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Author: missdirector

Nak tau status terkini ASB... ( syariah compliance atau x ) ???

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Post time 12-8-2011 03:54 AM | Show all posts
Reply 121# system_failure

belum laa encik system... tengah seronok baca buku nie...
awal lagi nak sahur dah ke???... {:1_144:}

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Post time 12-8-2011 03:58 AM | Show all posts
jap lagi system down...

kat uganda baru nak berbuke nie...
err... korek idungz jap...

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Post time 12-8-2011 04:00 AM | Show all posts
jap lagi system down...

kat uganda baru nak berbuke nie...
err... korek idungz jap...
system_failure Post at 12-8-2011 03:58

tunggu laa kejap...
lepas buka baru korek........

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Post time 12-8-2011 07:25 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mrsakit at 12-8-2011 09:07
  "masyarakat Islam melabur dalam saham syarikat yang bercampur aktiviti halal dan haram adalah berasas"
aarie Post at 12-8-2011 03:41


Adakah fatwa kebangsaan ikut akal instead of hukum Allah?

Nampaknya kamu gagal menjawab soalan...tapi baguslah alhamdulillah kamu berada dijalan yg benar...itu sahaja yg ku pinta

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Post time 12-8-2011 07:38 AM | Show all posts
Reply 118# izza_dude

abes tu aku nak simpan kat mana duit ni...takkan bawah bantal kot

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Post time 12-8-2011 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Reply 118# izza_dude

kiter pun sama2 blaja...assuming kamu tu mmg betul...tetapi...tak semua UT bersandarkan bank...

ada yg UT jenis standalone dan ada juga UT support dr bank...
senario kamu adalah UT yg support dr bank...
sama juga seperti insurans..ada yg support dr bank dan ada insurans yg boleh standalone tanpa bank...
Anyway, ASB adalah UT yg jenis bersandarkan serta jaminan dr kerajaan dan bukan bersandarkan dr mana2 bank
Jangan sangka asb itu lain UT itu lain..ASB itu juga adalah UT
Masalahnya disini adalah investment routes ...pelbagai senario & spekulasi seperti yg u berikan...

Bukannya tak boleh invest...
islamkan ada cara untuk berniaga...mudharabah, musharakah, bai'bithaman ajil and bla bla bla...
tak salah jikalau org kapir nak mengikut cara islam...untung tetap ada tetapi bukan riba...
ada yg untung berganda-ganda lagi tinggi dr riba malah lagi halal...Contohnya: UT Gold Equity...
Sometime ada org yg jenis pangkah dan ada org yg suka berfikir sebelum bertindak dan ada juga org yg berfikir selepas bertindak...rezeki yg halal tidak semestinya hanya didepan mata...ia patut dpt merasai dr hati menilai menggunakan akal berkata menggunakan lidah barulah bertindak dgn anggota...itulah iman...wallahualam...

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Post time 12-8-2011 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply  izza_dude

abes tu aku nak simpan kat mana duit ni...takkan bawah bantal kot
ruffleen Post at 12-8-2011 07:38

letak bawah bantal jer
tak pun letak dalam tabung haji jer..
takkan tak dapat agak mengapa mufti-mufti mengeluarkan fatwa harus utk asb....
sebab diorg tak nak 'org islam melayu' letak duit bawah bantal...
sebab bila lagi ekonomi kita nak naik...
kalau letak atas bantal..
dan tabung haji tuh, dia punya objektif 'untuk naik haji', bukan utk memberanakkan duit...
TAPI biasalah..
kat akhir2 zaman nieh...
byk org menuntut ilmu agama bukan sebab ikhlas nak membangun bersama islam...
byk org menuntut agama sebab nak 'memangkah' jer kejenyer...
sebab dia ada ilmu, dia ada kepakaran, dia ada sijil, dia ada ijazah...
jadi takkan kita tak caya kot...
maka setiap fakta-fakta yg dikeluarkan nampak 'syariah'...
padahal islam tu mudah...

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Post time 12-8-2011 11:39 AM | Show all posts
aku amik cara mudah... pasal ASB ni dari dulu lagi, kejap harom, kejap makruh, kejap macam macam ada..... so tinggalkan aje la ASB. apa yg korang kemaruk sangat makan duit sybhah tu ? pelik aku. 70% halal campur 30 % haram. dalam isle ni, setiap yg halal bercampur dengan haram adalah haram hukumnya. kan dah jelas terang dan nyata lagi tu ?

let say, 70% ayam, campur 30% babi dalam nasik goreng. harussssss ????

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Post time 12-8-2011 12:46 PM | Show all posts
let say, 70% ayam, campur 30% babi dalam nasik goreng. harussssss ????
lucid_lynx Post at 12-8-2011 11:39

Ada org penegak fatwa kebangsaan tu kata...ini hukum Allah...hukum ni takleh melawak...mmg betullah fatwa itu berkata...bila halal bercampur lebih byk drpd haram...maka dijadikan harus
mungkin fatwa tu akan kata makruh bila haram bercampur lebih byk drpd yg halal
Pasnih sure diowang gigih cari ilmu lagi utk mempertahankan kona mereka...

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Post time 13-8-2011 02:56 AM | Show all posts
Reply 125# ruffleen

    ...kalo bwh bntal tu kertas, reput la ia. Tp kalo logam bernilai tinggi, tinggi lah nilai dia. Simpan lah dlm bentuk hiasan diri.

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Post time 13-8-2011 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply  ruffleen
kalo bwh bntal tu kertas, reput la ia. Tp kalo logam bernilai tinggi, tinggi lah nilai dia. Simpan lah dlm bentuk hiasan diri.
Dzulqarnain Post at 13-8-2011 02:56

u mean barang kemas? ok will think about it. thanks

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2011 03:02 PM | Show all posts
tak abis2 lagi  ke isu asb nieh....
aku nieh bukanlah pandai sgt bab agama..
tapi kalau betul lah  ...
izza_dude Post at 11-8-2011 23:14

unit trust ade yang haram (principal) ade yang halal (islamic). dan bukan berdasarkan signature dari committee syariah je.. kami dapat report dari bank every month.. bgtau in which sector and what company they invested..secara detail. walaupun fund manager kdg2 cina / bukan islam. ini bukan sebab tak ada melayu dilantik. tapi dah kepakaran tu dipegang oleh diorang...

makes me wonder... ASB punye fund managers plak mcm mana ek ? ade sape2 tau ?? org yang depan counter ke.. consultant ke...dalam bank ke.. semua tu tak ada kena mengena pun sebenarnya.

pasal public bank no comment. sebab tak tau. tapi ade sebab my fav is cimb. ( dulu dipanggil BUMIPUTERA COMMERCE )  

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2011 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply  izza_dude

abes tu aku nak simpan kat mana duit ni...takkan bawah bantal kot
ruffleen Post at 12-8-2011 07:38

good idea jugak simpan dalam tabung haji dulu tu... after all.. menunaikan haji tu rukun islam...kalau dpt tunaikan dulu...

ade lebih2 tu boleh la fikir nak invest kat mana2 yang ruff suka... tapi invest la.. jangan tak invest. bersedia utk masa depan

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Post time 14-8-2011 09:11 AM | Show all posts
wah...good explaination laa missdirector

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Post time 15-8-2011 10:36 PM | Show all posts
good idea jugak simpan dalam tabung haji dulu tu... after all.. menunaikan haji tu rukun islam.. ...
missdirector Post at 13-8-2011 15:05

make sure invest in islamic fund..islamic way..

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Post time 16-8-2011 01:24 AM | Show all posts
make sure invest in islamic fund..islamic way..
putrisakura Post at 15-8-2011 22:36

...without making loan and committed riba.

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Post time 16-8-2011 08:19 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 16-8-2011 08:20

islamic fund is better than ASB??

The Mutual Fund Industry Is A Huge Scam That Costs Investors Billions Of Dollars A Year   
Henry Blodget | Aug. 14, 2011, 4:04 PM | 10,124 | 53

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Financial Advisor

If he just sold you a fund run by a stock-picker, he probably swindled you.

Henry Blodget


Henry Blodget is CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Business Insider.
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Yale's legendary investment guru, David Swensen, shreds the mutual-fund industry this weekend in the New York Times.

Swensen points out what anyone who has objectively studied the facts of investing inevitably comes to realize: The fund industry costs investors billions in lost returns every year--while coining money for itself, its employees, and its distributors.

The primary promise of the traditional for-profit fund industry--that it's smart to pay a star fund manager huge money to pick stocks for you--is blown apart by performance data, which shows that the vast majority of funds lag low-cost index funds every year. And the minority of funds that beat index funds this year--about a third in most years--won't likely beat them next year or the following year.

Meanwhile, urged on by misleading "quality" rankings, investors consistently choose to invest in funds that have done well in the past, not funds that are likely to do well in the future.

Specifically, year in year out, investors buy funds that have been given 4 and 5 stars by Morningstar and withdraw money from funds that have been given 1 and 2 stars. They do this despite the fact that even Morningstar admits that the ratings aren't predictive--that 4 and 5 star funds aren't likely to do any better in the future than 1 and 2 star funds.

What is predictive?


The lower the cost of a fund, the more likely it is to do well in the future (relative to other funds). The higher the cost, meanwhile, the less likely the fund is to do well.  This is one reason that index funds outperform "actively managed funds" (funds with managers paid to pick good stocks and sell bad ones) year after year: The manager's salary is deducted from the fund's returns, and most managers aren't good enough to offset the cost of their salaries and their employer's profits.[/b]

Why don't financial advisors tell their clients these simple facts?

Because financial advisors like to believe (or pretend) that they can add more value than that--that their acumen and relationships and experience will allow them to select funds that do "better than average."

(Even though index funds do distinctly better than average.) And also because financial advisors are often incented (paid) to recommend certain funds over other funds--and the commissions on high-cost funds are generally higher than those on low-cost index funds.

These observations aren't theories, by the way. They're demonstrable facts. If every American who owns a high-cost actively managed mutual fund sold it and bought a low-cost index fund, the average returns of America's investors would rise considerably--in part because American investors wouldn't be paying billions of dollars of fees each year to mutual fund companies to lose money for them.

Read David Swensen's article at the New York Times >

Note: I realize this sounds harsh and disrespectful to the many great people who work in the for-profit mutual fund industry, some of whom are my friends. It isn't meant to be disrespectful. Some funds--a very small percentage--do outperform indices over the long haul. Some fund managers do actually have an edge. Unfortunately, the vast majority don't.

The fact is that the clients of most traditional mutual funds would be considerably better off if the fund employees just shut their firms down, re-allocated their client's money to low-cost index funds, and found other work to do. Equally unfortunately, however, the other work would likely pay significantly less well than the for-profit mutual-fund industry--which is why so few of the folks in the industry do the work necesssary to understand these realities.

Read more: ... 011-8#ixzz1V6FNTDrm

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:28 PM | Show all posts
betul ke staf PNB smua melayu....
apsal bln lps aku pi kat jln tun razak tu kaunter dia lelaki cina yg jaga....

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:36 PM | Show all posts
lupa nak cakap td maybank ada kol adik aku tanya pasal loan utk ASB....
so adik cakap bkn haram ker ASB nih....

org bank tu cakap bukan haram pastu bla bla bla x ingat....
tp now dorang dh bekukan islamic loan utk ASB nih...
kalo buat loan conventional ok...
so tanya adik aku berminat x....
jawapan slamat adik aku nanti diskas ngan hubby dlu....

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Post time 19-8-2011 09:14 AM | Show all posts

Kalo ASB itu HARAM, apa alternatif lain utk buat investment?

kalo dah haram, kat mana lg boleh buat pelaburan selain dr TH? (sbb TH dah ada)

UT? rasa nyer belum tentu 100% halal kan...

any idea?

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