"Sakit Hati Pula Tengok Cerita Ni.."- Drama Disleksia: Netizen Kritik
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supermum replied at 9-7-2019 02:39 PM
Pastu org sekeliling blame bini pulak bila bini paksa dia g therapy dia taknak. Part ni yang tak l ...
actually logic jer dia tak nak, sbb dah adults maybe dia malu org tau dia problem
tgk muka normal siap dah kawen tup tup kena g treatment ,
rehection tu. biasa |
Ko eja simptom pun tak btul. Aku speku sheila rusly ni pun disleksia kot |
misz_sanggul replied at 9-7-2019 03:30 PM
X Silap ramai jgk artis yg dyslexia seingt I Tom Cruise salah seorgnye..
ok je jd plakon hebat la ...
kannn , albert einstein pon ... tapi bijak jer siap dapat nobel prize |
Mesti ramai org cari drama ni kt yutiub..untung sis |
hehehhehhe.. takper, yes, it's always good to justify your thoughts.
speech therapy memang tak perlu. they are just like any other kid. the only intervention that i do with my pupils, at age 9, are reading strategies. i teach them phonics sounds and how to blend sounds in order to read a word.
i tak pernah buat speech therapy at all. in fact, when they come to me at age 9, they have not gone through any intervention at all. they can converse with me like any normal kid, cuma they have reading and spelling difficulties. if i do not do any intervention with them, chances are, they can still survive. cuma they take longer to read something. they will probably not pronounce a word properly, cuma try to rush through sayin a word. for example - madagascar, they will read as madascar, for example, because they find difficulty to break up the words.
but really, they are just like any normal kid. they are active, they can converse and they have no issues talking with you.
gigih jugak saya nak explain ni. hahahahahhahaah.
Edited by manjalara_01 at 9-7-2019 06:14 PM
for me anak istimewa tu terpulang la pd parents...title tu x kisah just persepsi org ramai je..
since like Channing Tatum..cth la ..ade dyslesia...tp tgk..hebat je dia berlakon...so..if he can do it you can do it too!..kalau fikir logik..you need to pair your dyslexia with charming good looks + badan sado...reality check..skit..and if not..if you are as brainy as Einstein.. ...yes, for sure la masa depan cerah...gituww..
Sorry OT. Aku takleh lupa sweet qismina bawak watak autism. Failed nak mampus. Macam tak buat research langsung. Berlakon mcm budak bodoh lembam. Autism bukan bodoh lembam. #donebebel |
adlynnz replied at 9-7-2019 05:42 PM
hehehhehhe.. takper, yes, it's always good to justify your thoughts.
speech therapy memang tak ...
Pada pendapat awak, adakah alepskoree benar2 disleksia atau dibuat2?
Ade video dia yang dia melawat rumah jiran, dia berbahasa Inggeris pun jauh elok dari biasa. Saya fikir kalau selalu tu dia buat2 je bodohkan diri. |
somaki replied at 9-7-2019 06:14 PM
Sorry OT. Aku takleh lupa sweet qismina bawak watak autism. Failed nak mampus. Macam tak buat resear ...
Wat do i expect la qismina je pon. |
LadyCarefree replied at 9-7-2019 06:20 PM
Wat do i expect la qismina je pon.
Itulah sis. Berlakon sedari kecil tp x berubah2 skill lakonan. Semua kelaut. Menyeksi pun kelaut. Harap boifren je hensem |
somaki replied at 9-7-2019 06:23 PM
Itulah sis. Berlakon sedari kecil tp x berubah2 skill lakonan. Semua kelaut. Menyeksi pun kelaut. ...
Boifren pon mane ada hensem? Herlok skit la dr maeljani. |
Kenapa sis tak ambik halipsyukrispendermahal tu belakon. Dia kan disleksia, pastu dia minat berlakon .. kena la tuu |
Hats off to JS at least ada cerita laindari yg lain. |
Edited by dua_chzy at 9-7-2019 07:20 PM
kenarikelabu replied at 9-7-2019 02:39 PM
Orang Dyslexia ni leh bekerja ke? Kerja ofis lak tuh. Mcm tak kena je...
Choi hapa lak tak boleh. Stodens hakak yang disleks herlok jah study sampai diploma, kerja bagai walau masa form 5 amekaw tunggang terbalik huruf dan ejaan. Pehtu ada sorang tu karna gigih berusaha now dah reti mengeja dengan betul pehtu bila bermesej takda singkatan2 full BM buku teks bahasanya. |
My son was diagnosed with mild dyslexia when he was 4.5 yo. At first, memang semua cakap i am making a fuss out of nothing and that he is still young. But a mother's instinct is almost always spot on.
I'm a housewife so my time is 24hrs with him. He is a fast learner and i noticed he has a very sharp memory. I started noticing when he turns 4, he tends to pause and look up as if everything is scrambling up there when he speaks. Basically his brain is faster than his mouth. Tapi dia very talkative but nak tunggu dia habis cerita memang lama la. Then i pelik kenapa he keeps getting he/she terbalik. Padahal pandai. Lepas tu bila pakai kasut mesti terbalik.
I also noticed he couldn't hold his pencil properly. Couldn't really catch a ball. Basically his grip was bad and he is also very clumsy. Ya ni semua memang biasa la for a 4 year old kid kan. But then one fine day i asked him to copy what i wrote, sekali he wrote from left to right! Perfectly. I dah start rasa tak best. When i monitor lagi i noticed he always get his 'b' and 'd' mistaken. And after awhile he just doesn't want to read although he loves books. He will ask us to read for him. Whenever i ask him to read, bila nampak page yang banyak perkataan je he will get demotivated. So i set an appointment with his paed and she referred me to specialist.
The result came back as mild. There were some points memang if i don't take action cepat akan melarat. I enrolled him for his special class and i also did homework with him at home. Mainly occupational therapy to help him with the grip and such.
Alhamdulillah now he is coping well. Going to be in primary next year and he can read well although still ada fumble at times. The trick is to help as early as possible and persetankan orang yang cakap you ni overly protective or they are just kids so that's why selalu tulis terbalik or whatever. You yourself should know your own child and it's your responsibility to help them overcome whatever disability they have. Always trust your instinct. |
Edited by BrownSugarMama at 9-7-2019 09:28 PM
- double post - |
Btw sapa tau.. Yg berlakon jd adik emma tu, adik diana daniel ke.. Muka hampir sama, suara n cara bercakap pun sama.. |
cicikwani replied at 9-7-2019 10:15 AM
anak aku ada tunjuk jugak simptom2 disleksia ni... aku mengaku mmg aku x bawak dia jumpa pakar ke ap ...
Apa yg berlaku kt ank u...sebiji dgn ank i...sama...
Dan my daughter confirm mild dys..so esk start terapi...
Pegi la check. Lg awl intervention, lg bagus |
dineo replied at 9-7-2019 12:44 AM
tapi dyslexic mmg ada yg macam nazim othman lakonkan tu
biasa dia nampak normal
I rse u explain ni more to autism ..
Dyslexic ni just masalah pembelajaran aje |
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