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Author: planb

Mahathir is right: Jews do rule the world

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Post time 6-1-2004 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by casio666 at 2004-1-6 03:31 PM:
The thing is the 'good jews' don't believe in the violent ways of the 'bad jews.' They're going at it the Gandhi way. Instead of violence, they offer medical and other help to the Palestinians.

thats not good enough right?

its like ur dad whacks u to death n ur mum sends u to the hospital for repair right?

its like superdonkey bush initatin peace road map to settle israeli PALESTINIAN conflict yet at the same hes feedin hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists with billions worth of arms to annihilate the PALESTINIANS be they hamas, babies n all.  right?  :eek:

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casio666 This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2004 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Well at least I knew someone cared. I wouldn't want my mom or anyone else getting hurt on my behalf. If they can send me to the hospital then at least I know someone cares and that there's hope.

You might say talk is cheap but I grew up in Hong Seng Estate in Penang (home of the 3 Little Emperors gang). Lived there for 15 years so violence was a apart of life and so was losing half your friends to drugs and gang attacks by the time you sit for your SRP. Violence begets violence. Never solved anything, never will.

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SFE talk This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2004 07:55 PM | Show all posts
You are right Casio, thats why Islam cannot be divine.

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Post time 7-1-2004 09:01 AM | Show all posts
islam may not be divine, n trinity christianity is worst - its evil  :re:

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Post time 7-1-2004 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by casio666 at 2004-1-6 06:25 PM:
Well at least I knew someone cared. I wouldn't want my mom or anyone else getting hurt on my behalf. If they can send me to the hospital then at least I know someone cares and that there's hope.


thats the whole problem
when ur dad happily whacks u to death, he can easily n happily whacks ur mum to death too.  when u're half dead with limbs missin, how u gonna protect ur mum?  u can hope but the HARDreality is u n ur mum gonna be miserable for life.

n thats exactly wot hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists (not all) r doin to their brethren the hapless PALESTINIANS

they (not all) rape PALESTINE n genocide the PALESTINIANS.  yet they expect the PALESTINIANS to grin away n stay submissives afterall not all jews r hapless pious terrorist cum rapist right?

sure the PALESTINIANS can hope for the best.  but hopes not enough coz by then they gonna be raped to kingdom come thy will be done right?  :cf:

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casio666 This user has been deleted
Post time 7-1-2004 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Why so defensive? Negative thoughts brings upon negative actions. If the Palestinians have friends like you, how can they even have a glimmer of hope. People are thinking and working towards achieving and sustaining peace for all sides and not be partisan but you. How can there be peace for just one side -there is no balance. Just like war - there must be two sides - action reaction. I don't agree with any side that takes part in war because it's unproductive - a waste of human life and physical resources that can be used for other positive purposes.

It's sad to see that everytime any one of the sides makes an effort towards peace, there is always one bad apple from either side who will do something stupid to ruin the whole peace process and give a bad name to the entire group, prolonging suffering for everyone.

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Post time 7-1-2004 02:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by casio666 at 7-1-2004 11:23 AM:
Why so defensive? Negative thoughts brings upon negative actions. If the Palestinians have friends like you, how can they even have a glimmer of hope. People are thinking and working towards achieving and sustaining peace for all sides and not be partisan but you. How can there be peace for just one side -there is no balance. Just like war - there must be two sides - action reaction. I don't agree with any side that takes part in war because it's unproductive - a waste of human life and physical resources that can be used for other positive purposes.

methinks u're bein overly dramatic.  u think the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict can be solved easily with hope n understandin n friendship etc right?

nope.  u wrong.  the conflict can be solved ONLY with SINCERITY n HONESTY.  how?  simple

u're sayin people r thinkin n workin towards achievin n sustainin peace for all sides right?  who r these people?  top on the list should b superdonkey bush, followed by sharon then arafat.  why?  simple

superdonkey bush is superpower right?  nobody else is superpower right?  hence as superpower he should SINCERLY n HONESTLY implement the road map right?  but did he?  nope.  how come?

coz despite the road map, superdonkey bushs still feedin hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists with billions worth of arms.  n certainly these billions worth of arms r not for showcase right?  they gonna be used right? for wot?  u tell me

then sharon should SINCERELY n HONESTLY wanna peace between israel n PALESTINE.  how?  easy.  

by stoppin completely the buildin of illegal jewish settlements n 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories.  n he should announce to the world that he gonna dismantle ALL illegal jewish settlements (not only the impotent ones but also the prosperous ones) n leave it to un to decide which he could keep.  but did he do that?  u tell me

u know why sharon should start the peace process first before arafat?  simple  

sharon is the victor the ouccpier while arafat is the defeated the occupied.  sharon should extend the olive branch first n declare he wanna withdraw from the occupied PALESTINIAN territories.  only then u can c the road map goin some place

then arafat being the defeated, the loser n the occupied in all SINCERITY n HONESTY would be able to dismantle the hamas.  right?

all this boils down to commonsense bro

It's sad to see that everytime any one of the sides makes an effort towards peace, there is always one bad apple from either side who will do something stupid to ruin the whole peace process and give a bad name to the entire group, prolonging suffering for everyone.

its not for outsider to decide whos right n whos wrong

its simple logic really.  when u're raped, u gonna wanna rape back  

likewise when the PALESTINIANS r raped, hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists can expect to be raped back.  simple  :re:

[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 7-1-2004 at 02:24 PM ]

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casio666 This user has been deleted
Post time 7-1-2004 04:05 PM | Show all posts
I'm being overly dramatic? You're the one still preaching the "eye for an eye concept." How about when the Indon Muslims raped and killed the minority Christians and burnt their churches. Did the Christians go to another country and retaliate? When Muslim youths went around Penang pulling down Hindu deities at the temples, did the Hindus retaliate and go to other states to reciprocate?  Or when some Muslims interrupted a mass in Kedah to ask for donations for the needy in Afghanistan, did the Christians go to a Mosque and interrupt the prayers? How about when two churches were burnt in Kedah and Perak by Muslims during the Afghan war, did you hear of any Mosques being burnt in revenge?

Bottom line, we do not blame the whole community for the actions of a few. Call me what you want - weak, lame, stupid, etc. I just want peace. Honestly. I don't begrudge you for your comments. At least you are sincere. Sometimes I feel it is a blessing in disguise that my wife and I can't have children. We'd be too scared to let them live in a world with so much hate.

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Post time 7-1-2004 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by casio666 at 2004-1-7 04:05 PM:
I'm being overly dramatic? You're the one still preaching the "eye for an eye concept." How about when the Indon Muslims raped and killed the minority Christians and burnt their churches. Did the Christians go to another country and retaliate? When Muslim youths went around Penang pulling down Hindu deities at the temples, did the Hindus retaliate and go to other states to reciprocate?  Or when some Muslims interrupted a mass in Kedah to ask for donations for the needy in Afghanistan, did the Christians go to a Mosque and interrupt the prayers? How about when two churches were burnt in Kedah and Perak by Muslims during the Afghan war, did you hear of any Mosques being burnt in revenge?

wot have those things got to do with the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict?

Bottom line, we do not blame the whole community for the actions of a few. Call me what you want - weak, lame, stupid, etc. I just want peace. Honestly. I don't begrudge you for your comments. At least you are sincere. Sometimes I feel it is a blessing in disguise that my wife and I can't have children. We'd be too scared to let them live in a world with so much hate.

how do u get peace in the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict?  :re:

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casio666 This user has been deleted
Post time 7-1-2004 06:00 PM | Show all posts
The thing is if there were an equal and opposite reaction in the examples given then there won't be peace. One side has to swallow their pride and back down. This has happened before more than once but some idiot had to do something stupid and ruin the whole thing - back to square one. But if you want something so badly, you've just got to work at it. Although the congregation in my church is pro palestinian in terms of aid and other forms of non hostile support, we do not condone active hostile retaliation. None of us want to see people get raped and murdered. But if both sides still carry on the eye for an eye policy then how can this stop. Your passion is admirable but there's has to be a better long term solution to this. Like Mahathir said, Islamic countries should band together and pressure the UN instead of fighting with each other and rendering 1.6 billion followers useless and weak.

How to get peace in the middle east conflict? Both sides stop fighting and find another hobby like following the EPL.

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Post time 8-1-2004 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by casio666 at 2004-1-7 06:00 PM:
The thing is if there were an equal and opposite reaction in the examples given then there won't be peace. One side has to swallow their pride and back down.

who should swallow his pride first?  superdonkey bush or hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists chief sharon the victor or arafat the defeated?

This has happened before more than once but some idiot had to do something stupid and ruin the whole thing - back to square one.

who is the most idiot among the 3?  superdonkey bush or hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists chief sharon the victor or arafat the defeated?

But if you want something so badly, you've just got to work at it.

does the buildin of 200 illegal jewish settlements in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories mean hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists chief sharon wants peace so bad?

Although the congregation in my church is pro palestinian in terms of aid and other forms of non hostile support, we do not condone active hostile retaliation.

wot u expect the PALESTINIANS do when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em when they build 600 kilo berlin 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories?

None of us want to see people get raped and murdered.

wot u expect PALESTINIAN israelis do when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em when their homes r destroyed, cozin em to become refugees in the millions?

But if both sides still carry on the eye for an eye policy then how can this stop. Your passion is admirable but there's has to be a better long term solution to this.

wots ur better long term solution for the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict?  any idea?

Like Mahathir said, Islamic countries should band together and pressure the UN instead of fighting with each other and rendering 1.6 billion followers useless and weak.

wot u expect un do when they're vetoed by superdonkey bush for reprimandin hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists?

How to get peace in the middle east conflict? Both sides stop fighting and find another hobby like following the EPL.

how both sides stop fightin when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists murdered hamas along with PALESTINIAN innocent includin babies?  well?  

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Post time 8-1-2004 02:02 PM | Show all posts
1.6 billion followers

Its more like 1.2 billion or even less, not 1.6 billion.

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Post time 8-1-2004 02:06 PM | Show all posts
the HARDfact remains wot u expect the PALESTINIANS do when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em by buildin 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israeli proper?  any idea?  

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casio666 This user has been deleted
Post time 8-1-2004 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Liverpool won!!! Yay!

Oh, sorry. About the 1.6 bil error, thanks for the correction Debmey. I must have confused the firgures with the number of times I had to go to the toilet last month after eating bad highway nasi lemak.

And to Sonny, you should enter name calling competitions. I'd be your manager. We'll make millions, I tellya.

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Post time 8-1-2004 05:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by casio666 at 2004-1-8 04:38 PM:
Liverpool won!!! Yay!

Oh, sorry. About the 1.6 bil error, thanks for the correction Debmey. I must have confused the firgures with the number of times I had to go to the toilet last month after  ...

And to Sonny, you should enter name calling competitions. I'd be your manager. We'll make millions, I tellya.

inother words u've no idea how PALESTINIANS should react when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em by buildin 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israeli proper right?

i tot u've substance yet only hotair  

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casio666 This user has been deleted
Post time 8-1-2004 08:04 PM | Show all posts
Are you sure you don't want to enter any competitions? You're right, I did have a lot of hot air. Right after my bad nasi lemak experience I had a lot of hot air escaping from where the sun don't shine. Powerful stuff.

I won't answer your question since no amount of suggestions would pacify a closed and made up mind. Just look at your replies. You are reacting and not responding. Keep up the name calling. It's so productive - one day you will solve some sort of problem but not the one in the middle east.

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Post time 9-1-2004 01:22 AM | Show all posts
[font=Georgia][i][b][color=dodgerblue]This not really anti-Semitism at all, but rather just anger with American and Israeli policies. You people should know better.

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Post time 9-1-2004 05:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 2004-1-9 01:22 AM:
This not really anti-Semitism at all, but rather just anger with American and Israeli policies. You people should know better.

Yess... yesss... its not anti-semitism and junk... just that the Jews are controlling the whole world by remote control... and make people die for them...

The Jews press some switch and robots like bush will send his zombie soldiers to kill and murder and... commit genocide mainly Muslims as per wish of the Jews...
And when the Jews kill and murder Palestinian babies and women(mans are not important to mention)... the Puppet American Bush... gives more weapon to destroy and to commit genocide against the Palestinians... babies and women...  

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Post time 9-1-2004 12:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by casio666 at 2004-1-8 08:04 PM:
Are you sure you don't want to enter any competitions? You're right, I did have a lot of hot air. Right after my bad nasi lemak experience I had a lot of hot air escaping from where the sun don't shine. Powerful stuff.

I won't answer your question since no amount of suggestions would pacify a closed and made up mind. Just look at your replies. You are reacting and not responding. Keep up the name calling. It's so productive - one day you will solve some sort of problem but not the one in the middle east.

commonsense tells u since u advocate peace understandin n friendship u should use ur brain to come up with constructive solutions to the israeli PALESTIAN confict.  nobodys askin u to pacify SONNY but to pacify superdonkey bush, hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionist chief sharon the victor n arafat the defeated.  right?

irrespective me reactin or respondin, u should use ur commonsense to look at the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict from the perspective of the raped rather than the rapist

incidentaly wot would u do with u r raped?  will u beg the rapist to rape u some more or rape him in return?

hence wots ur constructive solution how PALESTINIANS should react when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em by buildin 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israeli proper?  use the gray substance not the hot air in ur head plz  :bg:


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Post time 9-1-2004 12:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 2004-1-9 01:22 AM:
This not really anti-Semitism at all, but rather just anger with American and Israeli policies. You people should know better.

concur 1000000%  

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