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Author: Knowlee

[Tempatan] Mak Belang dirempuh di LPT2 (Perhilitan sahkan Mak Belang bunting #133)

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 Author| Post time 6-2-2016 06:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syd replied at 6-2-2016 06:30 PM
ni tengah argue kuat kat fb

rimau tu tak bunting.

Kalo betul tak bunting, bagitau ai. Ai edit title tu nnt.

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Post time 6-2-2016 06:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
milo_888 replied at 6-2-2016 05:07 PM
Sebab tu environmentalist bangkang habis2 penarahan hutan tanpa kawalan utk tujuan pembangunan...

New expresways yg diorg bantah tu namanya SUKE...stat dr sg.besi lalu blkg bukit belacan smpi ke ukay perdana sebegitu
X pasal2 le bkt belacan kene tutup buat selama lamanya now
Tp akak risau sbb bila tgk jajaran hiway SUKE tu....mmg sah2 la kawasan tadahan air hujan empangan klang gate bakal terjejas dan maybe kut bakal ada landslides lagi di bkt a/bangsa
And mmg sume penduduk ampang ulu klang azmin ali buat pekak badak
Padahal dia ni MP bkt a/bangsa
Nak sgt tgk bencana alam agaknya kt kawasan dia tu

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Post time 6-2-2016 06:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
from the Telegraph...

Millionaires are purchasing entire ecosystems around the world and turning them into conservation areas. Their goal? To stop environmental catastrophe. Jonathan Franklin reports with pictures by Morten Andersen

Sebastián Piera, one of the richest men in Chile, has a CV that includes introducing credit cards to his country and many large-scale property developments. Now he has added what every chic millionaire needs - his own private ecosystem.

Help save the rainforest - buy it Brazil can preserve Amazon rainforest without outside help, says president Johan Eliasch, Gordon Brown consultant, fined for illegal Amazon logging

Parque Tantauco, which Piera created in 2005, is on one of South America's largest islands, Chiloé, off the coast of Patagonia.

Piera bought the land and immediately set about protecting the offshore habitat of blue whales and the inland virgin forests.

Pulling out a map of the park, Piera explains his plan, tracing his finger over a trekking route that will be connected by rustic cabins.

'We have been buying all the land around us. We started with 110,000 acres and now we have 150,000,' he says. 'I want my children and grandchildren to remember me for making one more million? No! So I now have many projects like this.'

While yachts and jets marked the status of last century's super rich, today the stylish accessory for millionaires is their very own ecosystem.

From Patagonia to Montana, hundreds of thousands of acres are being bought by wealthy businessmen and placed in private charities, conservation trusts or handed over to governments as a gift.

Johan Eliasch, chairman of Head, the ski and sporting goods manufacturer, and the grandson of a Swedish property developer, has taken his business skills and invested them in a new industry -Amazon Forest conservation.

Eliasch, who has a personal fortune estimated at 360m, has bought 400,000 acres in the Brazilian Amazon, near the river town of Manicore.

Deforestation, argues Eliasch, causes more carbon emissions annually than transportation, yet is often overlooked.

In his parcel of land, Eliasch estimates that some 80m tons of carbon are trapped in the forest - about the same amount the entire Swedish population will produce over the next 15 years at current rates (53m tons per year).

'The key to saving the Amazon and the rest of the world's great rainforests is actually very simple: just put a fair price on the role they play in providing a quarter of the world's oxygen, a fifth of fresh water and 60 per cent of its species,' declares Eliasch.

'I truly believe that with their values as a carbon store at last being recognised, we will see mass deforestation halted in five years.'

Eliasch's interest in the Amazon came about from a concern that one of the effects of global warming was its destruction of the European ski season due to the lack of a critical component -snow.

'The Swedish winters and summers hold the most enduring memories for me. Now when I am back in Stockholm in November, it is difficult to imagine being able to ski to school. I think that is a tragedy,' he remarked.

The efforts by Eliasch to protect the rainforest have hit a nerve among some people in Brazil who are suspicious of foreigners coming in with plans to invest in the Amazon.

Eliasch, who admits that shutting down sawmills and putting hundreds of workers out of a job is controversial, insists that hacking down the rainforest is a wildly inefficient use of natural resources.

'Once timber is cut, there is little that can be done with the land that is is sustainable,' argues Eliasch. 'Timber extraction provides big profits at the expense of local communities.'

'Providing communities with unfettered access to harvest a forest that is protected in perpetuity provides better and more reliable incomes.'

Still, some people remain unconvinced, and it might be years before Eliasch is able to fully utilise his business acumen within the complex world of conservation.

'There are pitfalls everywhere,' says Evan Bowen-Jones of the conservation body Fauna & Flora International. 'In some countries it is possible to buy large chunks of lands and preserve it, and in other areas it is impossible.'

Bowen-Jones cautions that entering the world of large-scale conservation requires patience, and he strongly suggests consulting experienced individuals who have already been through the process.

Working with local groups or, better yet, being invited by local environmental groups is another key to success, he says.

'With the current pace of biodiversity loss posed by climate change, we are going to have to stretch the methods available to us and that is going to bring in the wealthy individuals,' says Bowen-Jones.

'If they [wealthy donors] bring the right attitude to the table, then there is a good chance for success.'

'It is pretty hard for a country to turn down a gift of 300,000 hectares [740,000 acres],' says Douglas Tompkins, 65, the American-born founder of Esprit and The North Face.

From the late 1960s to the early 1980s, Tompkins amassed a multi-million dollar fortune. He lived in a huge estate in San Francisco's Pacific Heights neighbourhood and had a world-renowned art collection.

Then he read a book on deep ecology, the philosophy pioneered by Norwegian Arne Naess, who calls for a radical re-evaluation of man's relationship with the planet.

Tompkins was an instant convert. He sold his estate, the art and everything else, then moved to the remote wilds of Patagonia.

Since 1992, Tompkins has spent nearly 110m buying or organising the purchase of around 25 properties covering 2.2m acres in Chile and Argentina.

Once purchased, the land is placed under strict environmental protection by its new owner. Tompkins has even coined a phrase for this movement -wildlands philanthropy.

When Tompkins met someone with the same philosophy and her own pile of money - Kristi McDivitt, the former CEO of the Patagonia Clothing company -they began to focus their business acumen on building coalitions of funders, environmentalists and governments to create national parks.

'Spend your money on land conservation,' says McDivitt. 'To restore a creek is patriotic in my mind. Restoring the land in any form is a patriotic act.'

This eco-power couple have now created two national parks - Parque Nacional Corcovado in Chile and Parque Nacional Monte León in Argentina.

Another two are being finalised, with a total area of close to two million acres. At the centre of Tompkins' conservation efforts is Chile's Parque Pumalin, a pristine wooded ecosystem that includes volcanoes, old growth forests and hidden hot springs. The park's 740,000 acres are off limits to all development except small-scale enterprises.

'I fundamentally believe in national parks,' Tompkins said. 'I don't believe in private parks. I believe that nations do best and have done best when they really value their parklands and areas that are off limits to development.'

Hansjrg Wyss, one of Europe's richest men, agrees. After amassing a fortune estimated at 4,200m from his position of CEO of Synthes - a company that produces artificial spinal discs and nails for repairing broken bones - Wyss has tackled a far larger reconstruction project: the wild areas of the American West.

Through The Wyss Foundation, he has donated millions of dollars to preserve wild lands in Utah and Montana.

As chairman of the board at the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, a grassroots conservation group in the American southwest, Wyss has instituted a corporate structure that includes a 3.5m cash surplus, investments in stocks and mutual funds and an 800,000 office building in Salt Lake City.

In order to save thousands of acres in the Rocky Mountains of Montana from development, Wyss bankrolled a simple solution; he offered to buy up the mineral rights from the mining companies.

Thanks to Wyss's understanding of corporate America, the Foundation had discovered a strategy for effectively paying the oil and gas compa

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Syd replied at 6-2-2016 06:31 PM
Syahrin Abdul Aziz Photography added 12 new photos.
1 hr ·

Lega sikit klu tak pregnant. Sbb tgk dia mcm muda lg. Tak sanggup nk godek2 lebih lagi pasal nih. Dah la pg td tergerak nk pakai baju rimau WWF tuh, dlm tren bukak twitter tb2 kuar berita & gambar rimau ni kat twitter Bernama, terus hilang mood satu hari.

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Semoga Allah pelihara binatang liar yg makin pupus ni....

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Thanks to Wyss's understanding of corporate America, the Foundation had discovered a strategy for effectively paying the oil and gas companies to leave the area.

In that Montana battle, The Wyss Foundation was an early funder and longtime proponent of the 'buy 'em out' strategy.

Even investment bankers Goldman Sachs have caught the bug. In 2003, Goldman Sachs received 670,000 acres of forests in southern Chile and Argentina as the result of a bankruptcy settlement.

'It was part of a large package of distressed debt. We started asking, what do we do with a million acres of forest at the end of the earth? We had to get out an atlas,' laughs Lawrence Linden, an advisory director to Goldman Sachs.

He continues: 'As an investment bank, we know what to do with shopping malls and apartment complexes. But an ecosystem in Tierra del Fuego? So we called in The Nature Conservancy to study the land and they came back with the conclusion that it was actually a very valuable piece of land from an environmental point of view.'

Today the Goldman Sachs land is a vast tract of wilderness and is home to the guanaco, a llama-like animal that roams the forests. It also has an endowment of around 9m.

"We didn't want to be a burden for taxpayers. This is not just a question of preserving a pristine wilderness,' says Pete Rose, a Goldman Sachs spokesman. 'This is about using 21st-century science to preserve a pristine wilderness.'

Across Europe, eco-barons have also invested heavily in land conservation.

Dutch businessman Paul Fentener van Vlissingen, who died in 2006, was a leading figure in the movement. From his 82,000-acre estate in Scotland -which he proudly advertised as public lands - van Vlissingen managed supermarket chains, energy companies and investment trusts. His passion was Africa's beleaguered national parks.

In barely two years, Vlissingen poured millions of dollars into the then incomplete Marakele National Park in South Africa, a job that would have taken at least 10 years without his funding. Today Marakele is part of a far bigger park system and is a healthy home to African wildlife, including elephant, white and black rhinoceros, buffalo, hyena, cheetah, wild dog, giraffe and eland.

To consolidate his philosophy, Vlissingen helped create the African Parks Foundation, an NGO that continues to reinforce the infrastructure and funding for national parks in Africa.

Before his death, van Vlissingen was widely considered the richest man in Scotland, and with tens of thousands of acres, the country's biggest landowner.

But van Vlissingen refused that title, 'You can't own a place like this. It belongs to the planet,' he once said. 'I'm only the guardian.'

The full version of this article appears in the latest issue of First Life the British Airways magazine from Cedar Communications.

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 Author| Post time 6-2-2016 07:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_jeangrey replied at 6-2-2016 07:02 PM
Semoga Allah pelihara binatang liar yg makin pupus ni....

Aminnn... Kalo pupus, contohnya mcm burung Dido, generasi akan dtg tgk gambar saja.

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Orang sana dah tak pandang harta bertimbun... orang kita saja hadap dgn benda material... designer items, dan mcm2 lg yang dihasilkan dgn memusnahkan alam semulajadi...

" While yachts and jets marked the status of last century's super rich, today the stylish accessory for millionaires is their very own ecosystem.

From Patagonia to Montana, hundreds of thousands of acres are being bought by wealthy businessmen and placed in private charities, conservation trusts or handed over to governments as a gift."

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:08 PM | Show all posts
Kittie replied at 6-2-2016 07:00 PM
Lega sikit klu tak pregnant. Sbb tgk dia mcm muda lg. Tak sanggup nk godek2 lebih lagi pasal nih.  ...

itu kata orang yang terlanggar rimau tuhh.tak bunting.

bagus orang neh.
dia update.

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_premierleag replied at 6-2-2016 06:59 PM
New expresways yg diorg bantah tu namanya SUKE...stat dr sg.besi lalu blkg bukit belacan smpi ke u ...

kalau pembangkang tak dapat selangor haruslah dia bantah habis2an masa kempen...

politik mmg jijik... its all about pengaruh dan kuasa... serta duit...

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Xperlu kot nk emo sgt sampai suh org yg langgar tu mampus.mcm bgs sgt je.kena kt family sndri pun agknya mel0mpat xsbr upload gmbr kt fb.

Po0r that yg ptt disalahkn adalah phk yg bina lpt2 ni.

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mna number keta tu?:::

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:17 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Syd at 6-2-2016 07:26 PM
Knowlee replied at 6-2-2016 06:57 PM
Kalo betul tak bunting, bagitau ai. Ai edit title tu nnt.

Saturday, 6 February 2016 | MYT 7:00 PM

Malayan tiger killed on East Coast Highway was pregnant

PETALING JAYA: The tiger that was killed on the East Coast Expressway Phase 2 (LPT2) was pregnant, the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) confirmed.

Perhilitan Terengganu director Mohd Hasdi Husin told The Star that a post-mortem performed on the tiger found two dead fetuses.
"There were two fetuses about two months old, outside the ovary, which was broken because of the accident," he said over the phone on Saturday.
"I am very, very sad. Next time, hopefully this kind of accident will not happen again," he added.

Mohd Hasdi said the tiger suffered massive internal injuries and that its liver was ruptured and its hind legs broken.
Images on social media spread earlier Saturday supposedly showing two tiger fetuses being taken out of its body.
The tiger was hit by a car heading to Kuala Terengganu at about midnight. It died on the spot.


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Post time 6-2-2016 07:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bg aku agak xadillah nak salahkan pemandu tu,sbb bila bcakap mmg sedap mcm korek hidung,knp xitu ini.

Ko ngt senang ke tgh bawak kete lpstu nk bhenti mengejut?? Walau bwk 80?? Aku naik dgn kwn aku perempuan bawak mlm langgar babi hutan bapak beso..perlahan pun mati babi tu.ngt kita boleh cam ke yg dilanggar babi ke,lembu,rimau,lembu..haiwan nak pupus ke,haiwan xpupus.binatang ni biasanya main terjah..nak elak pun mcmne? Nak tahu gak caranya..sbb masa balik felda laki aku,pemandu kancil mati terbabas sbb elak lembu manusia malaun yg tetiba melintas.

n aku yakin,kalau xbaca pun korg xtau pun situ tempat biasa haiwan liar lalu.jd yg salahny pihak bkuasa.knp xpagar.xsediakan laluan khas binatang.senang cite mudahan bio korang jumpa sdiri baru cite mampu xbrek,mampu xtahu tu hewan APA yg tetiba lintas

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ummah kafirun lagi aware pasal kepentingan ecosystem
Dekat malaysia ni tak habis2 haramsanaharussini
Mzz dulu2 quit debate team sebab i was given a topic utk jdi pencadang atas animal testing
Rasa mcm benda kecik tapi masa tu it was a huge deal for me..tak mampu nak make believe pun mzz sokong animal testing

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 Author| Post time 6-2-2016 07:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fire_place replied at 6-2-2016 07:22 PM
Bg aku agak xadillah nak salahkan pemandu tu,sbb bila bcakap mmg sedap mcm korek hidung,knp xitu ini ...

Dah tiba masanya NGO yg terlibat dlm hal ini bagi cadangan pada pihak konsesi, kontraktor dan government.

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Nasib baik tak sempat melahirkan anak.

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Betul la pregnant.

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:35 PM | Show all posts
aku tak paham kenapa driver yang terlanggar rimau tu pula yang kena marah.
Rimau tu lintas highway kot, bukan driver tu sengaja pergi masuk hutan langgar rimau tu.

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Post time 6-2-2016 07:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Siannya meow....

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