dulu gs kita masa sampai ada macam lapisan minyak sket kat atas dia, kita simpan dlm petiais. Sekarang ni revitalizer pun kita simpan dlm peti ais, masa nak apply tu best aje sejuk. |
1501# hana_atika
yup simpan dlm fridge boleh membantu |
saya ade beli sample size facial cleanser for problematic skin last month.. bau die mcm bau ubat ubat sikit.. and ade mcm berangin..
phtu tgh bulan saya oder lagi skali sample size utk bekalan kemudian.. smlm bru bukak.. tp lain pulak bau die.. bau sebijik jibik mcm glyco cleanser dulu.. dan tkde rase berangin..
adekah sudah tukor bahan... or mebi ade kesilapan mase packaging yer ? |
Post Last Edit by honey_dew at 8-2-2010 09:33
1504# zappel
fc acne sama je spt sebelum ni
cuma botol je bertukar color dr putih ke hijau |
botol cleanser for acne tu cam botol syampoo le pulok....
kalo botol yg gfc (biasa) tu cun.. |
1506# Eqal
cosmeteq in process tukar packaging
bila semua old packaging dah habis..keluar muka baru |
salam semua
dah lama tak menjengok thread cosmeteq nie. since berpindah kebrunei lagi lah takder masa nak bertenet n server kat sini tak berapa bagus.
masa pindah brunei dulu, kakmin tergesa n skincare cosmeteq banyak tertinggal kat umah dimsia. i have not been back since december, so skincare yg ada cuma kat brunie, is cleanser, exfoliator, toner, eye cream, dmae, wrinkle free, whitening, radiance n ace sunblock. kakmin hanya sempat capai botol kecik timeless n aha b5 yg mmg dah nak abis. imaginer smpi skang nie takder top up n all these yg ada kat brunei especially cleanser. tak lupa kakmin sempat selit my allergic cream special formulation by segar to me. eish mana leh hidup tanpa this allergic cream n 2 trial size detox.
i was so upset when i realise i dont have my favourite revitaliser n flawless. huhuhu...imagine dari december smpi skang nie i survived with only cleanser (tak pernah pakai cket2 selalu nyer badan sumer pun cuci pakai cosmeteq cleanser), toner pun tak liberal mcm selalu, then eye cream, dmae n selang with timeless jugak, wrinkle free, whitening, radiance n sunblock.
kakmin jarang pakai radiance cos i prefer refiner but my husband complaints bau dia kuat. mmg pun kakmin lupa bawak n what i have is 2 small pots of refiner which mcm mana terselit dlm handbag. so pakai kat bibir jer lah.
masa mula2 pakai radiance as my moisturiser i was so worried. indeed sehari lepas pakai tumbuh jerawat tak bermata tu. sedih nyer n muka jadi dry sangat cos masa tu baru balik dari england. my allery pun mengganas balik seb bek lah ada allergic cream yg dibekalkan segar. tu lah bila dah keadaan mendesak mcm nie, i just pakai whatever available thinking i will be back to msia soon. soon tu jadi nitemare sbb smpi arini kakmin tak balik msia lagi cos banyak nyer commitments kat sini tt dont give me the luxury to come back to msia.
my pimples tu tak surut2 smpi seminggu, ialah tak bermata kan. seb bek ada acne cream so i tepek lah pagi n petang. then gatal tangan picit2 so jd lah scars. sedih n malu sbb sebagai tokei cosmeteq how cud jadi mcm nie. but i persevere lah pakai gerk radiance tu cos dah takder moisturiser lain. nak soh segar kirim it is just not worth it lah.
believe me it has been over 1mth kakmin survives on just cleanser yg mmg dah hazabedah tinggal ciput, toner (tu pun arini last dah abis), dmae or timeless - dah abis timeless, wrinkle free yg boleh tahan smpi friday, whitening - masih ok can last until end of the month, ace sunblock n radiance. siang malam pakai nie jer minus sunblock waktu malam. whitening cream hanya pakai pada scars.
walla....u guys wud not believe the skin i have now. seriously marvellous. my fren yg i tak jumpa since 2003 semlm bila jumpa her jaw almost dropped! she cud not believe tt dlm masa kurand 2 minggu i will be 53yrs old. ramai kawan2 kat sini tak percaya my age n ada smpi nak tengok my IC. my leher pun kena chk under magnifying glass n around my eyes too.
kakmin betul2 under scrutiny dgn kawan2 kat sini. n sumer dah tak sabar nak pakai cosmeteq. my fine wrinkles kat dahi mmg dah tak nampak lagi. dulu masa kat msia malas nak pakai wrinkle free nie even whitening cream. as i say cos dah takder yg lain i just pakai whatever i have lah. dari dulu smpi skang kakmin mmg tak suka pakai bedak or foundation n has always rely on my sunblock (nie pun baru nie jer pakai gila2 sbb mmg takder barang2 lain kan) with refiner. skang nie pakai sunblock mixed equal portion with radiance.
jerawat tak tumbuh langsung even pakai daily radiance nie. bila jumpa clients cosmeteq kat brunei nie teruja sungguh dia org tengok kakmin. pipi smpi kena cubit2 sbb dia org tak puas hati naper my skin so soft. hahaha.....i guess bila dah pressure mcm nie u just rembat apa yg ada jah n pakai. i was always very worried with radiance but bcos i have no choice it has become my seriously favourite moisturiser skang nie.
kadang2 bila kakmin jalan2 smpi org pandang 2-3 kali, eish kadang2 jadi concious lak pk something wrong with me, but i know ramai yg pandang cos maybe i really have a fantastic skin now masyaallah.
hahahaha...kan dah perasan pagi2 nie. |
my latest pic taken only this morning
sy notice fc cosmeteq utk ance problem tu bagus utk jenis kulit yg oily & pimple..
baru nak rata kulit muka nie ..dah abis fc cosmeteq...since fc dlm mini detox set tu dah abis..so continue dgn gylco fc yg lama...
x pasti bila jerawat nak hilang... |
wah..wah sejak dok brunei makin muda nih
good for u |
radiance is my favourite too |
saya ade beli sample size facial cleanser for problematic skin last month.. bau die mcm bau ubat ubat sikit.. and ade mcm berangin..
phtu tgh bulan saya oder lagi skali sample size utk bekalan kemu ...
zappel Post at 7-2-2010 13:04
cosmeteq cleanser for problematic face shud be different in smell n taste. betul dia ada bau ubat n rasa berangin cos of the tea tree n mint in it.
if u think tt yr cleanser yg baru dpt tu tak spt yg u request cud u pls return it back to the agent u beli so tt she cud chk it. kakmin become worried when u mentioned it is just like glyco facial cleanser bcos glyco facial cleanser is different frm cosmeteq cleanser for problem face.
i wud appreciate if u cud contact the agent concern asap so tt she can look into this matter. tqvm |
sy notice fc cosmeteq utk ance problem tu bagus utk jenis kulit yg oily & pimple..
baru nak rata kulit muka nie ..dah abis fc cosmeteq...since fc dlm mini detox set tu dah abis..so continue dgn gylco ...
zunur Post at 9-2-2010 12:49
yes cosmeteq cleanser for problem skin is different frm gfc. pls be advise abt this. gfc work wonders on dry skin whereas cleanser acne work wonders for kulit oily n pimple. even yg suffer melasma, pigmentation etc bagus pakai cleanser acne nie. it is always paired with detox cream n aha b5 aloe vera serum.
these 3 products work extremely well when u are starting with cosmeteq. we also called these trio as our detox set. |
ya..saya notice tekstur kulit muka memang ada improvement
lepas guna 2 mini set detox...yg selalu saya guna fc for acne problem, AHA B5, revitilizer@acne cream... |
sy mmg suka guna glyco cream,dah bbrp thn guna..tp dah x de stok kan, selain dr gs,produk mana yg efek dia cam gc ni? |
sy mmg suka guna glyco cream,dah bbrp thn guna..tp dah x de stok kan, selain dr gs,produk mana yg efek dia cam gc ni?
ungu_violet191 Post at 9-2-2010 21:15
Product yang mengantikan gc ialah refiner. Mmg best. I guna day and nite. ur skin tone even and soft aje klu guna togather with dmae lifting serum. |
GC REFINER contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, double action vitamin C and also fortified with other nutrients that makes your skin look fabulous. It improves the overall appearance of the skin, It is natural and non-toxic. Perfect for those who are prone to allergic reactions with other cosmetic products. Can be used for men & women, at night or day.
KRIM GC REFINER mengandungi Alpha Lipoic Acid, dua jenis vitamin C dan bertambah dengan nutris-nutrisi yang lain yang membolehkan kulit anda nampak bagitu cantik. GC dapat memperelokkan keseluruhan kulit wajah anda. GC padan dengan semua jenis kulit. Boleh digunakan oleh lelaki dan perempuan, sebagai krim siang dan malam.
Apply 2 times a day, preferably after cleansing. Can be applied with other Cosmeteq creams & serums.
Gunakan 2 kali sehari selepas membilas. Boleh digunakan bersama dengan serum-serum & krim-krim Cosmeteq yang lain.
Deionised Water, Cetyl Alcohol (and) Glyceryl Stearate (and) PEG-75 Stearate (and) Ceteth-20 (and) Stearate-20, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Sodium Lactate, Glycerin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Octyl Methoxy Cinnamate, Cetearyl Alcohol Cetearyl Isononanoate, Octyldodecanol,
Cyclopentasiloxane (and) Dimethicone, Dimethicone, Ascorbic Acid, Ascorbyl Palmtate, Propylene Glycol,
Phenoxyethanol, Etheylhexylglycerin,
4-n-Butyl Resorcinol, Titanium Dioxide, Allantoin BP, Menthol, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Fragrance, |
kmila dlm proses tuka umah blog ke new address...Insya-Allah by Feb nnt akan start new hse.
catalina Post at 28-1-2010 11:20
sempena tukar blog baru..
tak de promotion ke utk product cosmeteq? |
1516# ungu_violet191
gc dah tukar nama baru REFINER
refiner lebih best dr gc yg dulu..kulit nampak fresh n glowing je pakai |
| |
Category: Wanita & Lelaki