Like i said before, who in the right mind and conscience appeals to loonwatch ???; a well known deceptive islamic hate site which is of course so suitably for pious muslim like sam1528....
By David Stein It’s hard to believe that the saying “A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on” was written almost a century-and-a-half before the age of the Internet. The extent to which falsehoods can reach millions of people in the blink of an eye has never been greater. Internet lies are very difficult to kill. Even if debunked, they have a tendency to be continually “rediscovered” again and again. Such was the case with a false and deceptive Internet essay about Muslim terrorism that went viral the weekend of September 19th.
The essay was first posted in January 2010, on the website Loonwatch.com (a site dedicated to attacking those who confront Islamic extremism). Titled “All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t,” the essay, which was posted by Loonwatch’s anonymous administrator “Danios,” claimed that “FBI statistics” prove that Muslims account for only 6% of terrorist acts in the United States (I am purposely not linking to the original source for the piece, because the Loonwatch site attempts to download malware into visitors’ computers. Anyone wishing to look the essay up on Loonwatch does so at their own risk). According to Danios, a shocking 42% of all terrorist acts are committed by Latinos. “Extreme left-wing groups” account for 24%, Jews 7%, and Muslims a mere 6%..... Within hours, the essay made its way to radical Muslim (and Muslim apologist) message boards, with its title changed to “FBI: More Jewish Terrorists Than Muslim Terrorists in USA.” Yet the bogus essay never achieved viral status, in part because it was, well (there’s just no way to sugar-coat this) idiotic. “Danios’” statistics were taken from an FBI document titled “Terrorism: 2002-2005.” The final page of the report contained a selective summary of terrorist incidents in the U.S. from 1980 through 2005. The report made it abundantly clear that this was not a comprehensive list of ALL terror attacks in the U.S. The FBI’s annual “Terrorism” report is intended to examine onlyspecific non-classified cases, in order to provide the American public with a general overview of how the Bureau deals with terror threats (anyone with even the most cursory knowledge of U.S. terror attacks would know that the selective summary is far from complete, as it omits the 1990 assassination of Meir Kahane, the 1993 mass-shooting outside CIA headquarters by a Muslim terrorist, and the 1997 mass-shooting on the Empire State Building’s observation deck by a Palestinian gunman. The fact that the Kahane assassination is cited in the body of the report but not listed in the summary at the end is a dead giveaway that the closing summary is selective and not complete). The FBI report begins with two paragraphs which warn readers that it is not intended as a complete catalog of terror incidents. The authors point out that, prior to 2001, the FBI “Terrorism” series was extremely limited in scope: Since the mid-1980s, the FBI has published “Terrorism in the United States,” an unclassified annual report summarizing terrorist activities in this country. While this publication provided an overview of the terrorist threat in the United States and its territories, its limited scope proved inadequate for conveying either the breadth or width of the terrorist threat facing U.S. interests or the scale of the FBI’s response to terrorism worldwide.
Following 9/11, the series was renamed simply “Terrorism,” and expanded to include discussions of certain overseas cases. The report’s authors strongly caution readers NOT to take the report as a comprehensive review, redirecting readers to the actual source of complete listings of terrorist incidents: While the discussion of international terrorism provides a more complete overview of FBI terrorism investigations into acts involving U.S. interests around the world, “Terrorism” is not intended as a comprehensive annual review of worldwide terrorist activity. The chronological incidents, charts, and figures included in Terrorism 2002-2005 reflect only those incidents identified in the “Terrorism”/”Terrorism in the United States” series. For more complete listings of worldwide terrorist incidents, see the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center at www.nctc.gov and the Terrorism Knowledge Base compiled by the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism at www.tkb.org.
“Danios” not only ignored (or failed to comprehend) these very easy-to-understand warnings, he also lumped together the incidents from 1980 through 2005 as though they were all equally current. “Danios’” claim that Latinos commit the greatest number of terrorist acts in the U.S. comes from his deceitful mixing of modern-day Islamic terror incidents with thirty-year-old crimes committed by long-defunct “Puerto Rican liberation movement” groups back in the early 1980s. During the1970s and ’80s, Puerto Rican independence groups took up a significant amount of the FBI’s time, and justifiably so. Al-Qaeda was over a decade away from even being conceptualized, and the threat from the new Islamic dictatorship in Iran (and from older dictatorships like Libya) was confined to the Middle East and Europe. Yet “Danios” mashed thirty years of statistics into one clumsy lump, with no respect for the simple fact that terrorist movements, like political movements, come and go, rise and ebb. In his essay, “Danios” linked to the FBI report he so badly misused, and, as anyone with the ability to read basic English could see, the report was neither comprehensive nor was the closing summary complete or current. As a result, “Danios’” drivel quickly died on the vine (even far-left sites like Daily Kos and Media Matters didn’t touch it). Until last week. Sabrina Park, a reporter for the Daily Titan (the student newspaper at Cal State Fullerton), apparently stumbled upon the Danios essay, and decided she had uncovered the scoop of a lifetime. Ms. Park, whose previous “investigative reports” included articles titled “Summer Hot Spot Review” and “Guide to Nightlife in Downtown Fullerton,” titled her explosive article “Only 6 Percent of Terrorists Are Muslim.” Note the word “are.” It’s repeated endlessly in her article, to imply that the figures she cites are current, not thirty years old. Nor, of course, does Ms. Park ever mention that the FBI figures she cites are not intended to be seen as complete or thorough. But unlike “Danios,” Ms. Park did not link to the FBI report. And by not linking to the source material that would instantaneously discredit her conclusions, Ms. Park has been able to accomplish what “Danios” couldn’t…she’s made the story go viral. By Monday the 20th, her article had been reposted on thousands websites and Facebook pages. Ms. Park begins her tirade by lambasting those who view Muslim extremist terror as an international scourge (I haven’t fixed her questionable grammar. I’ll also highlight her continued use of the word “are,” which gives the impression that she’s referring to current and not thirty-year-old statistics): Why people continue to generalize all terrorists as being Muslim is beyond me- perhaps it has to do with their lack of knowledge on the topic and laziness to find out the legitimacy of the claim. It is also possible that since people are so quick to believe what they are told, they are able to easily adopt someone else’s views as their own. I wouldn’t doubt it- I mean; we all know hardly anyone can think for themselves these days anyway. So, that being said, let’s think for ourselves and do some research: exactly what percent of Muslims are terrorists? Well, according to FBI files, which can be accessed through fbi.gov, only 6 percent of terrorists are Muslim. The remaining percentage of terrorist attacks on U.S. territory includes: Latinos at 42 percent, extreme Left Wing groups at 24 percent, Jewish extremists at 7 percent, Communists at 5 percent, and other terrorist organizations at 16 percent.
It’s like watching a train wreck. Ms. Park’s essay is so terribly juvenile and poorly thought-out that I can only blame her editor for allowing a young would-be journalist to embarrass herself so badly. I wouldn’t even be taking the time to debunk it had it not gone viral. Ms. Park takes a cursory, incomplete study of selective terrorist acts over thirty years and not only writes as though the thirty-year-old figures are current, but also that they demonstrate “what percent of Muslims are terrorists.” There is nothing in the FBI “Terrorism” report that examines the percentage of Muslims who are involved in terrorism. As the report itself indicates, prior to 9/11, the “Terrorism” series didn’t even mention overseas terror incidents. Where was this young woman’s editor? It’s inexcusable that he or she allowed this nonsense to be published. With no concept of how she has misused and distorted the FBI statistics, Ms. Park asks: If only 6 percent of terrorists are Muslim, then why does the media only cover the attacks by Islamic extremists? It doesn’t make sense and the way it is being portrayed is entirely deceptive and misleading. This leaves me perplexed beyond explanation. How is it that FBI files have record (sic) that Latinos are responsible for the highest percentage of terrorism toward the U.S., yet we still live in constant fear of being attacked by Muslims?
Ms. Park simply doesn’t have the cognitive ability to understand that the Puerto Rican independence movement incidents that the FBI report cites are thirty years old. She honestly believes that there is a plague of Latino terrorism going on in the world today, and the anti-Muslim media is covering it up. The editors of the Daily Titan should be ashamed of themselves. They allowed a student journalist to humiliate herself and spread inaccuracies and falsehoods. For the record, the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center at www.nctc.gov – the site recommended by the FBI for thorough, exhaustive terrorism statistics – provides the actual figures (remember – this is the source that is recommended for complete terrorism stats in the FBI report that Ms. Park cites). From January 1st 2000 through August 31st 2010, the breakdown of ethnic and religiously-motivated global terror acts is: Islamic: 16,177
Hindu: 18
Jewish: 52
Christian extremist: 288
Neo-Nazi/white supremacist: 5
Tribal/clan/ethnic: 542
Other: 7 This is not a complete list, as the NCTC keeps a separate list of “politically-based” terrorist acts (which includes territorial disputes, even those in which religion plays a factor). In that separate category, 1,065 Palestinian acts of terror are listed, and 2,326 incidents from India (most revolving around the disputed Kashmir territories). We can safely add the Palestinian acts to the Muslim list. In India, although Muslim terror has taken a horrible toll (as evidenced by the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks in which Muslim terrorists murdered 173 people), there are Hindu extremist groups as well. Considering that India is a Hindu-majority nation, let’s be generous and consign two-thirds of the India terror acts to Hindus, and one-third to Muslims (not a scientific method, but, frankly, we could relegate 100% of the Indian terror attacks to Hindus and it still wouldn’t make the total figure of Muslim acts any less lopsidedly huge). With the new calculations, we get:
18,010 Muslim terror attacks
1,553 Hindu terror attacks
542 tribal/clan/ethnic terror attacks
288 Christian terror attacks
52 Jewish terror attacks
5 neo-Nazi/white supremacist terror attacks
7 “other” If “Danios” and Sabrina Park had bothered to actually read the FBI report they misrepresented, and if they had cared enough to consult the statistics that the report itself cites as comprehensive and complete, they would have discovered that if you add up every Hindu, Christian, Jewish, white supremacist, tribal, and unclassified terror attack over the past ten years, they amount to a mere 13.5% of the number of terror attacks perpetrated by Muslims. That’s the truth, ready to “pull its boots on” and play catch-up to Sabrina Park’s fabrications.
So you see, deception and lies just second nature to pios muslims, you see it everywhere, from 1MDB scandal to religious forum in Cari.com....
Edited by sam1528 at 22-8-2015 05:59 PM
LOL , you have just been refuted by your own reference. You appealed to an article which states the following :
Yet the bogus essay never achieved viral status, in part because it was, well (there’s just no way to sugar-coat this) idiotic. “Danios’” statistics were taken from an FBI document titled “Terrorism: 2002-2005.” The final page of the report contained a selective summary of terrorist incidents in the U.S. from 1980 through 2005. The report made it abundantly clear that this was not a comprehensive list of ALL terror attacks in the U.S. The FBI’s annual “Terrorism” report is intended to examine onlyspecific non-classified cases, in order to provide the American public with a general overview of how the Bureau deals with terror threats (anyone with even the most cursory knowledge of U.S. terror attacks would know that the selective summary is far from complete, as it omits the 1990 assassination of Meir Kahane, the 1993 mass-shooting outside CIA headquarters by a Muslim terrorist, and the 1997 mass-shooting on the Empire State Building’s observation deck by a Palestinian gunman. The fact that the Kahane assassination is cited in the body of the report but not listed in the summary at the end is a dead giveaway that the closing summary is selective and not complete).
The following is taken from your post link to the FBI webpage (under updates at the near end of the page) :
The following Chronological Summary includes all of the terrorist incidents recorded in the Terrorism/Terrorism in the United States series. The statistical information contained in the following summary supports the graphs and charts presented in this publication.
Hello! Do you know what is the meaning of 'all'. Is 'all' selective or everything? That is where the data for the tabulation of the piechart comes from. Do you actually read and verify the sources or you just believe what others tell you? Appears that it is the latter for you. What this person does is very simple , he included the NCTC data into the FBI data but the NCTC data is not local US data.
For the record, the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center at www.nctc.gov – the site recommended by the FBI for thorough, exhaustive terrorism statistics – provides the actual figures (remember – this is the source that is recommended for complete terrorism stats in the FBI report that Ms. Park cites).
Just a cursory glance I could detect that the author of the said article rigged the FBI data with the NCTC data. On the other hand it appears that you are not even critical of what you read.
Yet you claim to be a true professional and an expert in your field. So far ...... nothing much from you .....
It has been made clear that it is the data in the US. If you want a worldwide view , there are data from EUROPOL and the NCTC
Yet, the NCTC’s own data belies its predetermined conclusions: the threat of terrorism to the average American is virtually non-existent. In the entire year of 2011, exactly zero civilians in the U.S. were killed by terrorism. In fact, not a single civilian in the U.S. has been killed by Islamic terrorism since 9/11, well over a decade ago. Put another way: more Americans are killed from being crushed to death by their television sets than by terrorism, a realization that should put “the persistent threat” of terrorism into some much-needed perspective.
The same is the case across the pond: Europol has released yearly terrorism reports since 2006. Going through these, one cannot find a single civilian in Europe who has been killed by Islamic terrorism. (It should be noted, however, that the as of yet unreleased 2012 report will no doubt reflect the Toulouse shootings, which resulted in the death of four civilians.) Indeed, the truth is that less than 1% of terrorism in Europe is done by Muslims.
In other words, the threat of Islamic terrorism in the Western world is very minimal. It has been grossly exaggerated in order to justify the multiple wars being waged in Muslim majority countries. The charge is led by anti-Muslim ideologues, but the overarching premise–that Islamic terrorism is a great threat to Western civilization (even an existential threat to it)–is accepted by virtually all segments of American society.
In other words , the about non existent threat of Islamic Terrorism is led by anti muslim ideologues like you , a resident muslim hater in this forum.
Analysis of the data points to the fact that military intervention in the mid east is the single biggest cause of this so called terrorism :
So, why aren’t these Moozlums grateful for all that we’ve done for them?
It’s because they know what is painfully obvious: it is U.S. military intervention in the region that is most responsible for creating the problem of terrorism.
This becomes very clear if we look at the three countries that have reported the highest number of terrorism-related fatalities (according to NCTC data): Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. These three countries alone accounted for 64% of terrorism-related fatalities in 2005, 74% in 2006, 77% in 2007, 59% in 2008, 61% in 2009, 66% in 2010, and 68% in 2011.
Iraqis specifically have suffered the most from terrorism: according to the NCTC, from 2005 to 2007 some 55-65% of terrorism-related fatalities occurred in Iraq alone. The 2009 report declared: “Since 2005, Iraq continues to be the country with the most attacks and fatalities due to terrorism.”
The report also stated that the group most responsible for terrorism was (and continues to be) Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). What the NCTC failed to point out, however, was that (in the words of Barack Obama) “Al-Qaeda in Iraq…didn’t exist before our invasion.” Al-Qaeda in Iraq was founded with the intent to “[e]xpel the Americans from Iraq” and topple the interim government propped up by the United States. The Iraqis can thank the United States for creating the conditions that spawned this terrorist group, as well as for the resulting violence.
In fact, is it very easy to see the correlation between the U.S. invasion and terrorism in Iraq using the RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents (RDWTI), which has tracked terrorist incidents for several decades.
In the year before the Iraq War (from 3/19/2002 to 3/19/2003), there were only 13 terrorist attacks and 14 terrorism-related deaths in Iraq. In the year after the Iraq War (from 3/20/2003 to 3/20/2004), there were 225 terrorist attacks and 1,074 terrorism-related deaths. In other words, the U.S. invasion of Iraq resulted in an over 1600% increase in terrorist attacks and an over 7500% increase in terrorism-related deaths in just one year.
At the height of the Iraq War, there were 3,968 terrorist attacks, resulting in 9,497 deaths–which amounts to an over 30,000% increase in terrorist incidents and over 67,000% increase in terrorism-related deaths as compared to pre-war years.
In the case of Afghanistan :
According to the NCTC reports, the Taliban have been responsible for the vast majority of terrorism-related deaths in Afghanistan. Yet, prior to the invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban were not terrorists, at least not how the term is commonly employed today by the United States. Certainly, they were theocratic tyrants who imposed a frighteningly fundamentalist interpretation of Islam on the Afghan people. But, the Taliban at this time weren’t associated with Al-Qaeda style tactics such as suicide attacks, car bombs, or IED explosives.
The RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents supports this assertion, recording only two incidents involving the Taliban in the year prior to 9/11: an assassination attempt of a rebel leader and a rocket attack.
As government documents reveal, it was only after “[t]he Taliban was driven from power in late 2001, during the course of a United States-led invasion of Afghanistan” that “the Taliban has operated as a violent insurgent organization–bent on driving the United States and its allies from Afghanistan…resort[ing] to armed violence: car bombings; suicide strikes; rocket attacks; kidnappings; and murder.” The Taliban resorted to terrorist tactics in their fight against foreign occupiers and the U.S.-installed puppet regime in Kabul. This conflict, almost wholly a result of U.S. actions, is responsible for the violence and wave of terrorism that has rocked Afghanistan for the last decade.
Using the data from RDWTI, we find that in the year just prior to the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, there were only three terrorist attacks in the country, resulting in eight fatalities. By 2008, the number of terrorist attacks had jumped to 450 and the number of terrorism-related deaths to 1,228. In other words, the U.S. War in Afghanistan resulted in a 15,000% increase in both terrorism related incidents and deaths.
Hmmm .... let me see who was the President who ordered the invasion. Oh yeah , a staunch Christian who goes by the name George Bush who claimed that God spoke to him ...... typical of a religious christian who claims to be in touch with God.
Hearing voices of God is seen to be a miracle in Christianity whereas in Islam the said person should see a doctor.
Ha ha , nice try but in the end you are again caught out by your own article because you did not read your own reference.
Too bad ..... so sad .....
A rancid scenorio here, Pseudodyslexic + Poor Low Grade Deception + Shameless Thick Face == Pious Muslims == sam1527
Now i'm refuting myself ???
Too bad, shehe not only didn't refute anything but instead reinforce himself as a habitual liar like his brethrens in Loonwatch.....
Muslim like sam1528 of course can't hear God speaking to himher though Holy Spirit because himher can only communicate with Satan via evil spirit....
It's wonderful feeling to recycle the unshattered golded truth .....
Like i said before, who in the right mind and conscience appeals to loonwatch ???; a well known deceptive islamic hate site which is of course so suitably for pious muslim like sam1528....
By David Stein It’s hard to believe that the saying “A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on” was written almost a century-and-a-half before the age of the Internet. The extent to which falsehoods can reach millions of people in the blink of an eye has never been greater. Internet lies are very difficult to kill. Even if debunked, they have a tendency to be continually “rediscovered” again and again. Such was the case with a false and deceptive Internet essay about Muslim terrorism that went viral the weekend of September 19th.
The essay was first posted in January 2010, on the website Loonwatch.com (a site dedicated to attacking those who confront Islamic extremism). Titled “All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t,” the essay, which was posted by Loonwatch’s anonymous administrator “Danios,” claimed that “FBI statistics” prove that Muslims account for only 6% of terrorist acts in the United States (I am purposely not linking to the original source for the piece, because the Loonwatch site attempts to download malware into visitors’ computers. Anyone wishing to look the essay up on Loonwatch does so at their own risk). According to Danios, a shocking 42% of all terrorist acts are committed by Latinos. “Extreme left-wing groups” account for 24%, Jews 7%, and Muslims a mere 6%..... Within hours, the essay made its way to radical Muslim (and Muslim apologist) message boards, with its title changed to “FBI: More Jewish Terrorists Than Muslim Terrorists in USA.” Yet the bogus essay never achieved viral status, in part because it was, well (there’s just no way to sugar-coat this) idiotic. “Danios’” statistics were taken from an FBI document titled “Terrorism: 2002-2005.” The final page of the report contained a selective summary of terrorist incidents in the U.S. from 1980 through 2005. The report made it abundantly clear that this was not a comprehensive list of ALL terror attacks in the U.S. The FBI’s annual “Terrorism” report is intended to examine onlyspecific non-classified cases, in order to provide the American public with a general overview of how the Bureau deals with terror threats (anyone with even the most cursory knowledge of U.S. terror attacks would know that the selective summary is far from complete, as it omits the 1990 assassination of Meir Kahane, the 1993 mass-shooting outside CIA headquarters by a Muslim terrorist, and the 1997 mass-shooting on the Empire State Building’s observation deck by a Palestinian gunman. The fact that the Kahane assassination is cited in the body of the report but not listed in the summary at the end is a dead giveaway that the closing summary is selective and not complete). The FBI report begins with two paragraphs which warn readers that it is not intended as a complete catalog of terror incidents. The authors point out that, prior to 2001, the FBI “Terrorism” series was extremely limited in scope: Since the mid-1980s, the FBI has published “Terrorism in the United States,” an unclassified annual report summarizing terrorist activities in this country. While this publication provided an overview of the terrorist threat in the United States and its territories, its limited scope proved inadequate for conveying either the breadth or width of the terrorist threat facing U.S. interests or the scale of the FBI’s response to terrorism worldwide.
Following 9/11, the series was renamed simply “Terrorism,” and expanded to include discussions of certain overseas cases. The report’s authors strongly caution readers NOT to take the report as a comprehensive review, redirecting readers to the actual source of complete listings of terrorist incidents: While the discussion of international terrorism provides a more complete overview of FBI terrorism investigations into acts involving U.S. interests around the world, “Terrorism” is not intended as a comprehensive annual review of worldwide terrorist activity. The chronological incidents, charts, and figures included in Terrorism 2002-2005 reflect only those incidents identified in the “Terrorism”/”Terrorism in the United States” series. For more complete listings of worldwide terrorist incidents, see the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center at www.nctc.gov and the Terrorism Knowledge Base compiled by the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism at www.tkb.org.
“Danios” not only ignored (or failed to comprehend) these very easy-to-understand warnings, he also lumped together the incidents from 1980 through 2005 as though they were all equally current. “Danios’” claim that Latinos commit the greatest number of terrorist acts in the U.S. comes from his deceitful mixing of modern-day Islamic terror incidents with thirty-year-old crimes committed by long-defunct “Puerto Rican liberation movement” groups back in the early 1980s. During the1970s and ’80s, Puerto Rican independence groups took up a significant amount of the FBI’s time, and justifiably so. Al-Qaeda was over a decade away from even being conceptualized, and the threat from the new Islamic dictatorship in Iran (and from older dictatorships like Libya) was confined to the Middle East and Europe. Yet “Danios” mashed thirty years of statistics into one clumsy lump, with no respect for the simple fact that terrorist movements, like political movements, come and go, rise and ebb. In his essay, “Danios” linked to the FBI report he so badly misused, and, as anyone with the ability to read basic English could see, the report was neither comprehensive nor was the closing summary complete or current. As a result, “Danios’” drivel quickly died on the vine (even far-left sites like Daily Kos and Media Matters didn’t touch it). Until last week. Sabrina Park, a reporter for the Daily Titan (the student newspaper at Cal State Fullerton), apparently stumbled upon the Danios essay, and decided she had uncovered the scoop of a lifetime. Ms. Park, whose previous “investigative reports” included articles titled “Summer Hot Spot Review” and “Guide to Nightlife in Downtown Fullerton,” titled her explosive article “Only 6 Percent of Terrorists Are Muslim.” Note the word “are.” It’s repeated endlessly in her article, to imply that the figures she cites are current, not thirty years old. Nor, of course, does Ms. Park ever mention that the FBI figures she cites are not intended to be seen as complete or thorough. But unlike “Danios,” Ms. Park did not link to the FBI report. And by not linking to the source material that would instantaneously discredit her conclusions, Ms. Park has been able to accomplish what “Danios” couldn’t…she’s made the story go viral. By Monday the 20th, her article had been reposted on thousands websites and Facebook pages. Ms. Park begins her tirade by lambasting those who view Muslim extremist terror as an international scourge (I haven’t fixed her questionable grammar. I’ll also highlight her continued use of the word “are,” which gives the impression that she’s referring to current and not thirty-year-old statistics): Why people continue to generalize all terrorists as being Muslim is beyond me- perhaps it has to do with their lack of knowledge on the topic and laziness to find out the legitimacy of the claim. It is also possible that since people are so quick to believe what they are told, they are able to easily adopt someone else’s views as their own. I wouldn’t doubt it- I mean; we all know hardly anyone can think for themselves these days anyway. So, that being said, let’s think for ourselves and do some research: exactly what percent of Muslims are terrorists? Well, according to FBI files, which can be accessed through fbi.gov, only 6 percent of terrorists are Muslim. The remaining percentage of terrorist attacks on U.S. territory includes: Latinos at 42 percent, extreme Left Wing groups at 24 percent, Jewish extremists at 7 percent, Communists at 5 percent, and other terrorist organizations at 16 percent.
It’s like watching a train wreck. Ms. Park’s essay is so terribly juvenile and poorly thought-out that I can only blame her editor for allowing a young would-be journalist to embarrass herself so badly. I wouldn’t even be taking the time to debunk it had it not gone viral. Ms. Park takes a cursory, incomplete study of selective terrorist acts over thirty years and not only writes as though the thirty-year-old figures are current, but also that they demonstrate “what percent of Muslims are terrorists.” There is nothing in the FBI “Terrorism” report that examines the percentage of Muslims who are involved in terrorism. As the report itself indicates, prior to 9/11, the “Terrorism” series didn’t even mention overseas terror incidents. Where was this young woman’s editor? It’s inexcusable that he or she allowed this nonsense to be published. With no concept of how she has misused and distorted the FBI statistics, Ms. Park asks: If only 6 percent of terrorists are Muslim, then why does the media only cover the attacks by Islamic extremists? It doesn’t make sense and the way it is being portrayed is entirely deceptive and misleading. This leaves me perplexed beyond explanation. How is it that FBI files have record (sic) that Latinos are responsible for the highest percentage of terrorism toward the U.S., yet we still live in constant fear of being attacked by Muslims?
Ms. Park simply doesn’t have the cognitive ability to understand that the Puerto Rican independence movement incidents that the FBI report cites are thirty years old. She honestly believes that there is a plague of Latino terrorism going on in the world today, and the anti-Muslim media is covering it up. The editors of the Daily Titan should be ashamed of themselves. They allowed a student journalist to humiliate herself and spread inaccuracies and falsehoods. For the record, the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center at www.nctc.gov – the site recommended by the FBI for thorough, exhaustive terrorism statistics – provides the actual figures (remember – this is the source that is recommended for complete terrorism stats in the FBI report that Ms. Park cites). From January 1st 2000 through August 31st 2010, the breakdown of ethnic and religiously-motivated global terror acts is: Islamic: 16,177
Hindu: 18
Jewish: 52
Christian extremist: 288
Neo-Nazi/white supremacist: 5
Tribal/clan/ethnic: 542
Other: 7 This is not a complete list, as the NCTC keeps a separate list of “politically-based” terrorist acts (which includes territorial disputes, even those in which religion plays a factor). In that separate category, 1,065 Palestinian acts of terror are listed, and 2,326 incidents from India (most revolving around the disputed Kashmir territories). We can safely add the Palestinian acts to the Muslim list. In India, although Muslim terror has taken a horrible toll (as evidenced by the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks in which Muslim terrorists murdered 173 people), there are Hindu extremist groups as well. Considering that India is a Hindu-majority nation, let’s be generous and consign two-thirds of the India terror acts to Hindus, and one-third to Muslims (not a scientific method, but, frankly, we could relegate 100% of the Indian terror attacks to Hindus and it still wouldn’t make the total figure of Muslim acts any less lopsidedly huge). With the new calculations, we get:
18,010 Muslim terror attacks
1,553 Hindu terror attacks
542 tribal/clan/ethnic terror attacks
288 Christian terror attacks
52 Jewish terror attacks
5 neo-Nazi/white supremacist terror attacks
7 “other” If “Danios” and Sabrina Park had bothered to actually read the FBI report they misrepresented, and if they had cared enough to consult the statistics that the report itself cites as comprehensive and complete, they would have discovered that if you add up every Hindu, Christian, Jewish, white supremacist, tribal, and unclassified terror attack over the past ten years, they amount to a mere 13.5% of the number of terror attacks perpetrated by Muslims. That’s the truth, ready to “pull its boots on” and play catch-up to Sabrina Park’s fabrications.
So you see, deception and lies just second nature to pios muslims like sam1528, you see it everywhere, from 1MDB scandal to religious forum in Cari.com....
Edited by sam1528 at 23-8-2015 11:56 AM
LOL , observe folks - our resident muslim hater in Goh Mas Lan or 'wkk5159-maslan' just cannot answer the counter arguments but choose to repeat his copy paste arguments.
The issue here
- why did you appeal to an article which rigged the FBI data?
- do you know what 'all' mean?
Can you address the issues instead of going around in circles chasing your own backside. Ok ok , I know this has been a very embarrassing trip for you but you don't seem to learn. How come you don't even understand what you read but claim to be a 'true professional and an expert in your field'.
Pssst - do you also hear voices of your God telling you to argue with me?
Ha ha .....
Edited by wkk5159 at 24-8-2015 11:06 AM
Hahahahahaha....all the signs of a defeated and humiliated person.
Now this shemale ustazy want to change topic by balspheming Holy Spirit by stuttering Holy Spirit raping Mary....any wonder why ISIS use rape as a tool for their jihad....
Little did shehe know that by uttering the profanity of Holy Spirit raping Mary, he is also insulting his own Quran, Maryam 25; Glory be to Him, He determines a matter, He only says to it : "BE" and it is......Does this Quranic verse indicates that Allah rape Mary with his "words" ???
Stupidity really need not much scrutiny....
This shemale is most likely a product of inbreeding, which is so rampant in Islam. From the demeanour, sanity and IQ he has shown, the answer is most likely a YES !
http://www.rightsidenews.com/lif ... health-and-society/
Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society
Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the offspring’s intelligence, sanity, health and on their surroundings.
The most famous example of inbreeding is in ancient Egypt, where several Pharaonic dynasties collapsed after a couple of hundred years. In order to keep wealth and power within the family, the Pharaohs often married their own sister or half-sister and after a handful of generations the offspring were mentally and physically unfit to rule.
Another historical example is the royal houses of Europe where royal families often married among each other because tradition did not allow them to marry people of non-royal class.
The high amount of mentally retarded and handicapped royalties throughout European history shows the unhealthy consequences of this practice. Luckily, the royal families have now allowed themselves to marry for love and not just for status.The Muslim culture still practices inbreeding and has been doing so for longer than any Egyptian dynasty. This practice also predates the world’s oldest monarchy (the Danish) by 300 years. A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called “consanguinity”) and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 More stillbirths among immigrants”Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguine (blood related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen (Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs.). A large part of inbred Muslims are born from parents who are themselves inbred – which increase the risks of negative mental and physical consequenses greatly. The amount of blood related marriages is lower among Muslim immigrants living in the West. Among Pakistanis living in Denmark the amount is down to 40 percent and 15 percent among Turkish immigrants (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 More stillbirths among immigrants”.).
More than half of Pakistani immigrants living in Britain are intermarried: The research, conducted by the BBC and broadcast to a shocked nation on Tuesday, found that at least 55% of the community was married to a first cousin. This is thought to be linked to the probability that a British Pakistani family is at least 13 times more likely than the general population to have children with recessive genetic disorders.” (Times of India, 17/11 2005 Ban UK Pakistanis from marrying cousins). The lower percentages might be because it is difficult to get the chosen family member to the country, or because health education is better in the West.
Low intelligence Several studies show that children of consanguineous marriages have lower intelligence than children of non-related parents. Research shows that the IQ is 10-16 points lower in children born from related parents and that abilities related to social behavior develops slower in inbred babies: “Effects of parental consanguinity on the cognitive and social behavior of children have been studied among the Ansari Muslims of Bhalgapur, Bihar. IQ in inbred children (8-12 years old) is found to be lower (69 in rural and 79 in suburban populations) than that of the outbred ones (79 and 95 respectively). The onset of various social profiles like visual fixation, social smile, sound seizures, oral expression and hand-grasping are significantly delayed among the new-born inbred babies.” (Indian National Science Academy, 1983 Consanguinity Effects on Intelligence Quotient and Neonatal Behaviours of nsari Muslim Children”). The article “Effects of inbreeding on Raven Matrices” concludes that “Indian Muslim school boys, ages 13 to 15 years, whose parents are first cousins, were compared with classmates whose parents are genetically unrelated on the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices, a nonverbal test of intelligence. The inbred group scored significantly lower and had significantly greater variance than the non-inbred group, both on raw scores and on scores statistically adjusted to control for age and socioeconomic status.” ( Behaviour Genetics, 1984). Another study shows that the risk of having an IQ lower than 70 goes up 400 percent from 1.2 percent in children from normal parents to 6.2 percent in inbred children: “The data indicate that the risk for mental retardation in matings of normal parents increases from 0.012 with random matings to 0.062 for first-cousin parentage.” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 1978 Effect of inbreeding on IQ and mental retardation”). The study A study of possible deleterious effects of consanguinity concludes, that “The occurrence of malignancies, congenital abnormalities, mental retardation and physical handicap was significantly higher in offspring of consanguineous than non-consanguineous marriages.”
Mental and physical diseases and death The risk of stillbirth doubles when parents are first cousins (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 More stillbirths among immigrants). One study analyzed the risk of perinatal death (the child dies during its own birth), infant death (child dies while still infant) and autosomal recessive disorders (serious and often deadly genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy): Perinatal mortality in the Pakistani children was 1.5 times higher than that in the Norwegian children, and infant mortality in the Pakistani children was more than double that in the Norwegian children. Deaths due to autosomal recessive disorders were 18 times more common in the Pakistani children. Similarly, deaths due to multiple malformations, which may be part of unrecognized autosomal recessive syndromes, were 10 times more common.
The increased risk of insanity among children of marriages between cousins might explain why immigrant patients are stressing the psychiatric system and are strongly overrepresented among insane criminals: “In Sct. Hans Hospital, which has the biggest ward for clinically insane criminals in Denmark, more than 40 percent of the patients have an immigrant background.” (Kristeligt Dagblad, 26/6 2007 [url=http://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/artikel/255287 iv---Sjael--Etniske-minoriteter-overrepraesenteret-i-retspsykiatrien?all=1]Ethnic minorities overrepresented among the criminal insane[/url]).
Implications for the Western and the Muslim World The consequences for offspring of consanguineous marriages are unpleasantly clear: Death, low intelligence or even mental retardation, handicaps and diseases often leading to a slow and painful death. Other consequences are: Limited social skills and understanding, limited ability to manage education and work procedures and painful treatment procedures. The negative cognitive consequences also influence the executive functions. The impairment of concentration and emotional control most often leads to anti-social behavior. The economic costs and consequences for society of inbreeding are of course secondary to the reality of human suffering. However, inbreeding among Muslims has severe implications for both the Western societies and the Muslim world. Expenses related to mentally and physically handicapped Muslim immigrants drains the budget for other public services: “When cousins have children together, they are twice as likely to have a disabled child – it costs municipal funds dearly. Disabled immigrant children costs Danish municipalities millions. In Copenhagen County alone, the number of disabled children in the overall increase of 100 percent at 10 years. … Meredith Lefelt has contacted 330 families with disabled children in Copenhagen. She estimates that one third of their clients have a foreign cultural background.” (BT, 10/11 2003 Immigrants inbreeding costing one million. On top come the expenses for Muslim immigrants who – because of different consequences of being born from blood related parents – are not able to live up to the challenges of our Western work market: Muslim immigrants and their descendants in Europe have a very high rate of unemployment. The same goes for Muslims in USA, where the Gallup Institute made a study involving 300.000 people concluding “The majority of Muslims in USA have a lower income, are less educated and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.” (Berlingske Tidende, d. 3. marts 2009: Muslims thrive in USA. The cognitive consequences of Muslim inbreeding might explain why non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes: “19.3% of non-Western immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army’s intelligence test. In comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass.” (TV 2 Nyhederne, 13/6 2007 Immigrants flunk army test. It probably also explains – at least partly – why two thirds of all immigrant school children with Arabic backgrounds are illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system: “Those who speak Arabic with their parents have an extreme tendency to lack reading abilities – 64 percent are illiterate. … No matter if it concerns reading abilities, mathematics or science, the pattern is the same: The bilingual (largely Muslim) immigrants’ skills are exceedingly poor compared to their Danish classmates.” (Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, May 2007: Ethnic students does not make Danish children worse. The high expenses on special education for slow learners consumes one third of the budget for the Danish schools. “Immigrant children are clearly overrepresented on Copenhagen’s schools for retarded children and children with physical handicaps. … 51 percent of the children on the three schools in Copenhagen for children with physical and mental handicaps har immigrant back ground and on one of the schools the amount is 70 percent. … These amounts are significantly higher than the share of immigrant children in the municipality, which is 33 percent. The many handicapped children are a clear evidence that there are many intermarried parents in the immigrant families.” (Jydske Vestkysten, 4/4 2009 Tosprogede i overtal pÃ¥ handicapskoler). Our high level of education may also make it harder for inbred students to follow and finish their studies: “Young people with minority backgrounds have a significantly higher dropout rate at secondary schools than youth with a Danish background. For trade school education, the dropout rate among immigrants is 60 percent, twice as high among adolescents with a Danish background…. There is great variation in educational outcomes when compared with national origin. For example, dropout among young people with Lebanese or Iranian background is far greater than among people of Vietnamese background.” (Center for Knowledge on Integration in Randers, May 2005 “Youth, education and integration”). “Among immigrant children that are born and raised in Denmark, more than a third has no education. Among native Danes it is less than one fifth that do not get an education. (Statistics Denmark: “ Indvandrere i 2007“. The negative consequences of inbreeding are also vast for the Muslim world. Inbreeding may thus explain why only nine Muslims ever managed to receive the prestigious Nobel Prize (5 of them won the “Peace Prize” – for peace that turned out not to last for very long). The limited ability to understand, appreciate and produce knowledge following a limited IQ is probably also partly the reason why Muslim countries produce 1/10 of the World average when it comes to scientific research: “In 2003, the world average for production of articles per million inhabitants was 137, whereas none of the 47 OIC countries for which there were data achieved production above 107 per million inhabitants. The OIC average was just 13.” ( Nature 444, p. 26-27, 1. November 2006 “Islam and science: The data gap”. The lack of interest in science and human development in the Muslim World is also clear in the UN Arab Human Development Reports (AHDR). AHDR concludes that there have been fewer books translated into Arabic in the last thousand years than the amount of books translated within the country of Spain every year: “The Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one fifth of the number that Greece translates. The cumulative total of translated books since the Caliph Maa’moun’s [sic] time (the ninth century) is about 100,000, almost the average that Spain translates in one year.” (Eugene Rogan “Arab Books and human development”. Index of Censorship, vol. 33, issue 2 April 2004, p. 152-157). “70 percent of the Turkish citizens never read books.”( APA, 23 February 2009 “)
LOL , it is now comparing between the Quran and bible issit? Ok then , lets compare
Luk1:35 (bible NIV)
The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.
Quran19:35 (Sahih International)
It is not [befitting] for Allah to take a son; exalted is He! When He decrees an affair, He only says to it, "Be," and it is.
Explain to me and others
(1) What do you understand when a man come upon a woman and his power overshadows her? I dunno about you but it is describing rape
(2) What makes you understand that the phrase 'be and it is' is rape? The natural reading suggest an all powerful entity.
I dunno how many times you are running away from your own argument.
Oooh , I see .... it is inbreeding now? Oh well , the Jews have a high percentage of first cousin or cousin marriage ~ 56% for Habbanite Jews and ~ 46% for Samaritans (pg 230). The Jews are recognized to be one of the most brilliant people on planet earth. Albert Einstein's parents were cousins.
Having said that , where do you get the notion that Islam promotes cousin marriages? Are you arguing from your wet dreams again? In addition the bible is ok with cousin marriage. Ha ha , thank you for running down your own bible. Not very christian of you yeah .....
I quote part of your passage and your link :
The same goes for Muslims in USA, where the Gallup Institute made a study involving 300.000 people concluding “The majority of Muslims in USA have a lower income, are less educated and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.” (Berlingske Tidende, d. 3. marts 2009: Muslims thrive in USA. This article is in Danish. I just placed the last paragraph in google translate and I get the following :
The survey covers more than 300,000 people and shows that American Muslims do not have a homogeneous group . Some have good education and well-paying jobs while most have to settle for a lot less . Ha ha , are you not embarrassed now that you have been caught trying to lie .... again.
The following is a survey done by the PEW forum :
The muslim population is about the norm in their earnings.
LOL , you again copy paste without even checking the facts. Looks like you have been embarrassed again for not knowing what you are arguing about.
Lets confirm with another one :
It probably also explains – at least partly – why two thirds of all immigrant school children with Arabic backgrounds are illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system: “Those who speak Arabic with their parents have an extreme tendency to lack reading abilities – 64 percent are illiterate. … No matter if it concerns reading abilities, mathematics or science, the pattern is the same: The bilingual (largely Muslim) immigrants’ skills are exceedingly poor compared to their Danish classmates.” (Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, May 2007: Ethnic students does not make Danish children worse.
I place a paragraph in pg 4 in google translate :
1st and 2nd generation
A politically interesting question is whether
those who are born and raised in Denmark,
doing better than those who have come to
the country at a later stage in their lives.
The political hope is - of course - to
it goes second generation immigrants bed
re than the first generation. They have been here
Their whole life. They have in principle been
better conditions to succeed in a Danish
school than those who were not born here - there
for it is also worrying if the cl
RER just as bad or worse than the first
While the study from 2000 showed
that second-generation immigrants are doing
worse than the first, so show this un
examination that the opposite is true.
But the difference is very small, and the picture
is not entirely clear.
2nd generation scores nuisance
friendly.On average, slightly higher than the first generation. Those
have been here all their lives, have an ex
tra score of 14 and 20 points in
reading and math. In science, the
res score no better, but a lil
le bit inferior. While the first generation of mind
hikers scores 379 acquires a second generati
descendants of immigrants only 375 They think the primary problem as follows , google translate pg 7 (bitpart)
The weak link between the
overall level of education in the home
and students' skills due to the
only fathers' education, which plays
a role for ethnic youth. For Danish
youngster mother's education also
a role.
The situation is different if one
instead of parents' education giving urgent
serer on their income. Income is a
expression of how well one works on it
Danish labor market. It is an expression
how it goes - if you are performing.
As can be seen from Figure 6, then it
that there is a clear correlation flour
between household income and the youth shelter
sefærdigheder. The higher the income, the
better reading skills. Which basically
Because also means: The better integrated
parents are in the labor market, the bed
re going the children professionally.
"The parents' labor market integration
tion is the decisive factor in whether
students do well in school, "says
Professor Nina Smith continues: "Out
of household income, it is namely
Also important is whether the parents have a good
job, just as it pulls very down if
mother is completely outside the labor market. "
These results shown in Table
2 on page 9
It is not weakness due to Islam or so. It is the exposure to a different culture and language. Home education also plays a part , meaning the parents need to educate the children but the drawback for the migrants is the language and exposure.
Ha ha this is very different from your conclusion.
How come you such a bad liar? Are you not able to be honest in your argument. Oh yeah , how can I forget , rom3:7 (NIV)
Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?”
Lying for the glory of God ...eh?
Observe folks .... our resident muslim hater in Goh Mas Lan or wkk5159-maslan never manage to respond to any counter arguments. He keeps on running from one issue to another hoping to strike in any one of them. BTW , can you focus on the issue in hand that you started , ISIS being true muslims.
Are you not embarrassed and ashamed that most of your arguments are just so deceitful. It is so easy for me to rip your arguments apart. Yet you claim to be a true professional and an expert in your field.
Ha ha .....
Hah ! Now this shemale ustazy becomes an advocate for incest and inbreeding ?
Now no wonder why pious muslim like sam1528 is defying science by advocating eulogy thru incest and inbreeding...., just like he defies the goodness of pork which nourishes the smartest civilization of the world...
Don't use the Jews, especially the much superior Ashkenazi Jew as an excuses for inbreeding lah, you inbred ustazy !
an Ashkenazi Jew can be identified by the concept of Yiddishkeit, ..... from European neighbors, and not from clan endogamy (clan inbreeding). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jews
By Nicolai Sennels:
A tragic phenomenon which is taking a terrible toll on everyone involved. There is a dire phenomenon rising in Europe that is crippling entire societies and yet the continent sleeps, refusing not only to confront the destructive elephant in the room, but also to admit its very existence. The troubling reality being referred to is the widespread practice of Muslim inbreeding and the birth defects and social ills that it spawns. The tragic effect of the Left’s control of the boundaries of debate is that any discussion about vital issues such as these marks an individual as an “Islamophobe” and a “racist." A person who dares to point at the pathology of inbreeding in the Muslim community is accused of whipping up hatred against Muslim people. But all of this could not be further from the truth. To fight against inbreeding anywhere is to defend humanity and to defend innocent babies from birth defects. Fighting against this Islamic practice stems from a pro-Muslim calling, since identifying destructive ideologies and practices in Islam enables the protection of the Muslim people from harm. Massive inbreeding
Massive inbreeding among Muslims has been going on since their prophet allowed first-cousin marriages more than 50 generations (1,400 years) ago. For many Muslims, therefore, intermarriage is regarded as being part of their religion. In many Muslim communities, it is a source of social status to marry one’s daughter or son to his or her cousin. Intermarriage also ensures that wealth is kept within the family. Islam’s strict authoritarianism plays a large role as well: keeping daughters and sons close gives families more power to control and decide their choices and lifestyles. Westerners have a historical tradition of being ready to fight and die for their country. Muslims, on the other hand, are bound together less by patriotism, but mainly by family relations and religion. Intermarrying to protect the family and community from outside non-Islamic influence is much more important to Muslims living in a Western nation than integrating into that nation and supporting it. Today, 70% of all Pakistanis are inbred and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30% (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 “More stillbirths among immigrants“). A rough estimate reveals that close to half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred. A large percentage of the parents that are blood related come from families where intermarriage has been a tradition for generations. A BBC investigation in Britain several years ago revealed that at least 55% of the Pakistani community in Britain was married to a first cousin. The Times of India affirmed that “this is thought to be linked to the probability that a British Pakistani family is at least 13 times more likely than the general population to have children with recessive genetic disorders.” The BBC’s research also discovered that while British Pakistanis accounted for just 3.4% of all births in Britain, they accounted for 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality. It is not a surprise, therefore, that, in response to this evidence, a Labour Party MP has called for a ban on first-cousin marriage. Medical evidence shows that one of the negative consequences of inbreeding is a 100% increase in the risk of stillbirths. One study comparing Norwegians and Pakistanis shows the risk that the child dies during labour increases by 50%. The risk of death due to autosomal recessive disorders — e.g., cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy — is 18 times higher. Risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher. Mental health is also at risk: the probability of depression is higher in communities where consanguine marriages are also high. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of mental and physical retardation and schizophrenic illness. And then there are the findings on intelligence. Research shows that if one’s parents are cousins, intelligence goes down 10-16 IQ points. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70 (criterion for being “retarded”) increases 400% among children from cousin marriages. An academic paper published in the Indian National Science Academy found that “the onset of various social profiles like visual fixation, social smile, sound seizures, oral expression and hand-grasping are significantly delayed among the new-born inbred babies.” Another study found that Indian Muslim schoolboys whose parents were first cousins tested significantly lower than boys whose parents were unrelated in a non-verbal test on intelligence. It is estimated that one third of all handicapped people in Copenhagen have a foreign background and 64% of school children in Denmark with Arabic parents are illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The same study concludes that in reading ability, mathematics, and science, the pattern is the same: “The bilingual (largely Muslim) immigrants’ skills are exceedingly poor compared to their Danish classmates.” These problems within Islam bring many detriments to Western countries. Expenses related to mentally and physically handicapped Muslim immigrants, for instance, severely drain the budgets and resources of our societies. Denmark, for example: One third of the budget for the country’s schools is spent on children with special needs. Muslim children are grossly over-represented among these children. More than half of all children in schools for children with mental and physical handicaps in Copenhagen are foreigners — of whom Muslims are by far the largest group. One study concludes that “foreigners inbreeding costs our municipalities millions” because of the many handicapped children and adults. What must our role be as a humanitarian society to this rising crisis? We know that the greatest concern among pregnant women and their husbands is for their child to be healthy. It is not difficult to imagine the sorrow and stress among interrelated couples who are forced to marry and pressured to have children. Is it not our duty to fight for the rights of these human beings subjected to such Barbaric and inhuman predicaments? What is it we can do? Denmark is a pioneering example of where to begin: In order to counter forced marriages, the country does not allow Danish citizens to marry foreigners younger than 24 years old. It also offers non-Western immigrants up to 15,000 Euros or 20,000 Dollars to emigrate back to their countries of origin. Immigrants who are not Danish citizens are banished from Denmark if they commit violent crimes. The state does not support families economically for having more than the country’s average amount of children. This prevents foreigners from coming to Denmark who have plans to have a lot of children and live off the State’s child support system. The country also denies resident permits to foreigners who are marrying their cousin in Denmark. Right now, the country is working on a complete halt to immigration from countries that are not oriented towards Western values (mainly Muslim countries). No more intermarriage
We must simply forbid intermarriage among first cousins. Doing so will not only help slow down all the terrible consequences of inbreeding, but also prevent Muslims who insist on practising this damaging practice from moving to our countries. Let us keep in mind that Muslims are the first — though maybe not the biggest — victims of Islam. As long as we know that our motivation is to help them, then our conscience is clear in the face of the Left’s accusations that we are somehow “anti-Muslim” when we show our concern about Muslim babies who are born with mental and physical defects — and about their parents who endure endless suffering and worry. In fact, it is the Left’s callous silence on this issue (and on so many others) that exposes who is truly “anti-Muslim.” As long as we stick to facts, have a compassionate motivation, and are still able to be brave, we can be certain that not only are we right to reach out to protect Muslim people, but that in doing so we are also protecting ourselves from destroying our own basic humanistic and Western values while struggling against anti-human and aggressive practices and ideologies.
wkk5159 replied at 26-8-2015 10:40 AM
Hah ! Now this shemale ustazy becomes an advocate for incest and inbreeding ?
Now no wonder why pious muslim like sam1528 is defying science by advocating eulogy thru incest and inbreeding...., just like he defies the goodness of pork which nourishes the smartest civilization of the world...
Don't use the Jews, especially the much superior Ashkenazi Jew as an excuses for inbreeding lah, you inbred ustazy !
an Ashkenazi Jew can be identified by the concept of Yiddishkeit, ..... from European neighbors, and not from clan endogamy (clan inbreeding). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jews
LOL , you don't appear to know what you are talking about.
Yiddishkeit means 'Jewishness'. In other words how Jewish is the person.
Yiddishkeit has come to encompass not just traditional Jewish religious practice, but a broad range of movements, ideologies, practices, and traditions in which Ashkenazi Jews have participated and retained their sense of "Jewishness". Yiddishkeit has been identified in manners of speech, in styles of humor, in patterns of association, in culture and education. Another quality often associated with Yiddishkeit is an emotional attachment and identification with the Jewish people
It has got nothing to do with inbreeding or not inbreeding. Therefore my point still stand , the Jewish people have one of the highest count of cousin marriage yet they are one of the most intelligent people on planet earth. It is their culture.
Ha ha , to you Yiddishkeit = not clan inbreeding. You must be crazy. Oops , how can I forget , you are a true professional and an expert in your field.
LOL , what a long copy paste but it does not address my argument. Can you try focus on my arguments. It appears that you are running everywhere. Macam orang kena pill kuda aje. You dah pekena pill kuda kot.
- can you now show me where in Islam , the religion promotes or stress on first cousin marriage?
- the bible is ok with first cousin marriage and it is being practiced by Christians - you now saying that the bible is wrong?
These are 2 very simple questions yet you spent the whole 1.5 days trolling the internet looking fora copy paste article that does not address my arguments. Indirectly you are referring again to the Danish studies but when the said studies been translated , the context is very different from your argument.
This is evidence that you lied and you persisting with the same article makes you a perpetual liar. Ha ha , rom3:7 I see ....
Edited by sam1528 at 26-8-2015 09:12 PM
wkk5159 replied at 26-8-2015 11:34 AM
1) What do you understand when a man come upon a woman and his power overshadows her? I dunno about you but it is describing rape.....
Luke1:35 (bible NIV)
The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. No benign people with sane and sound mind interpret the above verse " power overshadow you" as rape except of course we all know; pious muslim like sam1528 and his brethrens in ISIS.
Any wonder why muslim males champion in the crime of rape all over the world ??? Not to mention the ISIS who practice orthodox Islam.... Sweden: 77.6% of all rapes are committed by Muslim males, who total only 2% of population – Gov report
https://muslimstatistics.wordpre ... cent-of-population/
This shemale ustazy is implying that God can rape....., but rest assure, we know what happen to people who baspheme, this shemale ustazy is sure to partake the fate of Ahmad Deedat .......
We rest our case here.
Since you disagree with the interpretation , what is your interpretation of luk1:35? Ha ha , you die and be resurrected , you would still refuse to provide your interpretation.
The very least Prof George Aichele (and Richard G Walsh) agrees with me in their book : Those Outside : Non canonical Readings of the Canonical GospelsLike Saul’s mother , Mary has been raped by a god (or his angelic representative)….. In Luke1:35 , the angel Gabriel speaks of a holy spirit (or breath or wind) that “comes upon” Mary (epeleusetai , a term that often has negative overtones). If this “spirit” is more physical than Christians usually allow , or indeed if it is Gabriel himself , then Luke’s birth account resembles those pagan stories of divine rape …(pg 29)
Mary’s initial concern and reluctance when the angel addresses her suggest that her impregnation is not voluntary. The holy spirit (or Gabriel) forces itself upon her ….. (pg 30)
Tsk tsk. What say you now? I told you , the natural reading of Luk1:35 denotes rape by your God , the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that whispers to you as per your claim. That is why you are so sex obsessed with the muslims. Ha ha ..... its all about sex huh?
What nonsense is your claim of
Sweden: 77.6% of all rapes are committed by Muslim males, who total only 2% of population – Gov report
Do you know how the author arrived at this figure? Your referenced article explains :
The total Muslim population in Sweden is estimated at 4.4% (2013 figures). Out of that 4.4% and in deducting the women and children, we can roughly guesstimate that around 2% are male. The foreign rape figures at 77.6% Muslim has been anonymously confirmed by Swedish polish in a phone conversation.
Let me see , the author arrived at the figure by making a phone call to an anonymous person whom he claim to be the police. Ha ha , very scientific. Only a true professional and an expert in his field like you - Goh Mas Lan or 'wkk5159-maslan' would wholeheartedly believe the claim.
The following graph is from the said article :
Total national rape statistics: Swedish born rapists (39%), migrants (38%), migrant children (13%) and unregistered migrants (10%). Immigrants are responsible for 62% of the entire country’s rape crimes. It states of migrants , not muslims. For your information , migrants <> muslims .... if you don't know
Can you now explain where your claim or argument comes from? This is compounded with another problem of reporting :
But that is a misconception, according to Klara Selin, a sociologist at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm. She says you cannot compare countries' records, because police procedures and legal definitions vary widely.
"In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.
"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."
Ha ha , you are going to have a hard time .... believe me. It appears that you are arguing like a person on 'pill kuda' .... aiyoyo Goh Mas Lan or 'wkk5159-maslan'
Yawn! Repeating argument that have been refuted.
Do refer to my post#122 : (in bitpart)
It has been made clear that it is the data in the US. If you want a worldwide view , there are data from EUROPOL and the NCTC
Yet, the NCTC’s own data belies its predetermined conclusions: the threat of terrorism to the average American is virtually non-existent. In the entire year of 2011, exactly zero civilians in the U.S. were killed by terrorism. In fact, not a single civilian in the U.S. has been killed by Islamic terrorism since 9/11, well over a decade ago. Put another way: more Americans are killed from being crushed to death by their television sets than by terrorism, a realization that should put “the persistent threat” of terrorism into some much-needed perspective.
The same is the case across the pond: Europol has released yearly terrorism reports since 2006. Going through these, one cannot find a single civilian in Europe who has been killed by Islamic terrorism. (It should be noted, however, that the as of yet unreleased 2012 report will no doubt reflect the Toulouse shootings, which resulted in the death of four civilians.) Indeed, the truth is that less than 1% of terrorism in Europe is done by Muslims.
In other words, the threat of Islamic terrorism in the Western world is very minimal. It has been grossly exaggerated in order to justify the multiple wars being waged in Muslim majority countries. The charge is led by anti-Muslim ideologues, but the overarching premise–that Islamic terrorism is a great threat to Western civilization (even an existential threat to it)–is accepted by virtually all segments of American society.
In other words , the about non existent threat of Islamic Terrorism is led by anti muslim ideologues like you , a resident muslim hater in this forum.
Analysis of the data points to the fact that military intervention in the mid east is the single biggest cause of this so called terrorism :
So, why aren’t these Moozlums grateful for all that we’ve done for them?
It’s because they know what is painfully obvious: it is U.S. military intervention in the region that is most responsible for creating the problem of terrorism.
This becomes very clear if we look at the three countries that have reported the highest number of terrorism-related fatalities (according to NCTC data): Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. These three countries alone accounted for 64% of terrorism-related fatalities in 2005, 74% in 2006, 77% in 2007, 59% in 2008, 61% in 2009, 66% in 2010, and 68% in 2011.
Iraqis specifically have suffered the most from terrorism: according to the NCTC, from 2005 to 2007 some 55-65% of terrorism-related fatalities occurred in Iraq alone. The 2009 report declared: “Since 2005, Iraq continues to be the country with the most attacks and fatalities due to terrorism.”
The report also stated that the group most responsible for terrorism was (and continues to be) Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). What the NCTC failed to point out, however, was that (in the words of Barack Obama) “Al-Qaeda in Iraq…didn’t exist before our invasion.” Al-Qaeda in Iraq was founded with the intent to “[e]xpel the Americans from Iraq” and topple the interim government propped up by the United States. The Iraqis can thank the United States for creating the conditions that spawned this terrorist group, as well as for the resulting violence.
In fact, is it very easy to see the correlation between the U.S. invasion and terrorism in Iraq using the RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents (RDWTI), which has tracked terrorist incidents for several decades.
In the year before the Iraq War (from 3/19/2002 to 3/19/2003), there were only 13 terrorist attacks and 14 terrorism-related deaths in Iraq. In the year after the Iraq War (from 3/20/2003 to 3/20/2004), there were 225 terrorist attacks and 1,074 terrorism-related deaths. In other words, the U.S. invasion of Iraq resulted in an over 1600% increase in terrorist attacks and an over 7500% increase in terrorism-related deaths in just one year.
At the height of the Iraq War, there were 3,968 terrorist attacks, resulting in 9,497 deaths–which amounts to an over 30,000% increase in terrorist incidents and over 67,000% increase in terrorism-related deaths as compared to pre-war years.
In the case of Afghanistan :
According to the NCTC reports, the Taliban have been responsible for the vast majority of terrorism-related deaths in Afghanistan. Yet, prior to the invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban were not terrorists, at least not how the term is commonly employed today by the United States. Certainly, they were theocratic tyrants who imposed a frighteningly fundamentalist interpretation of Islam on the Afghan people. But, the Taliban at this time weren’t associated with Al-Qaeda style tactics such as suicide attacks, car bombs, or IED explosives.
The RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents supports this assertion, recording only two incidents involving the Taliban in the year prior to 9/11: an assassination attempt of a rebel leader and a rocket attack.
As government documents reveal, it was only after “[t]he Taliban was driven from power in late 2001, during the course of a United States-led invasion of Afghanistan” that “the Taliban has operated as a violent insurgent organization–bent on driving the United States and its allies from Afghanistan…resort[ing] to armed violence: car bombings; suicide strikes; rocket attacks; kidnappings; and murder.” The Taliban resorted to terrorist tactics in their fight against foreign occupiers and the U.S.-installed puppet regime in Kabul. This conflict, almost wholly a result of U.S. actions, is responsible for the violence and wave of terrorism that has rocked Afghanistan for the last decade.
Using the data from RDWTI, we find that in the year just prior to the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, there were only three terrorist attacks in the country, resulting in eight fatalities. By 2008, the number of terrorist attacks had jumped to 450 and the number of terrorism-related deaths to 1,228. In other words, the U.S. War in Afghanistan resulted in a 15,000% increase in both terrorism related incidents and deaths.
Ha ha , can you explain to me why do you have this addiction of repeating already refuted arguments?
Issit because you are desperate but having nothing or you are on 'pill kuda'? LOL
Edited by sam1528 at 29-8-2015 11:49 AM
LOL , observe folks , our resident hater in Goh Mas Lan or 'wkk5159-maslan' is arguing like a person on 'pill kuda'.
No relevant nor meaningful counter arguments but just repeat of his refuted argument hoping it becomes the truth. Facts and hope don't mix.
The issue here - where did you get the figure of 77.6%?
In your own referenced article , the author explained how he arrived at that figure :
The total Muslim population in Sweden is estimated at 4.4% (2013 figures). Out of that 4.4% and in deducting the women and children, we can roughly guesstimate that around 2% are male. The foreign rape figures at 77.6% Muslim has been anonymously confirmed by Swedish polish in a phone conversation
Ha ha, very 'scientific' deduction. A phone call to an anonymous person who claim to be the police. However you believe it whole heartedly because you are a 'true professional and and expert in your field' - your claim.
Are you not the least bit embarrassed that I am ripping apart your argument with ease? Oops , you are a thickskinned person , typical character of a christian who is a muslim hater.
Edited by sam1528 at 29-8-2015 11:48 AM
LOL - argument of our resident hater Goh Mas Lan or 'wkk5159-maslan' who is high on 'pill kuda'.
Counting mugshots in the FBI database and regard it being data and statistics is foolhardy. Go back to this article , read and reread (and try to understand it). It is a brilliant article detailing the facts. Oops , you have difficulty understanding facts and statistics?
LOL , appears that you did not even read the article linked in my post #122. The data from NTCT and RAND have been quoted whereas you appealed to an article which rigged the data. Boo hoo , thought you would get away with it , huh? Too bad .... your deceit have been exposed. It is just too easy.
It has been made clear that it is the data in the US. If you want a worldwide view , there are data from EUROPOL and the NCTC
Yet, the NCTC’s own data belies its predetermined conclusions: the threat of terrorism to the average American is virtually non-existent. In the entire year of 2011, exactly zero civilians in the U.S. were killed by terrorism. In fact, not a single civilian in the U.S. has been killed by Islamic terrorism since 9/11, well over a decade ago. Put another way: more Americans are killed from being crushed to death by their television sets than by terrorism, a realization that should put “the persistent threat” of terrorism into some much-needed perspective.
The same is the case across the pond: Europol has released yearly terrorism reports since 2006. Going through these, one cannot find a single civilian in Europe who has been killed by Islamic terrorism. (It should be noted, however, that the as of yet unreleased 2012 report will no doubt reflect the Toulouse shootings, which resulted in the death of four civilians.) Indeed, the truth is that less than 1% of terrorism in Europe is done by Muslims.
In other words, the threat of Islamic terrorism in the Western world is very minimal. It has been grossly exaggerated in order to justify the multiple wars being waged in Muslim majority countries. The charge is led by anti-Muslim ideologues, but the overarching premise–that Islamic terrorism is a great threat to Western civilization (even an existential threat to it)–is accepted by virtually all segments of American society.
In other words , the about non existent threat of Islamic Terrorism is led by anti muslim ideologues like you , a resident muslim hater in this forum.
Analysis of the data points to the fact that military intervention in the mid east is the single biggest cause of this so called terrorism :
So, why aren’t these Moozlums grateful for all that we’ve done for them?
It’s because they know what is painfully obvious: it is U.S. military intervention in the region that is most responsible for creating the problem of terrorism.
This becomes very clear if we look at the three countries that have reported the highest number of terrorism-related fatalities (according to NCTC data): Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. These three countries alone accounted for 64% of terrorism-related fatalities in 2005, 74% in 2006, 77% in 2007, 59% in 2008, 61% in 2009, 66% in 2010, and 68% in 2011.
Iraqis specifically have suffered the most from terrorism: according to the NCTC, from 2005 to 2007 some 55-65% of terrorism-related fatalities occurred in Iraq alone. The 2009 report declared: “Since 2005, Iraq continues to be the country with the most attacks and fatalities due to terrorism.”
The report also stated that the group most responsible for terrorism was (and continues to be) Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). What the NCTC failed to point out, however, was that (in the words of Barack Obama) “Al-Qaeda in Iraq…didn’t exist before our invasion.” Al-Qaeda in Iraq was founded with the intent to “[e]xpel the Americans from Iraq” and topple the interim government propped up by the United States. The Iraqis can thank the United States for creating the conditions that spawned this terrorist group, as well as for the resulting violence.
In fact, is it very easy to see the correlation between the U.S. invasion and terrorism in Iraq using the RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents (RDWTI), which has tracked terrorist incidents for several decades.
In the year before the Iraq War (from 3/19/2002 to 3/19/2003), there were only 13 terrorist attacks and 14 terrorism-related deaths in Iraq. In the year after the Iraq War (from 3/20/2003 to 3/20/2004), there were 225 terrorist attacks and 1,074 terrorism-related deaths. In other words, the U.S. invasion of Iraq resulted in an over 1600% increase in terrorist attacks and an over 7500% increase in terrorism-related deaths in just one year.
At the height of the Iraq War, there were 3,968 terrorist attacks, resulting in 9,497 deaths–which amounts to an over 30,000% increase in terrorist incidents and over 67,000% increase in terrorism-related deaths as compared to pre-war years.
In the case of Afghanistan :
According to the NCTC reports, the Taliban have been responsible for the vast majority of terrorism-related deaths in Afghanistan. Yet, prior to the invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban were not terrorists, at least not how the term is commonly employed today by the United States. Certainly, they were theocratic tyrants who imposed a frighteningly fundamentalist interpretation of Islam on the Afghan people. But, the Taliban at this time weren’t associated with Al-Qaeda style tactics such as suicide attacks, car bombs, or IED explosives.
The RAND Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents supports this assertion, recording only two incidents involving the Taliban in the year prior to 9/11: an assassination attempt of a rebel leader and a rocket attack.
As government documents reveal, it was only after “[t]he Taliban was driven from power in late 2001, during the course of a United States-led invasion of Afghanistan” that “the Taliban has operated as a violent insurgent organization–bent on driving the United States and its allies from Afghanistan…resort[ing] to armed violence: car bombings; suicide strikes; rocket attacks; kidnappings; and murder.” The Taliban resorted to terrorist tactics in their fight against foreign occupiers and the U.S.-installed puppet regime in Kabul. This conflict, almost wholly a result of U.S. actions, is responsible for the violence and wave of terrorism that has rocked Afghanistan for the last decade.
Using the data from RDWTI, we find that in the year just prior to the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, there were only three terrorist attacks in the country, resulting in eight fatalities. By 2008, the number of terrorist attacks had jumped to 450 and the number of terrorism-related deaths to 1,228. In other words, the U.S. War in Afghanistan resulted in a 15,000% increase in both terrorism related incidents and deaths.
Ha ha , can you explain why do you have this addiction of repeating already refuted arguments? LOL , you claim that loonwatch is funded by terrorist? However no evidence from you. Hmm , maybe you should try being a clown .... looks like its a natural disposition for you.
LOL , what do you think you can achieve besides making a fool of yourself? Your arguments are so feeble
Off to BERSIH 4 we go .....
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