Author|Post time 9-4-2018 10:43 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
noor2 replied at 9-4-2018 09:08 AM
Dia tak ada rasa nak cari bini baru pun.....masih terlalu sayang xwife. ...yang dia buat sekarang ...
Kaka pls keep sharing I suka je baca even benda x related dgn I
Somehow boleh reflect diri kita balik gak bila baca mcm ni.
Kesian la your friend tu, tp betul la. Maybe the ex wife tu prob dgn diri sendiri so kalau dpt husband baik mcm mana pon, dia sndiri rasa tak nak, tak puas.
Author|Post time 9-4-2018 10:46 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Nenasketum replied at 9-4-2018 07:16 AM
Ish ramai naw ummah mesia depressed. Seriously, masa tak menunggu sesiapa. Kalau semua tak suka, tak ...
I pon skrg pikir mcm u la nenas,
Ikut je kata hati xnak buat apa and mereput.
That’s what I’m doing now
Sales jalan tu hasil dr yg I buat dulu, tp x rancak la. That’s why I cakap I dah xkisah pasal sales ke apa, dulu I suka pikir nak buat apa tomorrow then apa lg..
Lately meh. Mereput just like u said.
At the same tIme I sedar this is not good.
Author|Post time 9-4-2018 10:58 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
rospinki replied at 9-4-2018 08:52 AM
teori akak
selagi adik masih mampu mengarang panjang dan bercerita..takde masalah.itu normal..too ...
Yes cik rose.
I skrg berpotensi ke arah tu.
Cuma bezanya I still aware..
Masalahnya skrg, I yg malas nak deal with org. Benda yg I used to say normal. I rasa very draining. I takmau reply whatsapp takmau angkat call. I rasa xnak
Before I’m getting serious sampai tahap jd monk can’t even type a single word, and I masih sedar this thing is not good I try to tanya gak la kan. Tu jehh
Problems come and go. I sedar tu. Xde org terlepas dr problem. Cuma skrg ni I jd dah xkisah..
Post time 9-4-2018 11:44 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
anyclassything replied at 9-4-2018 11:27 AM
Ape tu
This is something new
Hikikomori ni mcm ko la. Hilang semangat nak hidup n just nak duk dalam gua jua tapi dalam masa yg sama masih makan tanggung berak cangkung . Aku lupa mana artikel aku baca but samada ko setuju atau tak, situasi ni cuma bole jadik kat middle to high income family. Sebab ko tak perlu fikir food, shelter & clothes. Basically, semua basic necessities ko dah fulfill. Tak mcm org lain yg terpaksa keluar cari rezeki utk fulfill benda ni n sekaligus terhindar drp hikikomori. Ye walaupun korang love-hate dgn kerja, ketahuilah it's a blessing. Panjang lagi aku boleh bebel ni
Post time 9-4-2018 11:51 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
anyclassything replied at 9-4-2018 10:36 AM
Ye ke mokcik, I xtau la depression ke apa.
Tp mmg rasa tired and malas je all the time.
Mls na ...
X normal uols.sblm jd lebih teruk mcm porumer kata sila pegi klinik kesihatan pastu mintak refer ke pakar atau least from there depa boleh guide uols mcm mana nk overcome satu persatu.
btw u baru 26 .. ai dulu 26 masih semangat lagi hidup sebab masa tu baru nak masuk dunia pekerjaan.. so masa tu masih berkobar2 lagi.. social life masih ligat lagi sebab yalah masa tu muda kawan2 ramai belum kawen n nak hangout together lagi lain la sekarang kawan2 ramai dah ada keluarga n masalah sendiri.. yang sesama single ai sendiri malas n takde mood pulak nak hangout..
believe me as u get older things will not get easier, it going to get tougher, sangat2 tough. i've been there done that. kena teruskan hidup, kena kuat aje. orang kata u have no choice but to be strong. alhamdulillah physically im strong n healthy la (cuma emosi tak berapa nak stabil) and setakat ni financially masih stable tapi tak tahu sampai bila. memikirkan masa depan memang menakutkan.
Dunno how to answer bila org tanya how are you
so let me just simply answer I'm fine thank you
ok I will answer properly to your questions:
1. eating habit skrg ni ada masa I jd lapar and nak makan mcm2. Then ada masa I xde selera and malas pikir pasal makan. Ni basically mmg malas nak buat everything including nak makan. So bila dah lapar sampai bunyi perut I turun la makan telur ke apa then continue w my mereput session. Then ada gak I sedar I've been eating bad, especially bila I rasa badan tak sihat (cause x keluar peluh n x makan proper) So konon I start to eat healthy and kluar. Tp most of time maybe kejap je I boleh follow.
2. When it comes to sleep patterns.. I dunno if this is relatable or not.Dulu even I xbuat apa, I tido awal. Tp these 2 weeks I somehow tak boleh tdo. End up I tido around 5 a.m and usually tersedar around 6 or 7 something. Then I dah rasa very drained and teruskan mereput.
3. This is what I'm feeling right now. More to penat without even doing anything. Penat and at the same time I dont know what to do with this. I wanna do benda2 yg I used to do tp I feel tired. Nak reply whatsapp or angkat call pon dah jd a big deal yg mana sepatutnya tak kan. As for me I x interested nak communicate with people anymore
I try jugak to fight this urge.
But somehow I rasa mcm mehh..
I wanna duk diam2 xnak deal w everything\
Post time 9-4-2018 01:26 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Relax je. Hadapi semuanya mcm angin yang berlalu. Semua tu cuma thoughts. Bagi diri u chance lihat dan rasa apa yg sedang berlaku. Emotionally, physically. Appreciate it. Detox n detox. Its good