My advice if you want to watch a great show and hear great singers, watch THE VOICE.
Akak sek ...
sweetmm Post at 29-4-2011 09:28 
Tengah tengok youtube yg ksweet post kat benang The Voice...macam best kan |
Reply 1353# sweetmm
James Durbin kan? ;)
Haha.. Yup Yup.. The Voice best.. ^^ |
season ni agak weird..dulu masa casey dah voted off igtkan konspirasi AI saje nak naikkan rating....tp agaknyer mmg betol la..mmg dia kena kuar gak..ye la.baru top 6 dah terkeluar..
so sad..the bgnning of this season is so promising..... |
I'm so over AI10...actually takde ler betul2 minat sesapa pun...yg jadi penawar selama ni casey jer ...
lake Post at 29-4-2011 22:39 
I'm so with u here. Only James thrills me but on a so-so level. They all have great voices but not enuff star quality. Unlike...tak payah sebut nama mesti boleh teka  |
My advice if you want to watch a great show and hear great singers, watch THE VOICE.
Akak sek ...
sweetmm Post at 29-4-2011 09:28 
the voice yg juri christina tu ek ? channel mana ? dh tayang ker..... |
I'm so with u here. Only James thrills me but on a so-so level. They all have great voic ...
alyssasarah Post at 30-4-2011 11:14 
nak sebut jugak....... my star adam lambert.... |
the voice yg juri christina tu ek ? channel mana ? dh tayang ker.....
fredbok87 Post at 30-4-2011 17:31 
kat astro takde, tu yg yg akak tepek utube kat thread the voice. |
Pia Toscano -- $100,000 to SING at Private Event
Sources connected to the deal tell us ... Pia has agreed to perform at a private birthday party on May 8th ... which happens to be Mother's Day. We're told the deal will only require Pia to perform a small handful of songs.
According to sources, Pia was initially offered $50,000 for the gig and she TURNED IT DOWN ... but the people throwing the party wanted Pia so badly, they immediately doubled their offer ... and Pia signed without batting an eye.
We're told Pia will be picked up in L.A. in a limo and chauffeured directly to the party ... though it's unclear exactly where the party will go down.
Not too shabby. |
American Idol 2011 Top 5 Weekend Update
Posted: 30 Apr 2011 08:48 AM PDT
Four weeks remain in the American Idol 2011 competition leaving four more Hopefuls to be eliminated before we crown a new American Idol. While the judges like to say its anyone’s game I think most of us know better than that.
To keep the 90 minutes runtime filled the remaining Top 5 singers will each perform two songs. One will be songs from the 60′s, because that’s hip and relevant, and the other will be modern to help balance out the fifty year old songs. Maybe next week they’ll take on hits from Bach and Mozart! No word on what restrictions will be placed on “modern” songs, but hopefully they do better than letting Scotty sing an 80′s song for the 21st century theme…
Come Thursday night’s American Idol results show we’ll see Jennifer Lopez get out from behind the judges’ table and perform “On the Floor” alongside Pitbull. The non-Idol guest performer will be Lady Antebellum and though FOX says they’ll also be singing “On the Floor” I’m guessing that’s a typo in their press release. Or maybe it’ll be a rap battle! Yeah, probably not.
Ratings took another dip for American Idol this past week. Thursday night’s results show was down 5% in viewers from the previous week. As we get a little closer to the finale I’m still expecting things to pick back up, but maybe I’ll be surprised.
Couple of side notes. First, the American Idol 2011 Tour has been announced and tickets are now on pre-sale. So while most vendors won’t have tickets available until May 13th, I’ve got the hookup for you today. Check out the tour dates, locations, and ticket prices right now. Second, we’re running a free giveaway for a “skin” for your phones and devices along with a chance at two American Idol finale tickets. You can enter to win everyday from now until May 13th, so don’t wait. |
dah tak best nak layan Idol sebab Casey da takde. JAMES VS. HALEY for the finale pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
layan THE VOICE lg beshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. |
klu tau result cenggini ... baik la save pia ... x pyh save casey hari tu ... |
memang patut save pIA pon... juri dok igt pia akan selamat and go through FINAL trus..
tapi depa silap... even adam lambert pon penah bottom 2.... sehebat2 penyanyi mcm tuh
pon penah gak hampir tersingkir.... depa tak belajar dri kesilapan.... kuasa vote boleh jadi
macam2.... dh tak tgk dh AI tahun nie... setelah pia kluaq... just observe2 jek sini... |
memang patut save pIA pon... juri dok igt pia akan selamat and go through FINAL trus..
tapi depa ...
fredbok87 Post at 2-5-2011 14:05 
itu la pesal ... pd pendapat ai casey is a performer, pia is a great singer ... ai pun dah malas nak tengok AI semenjak Pia n Paul McD out ... tapi sbb suka join peraduan AI ... so layan jahhh ... (off topic : mek hadam is a great singer and performer, susah nk eliminate mek hadam) ... |
Pia Toscano Will Reportedly Begin Recording Her Album As Early As Next Week
Is Pia Toscano about to begin work on her debut alum? EOnline says it could happen as early as next week.
Sources tell E! News that former American Idol contestant Pia Toscano will start recording her debut album as early as next week. “She’s set to start on Monday and we’ll see what works for her,” an insider tells us.
And when will be hearing her new music?
We’re hearing that Pia’s first duty will be to start recording possible singles to release after the Idol season ends.
Four more weeks of Idol to go…does it even matter who wins this thing? |
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