Jenifer Holiday And i am telling you i am not going Practice Version cover by Mila Jirin
Mila Jirin singing And i am telling you i am not going by Jenifer Holiday. This is Practice Version of Milla Jirin. Please click Like to make it this video hits and leave your comment for Mila Enjoy Practice version of And i am telling you i am not going
OMG!!!!....Congratulation just make us proud.....such a wonderful petite girl with the wonderful voice....We wish you all the best Mila.....Can't wait to see you in the final. Selama ni orang perlekeh pasal kemenangan die di Bulgaria skrg kat UK....ape agaknya reaksi dorang..mesti dorang kate pertandingan cikai lah murah lah....What the hell lah....But we just don't care .... whatever lah dorang punye perception...yg penting mila has the ability to show..bkn calang2 penyanyi nyanyi lagu ni....lagu ni pernah di nyanyikan oleh Jenifer Hudson dalam filem Dreamgirls....dan Whitney Houston love to sing this song....powerful voice....
Nak tau gak pertandingan untuk ape dan negara mana lagi yg masuk....ape objektif pertandingan ni...adakah utk amatur atau pon utk penyanyi2 negara lain utk tunjukkan bakat dalam pertandingan...any contestants from Europe or US gak ke....
Ini version Whitney Houston ... mungkin Mila boleh masukkan cara2 whitney belt dan emosinya dalam persembahan nanti...I mean bukan tiru tapi kite belajar....
Mmg best....cuma kalo masa yg and you...and you...and you tu kasik lagi dramatic voice....mcm ala2 nak marah gitu.....mmg goosebump....and part you gonna love me...kalo tinggi sikit lagi....mmg lah meletop
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Tak dapat tgk lagi le. Ada info masa ulang tayang ke?
seraiwangi Post at 25-8-2010 21:30
ermm 2la pasal smlm dpt tgk pun nasib aje,kul 10mlm terus tgk oasis tiap2 malam,lucky la smlm ade....xpun cuba tgk guide kat astro mesti ada ulangannye...