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Author: minahsaudi


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Post time 23-1-2010 08:24 PM | Show all posts
hana_atika & zamj75 TQVM for sharing
mmg whitening cream cooling skin
pakai pun bergantung pada kulit
suka WC..result nampak cepat

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Post time 25-1-2010 08:25 AM | Show all posts

bukan semua org sesuai guna bb cream
instead of bb cream better u pakai sumthing lighter
masa detox jgn campur
honey_dew Post at 22-1-2010 21:50

ok..maksudnya lepas habis set detox nie
baru leh pakai bb cream (klu nak pakai)

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Post time 25-1-2010 10:14 AM | Show all posts
ok..maksudnya lepas habis set detox nie
baru leh pakai bb cream (klu nak pakai)
zunur Post at 25-1-2010 08:25

Klu ur skin problem while using bb cream is at your own risk.

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Post time 25-1-2010 11:25 AM | Show all posts
boleh atau tidak bergantung pada kulit individu...mana leh org lain bagi pendapat sebab kulit lain2.....jadi try dulu kalau serasi terus jerlah penggunaan...

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Post time 25-1-2010 12:27 PM | Show all posts
1484# zamj75

yup setuju pendapat zamj
terpulang pd individu
lg pun kita shring info dalam internet tanpa tengok rupa
x boleh nak btw boleh guna/tidak sesuatu brg

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Post time 25-1-2010 03:23 PM | Show all posts
lama tk baca forum.. bru tau radiance cream tu oily...patot la bile bgun tido je muke mcm bole goreng ikan ..

nk tanya :

bole tak kalo nk letak radiance cream tuh kt acne scar.. cthnye ade satu je scar yg obvious.. and tepek radiance tu sikit je.. tapi nk letak every night ?

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Post time 25-1-2010 03:59 PM | Show all posts
1486# zappel

RC guna 3x seminggu
mmg RC berminyak
bagi masalah parut, boleh sapu whitening cream/flawless setiap malam pada tempat berkenaan

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Post time 25-1-2010 04:01 PM | Show all posts
1484# zamj75

yup setuju pendapat zamj
terpulang pd individu
lg pun kita shring info dalam internet tanpa tengok rupa
x boleh nak btw boleh guna/tidak sesuatu brg
honey_dew Post at 25-1-2010 12:27

Sy pakai glyco bersama bb cream.  result nye alhamdulillah...

nk tanye... aha serum tu rm7*.** ke??? atau 72.**?


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Post time 26-1-2010 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by honey_dew at 26-1-2010 10:07

1488# Eqal

pls check postbox..i dah btw price

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Post time 26-1-2010 01:54 PM | Show all posts
kalau pakai detox set boleh pakai refiner ke...atau pakai 3 barang tu je dah cukup?

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Post time 26-1-2010 05:20 PM | Show all posts
1490# kenari7117

masa detox pakai 3 brg : FC acne, acne cream, AHA serum utk 3 minggu  
bagi kulit bermasalah teruk pakai hingga 3 bulan
lepas 3 minggu pakai detox boleh pakai cream yg lain bergantung pd keadaan kulit individu seperti yg agen cadangkan
jangan lupa protect kulit ngan UV

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Post time 26-1-2010 05:46 PM | Show all posts
1490# kenari7117

masa detox pakai 3 brg : FC acne, acne cream, AHA serum utk 3 minggu  
bagi kulit bermasalah teruk pakai hingga 3 bulan
lepas 3 minggu pakai detox boleh pakai cream yg lain ber ...
honey_dew Post at 26-1-2010 17:20

Sometimes lepas detox masalah kulit kita ilang dan keadaan kulit semakin elok. Then only u can continue the next cream. Usually lepas detox kulit menjadi lembut and cerah sikit.

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 Author| Post time 26-1-2010 08:28 PM | Show all posts
ini bukan detox set sbb detox creamnya x dek
ACNE CREAM tu is Detox Cream
how to detox w/o detox creamnya dear?
catalina Post at 22-1-2010 11:52

this posting make me laugh  lama tak masuk thread, had been really bz with the new life here.  mmg takder masa banyak utk bertenet cos skang nie jadi driver sepenuh masa utk my little girl.

insyaallah akan balik kemsia end of this month nak top up supply.  ramai sungguh yg berminat cosmeteq kat sini n begitu teruja tengok my skin.  kawan2 yg dah lama tak jumpa pun terkejut.

to sumer pengunjung thread glyco/cosmeteq thank you very2 much.  utk sumer agents teruskan usaha anda.  w/pun kakmin dah jarang sangat berforum kat sini it doesnt mean i am not with u all sumer.  kakmin sentiasa ada kat sini but mmg jarang membuat postings.  but apa yg kakmin dpt share kat sini i will do it directly or through other means or sources.  

pada yg baru nak mencuba menggunakan products cosmeteq pls do not hesitate, believe me u will never regret it, not a moment:pompom:

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Post time 28-1-2010 11:20 AM | Show all posts

kmila dlm proses tuka umah blog ke new address...Insya-Allah by Feb nnt akan start new hse.


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Post time 30-1-2010 11:23 PM | Show all posts

1. Acne and Pimple Cleanser- is a must use. Cleanse as above mentioned.
Note: Glyco Facial Cleanser can be used also.

2. Toner - to open-up the pores, better obsorbing.

3. AHA B5 Aloe Vera Serum - apply the serum to make skin good.

4. Acne pimples cream (D-tox Cream) - applies all over the face and neck and wherever pimples have emerged. It cools, soothers, heals and moisturisers. Can be used at chest and back of the body.

5. ACE,B5 + UV Complex - Vitamins to further enhance the skin complexion and health + UV protection. OR

6. DMAE serum can be used to further enhance the smoothness and the glow on the face.

Normally after the treatment of all above, within a few days you will see great improvement on you face. However, the products will not have control over your internal toxic factors that breaks out new pimples due to hormonal imbalance, intestinal problems, bad toilet habits etc.
and because of these problems intake of oily and fatty food, lack of sleep, less intake of water and stress may due the break-outs further.

If acne or pimples gets worst please visit your doctor for internal treatments as well.

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Post time 30-1-2010 11:25 PM | Show all posts
ni testimonial Radiance n Whitening Cream Salam,

Thanks follow up lagi, bagus customer service u. Senang nk refer kalo ada
problem kan, w/pun duk overseas still dpt info.
Kalo sy free selalu gak lepak2 kat glyco thread, baca mcm2 info kat sana.
Anyway, pasal WC tu, kalo sy takde problem pigmentation + freckles tu, cuma
ada parut2 jerawat 2-3 ketul lagi. Dah pudar tapi belum hilang sepenuhnya,
boleh ke pakai WC?
Sy guna WC baru 3 kali, just nk try aje.. alhamdulillah serasi, sgt2 lah
best cream tu sbb 'very cooling', rasa nyaman. Tapi kesan 'cerah' tu belum
nampaklah, sbb baru je guna. Need to tackle my 'big pores' problem & acne
scars dulu, then baru kasi lighten skin color.

Actually dah 2 minggu guna RC tu, 1st time guna mcm ketakutan sikit.. hehe,
sbb kat 'flyer' dia tulis ada healing crisis mcm keluar acne kn, tapi sy try
1st day, ok. Takde apa2 reaction, tp dpt rasa mcm cream tu bertindak, rasa
mcm ada benda halus2 mcm hama bergerak2 bwh kulit.. hehe (tak tau nk
describe mcm mana). 2nd and 3rd day, bila rasa RC ni serasi, sy sapu 3
lapis, bila bangun pagi, terkejut tengok muka, sbb tegang sgt dan semua
pori2 tertutup rapat. seronok betul, tp tak kekal lama lah.. sampai t/hari
pori2 besar tu masih ada, I know big pores ni take time to tighten. Cuma
'pores' yg kecik2 aje dah tertutup. Sincerely, I kind of amazed with this
RC, I think it is more powerful to tighten the big pores. Surprisingly, I
noticed it also heals my childhood scar. Yg ni, mmg I seriously terkejut
jgk, coz I have 3 small lines on my left chin since I was 5 y.o. Last week I
noticed, tinggal 1 line aje, another 2 lines dah invisible. I wonder how
this RC works. But it suits me well so far. Alhamdulillah.
Insya-Allah will continue with this RC sampai I puas hati. =)

thanks again, for ur service. sorry terpanjang plak citer. a bit excited kot
credit to [email protected]

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Post time 30-1-2010 11:27 PM | Show all posts
ok saya nak kasi testimonial.. saya beli product ini dari kak zana bulan april.. mula mula saya pakai the 3 basic tue la.. saya ikut routine yg di nasihatkan.. Honestly la muka saya naik jerawat masa minggu pertama pastu saya tenyeh la gs kat jerawat tu aje la. jerawat alhamdulilah mmg surut beb ..dua hari dah leper... dua minggu gak agak sengsara (detox la katekan).. bukan jerawat batu tapi yg naik kalo kena period.. sabar aje la..thenlagi dua minggu saya pakai fc dan gs siang dan malam... muka saya nie mmg sensitif gak la... kalo kena nyamuk gigit kan confirm esok muka saya ada jerawat tmpt yg kena gigit tue..

my skin ni x le smooth sgt.. i had open pores yg agak bad gak kat hidung n tepi hidung as well black head.. but for sure i nye black head mmg kurang 90% taw sejak pakai product nie. uhh yea i add up pakai whitening s well aha serum n RC.. open pores tu x le tutup sebab kira mcm agak kronik la but the texture is improved.. kalo nak open pores tu minimze gila gila tue gi la wat treatment terus sebab pakai produk sure lambat la sgt.. overall this product mmg bagus sgt sgt.. tapi kena la ikut aturan yg di nyatakan dan bersifat sabar ye.. skan my face mmg improved than before.. black head yg dulu selalu buat i susah hati every week kat tempat yg same on my face pun dah x kuar sebiji sebiji gila gila la.. kira dah 90% black head kat tempat tu hilang.. again kena gak jaga pemakanan kalo nak kulit sihat.. kiranya lagi 10% tu dari tuan empunya badan la kena take care of...

pastu i pakai aha serum, whitening cream as well RC.. RC confirm sekali pakai esok dah rasa lain sikit.. kalo amalkan sure muka u all improved sgt.. whitening nie i pakai sebab nak minimize scar sebab jerawat.. yes it is help brighten up ur face... scar mmg faded. worth every penny la these products.. satu lagi muka dah x rasa pedih sgt bila kena matahari... terima kasih glyco..
CREDIT : [email protected]

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Post time 30-1-2010 11:27 PM | Show all posts
currently im using gfc acne+flawless (night)+ gs (day)+ eye cream.. baru sgt pakai, if im not mistaken xsmpai sebulan pon.. healing crisis mmg xde, alhamdulillah cume awal2 masa sy beli gs, sy pakai dgn cleanser lain, pores jadi obvious.. then sy stop pakai cleanser tu and beli gfc baru nampak improvement.. so far, all i can say, alhamdulillah mmg sgt2 worth the money.. pores become tighter, pigmentation faded (die jadi makin mengecil but still there), acne scar mmg pudar.. sblm ni saya x konfiden kalo keluar rumah x pakai foundation, but now selamba jek keluar rumah x letak pape coz kulit dah smooth, xmcm dulu.. yg ni mmg xdpt dinafikan, kulit jadi lembut n halus.. lebam bwh mata mmg dah less sgt2.. alhamdulillah x menyesal beli.. the best thing is, my pitted scar (parut berlubang) dah improve! bcoz i believe glyco tighten the pores around it so scar tu jadi less obvious.. nak ratakan terus mmg sy tau susah la but at least less obvious.. sblm ni sy buat microdermabrasion tp too expensive so xmampu nak maintain.. insyaAllah i'll stick wth glyco.. ok, enuf wth my testi
CREDIT: [email protected]

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Post time 2-2-2010 02:08 PM | Show all posts
salam.. nk tanya la maya pakai revitalizer, after a while dia tuko warna jadik ijau pekat and ada minyak2 la kat dlm jar tu.. mcm pecah warna.. benda nie mmg normal ker?? boleh ke pakai lagi revitalizer tu

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Post time 2-2-2010 10:10 PM | Show all posts
1499# miss_maya


its normal cream berubah colour hijau tua. U jangan expose cream pada matahari

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