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Author: sinbad05

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Post time 11-5-2009 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by batabaka at 9-5-2009 16:11

kat mana tu doktor? reunion ke


Bondi Beach, Sydney.

haah..reunion geng2 univ dulu...

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Post time 11-5-2009 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karim_pin at 11-5-2009 14:41

Bile aku tenguk ko tulis body fat  

Dapat 16-18 persen bodi fat pun dah OK bagi aku..

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Post time 12-5-2009 06:41 AM | Show all posts
damn... terasa mcm nak pegi london naik basikal...

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Post time 12-5-2009 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Ini ade trainer card dan juga diet card ihsan dari Muscle and Fitness Magazine.

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Post time 12-5-2009 08:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karim_pin at 11-5-2009 14:41

Bile aku tenguk ko tulis body fat  

aku ada sorg mmber 6%, mmg nampak segala-galanye lah
tp dia disiplin bagus. makan ayam steam sahaja. main besi pstu cardio tak tinggal.
awek dia makan McD abis kene marah

Originally posted by RedDevils at 11-5-2009 21:19

Dapat 16-18 persen bodi fat pun dah OK bagi aku..

16-18% tu normal la org biasa . tp kebanyakan lelaki Malaysia 20-22%, sebenarnye ni kategori fat dah.
dan jgn terkejut, ramai gak 30-40%. sbb tu kebanyuakan org kita berat 70-80kg, tapi gemuk.
70kg lean musscle.....mmg impressive


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Post time 12-5-2009 11:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by batabaka at 12-5-2009 20:49

aku ada sorg mmber 6%, mmg nampak segala-galanye lah
tp dia disiplin bagus. makan ayam steam sahaja. main besi pstu cardio tak tinggal.
awek dia makan McD abis kene marah

Body building ni memerlukan displin yang tersangat tinggi. Aku salute orang yang commit dgn bodybuilding ni. Sukan lain, kejayaan dia kena bawa balik pingat dan disimpan dalam almari. Bodybuilding, kejayaan dia dengan badan yang cantik, yang boleh di bawa kemana-mana. Untuk mencapai tahap Dexter  "The Blade", displin yang macammana entahle..

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Post time 13-5-2009 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karim_pin at 12-5-2009 23:57

Body building ni memerlukan displin yang tersangat tinggi. Aku salute orang yang commit dgn bodybuilding ni. Sukan lain, kejayaan dia kena bawa balik pingat dan disimpan dalam almari. Bodybui ...

That's why hobby bodybuilding ni pada aku hobby paling best dlm dunia..kalah fotografi..kalah kumpul setem..

Sebabnya bila kita layan hobby BB, body pun cantik, sihat..
Org tgk pun tau apa hobby kita, tak payah nak bagitau..

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Post time 13-5-2009 07:03 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1465 batabaka\ catat

Average Joe kat Malaysia ni >20 percent fat..
Yg kurus2 pun bila aku suruh bukak baju, spare tyre musti ada...
Takde cabaran dok Malaysia ni..
Toleh sana, ada org boroi...
Toleh sini, ada org gendut...

Pi beach, relax aje boroi2 tayang perut...
Masa aku duk Sydney, memang rasa tercabar betul kalau lepak beach..
Sorry to say, mentaliti Malaysian memang malas/penat sgt abis kerja..takde masa nak beriadah/layan gym..
Dulu aku kat sana, 5pm semua dah berterabur main rugby/pegi gym/swimming/cycling/running...
Paling koman pun, bawak anjing lari2 /main frisbee kat park..

[ Last edited by  RedDevils at 13-5-2009 19:19 ]

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Post time 13-5-2009 11:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by RedDevils at 13-5-2009 19:03
Average Joe kat Malaysia ni >20 percent fat..
Yg kurus2 pun bila aku suruh bukak baju, spare tyre musti ada...
Takde cabaran dok Malaysia ni..
Toleh sana, ada org boroi...
Toleh sini ...

betul tu. kita sebenarnye ramai skinny fat. aku rasa masa aku kurus pun, bodyfat aku rasa dalam 14%, 6 packs aku tak nampak sgt macam skrg. Skrg wpun dah besar skit, tp bodyfat aku lebih menurun.

Average Joe Malaysia mmg >20% (kategori fat sebenarnya). masa aku wat testting dlu, mmg normal macam ni.

Tahniah la RedDevils ada mentaliti camni, sbb bro doktor. Dari apa yg aku tgk, golongan profesional dan akademik suka menggunkan alasan kerjaya diorg ckup sibuk smpi takde masa.
Kita pulak kene cemuh, "eleh ko kerja camni, boleh la pergi gym hari2".
RedDevils membuktikan sebaliknya.


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Post time 14-5-2009 05:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1458 rimau_manja's post

senaman yang angkat punggung tu memang worth it-
and it works -
just lie down on your back -
push yang bum up and at the same time
lock the tummy - so it is a bit harder -

buat dalam 3 sets 10 times each pun good enough per day -

a good way to get firm butt and less sore back -

rasanya saya buat this type exercises for years dah -
dari first year kat university lagi - tu pun belajar
dari my good friend olga - mula2 rasa nak gelak gak -
kalau buat this exercise ada budak lelaki kat dalam
bilik gym tu - ishh rasa semacam aje -
tapi.. biasanya kita ignore aje la - buat apa yang
baik untuk kita - cuz at the end of the day -
yang dapat firm butt pun  - kita juga -



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Post time 14-5-2009 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by batabaka at 13-5-2009 23:59

betul tu. kita sebenarnye ramai skinny fat. aku rasa masa aku kurus pun, bodyfat aku rasa dalam 14%, 6 packs aku tak nampak sgt macam skrg. Skrg wpun dah besar skit, tp bodyfat aku lebih menu ...

Skinny fat ni lebih kepada diet. Susah siut dgn cara pemakanan kita ni. Aku amatlah berharap kpd dietien malaysia, supaya keluarkan cara pemakan yang sihat mengikut menu rakyat malaysia.

2 tahun aku follow diet mat salleh sampai satu pagi aku bangun pergi dapur aku cakap kat mak aku " Morning Mum, Just wondering if you dont mind cooking up for me spaghetti with some shrimp. I need to boost some energy after tennis workout."

Mak aku" Hang ni apa gila tiba2 cakap omputih dgn aku, buang tebiat!!"

Selepas tu terus aku stop diet mat salleh. Aku kembali ke pangkal jalan. (Cerita diatas adalah dongeng semata2). Mana boleh tahan bang mulut melayu nak makan oats/muesli pagi2. So aku balik ke jalan asal. Sekarang perut dah tak lean macam dulu. Main tennis pun malu nak buka baju.

So aku amat berharap sesiapa pakar pemakan, mulakan dengan mengajar orang kita makan secara sihat. Bukan dengan sistem piramid tu. Itu sampah, susah nak follow.



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Post time 14-5-2009 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Written by Chris Aceto and EricVelazquez | Photos by Brad Walker

When it comes to fitness, there are two mainarchetypes: the successstory and the cautionary tale.The success story is the gym rat who hasfound thewinning equation—a perfect blend of exercise and nutritionthathas produced a physique with heaps of newmuscle and only traces ofbodyfat. The cautionary tale,well … you don't want to fall into thatcategory.These are the people who just can't seem to get thingsright,and it's usually due to one or more nutritional snafus.They'll liftthousands of pounds in their workouts butskip their postworkout shakes.They'll aim to reduce theircalorie intakes to shed bodyfat but forgetto supplementright or monitor protein percentages. Cautionary-taleguysare the ones who almostget it right but keep missingthe mark with foodand supps.If that describes you, allow us to help you right yournutritionalrudder. As hard as you may work in the weightroom, you still need tocozy up to the fact that your workin the kitchen and at the dinnertable is just as important.

LEANING-OUT MISTAKESThose looking to get lean are often the biggest nutritional offenders.Because they're soobsessed with shedding bodyfat, they often go too farin their efforts and stall their progressor, worse, start to backslideinto the awful realm of being "skinny fat" (the resultof lost musclemass without a marked loss of fat). Remember, moderation is the keytosteady gains. The following three mistakes are the result of pursuingextremes.

You're ready to get ripped at all costs.No sacrifice is too great. As aresult,you decide to slash your caloric intakein half, expecting totransform yourbody in just a couple of weeks. Bigmistake—not only isthis completelyunhealthy, but your body also isn'tlikely to reciprocatewith the samedramatics.The reality is that aggressive cuts incalories can backfire, causingmetabolism,your calorie-burning engine, todownshift into a lower gear.The betterapproach is to create a mild deficit, eating15%—20% fewercalories on a dailybasis. If you currently eat 3,000 caloriesa day, forinstance, reducing that to2,400—2,550 calories will do thetrick,creating a calorie shortfall withoutcausing your metabolism toplunge.Still, even moderate cuts such asthese can become frustrating overtime.After a couple of weeks, your metabolismcan adapt and burn fewercalorieson its own, which negates continual fatloss. One way aroundthat is to takea day each week to go back to squareone and eat theamount of calories youate before starting your diet—in thiscase, 3,000.The temporary increaseactually interrupts the adaptationresponse,allowing the metabolism tocontinually burn at a higher rate.

MISTAKE NO. 2: COMPLETELY ELIMINATING FATRemember what we said about moderation?Zero anything is dangerous inthenutrition world: Zero-carb, zero-fatand zero-cholesterol diets are allfadsthat should be avoided, particularlyby aspiring bodybuilders.Controllingcalories by slashing bad dietary fatssuch as butter, gristlymeats, chickenskin and fried foods is one option.Taking a good thingtoo far, however,many eliminate nearly all dietary fatand try to chiseltheir bodies with fatfreesources of protein such as whitefish, eggwhites and protein powder.Since there's barely any fat in mostcarbohydratefoods and vegetables, whereyou'd pick up the remainder ofyourcalories, these types of diets are essentially"fat-free." The bigpitfall is thatzero-fat diets compromise testosteronelevels, which candisrupt the body'sability to retain metabolic-boostingmuscle whiledieting. In short, whentestosterone levels fall, the metabolismslidesright along with it. The better route is to include eggyolks (at aratio of one whole egg forevery 3—4 egg whites) in your diet andeatlean beef on a daily basis.Both providecholesterol, common to saturatedfat, which supportstestosterone production.You should include higher-fatfish such assalmon, tuna or trout acouple of times a week as well. Theycontainspecial fats called omega-3 fattyacids, which not only help fightmuscleinflammation but are thought to becomponents that actually helpthebody make more efficient use of fat.

While lower-carb diets certainly aid inthe shedding of bodyfat, youdon'twant to cut out carbs completely. It'sbetter to watch theselection andmanipulation of your carbohydrateconsumption.One of the best ways to do this is toslash carbs at all meals—outsideofbreakfast and your postworkout meal,that is. Those are the two timesof daywhen carbs are critical to musclegrowth. At breakfast you needcarbs toreverse the catabolic state you fall intofrom fasting while yousleep, and aftertraining you need carbs to spike insulinlevels to drivemuscle growth andrestock muscle glycogen (the storageform of carbs)that was depleted duringthe workout. Breakfast could be 2—3whole eggswith 6—10 egg whites anda bowl of oatmeal, while your postworkoutmealshould include proteinand a fast-digesting carbohydrate, suchas apotato, white bread or even sorbet.Meanwhile, low-carb meals the restofthe day could consist of somethingas simple as a whey protein shake,oryou can eat 7—10 ounces of lean proteinsuch as chicken, turkey, fishor extraleanbeef along with some vegetables. This way, you'll burn fatwithoutsacrificing your ability to train hard,which is important if youexpect tostay lean in the long run.MASS-GAINER MISTAKESThe cautionary-tale types do several things to hinder theirchances ofgaining more muscle; these are three of themost common.

MISTAKE NO. 4: OVERESTIMATING CALORIE NEEDSIt doesn't take a master's degree inexercise science or physiology toknowthat if you expect to grow, you'll needmore calories. But if youmake thatyour highest priority, you may end uplooking more like JackBlack thanJohnnie Jackson. It's not just abouthow many calories youeat—there areother important factors to consider inthe growth formula,including mealfrequency, protein intake and anticatabolicsupplements.While a high-calorie diet certainlysupports growth, nothing is aseffectiveas splitting your calories into sixsmaller meals so you'reeating every2 1/2—3 hours. This maximizes nutrientabsorption and cansuppress hormonessuch as cortisol that interfere withmuscle growth.Thenext importantstep is to eat adequate protein.How do we defineadequate?Say it with us: atleast 1 gram per pound ofbodyweight per day.Proteinmends damaged muscle fiberswhen calories are inadequate.Whencalories are high enough, protein goestoward growth and extrarepair work.Just don't go overboard with calories—a safe bet is tostrive for 18…22 caloriesper pound of bodyweight per day, with30%…45%of those calories coming fromprotein.Since your goal is to hold on tomoremuscle than you burn, you'll want toconsider some anticatabolichelperssuch as leucine, vitamin C and vitaminE. Five grams of the aminoacid leucinetaken before and after training can shutoff musclebreakdown; 500—1,000 mg ofvitamin C and 400—800 mg of vitaminE act as asafety net, reducing free radicalproduction that can causemuscularinflammation and slowed growth.

MISTAKE NO. 5: SLACKING OFF ON PREWORKOUT NUTRITIONMuscle growthis a pretty simple equation.You lift weights to break downmusclefibers, and you rest and eatafterward to repair and grow. As such,thepostworkout meal isa vital part of gainingappreciable size. Butrecoverydoesn't start theminute you leave thegym, especially whenyou'retraining 4—5 daysa week. When you work out hard andoften, your body isin a constant state ofrepair, meaning you can't ignore theimportance ofthe preworkout meal.What you eat before training playsa monumental rolein growth. A largemeal eaten 1 1/2—2 hours preworkoutcauses a slew ofhormonal changes thatprotect the muscles during the forthcomingtrainingsession. Start withmaybe a small chicken breast andmedium sweet potato,and build theportion size from there as your bodyadapts. That's stepone of your preworkoutmeal. Step two is to take 20grams of whey proteinand 40 grams ofslow-burning carbs, such as oatmeal,fruit or wholegrains, right beforehand.

We touched on this in No. 1, but howmuch protein do you really need?Onegram per pound of bodyweight is a nicestart, yes, but it's aballpark estimatethat can fluctuate slightly from personto person andweek to week. So whilea structured plan is great for progress,don'tlock yourself into a particularamount of this macronutrient everyday.Listen to your body and you'll bebetter off. Let us explain. After aharder-than-normal workoutor one that included unfamiliar movements,youmay find yourself particularlysore. While the exercise variablesarecertainly a factor, nutritionally thisis a sign that you need to pushyour proteinintake higher to match your levelof soreness. In a desireto bring up a laggingbodypart, for example, you mighthit it with farmore sets than usual. Thehigher the volume, the higher yourproteinneeds for repair. In this case, 1 1/2grams per pound ofbodyweight perday is a good estimate, including atleast 60 grams afterworkouts.

THE RIGHT TRACKWhat's left? Deciding whether youwant to be the cautionary tale orthesuccess story. Of course, we recommendthe latter. We know that dietcanoften prove to be the hardest thing toget right as you strive tobuild a betterphysique, but with diligence, consistencyand awillingness to zig or zagwhen circumstances call for it, you'llbe wellon your way to throwing your"cautionary" side to the wind.M&F

[ Last edited by  karambunai at 14-5-2009 09:49 ]

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Post time 14-5-2009 09:46 AM | Show all posts

Balas #1471 karim_pin\ catat

siap ckp omputih lg...x tahannn

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Post time 14-5-2009 09:52 AM | Show all posts



The cautionary-tale types do several things to hinder theirchances of gaining more muscle; these are three of themost common.

It doesn't take a master's degree inexercise science or physiology to knowthat if you expect to grow, you'll needmore calories. But if you make thatyour highest priority, you may end uplooking more like Jack Black thanJohnnie Jackson. It's not just abouthow many calories you eat—there areother important factors to consider inthe growth formula, including mealfrequency, protein intake and anticatabolicsupplements.
While a high-calorie diet certainlysupports growth, nothing is as effectiveas splitting your calories into sixsmaller meals so you're eating every2 1/2—3 hours. This maximizes nutrientabsorption and can suppress hormonessuch as cortisol that interfere withmuscle growth.
The next importantstep is to eat adequate protein.How do we defineadequate? Say it with us: atleast 1 gram per pound ofbodyweight per day. Proteinmends damaged muscle fiberswhen calories are inadequate. Whencalories are high enough, protein goestoward growth and extra repair work.Just don't go overboard with calories—a safe bet is to strive for 18…22 caloriesper pound of bodyweight per day, with30%…45% of those calories coming fromprotein.Since your goal is to hold on to moremuscle than you burn, you'll want toconsider some anticatabolic helperssuch as leucine, vitamin C and vitaminE. Five grams of the amino acid leucinetaken before and after training can shutoff muscle breakdown; 500—1,000 mg ofvitamin C and 400—800 mg of vitaminE act as a safety net, reducing free radicalproduction that can cause muscularinflammation and slowed growth.

MISTAKE NO. 5: SLACKING OFF ON PREWORKOUT NUTRITIONMuscle growth is a pretty simple equation.You lift weights to break downmuscle fibers, and you rest and eatafterward to repair and grow. As such,the postworkout meal isa vital part of gainingappreciable size. Butrecovery doesn't start theminute you leave thegym, especially whenyou're training 4—5 daysa week. When you work out hard andoften, your body is in a constant state ofrepair, meaning you can't ignore theimportance of the preworkout meal.What you eat before training playsa monumental role in growth. A largemeal eaten 1 1/2—2 hours preworkoutcauses a slew of hormonal changes thatprotect the muscles during the forthcomingtraining session. Start withmaybe a small chicken breast andmedium sweet potato, and build theportion size from there as your bodyadapts. That's step one of your preworkoutmeal. Step two is to take 20grams of whey protein and 40 grams ofslow-burning carbs, such as oatmeal,fruit or whole grains, right beforehand.
We touched on this in No. 1, but howmuch protein do you really need? Onegram per pound of bodyweight is a nicestart, yes, but it's a ballpark estimatethat can fluctuate slightly from personto person and week to week. So whilea structured plan is great for progress,don't lock yourself into a particularamount of this macronutrient everyday. Listen to your body and you'll bebetter off. Let us explain.
After a harder-than-normal workoutor one that included unfamiliar movements,you may find yourself particularlysore. While the exercise variablesare certainly a factor, nutritionally thisis a sign that you need to push your proteinintake higher to match your levelof soreness. In a desire to bring up a laggingbodypart, for example, you mighthit it with far more sets than usual. Thehigher the volume, the higher your proteinneeds for repair. In this case, 1 1/2grams per pound of bodyweight perday is a good estimate, including atleast 60 grams after workouts.

What's left? Deciding whether youwant to be the cautionary tale or thesuccess story. Of course, we recommendthe latter. We know that diet canoften prove to be the hardest thing toget right as you strive to build a betterphysique, but with diligence, consistencyand a willingness to zig or zagwhen circumstances call for it, you'llbe well on your way to throwing your"cautionary" side to the wind. M&F

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Post time 14-5-2009 09:53 AM | Show all posts

Balas #1473 chaoyunjie\ catat

xleh cakap omputih ker? :p

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Post time 14-5-2009 10:37 AM | Show all posts
kat mana nak measure bodyfat ek? nak beli alat pengukur bodyfat, mahal pulak..

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Post time 14-5-2009 06:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karim_pin at 14-5-2009 09:39

Skinny fat ni lebih kepada diet. Susah siut dgn cara pemakanan kita ni. Aku amatlah berharap kpd dietien malaysia, supaya keluarkan cara pemakan yang sihat mengikut menu rakyat malaysia.


oat + muesli? aku ok jeee....ehehehe...
nasib baik la aku tk kemaruk sgt nk makan makanan melayu


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Post time 15-5-2009 09:05 PM | Show all posts
makanan Melayu ni memang aku kalah...
kalau makan nasik mesti nak tambah...

so, jalan penyelesaiannya, makan western..
dlm seminggu, adalah dlm 5-6 hari western..
dapur rumah pun berkilat aje, sebab western food tak pakai minyak..semua grill
kalau pakai minyak pun, just olive oil dlm salad  pasta..

dan yg aku herannya, kalau aku makan western, mmg cepat full...

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Post time 15-5-2009 09:10 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1471 karim_pin\ catat

Apa da lu karim pin....

Aku makan western takdak pun nak tersasul cakap omputeh dgn mak aku..

Agaknya kalau everyday kau makan mamak, mau dialog kau mcm ni;

"amma, wonne runnu cittapara palleydipiak wanneremu..paddayappa amma"..

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Post time 16-5-2009 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by RedDevils at 15-5-2009 21:05
makanan Melayu ni memang aku kalah...
kalau makan nasik mesti nak tambah...

so, jalan penyelesaiannya, makan western..
dlm seminggu, adalah dlm 5-6 hari western..
dapur rumah pun berkilat ...

buleh saya tau brape budget sebulan bro untuk MAKANAN saje? tnpa supplement


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