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Author: minahsaudi


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Post time 17-2-2010 02:53 PM | Show all posts
1560# catalina

btul tu kak mila

sbb kita b4 demam panas letak yg detox cream kat pusat tu alhamdulillah lega sikit panas pun berkurang

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Post time 17-2-2010 04:06 PM | Show all posts
kmila mmg start pakai daily skang...malam sblum tido & pagi2
sbb takut kena selsema, batuk demam bagai...
jgn luper minum air kosong sebyk yg mungkin

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Post time 17-2-2010 05:00 PM | Show all posts
sejak musim panas ni letak acne cream kat pusat n kepala baru boleh tido
kalau tidak panas sangat

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Post time 17-2-2010 06:52 PM | Show all posts
1557# eRiKa

nice knowing u too dear.. br start keja ari ni.. harap muka kita terus glowing dgn cosmeteq ni. tp erika mmg nmpk flawless n smooth je kulit u.. chantekkk....

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2010 08:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minahsaudi at 17-2-2010 20:31

huhuhu....skang nie cleanser dah abis, timeless, flawless dah sumer abis, wrinkle free dah abis, detox cream dah abis.  yg ada skang toner, dmae, whitening n radiance yg tengah nazak!

seb bek ada aesop cleanser den boleh pakai sementara nak tunggu balik on 25/2.

betul spt yg disarankan mila, detox cream rub into yr belly button or atas ubun2 kepala pun bagus dlm keadaan panas yg melampau nie.

kakmin anak beranak dah demam n batuk2 kat sini.  h1n1 dah kembali menular disekolah baraka n we have just taken our vaccine shot.  kalo tak mmg detox nie lah yg kakmin cari dulu.  kalo batuk2 rub detox kat throat tu.  kemungkinan batuk akan menjadi2 for the next 15-30mins but after tt insyaallah reda n bertambah lega n terus ilang.

minum air berbotol2 adalah kekdah yg paling baik buat masa skang nie.

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2010 08:27 PM | Show all posts
1557# eRiKa  

nice knowing u too dear.. br start keja ari ni.. harap muka kita terus glowing dgn cosmeteq ni. tp erika mmg nmpk flawless n smooth je kulit u.. chantekkk....
ixora08 Post at 17-2-2010 18:52

erika ni adalah customer pioneer kami.  she started with glyco cream dahulu.

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Post time 18-2-2010 05:13 PM | Show all posts

Saya dh pakai produk ni sejak bulan puasa haritu.... jerawat yg tak der mata tu lama gak kuar 4 bln gak... yg last2 bln ke-5 ni kt area dagu kuar berbijik2 tp tak der mata.....bila sy steam sket muka pas sauna, sy tekan2 dagu tu kuar bijik2 keeras warna kuning..

so far kulit mmg ok sgt...yg tinggal cuma bekas parut jera blum sembuh sbb tak der dah WC..

masalahnyer cuma harini sy konpius jerawat yg biasa2 mcm zmn dolu2 ni plak kuar... yg ada nanah tu.. smlm 2 ketui kuar..dah sapu AHA aloe vera..dah ok.. kering....pagi ni kuar 1 lg kt tmp len plak...huhuu.... knp yer sy ni bnyak toxin ke agaknya? atau cuaca panas sbb dia kuar? air mmg sy minum bnyak dkt 3L tiap hari sejak zmn dulu lagi....

range yg ada kt saya skrg ni: FC utk problem skin, toner, AHA aloe, Radiance cream, refiner n flawless.....

last two nights sy pakai flawless...

okies thank u!

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2010 06:46 PM | Show all posts

Saya dh pakai produk ni sejak bulan puasa haritu.... jerawat yg tak der mata tu lama gak kuar 4 bln gak... yg last2 bln ke-5 ni kt area dagu kuar berbijik2 tp tak der mata.....bila sy stea ...
anna_natasha Post at 18-2-2010 17:13

I cud see tt you have radiance too.  Perlu diingatkan kepada sesiapa saja yg prone to acne dinasihatkan jangan memakai radiance until the acne are completely cleared, infact kami sudah pun beberapa kali membuat reminder berkenaan ini.

Please stop using radiance for the mean times n rawat kulit tu dulu with the rest of the other products.  kakmin nak buat suggestion tt u shud rubbed into yr belly button detox cream or atas ubun2 kepala.

Skang nie keadaan cuaca terlalu panas n i do hope u cover yr face with sunblock.  perlu diingatkan lagi tt our moisturises are mostly emolient based.

Please ikut tatacara yg kakmila post.  normally by 3rd month kalo ikut atur cara n nasihat yg diberikan yr acne shud have recovered n jera hanya akan tumbuh time period or permakanan yg tidak dicerna dgn baik.

maybe u shud also check yr diets n kurangkan makanan berminyak n pedas2

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Post time 19-2-2010 09:37 AM | Show all posts

Saya dh pakai produk ni sejak bulan puasa haritu.... jerawat yg tak der mata tu lama gak kuar 4 bln gak... yg last2 bln ke-5 ni kt area dagu kuar berbijik2 tp tak der mata.....bila sy stea ...
anna_natasha Post at 18-2-2010 17:13

Salam dear,

Cuaca yg extreme panas skang ni kita mmg kena jaga kesihatan betul2...byk faktor yg boley menyebabkan naiknya jerawat tu
antaranya hormon, cuaca panas, habuk dr persekitaran yg panas terik atau pengambilan vitamins spt Vit E, EPO yg tinggi kandungan minyak dlmnya.

Nasihat kmila, utk harian wat masa ni :

1. STOP makan telur kuning /ayam/ udang/sotong - makanan yg gatal2
2. Kurangkan spicy food/ berminyak yg melampau - lebihkn sayuran/buah2an yg tinggi kandungan Vit C
3. Gunakan Flawless utk mempercepatkan jerawat tu masak (waktu mlm shj)
4. Sapu ACNE CREAM di pusat & stop guna Radiance wat masa ni.
5. Minum air secukupnya
6. Cuci muka dgn FC menggunakan SPONGE yg direndam dlm air suam. JANGAN MASSAGE muker klu kulit ada JERAWAT sbb ini akan menggalakkn lg pengeluaran minyak semulajadi.
7. Detoxkan pewot supaya toksin dlm usus berkurangan.


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Post time 19-2-2010 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Salam dear,

Cuaca yg extreme panas skang ni kita mmg kena jaga kesihatan betul2...byk faktor yg boley menyebabkan naiknya jerawat tu
antaranya hormon, cuaca panas, habuk dr persekitaran yg pana ...
catalina Post at 19-2-2010 09:37

betul kata kmila. Detox perut mmg important. Drink more water atleast 8 glasses a day. Eat more vege and fruits especially green apple a day or guava is good for ur skin. Tofu, white meat fish bagus. elakkan memakan benda yg panas badan. daging pun tak bley it just for time being aje. Nak cantik mmg kena sacrfice sikit. memang berbaloi because zana dh try buat tu is proven. menyesal tak detox perut dari dulu-dulu lagi  klu tak dh reda semua acne and my skin dh ok dari dulu.

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Post time 20-2-2010 10:31 PM | Show all posts
1570# zana0101

nak cantik luaran, dalaman pun kena jaga

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Post time 21-2-2010 04:51 PM | Show all posts
nak bg review... ixora rasa mslh jerawat dh makin surut. insyaAllah akan terus menggunakan cosmeteq ni. ada gak sesekali pakai radiance krim ni, semingu 1-2 kali tupun x sapu kat seluruh muka, kat open pores, supaya dia dpt cepat minimize peres yang semakin kecil ni.

kulit ixora sensitif gak, x leh pakai selalu rc ni. exfoliator pun sesekali je, now dah 1 week plus x pakai. just guna detox set tu je.. paling suka wc, refiner,revitalizer. now tgh tunggu aloe serum lom sampai.huhu.

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Post time 22-2-2010 11:22 AM | Show all posts
nak bg review... ixora rasa mslh jerawat dh makin surut. insyaAllah akan terus menggunakan cosmeteq ni. ada gak sesekali pakai radiance krim ni, semingu 1-2 kali tupun x sapu kat seluruh muka, kat ope ...
ixora08 Post at 21-2-2010 16:51

salam exora...

u lih mixkan RC tu ngan refiner...guna waktu mlm

FC, Toner, AHA serum, Radiance, Refiner

Exfoliator x lih guna terlalu kerap...2 minggu 1 kali dh memadai


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Post time 22-2-2010 12:46 PM | Show all posts
thanks kak min & kak mila atas nasihat berguna...baru baca harini....nnt sy stop dulu RC and amalkn diet yg sihat...hehe

tp sy baru teringt dua tiga hari before nek jerawat tu sy blk kg.. parents ada pasang air ion pun tak taw apa benda tp dia generate oxygen kot..pasal air dia kaler puteh..bukan jernih.... rasanya air ni kot kasi cuci dlm2 kulit muka kot... psl dia kata size dia kecil 5x size pore... hehe... tu pasal kot kuar jerawat....mmg sy dok pulun air tu tiap2 hari....

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Post time 22-2-2010 11:56 PM | Show all posts
nak tanya pendapat ni
kwn ixora ada mslh rmbt gugur, kalo beli hair tonic je ok x?or ngan shampoo sekali?camane apply tonic tu?sapu 2-3 kali sehari ke or camane.tanx

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Post time 23-2-2010 09:25 AM | Show all posts
1575# ixora08

masalah rambut gugur berpunca dari shampoo yg banyak kandungan SLS, kekurangan protein, lepas bersalin
penjagaan yang betul dapat membantu masalah keguguran rambut yang teruk

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Post time 23-2-2010 09:44 AM | Show all posts
What your face reveal about your health
Each part of your face reflects a different element from the Chinese 5-Element network (fire, earth, water, metal, and wood), which in turn, corresponds to a particular organ grouping. Your reflection offers visual cues to what may be happening within your internal systems--such as your heart, stomach, hormones and even your mind and spirit.

The Forehead

According to Chinese medicine, the forehead corresponds to the fire element. This is associated with the heart and small intestine organ network, as well as the mind and spirit.

When examining your forehead, look for redness or small blood vessels that appear as discoloration, which could indicate a heart problem. Skin discoloration could also be caused by a recent emotionally-charged experience, such as a breakup or loss. It is common for people whose emotions are regularly in turmoil to have a constant furrow between their eyebrows.

A heart attack can often be foretold by a subtle bluish-green hue on the forehead. If you have discoloration on your forehead accompanied by heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, and tingling or pain in your left arm, schedule an appointment with a cardiologist or visit an emergency room, if necessary.

Your Nose

Your nose corresponds to the earth element, indicating a connection to the stomach, spleen and pancreas network.

Symptoms of internal discord typically show up as a pimple on the tip or side of your nose. Think back to your meals from the previous day. Did you eat a lot of spicy, deep-fried, fatty, or rich foods? How about chocolate? If the answer is "yes," your choice of cuisine could be the problem. As a result, you may suffer from indigestion, constipation, or diarrhea.

Broken capillaries or redness across the bridge of the nose could reveal alcohol abuse, or it may simply mean excessive worry and stress, which taxes your earth element network. I had a patient who would de-stress from her taxing executive job with alcohol and sweets, and her nose always gave these indiscretions away. I recommended she calm her nerves in healthier ways, like meditation and other stress-releasing techniques.

Your Chin

The chin area is related to the water element, which is internally associated to your kidney and bladder organ network, including the hormonal system and glands.

Blemishes, discoloration and dark patches of skin around the chin and mouth could indicate problems within the kidneys or bladder. Recurrent acne breakouts around your chin may signify a hormonal imbalance. The problem is most often due to the body producing excess estrogen or testosterone and tends to be coupled with irregular menstruation in women and prostate symptoms in men.

Be sure to also look at your philtrum, the indentation just above your lips. This small area relates to the uterus and ovaries in women and the prostate and genitals in men. Horizontal lines, blemishes or discoloration across the philtrum may indicate infertility issues due to problems such as endometriosis or uterine fibroid cysts.

According to Chinese medicine, people who have a small chin are genetically predispositioned to weakness in their kidney and bladder network. However, this doesn't mean that small-chinned people will develop kidney disease. The information is simply an alert that a tendency may exist, and patients can choose to make lifestyle changes to prevent the development of a condition

Your Right Cheek

Your right cheek corresponds to the metal element, meaning this area of your face is connected to the lung and large intestine network.

Problems in the lung and large intestine network present themselves as discoloration, blemishes and skin problems on your right cheek. A mild acne breakout, eczema patch or slight redness may mean a cold is coming on. Lung illness or upper respiratory ailments also trigger visual symptoms on the right cheek.

People who are prone to respiratory allergies or asthma have a tendency to have a reddish, scaly eczema, a slight rash or slight bluish-green hue along the right cheek--showing too much heat or inflammation in the respiratory system, or a lack of oxygen from bronchial constriction. One of my many pediatric patients who suffered from allergic asthma always displayed an eczema-like patch right before a flare up of her allergy attack, a very useful tip off. I instructed her mother to treat her right away with herbs for allergies to avert an asthma attack.

Your Left Cheek

The left cheek corresponds to your wood element, or the liver-gallbladder network.

Broken capillaries and redness, especially up next to the bridge of your nose, indicate heat, inflammation or congestion of toxins in the liver. Bulging veins, redness, and rash sometimes signal high blood pressure and pent-up anger. A yellowish hue under the left eye may indicate gallstones or high triglycerides or cholesterol, which are processed by the liver-gall bladder network.

Problems in this part of the face can also reveal emotional issues, such as anger and depression, since the liver and gallbladder network includes the nervous system.

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Post time 23-2-2010 09:53 AM | Show all posts
thanks honey !

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Post time 23-2-2010 10:02 AM | Show all posts
1577# honey_dew

wah gud info


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Post time 23-2-2010 12:54 PM | Show all posts
1577# honey_dew

Thanks honey dew

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