kita nak share kat kengkawan semua.....my boss kakak die Dr. sakit puan....die kata risiko utk org yg tidak dikurniakan zuriat adalah kebykkannya dari pihak suami. Bukan salah isteri...salah satu sebabnya.....kalau suami pernah menghadapi sakit begok masa kecik2...peratus utk mandul tinggi sebab ia menyebabkan/merosakan air mani lelaki. Air mani memang ada...tapi kosong.....tak boleh bersenyawa.....itu jer nak share..... |
just nak share,
kakak ipar abg i kawin dah 7 tahun. dia org cuma berubat cara kg. nak berubat ngan doktor tak mampu. anyway i pernah nampak dia beli tongkat ali cni dan dia mengaku hb dia mmg amalkan tongkat ali tu. last two years, dia mengandung. punyalah hepi dpt anak laki pastu ngandung lagi dpt anak pompuan. i pun tumpang hepi kat dia. umur dia dah 35 baru dpt merasa jd ibu. anyway, rezeki ni dtg dr Allah. |
Originally posted by Amiizaa at 23-3-2006 04:09 PM
kita nak share kat kengkawan semua.....my boss kakak die Dr. sakit puan....die kata risiko utk org yg tidak dikurniakan zuriat adalah kebykkannya dari pihak suami. Bukan salah isteri. ...
bagusnya kita tau yg punca infertiliy bukan setakat berpunca dr pihak isteri, si suami kena check jugak sbb mcm kes yg hot tolong paste tu, azoospermia, comey ada kawan yg hubby nya bermasalah begini, tp dia mmg bagus, pd keluarga dan masyarakat, demi menjaga air muka suami, dia beritahu yg masalah berpunca dr dia, bukan suaminya...cuma dia berkongsi cerita dgn kawan2 terdekat utk melepaskan tekanan yg dia terpaksa hadapi bila berkata begitu (org menuding jari pd dialah)...mereka dh selamat ambil anak angkat, seperti saranan terakhir doktor tu. |
Originally posted by marissa_irayu at 23-3-2006 04:32 PM
just nak share,
kakak ipar abg i kawin dah 7 tahun. dia org cuma berubat cara kg. nak berubat ngan doktor tak mampu. anyway i pernah nampak dia beli tongkat ali cni dan dia mengaku hb dia mmg am ...
tu lah marissa, tak semestinya ubat mahal ni melekat, ubat murah tak menjadi...anak ni hak Allah, bila Dia nak beri, Alhamdulillah, bila dia nak ambil pun itu hak Dia...
sekarang ni comey redha sajalah, usaha2 jugak, tp kena lah susul dgn tawakal & doa. kalau usaha2 ni tak berjaya, mcm kita semua percaya, anak itu rezeki dr Allah, jd terima sajalah ketentuanNya. |
Catty This user has been deleted
Reply #1364 mrsaafifi's post
aduh projek ku di malam jumaat tiada...esok baru hubby ku pulang ...ketandusan sungguh he he |
Catty This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mrsaafifi at 23-3-2006 04:40 PM
kak da.. jgn brapi sgt.. nnti rentung mlm ni x leh nak 'celebrate' mlm jumaat...hikhikhik..
ps: aylin.. mlm ni ku x leh project.. hb ajak balik aloq staq, balik ari sbb makanan anak2 ku suda ...
Selamat jalan Si |
Originally posted by Catty at 23-3-2006 04:56 PM
Selamat jalan Si
tq catty..
ps: catty, sori x reply ym.. si dok pc dan meja len dari tadi.. tlupa nak off ym, sian catty ym kat si x berjawab.. sori again ek.. :love: |
Catty This user has been deleted
Just nak share dengan kawan - kawan - oldest mother in the world.....kuasa Tuhan.
Romanian, 66, pregnant with twins
Adriana Iliescu says she expects to live for many years yet Romanian doctors say a 66-year-old woman is seven months pregnant with twin girls after fertility treatment.
If the pregnancy comes to full term, it is believed that Adriana Iliescu, an author and academic, will become the oldest recorded mother.
Mrs Iliescu told local television she had always wanted to be a mother but had been unable to conceive naturally.
She says she is optimistic about her future as a mother, claiming her family has a history of longevity.
[ Last edited by Catty at 23-3-2006 05:05 PM ] |
tular. betul tuhan je yg tau kan..apa sebab dia tak ks rezeki lagik..eh tp yg kes td tu ,,patutla i buat blood test on day 21..i punya telur tak kuar lagik..sebab i punya period mmg 2bln sekali..so mmg elok kalu kita tes 14 days b4 period. so sekarng dr ks duphaston for regulate kanperiod so dia kata senang monitor telur kuar ke tak? Hormon i semua normal. Coz i takut i kena PCOS je but dr kata tak de. but now tgh risau gak takut telur tak kuar baru tgh mkn for first cycle. |
Catty This user has been deleted
How to maximise your chances of conceiving
Catty jumpa article ni, useful juga info dia, especially for newbies....
You can do a great deal to improve your chances of conception by paying attention to your health and lifestyle. These changes in your lifestyle will be useful when you are pregnant as well.
Take good care of your health
Keep sperm cool
Have sex at the right time
Checking your cervical mucus
Checking your temperature
Ovulation predictor kits
Have frequent sex
Take good care of your health
Eat a varied diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, protein-rich food such as fish, poultry or pulses, and whole grains
Avoid smoking, or cut down if you find it impossible to give up
Limit alcohol intake
Take regular exercise; aim for three 20 minute sessions each week. Try walking, swimming or cycling
Get adequate rest and relaxation. Avoid high stress levels
Keep sperm cool
Sperm develop best at a temperature 2-3癈 lower than the rest of the body, which is why the testes are outside the body. Wearing tight underpants or jeans can raise the temperature of the testes and lower sperm production, so wearing boxer shorts is worth a thought.
Have sex at the right time
The best time for 慴aby-making |
Catty This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mrsaafifi at 23-3-2006 04:58 PM
tq catty..
ps: catty, sori x reply ym.. si dok pc dan meja len dari tadi.. tlupa nak off ym, sian catty ym kat si x berjawab.. sori again ek.. :love:
No problem si - catty pun YM aje on, tapi kat dapur, masak.... |
Catty This user has been deleted
Fertility Myths
Catty jumpa artikel ni mengenai banyak salah faham mengenai fertiliti. Antara salah faham yang paling
banyak ialah :
1. Ovulation usually occurs on Day 14 of the cycle.
Probably the most widely held fertility myth is the notion that women always ovulate on Day 14 of their cycle. If this were indeed true, there would be virtually no need for birth control, since couples could simply avoid that one day. And scores of couples desiring a child would simply have intercourse on Day 14, and Bingo, get pregnant.
There are several serious consequences to the Day 14 fallacy:
Many unplanned pregnancies occur because couples think they are safe for unprotected intercourse on any day but Day 14.
Many couples who desire to get pregnant actually impede pregnancy by timing intercourse on Day 14, when, in reality, the woman may ovulate either much earlier or later than that one particular day.
Many diagnostic tests and therapies are performed at an inappropriate time in the woman抯 cycle. These include infertility procedures such as post-coital tests and endometrial biopsies, as well as general health procedures such as mammograms and diaphragm fittings.
If a woman does get pregnant, the doctor抯 office will usually utilize a "pregnancy wheel" to determine her due date. But this device assumes that women ovulate on Day 14, and therefore could be off by several weeks, leading physicians to perform diagnostic tests at inappropriate times (e.g. amniocentesis) or even induce labor before the baby is fully developed.
2. A normal menstrual cycle is 28 days.
Actually, a normal menstrual cycle can vary from about 24-36 days. And not only do cycles vary substantially among women, they often vary within each individual woman. One of the most unfortunate results of this myth is the needless anxiety that it causes women desiring to avoid pregnancy, who are led to believe over and over again that they may be pregnant because their periods are "late."
The perpetuation of this belief is related, in part, to people's perception of the perfect Pill cycle (boy, that抯 a mouthful of p抯!). What people often do not understand is that oral contraceptives, by definition, hormonally manipulate the woman's cycle to be a perfect 28 days. This belief in the perfect cycle is probably less widely accepted among women who have never been on the Pill.
3. A woman can get pregnant only one day per cycle.
While it is true that a human egg is only viable for 12 to 24 hours, a woman can actually get pregnant from an act of intercourse occurring anytime from about five days prior to ovulation to even occasionally two days after, for a total of about seven days.
The reason for this is that the sperm can survive up to five days inside the woman's reproductive tract, and a woman can release two or more eggs within a 24 hour period.. Hence, for all intents and purposes, a women can get pregnant for about one week per cycle.
4. A woman can spontaneously ovulate at any time in the cycle.
This is simply not true. Even though the timing of ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle, once a woman ovulates, it is virtually impossible for her to ovulate again until the following cycle. This is because once ovulation occurs, the hormone progesterone will suppresses the release of all other eggs until the following cycle.
Even in the case of a multiple ovulation, the eggs are released within 24 hours of each other. During those 24 hours, one or more eggs will be released, and then no more until the next cycle.
5. Women are fertile all the time.
Not true! Women are only fertile the few days around ovulation. In fact, a human egg can only survive 12-24 hours after being released from the ovary, and thus the only reason women are considered fertile for longer than 24 hours (or 48 hours in the case of a multiple ovulation) is because sperm can live for up to five days if fertile quality cervical fluid is present. Interestingly enough, it is men who are always fertile!
Hope it is useful !!:hug::hug:
[ Last edited by Catty at 23-3-2006 05:29 PM ] |
catty, even panjang and some more in english, which is selalunya comey malas nak baca, tapi infos nya bernas, esp. kat artikel mitos2 ttg fertility tu...nice one! |
great info catty :hug::hug: |
Originally posted by mrsaafifi at 23-3-2006 04:40 PM
kak da.. jgn brapi sgt.. nnti rentung mlm ni x leh nak 'celebrate' mlm jumaat...hikhikhik..
ps: aylin.. mlm ni ku x leh project.. hb ajak balik aloq staq, balik ari sbb makanan anak2 ku suda ...
hehehehe takperlah si ..... semalam lin pun tak on pasal masing2 dah keletiham lin balik lambat semalam hubby pun sama last2 dua2 flat :kant: |
Originally posted by aylin at 24-3-2006 08:02 AM
hehehehe takperlah si ..... semalam lin pun tak on pasal masing2 dah keletiham lin balik lambat semalam hubby pun sama last2 dua2 flat :kant:
heehee....hari khamis je suma cita pasal HSG ye............:cak::cak: |
Originally posted by adikmanje at 24-3-2006 08:03 AM
heehee....hari khamis je suma cita pasal HSG ye............:cak::cak:
biasalah adek takyah pantang tu yg semua smgt jer citer pasal HSG. lagipun baru habis period so nak kena pulun lepas nie |
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