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Author: aminah


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Post time 22-5-2007 01:24 PM | Show all posts
My rebuttal of fuzzy is in post 1386.
I challenged every of his claims and he could not back them up at all.

At the same time, he could not answer to the following hadiths.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3310:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 65
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)." what you know of the Quran (by heart)' Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 88

Narrated 'Ursa:
The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).
Some Muslims claim that it was Abu Bakr who approached Muhammad asking him to marry his daughter. This is of course not true and here is the proof.

Sahih Bukhari 7.18
Narrated 'Ursa:
The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "But I am your brother." The Prophet said, "You are my brother in Allah's religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry."
Arabs were a primitive lot with little rules to abide. Yet they had some code of ethics that they honored scrupulously. For example, although they fought all the year round, they abstained from hostilities during certain holy months of the year. They also considered Mecca to be a holy city and did not make war against it. A adopted son抯 wife was deemed to be a daughter in law and they would not marry her. Also it was customary that close friends made a pact of brotherhood and considered each other as true brothers. The Prophet disregarded all of these rules anytime they stood between him and his interests or whims.
Abu Bakr and Muhammad had pledged to each other to be brothers. So according to their costoms Ayesha was supposed to be like a niece to the Holy Prophet. Yet that did not stop him to ask her hand even when she was only six years old. But this moral relativist Prophet would use the same excuse to reject a woman he did not like.

Sahih Bukhari V.7, B62, N. 37
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
It was said to the Prophet, "Won't you marry the daughter of Hamza?" He said, "She is my foster niece (brother's daughter). "

Hamza and Abu Bakr both were the foster brothers of Muhammad. But Ayesha must have been too pretty for the Prophet to abide by the codes of ethics and custom.
In the following Hadith he confided to Ahesha that he had dreamed of her before soliciting her from her father.

Sahih Bukhari 9.140
Narrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said to me, "You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, 'Uncover (her),' and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.' Then you were shown to me, the angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said (to him), 'Uncover (her), and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.' "
Whether Muhammad had actually such dream or he just said it to please Ayesha is not the point. What matters here is that it indicates that Ayesaha was a baby being 揷arried

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Post time 22-5-2007 01:53 PM | Show all posts
I just cut and paste Fuzzman's post #1384 here. Let see whats ur answer for this.

I am happy to note that you have now added a new twist to aid your efforts in winning for you now ask for experts and expert evidences. Your smokescreening tactics they grow by the day. Congratulations Debmey because a growing smokescreen tactical bank means you have no clear straight forward counter-measures. This can be seen in your blatant refusal ito engage the issue of Jubayr.

I am not like you and unlike you I have nothing to hide. We now carry on the issue of the evidences and their origins of the historians.

Number One: Aishah's age.
According to the generally accepted tradition, Ayesha (ra) was born about eight years before Hijrah. But according to another narrative in Bukhari (kitabu'l-tafseer) Ayesha (ra) is reported to have said that at the time Surah Al-Qamar, the 54th chapter of the Qur'an, was revealed, "I was a young girl". The 54th surah of the Qur'an was revealed nine years before Hijrah. According to this tradition, Ayesha (ra) had not only been born before the revelation of the referred surah, but was actually a young girl (jariyah), not an infant (sibyah) at that time. Obviously, if this narrative is held to be true, it is in clear contradiction with the narratives reported by Hisham ibn `urwah. I see absolutely no reason that after the comments of the experts on the narratives of Hisham ibn `urwah, why we should not accept this narrative to be more accurate.

i.e. "Ayesha (ra) said: I was a young girl, when verse 46 of Surah Al-Qamar, [the 54th chapter of the Qur'an], was revealed.
(Sahih Bukhari, kitabu'l-tafsir, Arabic, Bab Qaulihi Bal al-sa`atu Maw`iduhum wa'l-sa`atu adha' wa amarr)

Number Two:  Aishah aged 15 at the battle of `Uhud.

A narrative regarding Ayesha's (ra) participation in the battle of `uhud is given in
Bukhari, Kitabu'l-jihad wa'l-siyar, Arabic, Bab Ghazwi'l-nisa' wa qitalihinna ma`a'lrijal.

i.e. "Anas reports
that On the day of Uhud, people could not stand their ground around the Prophet (pbuh). [On that day,] I saw Ayesha (ra) and Umm-i-Sulaim (ra), they had pulled their dress up from their feet [to avoid any hinderance in their movement]."

As far as the fact that children below 15 years were sent back and were not allowed to particpate in the battle of `uhud, it is narrated in
Bukhari, Kitabu'l-maghazi, Bab ghazwati'l-khandaq wa hiya'l-ahza'b, Arabic.

i.e. "Ibn `umar
(ra) states that the Prophet (pbuh) did not permit me to participate in Uhud, as at that time, I was fourteen years old. But on the day of Khandaq, when I was fifteen years old, the Prophet (pbuh) permitted my participation."

i.e. "Ibn `umar (ra) states that the Prophet (pbuh) did not permit me to participate in Uhud, as at that time, I was fourteen years old. But on the day of Khandaq, when I was fifteen years old, the Prophet (pbuh) permitted my participation."

Number Three: Asma older than Aisha by 10 years.
According to almost all the historians Asma (ra), the elder sister of Ayesha (ra) was ten years older than Ayesha (ra). It is reported in
Taqri'bu'l-tehzi'b as well as Al-bidayah wa'l-nihayah
that Asma (ra) died in 73 hijrah when she was 100 years old. Now, obviously if Asma (ra) was 100 years old in 73 hijrah she should have been 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah. If Asma (ra) was 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah, Ayesha (ra) should have been 17 or 18 years old at that time. Thus, Ayesha (ra), if she got married in 1 AH (after hijrah) or 2 AH, was between 18 to 20 years old at the time of her marriage.

The relevant references required are provided below:

According to
Abda'l-Rahman ibn abi zanna'd

i.e. Asma (ra) was ten years older than Ayesha.
(Siyar A`la'ma'l-nubala', Al-Zahabi, Vol 2, Pg 289, Arabic, Mu'assasatu'l-risalah, Beirut, 1992)

According to Ibn Kathir:

i.e. "she [Asma] was elder to her sister [Ayesha] by ten years".
(Al-Bidayah wa'l-nihayah, Ibn Kathir, Vol 8, Pg 371, Arabic, Dar al-fikr al-`arabi, Al-jizah, 1933)

Number Four: For Asma's age at Her Death in 73 AH.
According to
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani:

i.e. "She [Asma (ra)] lived a hundred years and died in 73 or 74 AH." (Taqribu'l-tehzib, Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, Pg 654, Arabic, Bab fi'l-nisa', al-harfu'l-alif, Lucknow)

Number Five: Aishah accepts Islam during the first year of Islam.
According to
Ibn Hisham, the historian
, Ayesha (ra) accepted Islam quite some time before `umar ibn al-Khattab  (ra). This shows that Ayesha (ra) accepted Islam during the first year of Islam. While, if the narrative of Ayesha's (ra) marriage at seven years of age is held to be true, Ayesha (ra) should not have been born during the first year of Islam.
According to
Ibn Hisham, Ayesha (ra) was the 20th or the 21st person to enter into the folds of Islam. (Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, Ibn Hisham, Vol 1, Pg 227 - 234, Arabic, Maktabah al-Riyadh al-hadithah, Al-Riyadh) While `umar ibn al-khattab was preceded by forty individuals (Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, Ibn Hisham, Vol 1, Pg 295, Arabic, Maktabah al-Riyadh al-hadithah, Al-Riyadh).

Number Six: Aishah the BIKR.
According to a narrative reported by
Ahmad ibn Hanbal
, after the death of Khadijah  (ra), when Khaulah (ra) came to the Prophet (pbuh) advising him to marry again, the Prophet (pbuh) asked her regarding the choices she had in her mind. Khaulah said: "You can marry a virgin (bikr) or a woman who has already been married (thayyib)". When the Prophet (pbuh) asked about who the virgin was, Khaulah proposed Ayesha's (ra) name. All those who know the Arabic language, are aware that the word "bikr" in the Arabic language is not used for an immature nine year old girl. The correct word for a young playful girl, as stated earlier is "Jariyah". "Bikr" on the other hand, is used for an unmarried lady, and obviously a nine year old is not a "lady".
The complete reference for this reporting of
Ahmad ibn Hanbal is: Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Vol 6, Pg 210, Arabic, Dar Ihya al-turath al-`arabi, Beirut.

Number Seven: Aishah was five years younger than Fatimah.
According to
Ibn Hajar
, Fatimah (ra) was five years older than Ayesha (ra). Fatimah (ra) is reported to have been born when the Prophet (pbuh) was 35 years old. Thus, even if this information is taken to be correct, Ayesha (ra) could by no means be less than 14 years old at the time of hijrah, and 15 or 16 years old at the time of her marriage.
Ibn Hajar
's original statement, its translation and reference below:

i.e. Fatimah (ra) was born at the time the Ka`bah was rebuilt, when the Prophet (pbuh) was 35 years old... she (Fatimah) was five years older that Ayesha (ra).
(Al-isabah fi tamyizi'l-sahabah, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Vol 4, Pg 377, Arabic, Maktabatu'l-Riyadh al-haditha, al-Riyadh, 1978)

Number Eight: Aishah and Jubayr.
Tabari has also reported
that at the time Abu Bakr planned on migrating to Habshah (8 years before Hijrah), he went to Mut`am -- with whose son Ayesha (ra) was engaged -- and asked him to take Ayesha (ra) in his house as his son's wife. Mut`am  refused, because Abu Bakr had embraced Islam, and subsequently his son divorced Ayesha (ra). Now, if Ayesha (ra) was only seven years old at the time of her marriage, she could not have been born at the time Abu Bakr decided on migrating to Habshah. On the basis of this report it seems only reasonable to assume that Ayesha (ra) had not only been born 8 years before hijrah, but was also a young lady, quite prepared for marriage.
As reported by:
Tehqiq e umar e Siddiqah e Ka'inat, Habib ur Rahman Kandhalwi, Urdu, Pg 38, Anjuman Uswa e hasanah

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Post time 22-5-2007 02:11 PM | Show all posts
I too will cut and paste me rebuttal of Fuzzman's wild claim and see if you can handle em.

Number One: Aishah's age.According to the generally accepted tradition, Ayesha (ra) was born about eight years before Hijrah. But according to another narrative in Bukhari (kitabu'l-tafseer) Ayesha (ra) is reported to have said that at the time Surah Al-Qamar, the 54th chapter of the Qur'an, was revealed, "I was a young girl". The 54th surah of the Qur'an was revealed nine years before Hijrah. According to this tradition, Ayesha (ra) had not only been born before the revelation of the referred surah, but was actually a young girl (jariyah), not an infant (sibyah) at that time. Obviously, if this narrative is held to be true, it is in clear contradiction with the narratives reported by Hisham ibn `urwah. I see absolutely no reason that after the comments of the experts on the narratives of Hisham ibn `urwah, why we should not accept this narrative to be more accurate.i.e. "Ayesha (ra) said: I was a young girl, when verse 46 of Surah Al-Qamar, [the 54th chapter of the Qur'an], was revealed. (Sahih Bukhari, kitabu'l-tafsir, Arabic, Bab Qaulihi Bal al-sa`atu Maw`iduhum wa'l-sa`atu adha' wa amarr)

General accepted tradition? By your own imgaination? Where is it written that Aisha was born 8 years before hijrah? None.
Number Two:  Aishah aged 15 at the battle of `Uhud.A narrative regarding Ayesha's (ra) participation in the battle of `uhud is given in Bukhari, Kitabu'l-jihad wa'l-siyar, Arabic, Bab Ghazwi'l-nisa' wa qitalihinna ma`a'lrijal.i.e. "Anas reports that On the day of Uhud, people could not stand their ground around the Prophet (pbuh). [On that day,] I saw Ayesha (ra) and Umm-i-Sulaim (ra), they had pulled their dress up from their feet [to avoid any hinderance in their movement]."As far as the fact that children below 15 years were sent back and were not allowed to particpate in the battle of `uhud, it is narrated in Bukhari, Kitabu'l-maghazi, Bab ghazwati'l-khandaq wa hiya'l-ahza'b, Arabic.i.e. "Ibn `umar (ra) states that the Prophet (pbuh) did not permit me to participate in Uhud, as at that time, I was fourteen years old. But on the day of Khandaq, when I was fifteen years old, the Prophet (pbuh) permitted my participation."i.e. "Ibn `umar (ra) states that the Prophet (pbuh) did not permit me to participate in Uhud, as at that time, I was fourteen years old. But on the day of Khandaq, when I was fifteen years old, the Prophet (pbuh) permitted my participation."

Really? and when was this battle of uhud? You did not even state it much less show its specified date from records.You think you can cook up wild theories w/o evidence?
Number Three: Asma older than Aisha by 10 years.According to almost all the historians Asma (ra), the elder sister of Ayesha (ra) was ten years older than Ayesha (ra). It is reported in Taqri'bu'l-tehzi'b as well as Al-bidayah wa'l-nihayah that Asma (ra) died in 73 hijrah when she was 100 years old. Now, obviously if Asma (ra) was 100 years old in 73 hijrah she should have been 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah. If Asma (ra) was 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah, Ayesha (ra) should have been 17 or 18 years old at that time. Thus, Ayesha (ra), if she got married in 1 AH (after hijrah) or 2 AH, was between 18 to 20 years old at the time of her marriage.The relevant references required are provided below:According to Abda'l-Rahman ibn abi zanna'd:i.e. Asma (ra) was ten years older than Ayesha. (Siyar A`la'ma'l-nubala', Al-Zahabi, Vol 2, Pg 289, Arabic, Mu'assasatu'l-risalah, Beirut, 1992)According to Ibn Kathir:i.e. "she [Asma] was elder to her sister [Ayesha] by ten years". (Al-Bidayah wa'l-nihayah, Ibn Kathir, Vol 8, Pg 371, Arabic, Dar al-fikr al-`arabi, Al-jizah, 1933)

Well, you said according to this person and that person. Who the hell are they and can you show me a link where their works are displayed and verifiable?
Number Four: For Asma's age at Her Death in 73 AH.According to Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani:i.e. "She [Asma (ra)] lived a hundred years and died in 73 or 74 AH." (Taqribu'l-tehzib, Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, Pg 654, Arabic, Bab fi'l-nisa', al-harfu'l-alif, Lucknow)

Can you link me to a URL where this can be verified? and why shld you accept this bio at all even if it does record it that way?
Number Five: Aishah accepts Islam during the first year of Islam.According to Ibn Hisham, the historian, Ayesha (ra) accepted Islam quite some time before `umar ibn al-Khattab  (ra). This shows that Ayesha (ra) accepted Islam during the first year of Islam. While, if the narrative of Ayesha's (ra) marriage at seven years of age is held to be true, Ayesha (ra) should not have been born during the first year of Islam.According to Ibn Hisham, Ayesha (ra) was the 20th or the 21st person to enter into the folds of Islam. (Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, Ibn Hisham, Vol 1, Pg 227 - 234, Arabic, Maktabah al-Riyadh al-hadithah, Al-Riyadh) While `umar ibn al-khattab was preceded by forty individuals (Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, Ibn Hisham, Vol 1, Pg 295, Arabic, Maktabah al-Riyadh al-hadithah, Al-Riyadh).

Link please, show us the links to Al Riyadh.
Number Six: Aishah the BIKR.According to a narrative reported by Ahmad ibn Hanbal, after the death of Khadijah  (ra), when Khaulah (ra) came to the Prophet (pbuh) advising him to marry again, the Prophet (pbuh) asked her regarding the choices she had in her mind. Khaulah said: "You can marry a virgin (bikr) or a woman who has already been married (thayyib)". When the Prophet (pbuh) asked about who the virgin was, Khaulah proposed Ayesha's (ra) name. All those who know the Arabic language, are aware that the word "bikr" in the Arabic language is not used for an immature nine year old girl. The correct word for a young playful girl, as stated earlier is "Jariyah". "Bikr" on the other hand, is used for an unmarried lady, and obviously a nine year old is not a "lady".The complete reference for this reporting of Ahmad ibn Hanbal is: Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Vol 6, Pg 210, Arabic, Dar Ihya al-turath al-`arabi, Beirut.

Again where is teh link and why shld we accept this record when Al Bukhari contradicts it?
Number Seven: Aishah was five years younger than Fatimah.According to Ibn Hajar, Fatimah (ra) was five years older than Ayesha (ra). Fatimah (ra) is reported to have been born when the Prophet (pbuh) was 35 years old. Thus, even if this information is taken to be correct, Ayesha (ra) could by no means be less than 14 years old at the time of hijrah, and 15 or 16 years old at the time of her marriage.Ibn Hajar's original statement, its translation and reference below:i.e. Fatimah (ra) was born at the time the Ka`bah was rebuilt, when the Prophet (pbuh) was 35 years old... she (Fatimah) was five years older that Ayesha (ra). (Al-isabah fi tamyizi'l-sahabah, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Vol 4, Pg 377, Arabic, Maktabatu'l-Riyadh al-haditha, al-Riyadh, 1978)

You are always quoting tertiary sources. where are teh primaruy source3s me fren? Where?
Number Eight: Aishah and Jubayr.Tabari has also reported that at the time Abu Bakr planned on migrating to Habshah (8 years before Hijrah), he went to Mut`am -- with whose son Ayesha (ra) was engaged -- and asked him to take Ayesha (ra) in his house as his son's wife. Mut`am  refused, because Abu Bakr had embraced Islam, and subsequently his son divorced Ayesha (ra). Now, if Ayesha (ra) was only seven years old at the time of her marriage, she could not have been born at the time Abu Bakr decided on migrating to Habshah. On the basis of this report it seems only reasonable to assume that Ayesha (ra) had not only been born 8 years before hijrah, but was also a young lady, quite prepared for marriage.As reported by: Tehqiq e umar e Siddiqah e Ka'inat, Habib ur Rahman Kandhalwi, Urdu, Pg 38, Anjuman Uswa e hasanahThere you have it. You quest and thirst for evidences and historians. So now play your side of the bargain and start asking me about Jubayr ibn Mut'im.

Do you know how easy it is for me to refuke your arguments?Where is the link and which verse of Al Tabari's record of this?I can go all the way with you fuzzy and examine the entire timeline based on primary sources if you can produce it.

Here's primary sourcing :

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 65
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)." what you know of the Quran (by heart)' Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 88

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Post time 22-5-2007 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 22-5-2007 02:11 PM
I too will cut and paste me rebuttal of Fuzzman's wild claim and see if you can handle em.

General accepted tradition? By your own imgaination? Where is it written that Aisha was born 8 y ...

Dear Debmey, can i know whats ur education qualification ? Is what u post considered as rebuttal ?
U just ask link, link link. I read only that. U say that as rebuttal ? Come la u take something as a primary source coz u afraid the real primary source can make ur face down the drain as usual. If u can get Bukhari's hadith very easy, then why not u couldnt get fuzzman's link ? Or ur anti muslim website dont have any link ?

Now if u r really a gentleman, rebutt one by one as a man. Not like a sissy here.

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Post time 22-5-2007 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Yep, its easy rebuttal.
Fuzzman made wild claims w/o any logic nor proof. There is nothing to back up any of his wild claims.
Can you please help him out?

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Post time 22-5-2007 02:46 PM | Show all posts
Yep, its easy rebuttal.
Fuzzman made wild claims w/o any logic nor proof. There is nothing to back up any of his wild claims.
Can you please help him out?

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Post time 22-5-2007 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 22-5-2007 02:45 PM
Yep, its easy rebuttal.
Fuzzman made wild claims w/o any logic nor proof. There is nothing to back up any of his wild claims.
Can you please help him out?

Haha, already sign of u stucked dumbfounded. Fuzzman do give the hadith compilation references but u r so afraid here.
Pity you debmey, beginning to wonder how old u r.. Looks like a small kid crying didnt get an ice cream here.


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Post time 22-5-2007 04:40 PM | Show all posts
No sir, he extrapolated meanings w/o support for his claims. He cliamed that experts said this and experts said that w/o any logical or reason nor names of those experts.

Perhaps you can help him and beefing up his theory.

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Post time 22-5-2007 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 22-5-2007 04:40 PM
No sir, he extrapolated meanings w/o support for his claims. He cliamed that experts said this and experts said that w/o any logical or reason nor names of those experts.

Perhaps you can help  ...

U have difficulty reading here ? What kind of support u need here ? The reference was given there. U looks so expert in hadith, then why dont you search it dumbney ?   Afraid huh ?   No wonder singaporean always scared and afraid.

Ur nut head stucked forever. I havent seen someone more idiot than you here. Do you remember once when stucked, u told me laws given to moses only applicable for moses people only and not for christians. From that answer i can know what kind of pathetic twister you are.
If the laws given to moses only applicable to moses  people at that time, then why still keep the OT ?

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Post time 22-5-2007 05:14 PM | Show all posts
This suits u best   Debmey


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Post time 22-5-2007 06:26 PM | Show all posts
prince, where are you? can you help fuzzman? he ran away with his tail tucked between his legs.

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Post time 22-5-2007 06:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1478 Debmey's post

You just help urself here dumbney.
You have no answer here nor u can prove beyond doubt abt aisya's age here.

U stucked as usual like in every thread. Nothing unusual, now start the usual spamming which u r quite an expert

ahahahahahahahah.. cheers

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Post time 22-5-2007 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Looks like prince dare not even read Fuzzmana's arguments.
Nowhere in Fuzzmans' list of haditsh did it state what he claimed. Fuzzamna made claims based of unspecified sources and he used those baseless claims to build his case.

And fuzzy's case collapsed like deck of cards once I challenged it.

Maybe you can do a better job that Fuzzy mr.prince.

BTW, thats for bringing up this thread.

Use magic Report

Post time 22-5-2007 07:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 22-5-2007 06:56 PM
Looks like prince dare not even read Fuzzmana's arguments.
Nowhere in Fuzzmans' list of haditsh did it state what he claimed. Fuzzamna made claims based of unspecified sources and he used those  ...

Dumbney, the references for the hadith was written there, why cant u search for it ? Are u afraid ?

Use magic Report

Post time 22-5-2007 07:23 PM | Show all posts
But the so called references of his never stated what he claimed.
Looks like you did not even dare to read his post.

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Post time 23-5-2007 06:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 22-5-2007 07:23 PM
But the so called references of his never stated what he claimed.
Looks like you did not even dare to read his post.

If u could easily access bukhari's hadith, why cant you do the same coz the references already given. Dont be lazy.

Use magic Report


Post time 23-5-2007 06:21 PM | Show all posts
Fuzzman showed some hadiths, but they don't say what he claimed. Go read them yourself will ya?

Use magic Report

Post time 23-5-2007 06:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1484 Debmey's post

Then what does that show to you according to ur nut head ?

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Post time 23-5-2007 11:45 PM | Show all posts
That shows that Muslims are intellectually and morally bankrupt.
The can't deny the fact that Mo was paedophile and yet resort to cheap ways to try to cover it up.

Can you please do a better job than Fuzzman?

Use magic Report

Post time 24-5-2007 09:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1486 Debmey's post

U wanna talk about moral here ?
U cant prove beyond doubt abt aisya's age. U love to put blind eye on the evidences given coz u r a classic hypocrite.

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