan rakan disini sentiasa sihat walafiat dalam menjalani 10 hari terakhir ramadhan..
Rasa nya rakan rakan disini langsung tidak mengalami masalah menggunakan produk tasly ni..
thread yg lepas lepas pun banyak membincangkan pengunaan tasly sepanjang ramadhan..
Menjelang adil fitri ini saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya kepada rakan rakan disini ..
semoga perjalanan saudara dan saudari dilindungi Allah dan selamat sampai kedestinasi masing masing.. Berhati hati lah semasa memandu dan pastikan yg kita cukup rehat utk memulakan perjalanan terutama mereka yg suka bergerak diwaktu malam..

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Post time 16-9-2010 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Salam semua,
Begitu pantas waktu berlalu...dah hampir seminggu kita merayakan aidil fitri bersama sama sanak saudara di kampung.. pelbagai juadah disediakan bagi meraikan tetamu yg hadir..
Selepas pulang dari kampung, keraian aidil fitri diteruskan dgn rakan rakan dan pelbagai jemputan ke rumah terbuka dari rakan rakan.

Alamat dapur rumah tak berasap lah...

Bagi yg menggunakan product tasly pula.. advantage ada pada anda.. Aloe fibre sesuai digunakan selepas heavy meal di waktu tengahari dan waktu malam...
Ia memperbaiki proses pencernaan dan meningkatkan rasa kenyang supaya kita tidak makan terlalu banyak di rumah rumah terbuka yg kita hadiri..

Pilih  lah makanan yg kurang lemak..

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Post time 16-9-2010 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Salam semua,
Begitu pantas waktu berlalu...dah hampir seminggu kita merayakan aidil fitri bersama s ...
fastrackeng Post at 16-9-2010 17:02

Uiiks!! mmg betul bro, i mnum Aloe fiber sehari 2 sachets bro. tengahri dan malam bro, b4 titun.. tk leh tahan perut asiik belasaaah makan jek. mak lak bekalkan rendang daging yg sodap yg banyak, duk prangaaat rendang n buat nasi himpap lagi.. adooi!! harini saya pose bro.. kasik perut rehaat.. siaan perut!

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Post time 16-9-2010 09:53 PM | Show all posts
To sis makeup Lolita..pls check ur email ya.. tqvm.. sorry for the late reply..

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Post time 18-9-2010 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Uiiks!! mmg betul bro, i mnum Aloe fiber sehari 2 sachets bro. tengahri dan malam bro, b4 titun. ...
sheila Post at 16-9-2010 17:49

    salam puan..
    thank you for coming here again..

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Post time 20-9-2010 12:19 PM | Show all posts
salam puan..
    thank you for coming here again..
fastrackeng Post at 18-9-2010 12:13

No hal bro, n thnx 2 u sbb sudi gak jenguk at my nw thread..

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Post time 30-9-2010 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Open house house..
Makan ..makan..dan makan..
kalo pegi ke open houses tu ..jaga dgn makan yg berminyak, kalori dan kolestrol tinggi

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Post time 8-10-2010 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Salam Kawan Kawan semua...
Syawal cuma beberapa hari sahaja lagi..
Selepas ni masa utk memulakan semula diet selepas sebulan dengan jamuan makan di rumah rakan rakan...
Jangan lupa ..mulakan dgn Aloe fibre....

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Post time 16-10-2010 04:26 PM | Show all posts
nasib ke belakang cuma few pages walaupun dah lama tak update

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Post time 22-10-2010 11:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1306# sheila

    berapa harga magarita.....nak dapat kat mana

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Post time 23-10-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by fastrackeng at 25-10-2010 11:37
Reply  sheila

    berapa harga magarita.....nak dapat kat mana
megaputih Post at 22-10-2010 23:52

    PM saya your email ...nanti saya bagi details and price sekali

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Post time 3-11-2010 05:26 PM | Show all posts
PM saya your email ...nanti saya bagi details and price sekali
fastrackeng Post at 23-10-2010 15:25

salam abg fastrackeng...

apa khabar?bang..boleh tak abang cut n paste jika ada testimoni arthritis...pastu boleh dak tolong tanya kalau untuk rawatan seronegative arthritis?

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Post time 3-11-2010 07:14 PM | Show all posts
salam abg fastrackeng...

apa khabar?bang..boleh tak abang cut n paste jika ada testimoni ar ...
intandanial Post at 3-11-2010 17:26

    A Primer on Seronegative Arthritis; Its Forms In RA Negative Individuals
Seronegative arthritis includes specific types of arthritis in which the autoantibodies that are found in rheumatoid arthritis are not present.
Blood work is done to confirm whether the rheumatoid factor is present in a given individual.
If you are RA negative, experiencing chronic joint pain and inflammation, it may be one of the following types of seronegative arthritis.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis – chronic pain and inflammation situated in joints in the back where the sacrum (bone above the tailbone) meets the bones on the sides of the upper buttocks.  The pain is primarily in the spine.  If left untreated this can cause the vertebrae to become joined together, fused.  This is called ankylosing. This kind of seronegative arthritis can spread be systemic, inflaming other organs including the lungs, heart, kidneys and eyes.  The symptoms of this disease are similar to the types of arthritis described below, and to colitis and Crohns syndrome.
  • Psoriatic arthritis – arthritis in people who have the common skin condition called psoriasis.  The skin condition will usually develop first, and later in life, they begin to develop joint pain and arthritis.  The cause of psoriases and this form of arthritis are not known but are thought to be an autoimmune problem, in which the body attacks its own cells as a reaction to a perceived infection.  It could be related to an actual infection, or something in the environment. In many cases, psoriasis, leading to psoriatic arthritis, is hereditary.
  • Reactive arthritis – The diagnosis and nature of this disease is evolving, and not scientifically verified, but one explanation —fairly recently— is that within less than 2 months after a gastrointestinal infection, the arthritis occurs. In other cases, it seems to follow an episode or existing chlamydia infection in the respiratory.  About ten percent of patients develop reactive arthritis with no preceding infection.  The symptoms of reactive arthritis may be  inflamed gastrointestinal tract, inflamed joints, skin, mucous membranes, eyes, the attaching point between sharpey's fibers I(muscles, ligaments, tendons) and bones, involving collagen, and the spinal column, sternum and skull

Seronegative arthritis can be misdiagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as an early phase or less severe form of RA. In some cases seronegative can become RA positive, but it is still a distinct disease, not just early phase RA.   It is also called RA negative arthritis. The medical community is seeking advanced techniques for diagnosing it, specifically MRI and ultrasonography.

It can cause stiffness and pain in the joints of the shoulders, elbows, ankles and feet, hips, lower back, and knees, wrists and hands as well as symptoms noted above.
Joints can be swollen and red, and there may be accompanying skin or mouth lesions, overall tiredness, and sore eyes.
Patients with this affliction can have difficulty with routine mobility, walking, bending, stretching and so on.  

Treatments include analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, injections, chemotherapy and physical therapy. Surgery may be indicated for some individuals. These do not work for some people --  they continue to suffer.  Seronegative arthritis requires significant research.   Perhaps, as we have cured cancer for millions of people through medical advances, the future will hold a cure for arthritis as well.

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Post time 3-11-2010 07:17 PM | Show all posts
salam abg fastrackeng...

apa khabar?bang..boleh tak abang cut n paste jika ada testimoni ar ...
intandanial Post at 3-11-2010 17:26

Treatment List for Seronegative ArthritisThe list of treatments mentioned in various sources for Seronegative Arthritis includes the following list. Always seek professional medical advice about any treatment or change in treatment plans.
  • Medications for symptomatic relief - NSAIDs, analgesics
  • Inter-articular steroid injections
  • Physiotherapy and mobility
  • Chemotherapeutic agents such as methotrexate
  • Treatment of reactive arthritis depends on the type, severity and duration of the symptoms, but treatment is aimed at reducing joint inflammation. Treatments include:
    • Explanation - Education plays an important role in arthritis management
    • Rest - during bouts of active inflammation
    • Exercise - graduated exercise program recommended to maintain good joint function
    • Physiotherapy - can assist with regaining and maintaining joint function
    • Occupational therapy - can assist with management at home and mobility aids
    • Simple analgesics (used regularly) - such as paracetamol can be effective in control of pain either alone or in combination with other agents
    • NSAIDs - mainstay of therapy and should be used regularly to achieve a good anti-inflammatory effect
    • Corticosteroids orally or intra-articular - may be used when response to NSAIDs is insufficient
    • Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDS) - include methotrexate and sulfasalazine, and are used when symptoms are not controlled with NSAIDS alone
    • TNF (Tumour necrosis factor) and cytokine blockers - Infliximab, Entanercept. Some studies show efficacy in treatment of seronegative arthritis

Treatment List for Seronegative ArthritisThe list of treatments mentioned in various sources for Seronegative Arthritis includes the following list. Always seek professional medical advice about any treatment or change in treatment plans.
  • Medications for symptomatic relief - NSAIDs, analgesics
  • Inter-articular steroid injections
  • Physiotherapy and mobility
  • Chemotherapeutic agents such as methotrexate
  • Treatment of reactive arthritis depends on the type, severity and duration of the symptoms, but treatment is aimed at reducing joint inflammation. Treatments include:
    • Explanation - Education plays an important role in arthritis management
    • Rest - during bouts of active inflammation
    • Exercise - graduated exercise program recommended to maintain good joint function
    • Physiotherapy - can assist with regaining and maintaining joint function
    • Occupational therapy - can assist with management at home and mobility aids
    • Simple analgesics (used regularly) - such as paracetamol can be effective in control of pain either alone or in combination with other agents
    • NSAIDs - mainstay of therapy and should be used regularly to achieve a good anti-inflammatory effect
    • Corticosteroids orally or intra-articular - may be used when response to NSAIDs is insufficient
    • Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDS) - include methotrexate and sulfasalazine, and are used when symptoms are not controlled with NSAIDS alone
    • TNF (Tumour necrosis factor) and cytokine blockers - Infliximab, Entanercept. Some studies show efficacy in treatment of seronegative arthritis

Treatment List for Seronegative ArthritisThe list of treatments mentioned in various sources for Seronegative Arthritis includes the following list. Always seek professional medical advice about any treatment or change in treatment plans.
  • Medications for symptomatic relief - NSAIDs, analgesics
  • Inter-articular steroid injections
  • Physiotherapy and mobility
  • Chemotherapeutic agents such as methotrexate
  • Treatment of reactive arthritis depends on the type, severity and duration of the symptoms, but treatment is aimed at reducing joint inflammation. Treatments include:
    • Explanation - Education plays an important role in arthritis management
    • Rest - during bouts of active inflammation
    • Exercise - graduated exercise program recommended to maintain good joint function
    • Physiotherapy - can assist with regaining and maintaining joint function
    • Occupational therapy - can assist with management at home and mobility aids
    • Simple analgesics (used regularly) - such as paracetamol can be effective in control of pain either alone or in combination with other agents
    • NSAIDs - mainstay of therapy and should be used regularly to achieve a good anti-inflammatory effect
    • Corticosteroids orally or intra-articular - may be used when response to NSAIDs is insufficient
    • Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDS) - include methotrexate and sulfasalazine, and are used when symptoms are not controlled with NSAIDS alone
    • TNF (Tumour necrosis factor) and cytokine blockers - Infliximab, Entanercept. Some studies show efficacy in treatment of seronegative arthritis

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Post time 3-11-2010 07:20 PM | Show all posts
salam abg fastrackeng...

apa khabar?bang..boleh tak abang cut n paste jika ada testimoni ar ...
intandanial Post at 3-11-2010 17:26

    How do seronegative and rheumatoid arthritis differ?Other Qs & As
Am I at risk of arthritis?
Exercise for someone with rheumatoid arthritis
How can I claim disability benefits for my mum who has arthritis?
How will my rheumatoid arthritis affect my family?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis - what are the alternatives?
Septic arthritis
Tell me about osteoarthritis
Why do I need to see a rheumatologist if I have temporal arteritis?
Worsening arthritis

I have been recently diagnosed with sero-negative arthritis in my feet and toes.
I am keen to find out more about the condition, and would like to know how sero-negative arthritis differs from rheumatoid arthritis.
My father had sero-negative arthritis, ankylosing spondylits, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
He died eight years ago as a result of complications arising from his disorders.
Is there a possible genetic link between my father's condition and my own?
I would greatly appreciate any advice you could offer, as my doctors are not forthcoming with regards to information or understanding about my arthritis.
I feel left in the dark, with little option other than to blindly agree to take the drugs that are offered to me.Answer
Sero-negative arthritis is relatively common and it may result from having a range of conditions that include gout, ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease, psoriasis, Reiter's, and ankylosing spondylitis.
Sero-negative conditions are those in which the blood tests for rheumatoid arthritis are negative; they are very much more common in males than females.
Usually, there is involvement of asymmetrical large joints, or just one joint.
If the spine is painful, it is well worth doing a test to exclude ankylosing spondylitis, which is associated with an abnormality in the HLA B27 test in about 90 per cent of cases.
There may be aches and pains, in the soles of the feet or in the achilles tendons at the heels for example.
Usually the treatment will involve activity, and using the joints unless they are hot and inflamed. Taking anti-inflammatory treatments will ease the pain. The physiotherapist or chiropractor may be of considerable help to you.
It may be that there is a genetic component to your condition and it sounds as if you need to be told exactly what the condition is that you have been suffering from.
Do ask your doctor to tell you more about your arthritis, and precisely what is wrong.
It is possible that he has been unable to make an exact diagnosis, since it is sometimes extremely difficult to do so when young women suffer from the milder forms of sero-negative arthritis.
If you are suffering, and worrying, do talk to your GP. If necessary, he/she will send you to a specialist in rheumatology to plan your treatment options for the future.
Yours sincerely

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Post time 27-1-2011 10:23 PM | Show all posts
ada sesiapa yg still amik tasly ni?cam berminat ja nk try..

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Post time 5-2-2011 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1319# ungu_violet191

    cuba lah ... ini bukan ubat tetapi supplement harian..

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