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Author: Acong

[Dunia] Brunei Haramkan Sambutan X'mas atau Penjara 5 tahun

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Post time 25-12-2015 10:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 25-12-2015 10:06 AM
forum cari terutama CI ni ni mmg tidak dpt ditolong lg

Ummah yang perlu ditolong itu adalah ummah yang lari keluar topic, atau dalam bahasa kampungnya, off topic. Biasanya ummah shortformedkan sebagai OT.

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Post time 25-12-2015 10:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 25-12-2015 10:09 AM
Yup. For the muslim only. Tapi kalau ada Muslim nak pegi Gereja lebih suka sembah jesus..nak pegi  ...

Owh..jadi x arahan kata dilarang dan dihukum penjara 5 tahun? Berdasar kan ayat sedara/sedari?

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Post time 25-12-2015 10:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 25-12-2015 10:12 AM
Owh..jadi x arahan kata dilarang dan dihukum penjara 5 tahun? Berdasar kan ayat sedara/se ...

Yup. Tak betul

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Post time 25-12-2015 10:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pooh~key replied at 25-12-2015 02:11 AM
Ummah yang perlu ditolong itu adalah ummah yang lari keluar topic, atau dalam bahasa kampungnya, o ...

understood. i cant sleep thinking...hihihi

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Post time 25-12-2015 12:44 PM | Show all posts
krustykrab replied at 21-12-2015 08:23 AM
ish...knp pulak nak diharamkan perayaan org lain....ko just hukum umah islam yg berlebih2 dah ler... ...

kan?! cuba kalau orang bukan islam buat macam tu pada kita, frust, marah of course. Kesian kot pada depa yang nak celebrate  

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Post time 25-12-2015 03:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hanys replied at 25-12-2015 12:44 PM
kan?! cuba kalau orang bukan islam buat macam tu pada kita, frust, marah of course. Kesian kot pad ...

In Brunei.. Christians are Allowed to Celebrate Christmas.

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Post time 25-12-2015 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 25-12-2015 03:08 PM
In Brunei.. Christians are Allowed to Celebrate Christmas.

in India too.

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Post time 25-12-2015 03:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 25-12-2015 10:10 AM
Hahaha yelah..  tak pe lah..
Kita faham fitnah akhir zaman sedang berleluasa. Islam liberal bany ...

Islam liberal? ..u mean sultan brunei dgn kerabat anak beranak yg suka berjimba buat party liar dgn mariah carey segala bagai kan? Yes we all know that.. Thanxgod dah dkt 2thn economy brunei recession ye sbb harge minyak jatuh,semoga bankrap terus so royalty brunei boleh hidup bjimat sket mcm rakyat biase

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Post time 25-12-2015 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Buat jer lah ethnic cleansing...... Panggil ISIS tolong....


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Post time 25-12-2015 03:59 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. replied at 25-12-2015 03:56 PM
Buat jer lah ethnic cleansing...... Panggil ISIS tolong....

Takbirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...

adoii...loyer punyer post.

loyer la sangat.



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Post time 25-12-2015 04:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
roy3 replied at 20-12-2015 11:03 PM
Maksud ko ummah christian tertipu ngan mak pak dengan cite dongeng santa kelos.ini bermakna ummah  ...

Pendapat berdasarkn 'movie'.Klakor.....

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Post time 25-12-2015 05:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kelapaparut replied at 25-12-2015 03:22 PM
Islam liberal? ..u mean sultan brunei dgn kerabat anak beranak yg suka berjimba buat party liar dg ...

Tak..maksud aku.. Ummah islam mcm uols yang make a havoc sebab tak dapat celebrate christmas kat Brunei tu yang Liberal.

Rezeki tu kerja Allah..its up to Allah nak bankrupt kan atau tak. Your country sambut pelbagai agama pun economy merosot.
Today's Currency exchange.. BND 1 : RM 3.03
Boleh bangga lah kalau currency exchange BND 0.003 : RM 1.

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Post time 25-12-2015 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 25-12-2015 05:54 PM
Tak..maksud aku.. Ummah islam mcm uols yang make a havoc sebab tak dapat celebrate christmas kat B ...

Motif tetiba keji ekonomi, ringgit Malaysia pula?

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Post time 25-12-2015 06:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jangan la sibuk pasal negara orang..
Negara sendiri isu pemimpin songlap 2.6bil pun tak selesai.. rakyat rata2 ikat perut

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Post time 25-12-2015 06:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 25-12-2015 09:27 AM
Oh you still dont get what i meant.

Im not even talking about this thread.

Apa ko bekurapak ini palui?

What country is being mentioned in the title of this topic? Is it Maldives? Or Somalia? NO. It is about BRUNEI, your effing country. So why should we drag some other countries that are not related to the subject matter?

If the topic is about Somalia, then we will talk about Somalia. If it is about Maldives, then we will rant Maldives from the first to the last page.

Takkan kalau soalan karangan suruh ko tulis pasal ibu, ko pegi tulis pasal bapak?

(Is it not sheer stupidity if you write about your father for an essay that requires you to write about your mother?)


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Post time 25-12-2015 06:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mutakhir ini telah tersebar berita tentang Negara Brunei Darussalam yang telah mengharamkan perayaan Krismas dinegara tersebut. Ingin saya nyatakan disini bahawa berita ini direka seolah-olah Brunei, sebuah negara yang tidak memberi kebebasan beragama dan melakukan penindasan kepada mereka yang bukan beragama Islam. Berita bertajuk, "Sultan Brunei mengharamkan sambutan Krismas" nampak seolah-olah Brunei tidak memberikan keizinan buat mereka yang beragama Nasrani untuk menyambut hari perayaan agama mereka, bahkan Brunei digambarkan akan menjatuhkan hukuman penjara jika mereka sabit bersalah.
Pertama, ketahuilah ini jelas bertentangan dengan maksud khutbah yang telah disampaikan pada 4 Disember 2015 yang lalu dibeberapa buah masjid di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Khutbah yang disampaikan merujuk kepada mereka yang beragama Islam. Larangan menyambut perayaan agama lain adalah bagi mereka yang beragama Islam, dan ini jelas bertepatan dengan perintah agama.
Manakala bagi mereka yang bukan beragama Islam adalah dibenarkan untuk menyambut sambutan agama mereka selagi ia tidak mengelirukan umat Islam dan berlebihan sehingga menjejaskan prinsip Brunei sebagai sebuah negara Islam. Ketahuilah, inilah diantara agenda beberapa golongan yang cuba untuk melahirkan kekeliruan dan kebencian dunia kepada Brunei sehingga dunia memandang Brunei dengan pandangan negatif. Mereka cuba untuk mencipta beberapa tajuk utama dalam akhbar mereka bertujuan untuk memarakkan api 'Islamophobia' dan menyuntik jarum-jarum kebencian kepada Brunei, sebuah negara yang mengangkat Islam dibawah pimpinan rajanya.
Islam tidak pernah mengajar umatnya untuk mendiskriminasi agama lain, bahkan menyeru umat Islam untuk saling menghormati agama lain. Islam juga agama yang mementingkan hubungan pertalian sesama manusia (Hablum Minannas), disamping menjaga aqidah tanpa perlu mengikut-ikut dan tasyabbuh (penyerupaan) agama lain. Inilah yang cuba dilaksanakan dinegara Brunei Darussalam dan jelas ia membuahkan hasil kehidupan yang harmoni yang dapat dilihat dikalangan rakyat yang berbilang agama di Negara tersebut. Janganlah dibiarkan jarum hasutan mereka (media barat) berjaya memecahkan keharmonian beragama di Negara Brunei yang telah dikecapi sekian lama.
Nazirul Mubin Ahad,
MA Islamic Studies, University of Jordan.

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Post time 25-12-2015 06:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 25-12-2015 09:27 AM
Oh you still dont get what i meant.

Im not even talking about this thread.

Btw the above post is (still) a respond to the question you asked earlier.

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Post time 25-12-2015 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 25-12-2015 05:54 PM
Tak..maksud aku.. Ummah islam mcm uols yang make a havoc sebab tak dapat celebrate christmas kat B ...

Hey, pemimpin kiteorg buat taik pun kiteorg keji,xde sape yg puji najib, sultan u pun is not maksum still sinful people,tp yg xtahan walau perangai sultan xsemengah mane still ade yg nak bekap, and yes our currency is lower than yours and we admit it but our life is happier than most of brunei yg xde life tu,i pernah pg bdr seri begawan oh my god so boring,no wonder korang weekend ramai2 pakat turun miri

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Post time 25-12-2015 10:44 PM | Show all posts
                                                                Christmas Celebration in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        December 25, 2015

Harris Nasril
I heard news that Christmas celebrations were banned in Brunei. So I went to the biggest church in Brunei, about 15 minutes from my place, to see how the ban affects the minority Christians in this tiny oil rich country.
For the record, 67% of the population in Brunei is Islam while 13% of the population is Buddhist and another 10% is Christian. The remaining 10% subscribes to various religions, including indigenous religions.
I began my journey to the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption which is situated at the heart of Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital city of Brunei. It is the biggest church in Brunei. In front of the church there is another church painted in blue, St Andrews Church. When I reached the destination around 8.30am, the place was jam packed. Cars were parked at both sides of the road. There were a few stalls erected along the road near the entrance of the church selling clothes, drinks and food.

I had a conversation with one lady outside the church. I told her my thoughts, that Christmas celebrations in Brunei is banned? She told me the ban only applies to Muslims and public spaces; whereas in churches and in private property, they can celebrate as usual. Well, that explained why I did not see any Christmas trees in the shopping complex.
I walked curiously to the church compound. This is the first time I went into a church. Before the entrance to the hall, there were rows of seats for the people who did not manage to enter the main hall. On the right, they put a giant Christmas tree decoration, but it does not look like a tree though. You can see in the picture. Lots of people taking pictures and selfies at this tree, behind the tree on the right was the slogan “Peace On Earth”. Further back on the left, there was a statue of Mary with both arms open wide in a white dress and a blue cloth hanging from her shoulder.

At the door to the main hall, there was a bowl of water, which i guess it is the ‘holy water’. People will touch a little bit of the water using their hand, and then they make the gesture of a cross on their body before entering the main hall.
In the main hall at 10 am, the mass started. It was full. I can see various types of people inside it, Chinese, Europeans, Filipinos, Indonesians and a few Indians. They started to sing a few songs with a backup choir with piano and guitar sitting on the first floor. The priest with a walking stick entered the main door accompanied by 8 other priests before him holding the Bible. A beautiful Chinese lady then put the book at the centre of the table, while the priest took his seat in front of the hall. Before he sat down, he gave his walking stick to one child in white robes.
After singing a few songs, about 3 people took turns at the pedestal to read a piece from the Bible for a few minutes. The last one was the priest himself, who said mass for about 30 minutes.

At 11am, the ritual finished and I saw a few people holding a stick with a white cloth at the end of it to collect donations.
This is my account of how Christians celebrated Christmas in Brunei despite the banning. I hope it clears the air of those who think Christmas was totally banned in Brunei. The ban was only meant for Muslims and public spaces. In churches and private property, celebrations were happening as usual.
-Harris Nasril, 5.25pm 25 Dec 2015– ... eri-begawan-brunei/


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Post time 25-12-2015 10:44 PM | Show all posts
Ekstrem nyaa tindakan Soltan

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