[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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Tu i cakap sis, dia takut anjing tu terkam dia sebab tau busuk hati 
snazzydaisy replied at 9-3-2020 06:38 PM
Susah nak tutup mulut sebab gigi baru
Tengok cara dia rapatkan bibir tu |
Wow Kate! Lawa giler baju, marvelous stupendos kebaboom!!! Jenglot who?
Same macam perut dia time preggy la, manufactured kilang sama kut 
kuchenta_81 replied at 10-3-2020 11:45 AM
tetap nak stare abang ipar idaman
iya.. dia ingat abg ipar idaman nak kat dia.. I read somewhere kes PW dgn Rose tu flirty2 je.. tp Kate tau, mengamok jugak dia dgn Rose... wooow...
minah nih suka bg pandangan lovey dovey dgn lelaki jah kan, terutama yg famous dan ber $$$

his name's Anthony Joshua, British boxer champ
org bg standing ovation untuk pangkat dan rank Just Harry, tangan dia org jah meraikan tp muka meluat abis 
Tunjuk muka happy sbb takmo BRF dan UK tahu dia dan JH tgh hidup berserabut.
When you see a narcissist happy, it means the narc is trying really hard to convince an audience.
They know one thing for sure: some unaware people will believe the narc. They consider people gullible, that gives them thrills of superiority. This feeling alone compensates their frustrations, the inadequacy about themselves they observe in real life. They can't tolerate their own imperfections so they twist reality. But it's not happiness. So they end up thinking happiness means at least hurting other people who see their fake happiness. |
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Smeg menggedik dgn Charles de money bag but ignored Camilla... classy!
Dalam byk2, baju sophie paling lawa..
khabarnya the Harkles belum lagi nak balik jumpa baby Archie. Masih stay kat UK utk bbrp hari sbb Mega nak buat lawatan mengejut atas nama charity aka stok gambar IG. |
tada.. copy siapa..
dlm gmbr nie Diana ada bump.. Smeg nak bgtau donia ke dia mengandung?  |
Tak paham apsal dia pakai baju dengan cape serupa nursing cover atau anduh tangan tu sebab tutup leher dia sekaligus lagi menampakkan dia pendek? Hauk style. |
Camilla pulak berbalas senyuman dgn JH
ai jah kah yg rasa muka Mega sembab sbb byk menangis? 2-3 hari lepas elok jah muka dia.  |
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