BRF takkan officially announce details of LoS, just check kat their website from time to time for updates. Bila ada royal birth, selalunya RRs (royal reporters) yg akan sebut that baby akan jadi no. xx in line to the throne.
Baby Lili tak llisted lagi in LoS page (Succession) , but her Wiki page siap mentioned yg she is ENTITLED to be a princess once Charles jadi king. Ni mesti konco2 Sussex or Sunshine Sachs punye keje.
Post time 21-6-2021 07:01 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 21-6-2021 07:02 AM
snazzydaisy replied at 21-6-2021 06:55 AM
eiiiii jgn laaa Smeg guna alasan PPD utk tagih simpati & deflect the bullying issue, yiiiiiiiihhh ...
Ape lah yg nak diharapkan dgn gegula hangit BODOH, tak habis2 dgn isu copy. Ape diorang igt si social climber tua tu invented everything. Sbb BODOH ler percaya bulat2 je dgn bekas pelakon sendu tua tu
Smeg has done it twice already, tinggalkan suami. The 1st marriage kan ke annulled, his parents paid her to leave. The 2nd time tu baru kes sheols just fedex the wedding ring back to Trevor. Harry will be the 3rd.
Re Robert Lacey's story psl William/Harry ni, kudos to William sbb heols stood up against adik sendiri sbb nak protect his family and his employees. Jarang ada boss yg baik yg akan buat cenggini, mostly akan ignore aje and delegate kat HR to handle it.
The problem is... William tak selesaikan that problem at the root cause - Harry & Meghan's misconduct, he just distanced himself from it. Maybe William tunggu QE and Charles to address their misconducts but both never did, so berlarutan lah. Now perangai 2 ekor tu makin out of control, so tahniah lah ye BRF...