레드카펫에는 쿠느님이 제일 늦게나오셨어여
Ku noonim came to the red carpet very late and so she was the last to walk on it.
그치만 그 조그마한 치아들을 보여주면서
But she still revealed her small set of teeth,
인사를 꾸벅꾸벅했어요
and greeted everyone by bowing and bowing.
제가 누나 제발 내손을잡아주세요 제발제발 했는데
I pleaded for noona to touch my hand, please, please...
그냥 가버렸어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ근데기자들있는쪽에선 손을많이잡아주더라구요(다른연예인들도기자앞쪽사람들손많이잡아줌-훈
Butshe just passed by (ㅠㅠㅠㅠ) But she touched hands with many people whowere standing near the cameramen. (Other entertainers also touched thefans' hands near the cameramen only.
I guess they all wanted pictures showing their warmth.)
그래서 허무함을 뒤로하고 개막식장 안으로 들어갔어요
So, I decided to put my feelings of futility behind me and enter the ceremony hall.
근데 개막식이 이미시작해서 식이끝나고 영화상영전 5분쉬는시간에 들어갈수있다더군요
But,they would not let me in because the ceremony started already. Theytold me to wait until the end of the opening ritual and to enter duringthe 5 minute break before the start of the movie,
정말 화났어요
I became really mad.
근데 화장실이 가고싶은거에요
But I really needed to go to the bathroom.
그래서 화장실을 갔다가 다시 들어가려는데..........
When returning from the bathroom,,,,
연예인들 차가 있는 지하주차장가는 통로에
near the passage towards the parking lot for the entertainers,
사람들은 아무도 없는데 경호원들이 막 궁시렁궁시렁하는거에요
There were hardly anyone there but many bodyguards were crowded together.
뭔가를 느꼇죠!
I sensed that something was up!
전화받는척하면서 경호원들 옆에있었어요
I pretended to take a call and lingered near the bodyguards.
유준상홍은희씨가 식을마치겠습니다! 하는소리가 들렸고 박수소리가 들렸어요
Ijust heard that the married couple MC's Yoo Joon Sang & Hong EunHee ended the opening ceremony and heard the clapping sound.
그런데 그순간 쿠느님이 나오셨어여
Then, at that moment, Ku noonim came out.
사람들은 꺄악 구혜선이다 하고 제 뒷쪽으로 달려오더군요
People screamed GHS's name and ran towards my back.
전 맨앞에서 지나가는 모습을 봤는데
I saw her come out from the very front of everyone.
손잡아달라니까 안녕하세요안녕하세요만외치고 가셨어여
I asked her to touch my hand but she she shouted an-yung-ha-se-yo twice and left.
요술시사회때 꼭 잡았으면 좋겠습니다
I hope I really get to hold her hands at the Magic premier.
쿠는 다른스케줄이 있었나봐요 다른연예인들과 다르게 개막식만 보고 개막작은 안보고갔어여
Ithink Ku had another schedule. Unlike the other entertainers, she justsat for the opening ceremony and did not get to watch the opening movie.
아 이말투 못해먹겠다
Ah, it is hard to say easily...
쿠랑 유인나씨는 티비랑 완전 똑같아요
Ku and Yoo In Na totally look just as they appear on TV.
박예진씨는...............................상상을초월하더군요 진짜 포스가느껴짐
Park Ye Jin ssi.........................she is beyond imagination. I can feel the 포스=pose(?)
yg 유인나씨의 화장품냄새가 진동했음 그래도 귀여움
YG's Yoo In Na ssi smelled too much of her make-up but still very cute.
결론은 구혜선짱
My final decision is the GHS is the best. (She came late and left right before the opening movie. I wonder where she went? She has to return before May 1, Saturday.)
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