SR, Wall Street Journal berterusan memfitnah Najib- PANAS! bukti dah keluar
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dah tau la kan sebab apa najib nafi songlap duit tu??
senang, kan?? bila atira sendiri jawab soalan...
so nak saman ke tak nak saman ni....
macai2 felda pprt kampung dah nak tergeliat dah ni...
loyar bijan loyar lulusan itm, yek? |
bangkem nak tanya, setiap cawangan ada swift code ke??
kalau camtu, CIMB cawangan ulu banat ada swift code sendiri tak??
Bila pulak aku cuaknya.
Adoi la.
In this case, aku xkata PM Najib salah ke tak.
Yang aku cuba sampaikan,
apa yang ko taipkan as per quote itu adalah menyimpang dari apa yg diperkata PM Najib.
Clearly video tuh berupa statement tindakan yang diambil/akan diambil berkenaan pertuduhan ke atas beliau.
Bukan statement berupa mengiya atau menafikan sesuatu perkara yang dituduh itu.
Maaf lah, mungkin sel otak aku yang tidak berhubung kot. Sebab tuh aku tak nampak penafian dalam video tu.
Tapi mungkin bagi bro kemaruk statement itu penafian. So, wallahualam.
Top banker admits error in analysis
CIMB Islamic Bank chief executive officer Badlisyah Abdul Ghani has admitted making some mistakes in his analysis of documents detailing the alleged transfer of nearly US$700 million to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's personal accounts.
"I would also like to acknowledge that I had made an error in my post with regard to my analysis of the various Swift codes.
"The mistakes were correctly pointed out by a report in Malaysiakini on the matter, and I have also made the correction on my Facebook page," said Badlisyah in a press release.
Badalisyah added that the views expressed on the matter were strictly his personal views which does not represent anyone else or any organisation.
"They were meant for private consumption among a group of friends."
Initially, Badalisyah had claimed that the Wall Street Journal "fell" for a fraudulent Swift message document in making the allegation against Najib.
He had taken issue with what he claimed to be discrepancy in the sender's address as well as the Swift Code of the bank in which the funds were sent from.
Upon checks by Malaysiakini, it was established that most of Badalisyah's forensic work was inaccurate.
However, Badlisyah correctly pointed out that the particular Wells Fargo bank branch should have a standard Swift Code of "NBPUS3NNYC" instead of "NBPUS3NANYC" as listed on the documents released by WSJ.
Checks showed that the "NBPUS3NANYC" Swift Code was used by its predecessor, Wachovia Bank, which was subsequently taken over by Wells Fargo Bank in 2008.
Further checks showed the discrepancy, specifically on the additional "A" on the ninth character of the Swift Code in the WSJ document, merely denotes the logical terminal and has no bearing on the bank identity.
After being challenged by Najib's supporters, the WSJ released nine documents yesterday to back their claim that nearly US$700 million made its way into his personal accounts.
Badalisyah made a Facebook post later this evening, maintaining that the documents were fraudulent. kesiannnnn...dia ni ceo bank ke??? mistake macam budak kerja pos opis je...
dalam video tu, bro nampak tak najib nafi songlap duit? |
Agak la, aku rasa memang begitulah sebenarnya kes PM Najib skang ni.
Bro kemaruk boleh baca reply saya yang kedua.
Itu adalah pemahaman saya berkenaan video tersebut.
Dan Bro boleh refer kepada reply saya yang pertama tadi berkenaan apa yang saya dengar daripada video tersebut.
freebird replied at 8-7-2015 10:25 PM
kesiannnnn...dia ni ceo bank ke??? mistake macam budak kerja pos opis je...
Awat tak tanye direct chairman dia? |
oooo jadi najib pon tak nafi dia songlap la kan??
sebab tu aku tanya ko, apa pemahaman ko lepas ko lihat video tu??
najib tengah mengaji ke?? berkaraoke ke?? atau tengah makan nasik?
Kalau dia pun faham dekat mana defamation tu, mcm mana mau saman...
Lawyer WSJ hantar rookie Harvard law pun mau terbaring Hafarizam and the geng..
isi jelah satu balang popcorn raya nanti
boleh jimat kos kuih raya
malaslah nak tanya chairman dia...chairman dia sedang gaduh dengan abang dia...sebab abang dia cakap bapak mereka kaya raya, tu sebab yang kakak ipar dia joli katak serata donia...
Edited by kemaruk at 8-7-2015 10:53 PM
@hzln abaikan pertanyaan bangkem tadi ye...
untuk pengetahuan adik2, kalau silap tulis swift code, duit akan dikembalikan kepada pengirim....
ehhhhhh japppppppppppp.....nak kata silap tulis, dokumen tu COMPUTER GENERATED!!!!
takpe, pasal dokumen tu nanti2 la kita bincang... asal ade je dulu kan? kan? kan?? |
Jawapan lawyer Jibby...14 hari jawab surat bodo ni, 14 hari lagi jawab surat demand pulak...bila mau saman ni
Meanwhile, lawyer Wan Azmir Wan Majid from the firm representing the prime minister said Dow Jones must respond to their letter within 14 days.
"At this moment, the most important issue is WSJ's confirmation with regard to the alleged misappropriation of funds from 1MDB that it claimed our client was involved in," he told Bernama.
Wan Azmir said should Dow Jones fail to respond to the letter within 14 days, the firm would send a letter of demand which it must reply within 14 days. |
tak payah hantar rookie Harvard Law lah..hantar intern dari unibesiti kampung North Dakota pun dah cukup...
haha... hantar Louis.. kan dia peguam cum accountant...Snapshot tak leh pakai..takde bukti
Ada org fitnah ko...instead of suh dia mintak maap atau bakal disaman, ko ty dia betul ke ko nak pitnah aku?...wakakaka
Bangkem yg bijaksana, boleh geng sama CEO CIMB islamik...pergi check di http://www.bank-codes.com/, dua dua code pun boleh pakai...yg ada 8 character tu dipanggil 8 letter SWIFT code, sesetengah bank kena pakai 11 character SWIFT code..
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