SR, Wall Street Journal berterusan memfitnah Najib- PANAS! bukti dah keluar
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sekarang ni jaman IT lah dijeck...
at the first place kalo ko terasa nak jadik penyamun..
ko kena pandai sikit la...
skang nih jaman pre requisite nak jadik penyamun ialah PANDAI...
kalo ko bodoh alang kepalang...takat tabur duit je....tu pesen penyamun jaman2 batu....
so kesimpulan yg ahkak nak buat di sini....nak jadik penyamun tolong jgn jadik bimbo...
kerana ujung2 ko bakal digelakkan je....
fitnah tidak dibezakan
mengikut zaman mak cik
kalo makcik perasan best pun
tapi kaki fitnah nombor satu
tetap jugak kena bakar bila dah mati sok lusa
teringan den kat peguam pprt bapok hitam sekor ni... |
HONG KONG — Officials in Malaysia said on Tuesday that they had frozen bank accounts as part of an investigation into the country’s troubled development investment fund and accusations that hundreds of millions of dollars from the fund had been transferred to Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Government investigators have been looking into the finances of the heavily indebted 1Malaysia Development Berhad, also known as 1MDB. News reports have said some of its funds have been routed to accounts controlled by Mr. Najib.
Citing documents from the inquiry, The Wall Street Journal reported last week that investigators had found documentation of nearly $700 million in deposits to accounts they believe are controlled by Mr. Najib. The newspaper said the documents did not describe the source of the funds or what happened to them after they were transferred to what are suspected of being the Najib-controlled accounts.
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Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia, in orange, at the general assembly of the United Malays National Organization in Kuala Lumpur last year.Power Struggle in Malaysia Pits Former Premier Against a ProtégéJUNE 17, 2015
In a statement on Tuesday, the Malaysian authorities said they had frozen six accounts and had taken documents related to 17 accounts at two banks on Monday. The statement did not name the banks or the account holders, but it did say the actions were connected to allegations against the prime minister.
The statement was issued by Malaysia’s attorney general, the governor of Malaysia’s central bank, the inspector general of Malaysia’s police and the head of the country’s anticorruption commission.
1MDB has denied that any of its funds have gone to the prime minister. Mr. Najib has denied any wrongdoing, but he has not addressed the specifics of the allegations.
The claims of corruption have stirred opposition to Mr. Najib and led to calls for further inquiries. Mahathir Mohamad, a former prime minister and onetime ally of Mr. Najib’s, told The New York Times last month that “the apparent disappearance of huge sums of money” was “not good.”
Malaysia’s state-run Bernama news agency quoted Mr. Najib as saying on Monday: “I did not betray the people. I will find ways to uphold the truth. Be calm, the truth will prevail.”
A version of this article appears in print on July 8, 2015, on page A8 of the New York edition with the headline: Funds Are Frozen in Malaysia as Premier Faces Allegations. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe |
toksah la nak jaja pitenah bagai...
tuhan tuh ada...
kalo ko di pihak yang bener tak takut la segala pitenah2 tu semua...
tu penting bermunajat sepertiga malam...
tak tertolak doa orang yg kena pitenah dijeck.... 
tepat sekali la
pendekatan DS Rosmah setakat
ini walopun tak bertudung litup
yelah... sapa lagi yg menyusahkan rakyat kalau bukan dia tu..
mestilah terasa..
hihihi ahkak pon kesiann ngan kakros...mcm di thread lain kan ahkak dah cakap..
akaun dah kena beku...haruslah jibby tak leh cucuk duit..
kena lah pinjam ATM kakros nak cucuk duit buat belanja ke param....
itu lah pengorbanan seorang isteri dijeckk 
so kalo akaun kena beku
staf2 kulinari di seri perdana
pun kena beku jawatan la ye mak cik?

let it go!!!! |
ini memang bidang kepakaran led bean
almy sejak mula ditubuhkan DAP
macai dan pondan sentap berpisah tedaaaa...
pasal tu la rosmah
tak perlu gi param macam mak cik
so dah terbukti
mak cik tak la se best mana
kang ada yg ratib ipp, konsesi tol, dasar protectionism (proton), dasar gaji ciput semer2 tu lah 
marilah kita rakyat mesia bersama2 bersatu padu menubuh kan
akaun kena beku takleh cucuk duit 
maybank account number please.....
setiap manusia tuhan lahirkan dia dengan sifat membeking sesuatu...seseorang....atau dalam bahasa mudah pada arini....kita panggil macai.....tapi tahap macai sesorang tu diukur pula bagaimana dia membeking satu2 perkara atau seseorang tu...... .....jika lahir hormon macai yg tinggi...maka jadi la seperti .....paham2 sendiri la |
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