samada WSJ bercakap benar atau tidak ... dalam situasi sekarang, rasanya adalah bijak kalau Najib berundur. Terlampau banyak kelemahan Najib yang muncul satu persatu ... ini dan nampak Najib tidak mampu menangani banyak masalah yang melanda negara. Tiada ciri ciri kebijaksanaan yang menonjol dengan Najib by far ....
Tapi meresahkan hati hati musuh nya yg bersorak sorai sesangat tu. Kedua dua pihak ada agenda tersendiri kita rakyat hanya sebagai penonton sahaja . Tak payah lah nak melompat seronok sgt takut negara dan rakyat sendiri yg terma padah
Post time 8-7-2015 06:33 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Iols cub bayangkan kalu betul najib xbersalah mcm mane.. How is it feel? Ntahla dlm hati iols, ade jugak sekulimit perasaan yg semue ni karut belaka..sbb najib is so resistance, xberganjak mengatakan diri xbersalah, malah boleh meneruskan program2 perdana menteri mcm biasa,xtakut tp just sekadar nafi nafi nafi, org lain kalu mcm ni pi lari luar negara mintak suaka politik mcm presiden tunisia,presiden yemen,alberto fujimori etc,tp najib stay cool je,org bwh dia je ribut..ataupun hati dah kering xde perasaan mcm bini dia, masih boleh bjalan sane sini pegi program rakyat majlis tu majlis ni
tapi dalam situasi dimana najib kena seraang dari segenap penjuru dan rakyat ramai dah hilang kepercayaan ke atas beliau, molek ler seandainya Najib berundur ... mentally , physicaally dan emotionally tak fit utk mentadbir negara ... kalau confirm dia tak bersalah, then he is most welcome utk mendptkan balik jawatan PM tue ...
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today said the scope of the special task force investigating The Wall Street Journal's claims against him was whether he used 1MDB funds for his personal interest.
"The investigation by the special task force is to determine whether WSJ's allegation that I took 1MDB funds for my personal interest has basis or not.
"The investigation must consider the veracity of the documents published by the newspaper to support their actions," he said in a post on his blog today.
The special task force comprises officers from Bank Negara, the police, Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) and Attorney-general's chambers.
However, a detailed scope of their investigation has not been spelled out.
They have announced that six accounts have been frozen, but none belonged to the prime minister.
Can task force be trusted?
The first two statements from the task force were signed by Bank Negara governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz, police chief Khalid Abu Bakar, MACC head Abu Kassim Mohamed and Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail.
However, the latest statement today was signed only by Gani.
but in reality ... tu yang sepatutnya Najib patut buat ...
one more thing, silalah berusaha untuk menangkis setiap tohmahan tersebut ... nampak sangat Najib incapable to this either ...
Dey thambi, its not whether you use it or not, why is it there in the first place is what we want to know. For sure your are not some CSR company, why would 1MDB through a very convoluted way, end up giving you the money? Why?
It's your citizen hard earn money, but then it ends up in your account?
macai kulu kilir jaja kununnya najib cuma ngaku tak guna duit untuk tujuan peribadi
padahal najib nafi guna duit untuk tujuan peribadi DAN nafi duit ada masuk dalam akaun peribadi beliau
korang boleh nilai sendiri la kat video ni ye:
khas untuk yang atas pagar dan nak dengar kebenaran
yang macai tegar tu takleh nak terima kenyataan tu, bangkem takleh nak buat apa dah
realiti ... yang rakyat sendiri dah hilang kepercayaan terhadap najib...
tak pernah selama ini ... perdana mentri malaysia dipermainkan .. diperbodohkan oleh rakyat sendiri ...
laki bini lak tue ....
sapa yang syiok sendiri ....?
pernah tgk tak najib berucap dengan rakyat .... a very gud example syiok sendiri ... bilerr macai bertepuk tangan dengan ucapan dia... makin berkobar kobar memberi ucapan persis pahlawan ... hakikat ... rakyat-rakyat yang menonton ucapan dia tu teringin sangat nak bagi tapak kaki kat muka dia ...