Trend guna penapis air - iklan akan dipotong kredit!!
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thanks.... pasal mmg nak cari yg mineral punya.... tak suka rasa air RO (mmg satu keluarga kitaorang tak suka RO, so bila beli air mesti tutup botol biru).
ka_one2000 Post at 12-11-2009 03:05 PM 
anis pun kategori tak tahan bila minum air RO ni begitu juga dengan suami dan anak2 anis...perut jadi kembung pehtu cirit birit...so, anis beli jer hexagon...alhamdulillah, dah guna sejak 31 Oktober tu hari sampai la ni, tak der pulak anak2 or suami or anis kembung perut...kat opis anis pun ada disediakan air RO ni...tapi anis sebab tau perut anis jenis tak tahan...so bawak air dari rumah jer... |
tu la sbb aku duk cari info psl jenis2 filter ni..yelah aku bkn saintis/kimia...
so..nk faham melalui pembacaan & testimoni2 pengguna je lah...
last2 ... hexagon jugak yg aku bli..hehehehhe |
very true....contoh terbaik kakak aku seniri...
sihat walafiat...garet sgt pi install RO water kat umah...
feling2 concern teramat la pasai kebersihan air ni..
Skali badan rasa len mcm...saki ...
koko2 Post at 12-11-2009 15:41 
saya guna air RO untuk isi dalam radiator keter.....mmg baguih... |
123# koko2
so inilah juga yg sedang dihadapi oleh biras anis...kakak ipor my hubby....selalu jer sakit2, pehtu tangan dan badan cam org tak cukup khasiat...pehtu kulit dia mcm gatal2, begitu jugak dgn anak2 dia....dia baru setahun beli filter RO ni lah...tak yah sebut brand lerr....kat sini ramai gak yg promote brand tersebut..bila check kat dr...dr pun tanya mcm yg dr tanya kat kakak koko tu....sekarang dia dah bungkus itu filter..sudah guna hexagon jugalah....baru jer tepon dia tanya camner kesihatan dia...dia cakap alhamdulillah...tak der mcm dulu selalu sakit....so mebi ada org boleh terima air RO, ada org tak boleh terima air RO...dari elok sihat jadik sakit...ada yg sakit jadik sihat....kena tengok kesesuaian badan masing2.... |
108# neomorpheus
setuju dgn awk...
ikut non-profit org.
ikut yg buleh bg certified... |
123# koko2
Kak, i don't believe the doktor..please check dr mana dia dpt degree?...check jugak my explanation above... |
121# AnisSuraya
Aneh...sakit perut n cirit birit sbb air RO...no logic at all....please help to explain why? |
koken...actually i pun tak pernah dengar psl org minum air RO sakit or org sakit je kena minum air RO..
tp setau i, kalau air mati, it is not air RO..it is distilled water..
i used to ask water specialist in my company..
he said in general, RO water is ok..
tp so far, doctors said RO water does flush garam in our body..
so can u explain a little bit more..
by the way, sbb u question the doctor's certification, it might help if you name ur sources or maybe you yourself is a water specialist,
sharing is caring kan..
mmg ada pun some doctors suka cakap je itu ini, or tapi tak explain properly sbb tu i tak kisah bila ada org question doctor's credibilityl..i pun dh pernah terkena..cuma kesian la..
if u dpt doctor yg baik and u citer psl what other doctors did, they still have to defend their colleagues due to professional reason.. |
123# koko2
How RO is the RO yg ur kakak consume? It depend on the filtre gak, ya they might claim as RO filtre tp how tiny is the filtre itself? Nk beli filtre ni bukan main beli coz org ckp mcm tu mcm ni. As consumer pun kita nk buat research gak mana fllter yg betul2 selamat for us. Don't look at the price la, murah atau mahal pun its still depend on the how big is the filter. |
To add more, sy rasa some of u yg claim ur filter certified by any organisations kindly click tis link n check by urself n cari la any brand yg uols nk check. I did checked tp xnak la reveal even ada brand yg try kabur mata consume with all those certified logos tp actually mmg x certified pun. Better u checked sendiri.
http://www.wqa.org/ |
132# zairi
To add more to Zairi's point, WQA provides Gold Seal Certification for products that remove variety of contaminants. So kita jangan anggap penapis tu ok when diorg letak lambang WQA. Itu tak bermakna certified and maybe the company is just a member of WQA but the product itself is not certified.
Can also refer to this below video:
http://www.wqa.org/goldseal/movie/wqa_wb/2009/index.html |
Post Last Edit by neomorpheus at 13-11-2009 15:10
121# AnisSuraya
Aneh...sakit perut n cirit birit sbb air RO...no logic at all....please help to explain why?
koken_7 Post at 12-11-2009 23:58 
Most people who have lots of toxic in the body could face this problem as one of pure water basic function itself is detoxification. This is actually good natural way of detoxification. (I dah lupa the scientific name of the effect). Mmg ramai org yg i jumpa ada effect ni when they started drinking good quality pure water. I pun mula2 dulu kena jugak. Tapi only sekejap saje. And not all claimed RO is actually good quality pure water. Skrg ni my family and i have been drinking RO for the past 7 years and all of us are healthier and jarang makan ubat doktor lagi. We used to be heavy user of medicines (having few doctors in family) but now very2 minimal dependency on it. p/s: i'm not selling any brand inside but just sharing my own experience and my beliefs. |
130# Ariys21
Most doctors are only guessing when they do diagnosis unless accompanied with some tests. That's why kalau u pegi jumpa 1 doctor, he would say this, and when go to other doctors, they might say something else. More importantly doctors are not certified nutritionist or dietician. Apa yg diorg belajar nutrition adalah secara generally. They concentrate more on learning physiology and drugs to be used. When u ask advise on supplements, most of the time they would not recommend u to try as they dont want to be responsibile and they dont really have a good depth knowledge, so if they say yes, the patients may blame them in the end. It's also against their professional ethics.
The water specialists who i always refer to is Michael Robert Long. I rasa Koken pun refer to the same person kut. He is a Certified Water Specialist Level IV (level tertinggi in the world) and hanya ada around 10 people dlm dunia who achieve this level. Ada banyak coverage on RO actually since the breaking news of drug contaminants in the water around March this year. (Nanti i paste or give u guys reference kalau ade masa) So definitely the existing water filter competitors will come up with lots of things to say RO water is not good. To me, we need to ask the correct person. Analoginya, kalau kita sakit gigi, kita pegi jumpa doktor gigi and bukannya bidan or doktor biasa kan.. |
123# koko2
Kak, i don't believe the doktor..please check dr mana dia dpt degree?...check jugak my explanation above...
koken_7 Post at 12-11-2009 23:56 
I rasa doktor tu nak pernah baca Journal of Medicine kut...bendalir and darah tak ada mineral sbb minum air RO..so kelakar  |
133# neomorpheus
thanx frens...hope pas ni ramai yg realized benda2 yg selama ni diaorg xnampak.. |
so moral of the story .....
air mineral dan air osmisis songsang adalah bagus untuk kesihatan.... terpulanglah kepada mana2 individu untuk memilih. betul tak? |
138# ka_one2000
I would say depending on the context of the mineral water itself. kalau yg mmg betul2 properly produced yes which means purified water first then added with minerals or betul2 natural resources like air zam zam yg non questionable or water from a very few specific special locations on earth (ie Evian). But kalau normal mineral water or penapis dlm pasaran skrg ni, dengan tahap pencemaran & bahan merbahaya such as arsenik, plumbum, ubat2 etc skrg ni, pakar2 air semuanya kata tidak. Kalau tak, sudah tentu banyak penapis2 yg so called menghasilkan air mineral ni dpt Gold Seal drp WQA. 20 years ago it could be yes (sbb dulu pencemaran tak teruk seperti skrg) despite the fact of minerals actually terbahagi kepada organik dan inorganik. Inorganik mineral hanya berguna kepada tumbuhan dan manusia mendapatkan mineral drp tumbuhan yg menukarkan mineral2 ini kepada organik. Tak ada penapis dlm dunia ini yg bleh automatically membezakan yg mana mineral and yg mana logam berat merbahaya. Kalau tetap nak minum jugak, terpulanglah as in the end buah pinggang kitalah yg akan bertindak sebagai penapis. So those inorganic things bleh membebankan buah pinggang and seterusnya merosakkan buah pinggang. Can be seen from the increasing number of kidney diseases patients. |
mrs x berapa setuju some people claimed RO water hanya utk org yg sakit @ doctors said stop taking RO water becoz of xde mineral. air yg kita perlu minum is just "H20", sumber mineral yg badan kita perlukan blh di dpti dari makanan lain mcm buah-buahan, etc. plz buat research lebih utk ini. jgn buat research based on wat other people said aje. sometimes u have to ask pakar air or read relevant books also. air yg telah melalui filter blh jd bahaya kalau filter tu x dijaga @ very low maintenance. any brand pun provide maintenance utk jaga water filter memasing. mahal mcmana pun water filter yg kita guna, kalau takde maintenance then air yg kita minum tu blh jd 'double' kotor. so my point is...its ur responsibility utk tentukan which brand is good or the best. |
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