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Author: snipersnake


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Post time 17-3-2005 02:57 AM | Show all posts
X-President Clinton and his past crimes......:

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge ... minalbackground.htm


Most people think that the biggest felony made by Bill Clinton might be that he swore falsely under oath in the Lewinsky affair. But this is peanuts compared to the real crimes, yet undetected by most American people.


It was in Oxford as a student Clinton came to hear about the One World Government for the first time, and what was required to be a member of this New World Order. In an interview in 1994 Clinton said that he'd known about the "Shadow-government" already in his youth, and had been very enthusiastic to get an entrance into the "Inner Circle" and from there have the opportunity to participate in decisions regarding the future of the world.

He succeeded! The "resident-maker" David Rockefeller met Clinton in the mid 80's in Arkansas to prepare him for what was to come. The State of Arkansas, by the way, is a major seat for the Brotherhood elite. The south branch of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has its center here, and from this area Albert Pike (33 degree Freemason) created the Ku Klux Klan.


Clinton worked himself up rapidly and became a governor of Arkansas. As a governor Bill Clinton committed a series of high crimes, related to his Illuminati connection. He became the leader of a gigantic network which dealt with drug-smuggling, laundering of drug-money and corruption in general.

A good friend of Clinton from Arkansas, Larry Nichols, was interviewed in a film. Clinton thought that Nichols would keep his mouth shut, but he didn't. He was hired by Clinton and had found out that Clinton's firm, "Arkansas Development Finance Authority" (ADFA), laundered drug-money. Cocaine to a value of $10.000.000 (ten million dollars!) a week was flown in from Mena Airport in Arkansas. The money was laundered via ADFA to a bank in Florida, to a bank in Georgia, to Citycorp in New York, and from there it was transferred out of the country. All this regarding to Larry Nichols.

Clinton's best friend, Dan Lasater, led the operations. Lasater and Bill Clinton's brother, Roger Clinton, later spent time in jail due to drug related crimes.

The Chief of Police in Arkansas at that time, Doc Delaughter, said he had gathered information from many persons in Lasater's surroundings, how he smuggled drugs and abused young girls sexually. During those investigations Doc was harassed by persons from his own police department, paid by Clinton.

Bill Clinton created new laws that helped "Tyson Foods" to be the biggest company in Arkansas. The owner, Don Tyson, received a loan from the Clinton-owned ADFA, but never had to pay back. Doc says he has evidence enough against Tyson to start an investigation regarding illegal drug-trade. Nichols says in the film:

The first loan ADFA approved was to "ark-O-Meter" ... When I investigated the company, I found that the Directive Secretary and cashier was Webb Hubbell ... Guess who wrote the law proposition ... which made ADFA possible. Webb Hubbell. Guess who drove the law proposition which looked into- and admitted (Park-O-Meter's) request. "Rose Law Firm" (owned by Hillary Clinton). Who signed the admittance? Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton.

Nichols said that when journalists started investigating the loans to "ark-O-Meter", they discovered that the company did not make parking meters, but removable airplane nose-cones, delivered to the air-field in Mena. The equipment was used to smuggle narcotics into the country, and with this Clinton and his companions participated heavily to the pushing of street-drugs in the USA.

Nichols says further that Clinton most of the time was involved in drug trade and the people he surrounded himself with followed him all the way to the White House.

When Clinton became President he elected Webb Hubbell as the Minister of Justice(!). Hubbell had to go back to Arkansas, though, to plead guilty to having cheated customers of the "Rose Law Firm" on $500.000.

Maybe the largest drug smuggling event in the USA history started in 1982 on Mena Airport by Barry Seale, pilot for the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA!!!). He had had problems with the authorities in Louisiana, so he moved his dirty business to Arkansas, where he could work un-disturbed. Seale said later in a police investigation that he had used nose-cones to smuggle drugs (Park-O-Meter).


So what did Bill Clinton do, when he came to power in the White House? Just like the drug trading president before him, Freemason-Brother George Bush, he started a war against drugs(!).

The interesting part is, though, that when different people have started talking about Clinton's affairs, they have suddenly and mysteriously died. One of them was Barry Seale, the drug smuggler. He was killed in February 1987.

By that time, several murders were committed in Arkansas.

Two young boys were out walking late one night in the surroundings of Mena Airport. They were found dead on a railroad track. The examining doctor, sent by Clinton, said it was an accident. But their parents didn't agree. Later it was found that the boys had been stabbed and got their heads crushed.

Six other persons, who had talked to the police regarding the murder of the boys, were killed themselves! Some of them had said to their families they had to leave town urgently, as they knew too much about the murders, but they were all traced and shot to death. All this happened while Clinton was the governor of Arkansas and used Mena Airport for drug smuggling.

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Post time 17-3-2005 02:58 AM | Show all posts
To make research on, or accuse Clinton has too often showed to be a lethal business.

Danny Casoloro, who investigated Clinton's involvement in stock frauds, was found dead in West Virginia.

A lawyer from Washington, Paul Wilcher, who had made an appointment with Casoloro's former attorney, was found dead in his apartment.

Prosecutor Charles Black wanted more money from governor Clinton to be able to continue the investigations regarding drug smuggling on Mena Airport. He got no money, but Black's mother was killed.

The director for Clinton's Finance-campaign Committee, Ed Willke, was shot with a hail-gun.

John Wilson, politician in Washington, threatened to reveal Clinton's dirty business. He was found swinging from a rope in 1993.

Kathy Furguson, police in Arkansas and Clinton's bodyguard, said that Clinton was promiscuous. She was found dead with a gun in her hand. Her husband Danny denies all sex-scandals related to Clinton. He is still alive.

Jon Parnel Walker, one of the investigators in the Whitewater affair, "fell" from a balcony in Virginia.

C. Victor Raider II had an argument with Clinton. Raider and his son Montgomery died when their sport plane crashed.

Mr. Friday, member of Raider's committee, and a known skilled pilot, died when his plane exploded.

Dentist Ronald Rogers was about to meet a journalist and give information regarding Clinton when his plane crashed in clear weather.

Luther Parks had gathered information regarding Clinton's sex habits. Clinton owed him $81.000 for security during his election campaign. He threatened Clinton to go public if he didn't get the money back. He was shot September 26th 1993.His son Gary said he had all the evidence at home and proof of Bill and Roger Clinton's drug abuse. The information was stolen shortly thereafter.

Vincent Foster was a good friend of Clinton since childhood. His "suicide" occurred during the Whitewater investigation. The "suicide" couldn't have been such. He still had the gun in his hand when found, which is impossible after the reaction from the bullet. Also, he held the gun in his right hand, though he was left-handed! At the same time employees at "Rose Law Firm" started to destroy documents.

In Arkansas there is a law saying that autopsy is not necessary if the diseased through a court-order can be classified to have committed suicide. This law was written by Bill Clinton. Almost every death around his person has been classified as suicide.

The crimes just don't stop! During the Whitewater investigations Patsy Thomason, Clinton's companion, searched through Foster's office the same night Foster died(!). It was justified under the means of "national security". Patsy Thomason, by the way, is in the police reports for drug related crimes, and it was she who stopped the drug tests on employees in the White House.

Gary Johnson, a lawyer, wanted to reveal the money laundering and corruption in Clinton's business ADFA. Johnson was a neighbor of Gennifer Flowers, one of the ladies Clinton has denied having a sexual relationship with. Johnson had a camera outside his house, and it caught Clinton on his way into Flower's apartment. He had his own key. Johnson had it on film and could prove that Clinton lied. He was then attacked in his home and badly wounded. The intruders also stole the film.

But why hasn't Clinton been thoroughly investigated and put to trial when so many people knew about the crimes? Larry Nichols might have the answer:

Many people wonder how Bill Clinton could lead a whole state in the size of Arkansas with the ultimate power he expressed. It's not that hard. After 12 years, after having "made friends" with the rich, Clinton was in charge of the constitutional laws, the judges, the lawyers and the banks.

When Clinton moved into the White House, he continued as before. He is just one more of the top controlled Presidents, whose purpose is to make way for the New World Order and the new slave community. When Richard Nixon resigned in the 70's the Brotherhood took over the USA with the help of Henry Kissinger and Nelson Rockefeller. Since then there haven't been any true democratic elections in the USA. The Presidents have all been selected carefully by the Illuminati, with David Rockefeller on top. The "free" elections are just something for to keep people busy and to make them think there is a choice. As a matter of fact, no candidate will make it to Presidency if he hasn't got the support from the Illuminati. Such candidates will be ridiculed, lied about or financially overthrown already early in the campaign.

Another peculiar thing about Clinton has to do with Hot Springs, Arkansas. Hot Springs is a city that has 47 thermal springs which has brought the jet set from all over the world. The mafia with their night clubs made the city a hot bed of vice, gambling and prostitution. During the 1920's the territory was so popular with organized crime, that the criminals considered the area to be "neutral ground" like they did Hollywood. In the early 60's Hot Springs had the largest illegal gambling operations in the entire USA. Clinton's uncle Roy was a politician in Arkansas's legislature connected to all the named mess. And Bill's uncle Raymond Clinton, who had a Buick dealership, was tied to all this corruption. Bill and his brother Roger's cocaine habits are well known by people who were connected with them, but how many knows about Bill's and Hillary's connection with the Illuminati? Hillary is sometimes called the "dragon lady" behind her back - for good reasons. Now it seems like the Illuminati is laying their cards on her to make a real politician out of her. She has been the "poor victim" for Bill's sexual behaviors and got the American people's sympathy and envy, as she seems to be a very strong and loyal woman. In fact she is as much involved as her husband and we can only hope she won't be the first female president of the United States. The only person to feel sympathy for in the Clinton family is their poor daughter, who has to live with this viciousness.

Also, Bill is closely connected with Charles "Chip" Whitmore, who is a Satanist and Programmer for the Illuminati and probably has MPD. Bill and Chip have often met on a weekly basis over the years. They still do; when Bill was in England Chip was there too, when Bill went to Florida so did Chip. Chip was also a drummer for Jerry Lee Lewis, who also is a Satanist and a programmer. He was also a friend of Jack Ruby. Chip had a programmed girl murder a man, and then the Illuminati Network got him off his murder charges. He has also been in charge of assassinations in his area, and controls the local law enforcement in Arkansas.

So it doesn't matter if Clinton resigns or not, as the next representative of the White House will be just another of the many Illuminati-created Presidents. In the background the current Vice President Al Gore is preparing himself to take over after Brother Bill - Gore being a 33:d degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite and with a doubtful background ...Or will we all be surprised by having Hillary Clinton as a candidate? Time will show ...


Icke, David: And the truth shall set you free (Gateway books)

Spotlight magazine: Various articles

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall....

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Post time 22-3-2005 02:32 AM | Show all posts
President Bush jr. and Osama brother business connection????hmmmmm....

Bush family抯 dirty little secret:

President抯 oil companies funded by Bin Laden family and wealthy Saudis who financed Osama bin Laden

By Rick Wiles
Copyright: American Freedom News
September 2001

President Bush recently signed an executive order to freeze the US financial assets of corporations doing business with Osama bin Laden. He described the order as a "strike on the financial foundation of the global terror network.

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Post time 22-3-2005 02:33 AM | Show all posts
Although George W. Bush抯 Texas oil ventures were financial failures, his financial backers recovered their investments through a series of mergers and stock swaps. He changed Arbusto抯 name to Bush Exploration, then merged the new firm into Spectrum 7 Energy Corporation in 1984.

The Bush-controlled oil business eventually ended up being folded into Harken Energy Corp., a Dallas-based corporation.  Mr. Bush joined Harken as a director in 1986 and was given 212,000 shares of Harken stock.  Bush used his White House connections to land a lucrative contract for the obscure Harken Energy Corp. with the Middle Eastern government of Bahrain.  On June 20, 1990, George W. Bush sold his Harken stock for $848,000 and paid off the loan he took out to buy his small share in the Texas Rangers.  The Bahrain deal was brokered by David Edwards, a close pal to Bill Clinton and a former employee of Stephens Inc. Shortly after Bush sold his stock, Harken抯 fortunes nose-dived when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.  Some critics claim young George was tipped off in advance by his father about the soon-coming Gulf War.

George W. Bush, however, worked wonders for Harken Energy Corp. before the stock collapsed.   Using the Bush family name, he managed to bring much-needed capital investment to the struggling firm.  George W. Bush traveled to Little Rock, AR, to attend a meeting with Jackson Stephens

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Post time 24-3-2005 02:48 AM | Show all posts
Walt Disney, who could ever thought he was a 33rd degree freemasons!!!!,
It's a mind control tools for kids.....:

Walt Disney Inc.

Walt Disney, he was a 33 Degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite and his whole life he has spun threads from the Mystery Schools into the children's minds with the purpose of getting them used to the occult for days to come. Tolkien Walt used the Le Sacre du Printemps (the Rite of Spring) music for Fantasia. This piece of music was written AS a pagan ritual where a virgin sacrifices herself by dancing to death. According to CIA informants opposed to the NWO, CIA contractors were brought in to build the underground tunnels under Disneyworld in 1977.

These contractors were sworn to secrecy, but were only informed on a need to know basis why the CIA was involved with an amusement park. To work on the secret tunnel project took an "Above Top Secret" clearance. A major programming center was constructed under Lake Holden. (Many of the lakes in Florida are named Lake So-and-so, rather than So-and-so La ke.) The tunnel system was built for programming trauma-based total mind-controlled slaves.

It was built of concrete with steel reinforcement. Lake Holden lies just to the northwest side of the Orlando International Airport and just south of Interstate 4. (It is close to Range 29E on quad maps.) It is only (as the crow flies) about 12 miles from Disneyworld. In spite of Draconian measures of secrecy, numerous lawsuits (Fed. & State) were filed over the years by victims trying to expose the Disneyworld programming tunnels, so that finally the programming center was dismantled, cleaned up. Disney wanted to put out more "adult" films, they did a slight of hand and created the label Touchstone films so that people wouldn't associate movies like Splash (which showed what looked like bared breasts) with Disney Productions.

Another label, Hollywood Pictures, was created by Disney to help distribute Touchstone films. At first the personnel of these companies was simply Disney's staff, but as time went on, they got their own production personnel.

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall......

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Post time 24-3-2005 04:04 PM | Show all posts
up u go:hatdown:

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Post time 26-3-2005 03:21 AM | Show all posts
Pentagon alters the scripts of TV and Movie??? hmmmmm.........

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge ... tagon_hollywood.htm

Top Gun versus Sergeant Bilko?

No contest, says the Pentagon Scripts can often be the first casualty in Hollywood's theatre of war,4029,543821,00.html

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Wednesday August 29, 2001
The Guardian

Hollywood film-makers have frequently changed plot lines, altered history and amended scripts at the request of the Pentagon, according to recently released military documents. Producers and directors have often agreed to changes in order to gain access to expensive military hardware or to be able to film on military property.

On many occasions films have been changed so that the US armed forces are shown in a more heroic fashion. Film companies agree to the changes because doing so saves them millions in production costs. If film-makers do not agree to alterations, assistance is withheld.

Among films that have been given approval and help by the Pentagon are Armageddon, Air Force One, The Jackal, Pearl Harbour and Top Gun. Those that have failed the test include Forrest Gump, Mars Attacks!, The Thin Red Line, Apocalypse Now, Sgt Bilko, Platoon and Independence Day.

One internal army memo about Forrest Gump, which starred Tom Hanks, suggested that "the generalised impression that the army of the 1960s was staffed by the guileless or by soldiers of limited intelligance" was unacceptable. "This impression is neither accurate nor beneficial to the army."

Of the scene when Tom Hanks shows a scar on his buttock to President Johnson, a navy memo states: "The 'mooning' of a president by a uniformed solider is not acceptable cinematic licence."

The documents indicate that the Pentagon sees the film business as an important part of public relations. "Military depictions have become more of a 'commercial' for us," said one memo quoted in an investigation by David Robb in the current issue of the media magazine Brill's Content.

In GI Jane, the 1997 film starring Demi Moore, one scene in a foxhole originally showed a male serviceman having difficulty relieving himself in her presence. "While addressing issues related to the presence of women in front-line ground combat, the urination scene in the foxhole carries no benefit to the US navy," wrote US navy commander Gary Shrout to the director, Ridley Scott. Scott wrote back that "this scene has been eliminated" and agreed to other changes but the end result was still unacceptable.

In Hearts in Atlantis, due out later this year and starring Anthony Hopkins, there is no military plot but the film-makers wanted to use land belonging to the army. The Pentagon agreed and suggested that the film could include a shot of an army recruiting booth in a carnival scene.

When Top Gun, starring Tom Cruise, opened in the US, navy recruiting booths were set up in cinemas. Cooperation had been given after the character played by Kelly McGillis was changed from an enlisted woman to someone outside the service, as relationships between officers and enlisted personnel are forbidden in the navy.

The film companies are often shown in the documents to be more than anxious to help. "We firmly believe that with the support of the US military, Armageddon will be the biggest film of 1998, while illustrating the expertise, leadership and heroism of the US military," wrote Disney executive Philip Nemy to the Pentagon.

The Jackal, starring Bruce Willis and Richard Gere, received help after the marines were given a better role. Major Nancy LaLuntas had objected that the helicopter pilots had no "integral part in the action - they are effectively taxi drivers."

A letter from film's director, Michael Caton-Jones, stated: "I am certain that we can address the points that you raised ... and effect the appropriate changes in the screenplay that you requested."

In GoldenEye, the 1995 James Bond film, the original script had a US Navy admiral betraying state secrets, but this was changed to make the traitor a member of the French navy - after which cooperation was forthcoming.

The makers of Independence Day agreed to turn the secretary of defence, under whom military installations fell to alien invaders, into the White House chief of staff, but still did not win approval.

The writer and producer, Dean Devlin, had told the Pentagon: "If this doesn't make every boy in the country want to fly a fighter jet, I'll eat this script." But a Department of Defence memo concluded: "The military appears impotent and/or inept; all advances in stopping aliens are the result of actions by civilians."

Mars Attacks! and the comedy Sgt Bilko also failed the test.

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Post time 26-3-2005 03:22 AM | Show all posts
The financial incentives for film companies are great because military hardware is enormously expensive and difficult to hire, with the Israeli air force being one of the few services that rents out its equipment.

Philip Strub, special assistant for the entertainment media at the Pentagon, said yesterday that the military was often asked to help when a film was still in development. He said that after changes had been suggested it was a matter of trust that the film-makers would honour the changes and he was not aware of any injunction ever being taken to stop a film being shown: "It would be anathema to us (to interfere with) the artists' rights and first amendment rights ... We regard it as a success when we work with a film-maker on a project and a lack of success when we don't."

Some films the Pentagon had been unable to assist, he said. Saving Private Ryan was shot in Europe where the US had no second world war equipment. Some projects, like the anti-war Born on the Fourth of July, never asked for help, he said. He added he anticipated that growth of computer-generated imagery meant that requests for help would decrease.

Cheryl Rhoden of the Writers Guild of America West, said yesterday that she was aware of the issue. "Any time that any outside entity attempts to effect changes is of concern to writers," she added.

Films which obtained cooperation:


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Post time 28-3-2005 01:43 AM | Show all posts
New York Times the zionist propaganda mind control tools, books like "clash of civilization,Jihad vs Mcworld are all their creations to control the peoples mind or to confuse people to suit their zionist agenda....check this out!!! ... %20and%20sharon.htm

Source: Middle East News Online | Posted Tuesday July 3, 2001 - 10:41:47 AM EDT

Sulzberger, Milosovic and Sharon

By Ahmed Amr Editor,

Most Americans would not recognize the Sulzberger name. Our country's most successful propagandist, the publisher of the New York Times keeps his name out of the news.

Operating in the shadows, he has established a reputation for his flagship newspaper as the ultimate American referee, the keeper of the score on all matters, foreign and domestic.

Aside from the New York Times, Sulzberger owns and operates The Boston Globe and dozens of other municipal papers in the country. He operates a news syndicate that distributes articles around the English speaking world and further amplifies his voice.

He also shares ownership of the International Herald Tribune with the Washington Post.

As the self-designated 'paper of record', what the New York Times chooses to publish or decides to censor eventually ends up effecting public policy. It is a common occurrence for a Congressman or a Senator to include columns from the Times in the congressional record. The volume of distribution alone accords Sulzberger and his bully pulpit journalists a forum to slice and dice policies and policy makers according to their very private agendas.

With such a franchise, the editors and journalists at the New York Times, have created for themselves a power-base that acts as a virtual lobby. Sulzberger has long accorded himself the authority to act as a shadow president, a shadow congress and a shadow Supreme Court. Although unelected, this invisible power broker is perhaps the strongest element in the arsenal of the formidable Jewish Lobby. This very ethnic newspaper has a national reach that American politicians ignore only when assured of strong support from the Washington Post, the other 'national' newspaper.

Over the course of the last nine months, a group of Arab-American and progressive journalists have carefully monitored Sulzberger's advocacy journalism on a single subject; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Exposing Sulzberger's obvious and systematic anti-Palestinian bias has been light duty. Indeed, it often appears that Sulzberger has allowed his journalists to moon light as public relations officers for the Israeli government. As a hyphenated ethnic American, I am very conscious of the difficulty in maintaining objectivity on a subject as emotional as the Palestinian struggle for independence. But, unlike William Safire, Thomas Friedman and Deborah Sontag, I make no attempt to disguise my ethnic affinities.

It seems ludicrous that an ethnic publishing company should market itself as a 'national' newspaper. America is a free country, and ethnic groups should definitely be encouraged to have their voices heard. Every patch in the great American ethnic quilt adds vibrant color to the character of our nation.

Having said that, it is only intellectually honest to acknowledge that some of the patches in our quilt are more authentically American than others, in the sense that they consciously lack a 'hyphenated' identity. In today's America, if you want to stay ethnic, no worries. No one shoves you into the melting pot. Put your hyphen on your sleeve and you are welcome to speak up for yourself, your community and 'the folks in the old country'. If you want to melt in the great mainstream, well that is also a choice one can freely make.

How ethnic is the New York Times? Well, ethnic enough to cover up for a 'war criminals in the old country', like Ariel Sharon. In fact, by following the New York Times reporting of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict it is plainly evident that Sulzberger does not only align himself with Israel, right or wrong, but with the Israeli Likudniks, who are extremely right-wing and always wrong. Now, there is no more certain sign of ethnic allegiance than when you swear allegiance to an extremist political faction in a foreign country. Sulzberger and his crew are no different from the Irish-Americans who support the Real IRA or Peruvian-Americans who support the Shining Path or Afghani Americans who support the Taliban. The symbiotic relationship with the Likud, a party dominated by Jewish supremacists and war criminals, firmly casts the New York Times and its affiliated publications in the camp of the 'very ethnic press'.

In a recent article, Roger Cohen (NYT, 6/30/2001) wrote that "it is precisely because the Serbian strongman so consistently disavowed any responsibility for, or knowledge of, the slaughter that the trial seems poised to play a central role in shaping Balkan history. The evidence offered by prosecutors to support charges of crimes against humanity can serve as documentary material of pivotal importance. Suppressed or distorted history has long fed the Balkan gyre of violence; perhaps this trial may help to break that cycle by laying out the facts." They know all about 'suppressed and distorted history' at the New York Times. As ethnic reporters they like to dress up their 'old country' leaders in the finest attire.

So they suppress any mention of Qibya or Sabra and Shatila or three decades of systematic daily violations of basic Palestinian human rights. They deliberately confuse their readers on the subject of the forced exile of the Palestinians in 1948. They report next to nothing about the humiliating and crippling siege of Palestinian towns and villages, an abominable form of collective punishment.

Is there anything more ethnic than supporting a war-criminal because he is a fellow Jew? Over the course of the last year, Sulzberger's reporters have exposed ex-Senator Kerrey's Vietnam atrocities, but deliberately ignored Sharon's filthy record as a serial mass executioner of innocent civilians. They have ranted and raved about Haider of Vienna and ignored the constant racist drivel by the spiritual leader of the Shas party. Is it any wonder that they are uncertain about where to stand on Milosovic? They seem to be struggling to take a clear stand on whether a Milosovic trial will be good for the Jews.

Nine months ago, Milosovic ruled supreme over Serbia. Is it not possible that Sharon and other Israeli military leaders will someday be made to answer for Qibya and Sabra and Shatila? Are we to assume that Israeli military leaders will walk away from their responsibility in the recent killing of five hundred Palestinians and 13 Israeli-Arab citizens? Is it not a war crime to plan and execute a siege that has the deliberate intent of destroying the Palestinian economy and social infrastructure? Why does the New York Times continue to justify the collective punishment tactics such as the destruction of Palestinian homes and olive trees? Is it not disgusting that Sulzberger collaborates with an Israeli 'unity' government that includes parties that are blatantly and vocally racist? This 'unity government' would make George Wallace blush. Tolerating such extreme racism 'among your people' is something that should permanently strip the very ethnic Sulzberger of his avowed 'liberal' and 'civil libertarian' credentials.

Too bad there is not a specific war crime tribunal for journalists and publishers who encourage 'Sharon to be Sharon'. The New York Times' iron wall defense of Sulzberger's favorite war criminal will not stand the test of time. In the age of the internet, the Sharon cover-up will result in casting appropriate doubt on the New York Times ability to play the role of 'paper of record'. Their constant attempts to fabricate the historical record, all in the interest of prolonging a vicious and racist land grabbing foreign occupation, are well-documented. Sulzberger's tactic of falsifying history by repeating fabricated and partial news in edition after edition will no longer carry the day. Them days are gone. Check your favorite search engines to get a glimpse of why 'yellow journalism' is bound to fail the test of time. The news of a Belgian trial for Sharon's war crimes will melt the iron in Sulzberger's mighty wall. Sooner or later enough Americans will get to see at least part of the BBC Panorama show exposing Sharon's war crimes.

Accepting this particular ethnic paper as a 'national' newspaper has never been in the American national interest. The sooner Americans learn about Sulzberger's role in the campaign to sanitize the war crimes of Ariel Sharon, the more likely we will develop an alternative 'national' press that reflects the interests of all ethnic groups, including the interests of Americans with-out a hyphen. When Sharon and Milosovic end up sharing a cell in the Hague, it will be a grand day for international criminal law. It will also be a serious blow to the New York Times, for it will further expose Sulzberger's complicity in denying Sharon's many victims a chance to get a measure of justice.

Defending a serial war criminal, simply because he is a fellow Jew, is not something Sulzberger should be allowed to get away with. It is time to cut his paper empire down to an appropriate ethnic size. For every child and every woman killed in Qibya, for every refugee slaughtered at Sabra and Shatila, let us resolve to get Sharon to the Hague. And let us never forget that one of his willing enablers is the man in the shadows, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.


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Post time 31-3-2005 02:54 AM | Show all posts
: : :

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge ... wish_pespective.htm

A Jewish Perspective on G.W. Bush
by Robert Lederman  

For 70 years the Bush family has hidden their three generations long connection to Nazis, anti-Semitism and eugenics. For a Jewish person, learning that the President's family fortune and political connections began with financing Hitler is a serious matter. It may have accounted for GW getting few Jewish votes.  

[1] Unlike recent US Presidents GW Bush has appointed no Jewish cabinet members. He does however have a Jewish press secretary, Ari Fleischer, who will add ethnic credibility in the event questions arise regarding the President's Hitler connection. Somewhat uncomfortable around Jews, Bush is aggressively reaching out to the African American community despite getting less than 10% of their vote. Recently, CNN showed Black ministers posing with Bush and then holding a press conference announcing the end of both the civil rights era and the influence of "agitators" and "radicals" like Jesse Jackson. In Nazi Germany there were Jewish leaders, the Judenrate, who similarly advised their followers not to resist Adolf Hitler. Elevating a few members of a targeted group is an effective way to disarm your victims.  

This 1939 quote from a leading American eugenicist perfectly describes the Bush technique: "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."  

[2] Bush's assurances of equality and opportunity stand in stark contrast to his past actions and family history. The seeming diversity within this administration is quite literally, skin deep. All of GW's cabinet appointees - including his minority appointees and advisors - are associated with right wing think tanks and foundations connected to white supremacists, the CIA or eugenics, the pseudo-science of racial superiority. Many - including Stephen Goldsmith, Tommy Thompson, Elaine Chou, John Ashcroft, Marvin Olasky, Linda Chavez, Karl Rove and Spencer Abraham - are colleagues of or are organizationally associated with Charles Murray, author of The Bell Curve.  

[3] According to the Bell Curve, Blacks are genetically inferior. Having a low IQ, they can't help but have out of wedlock children, live in poverty or resort to criminal activity. This conclusion is then used to justify building more prisons, privatizing schools and eliminating affirmative action, welfare and many social programs.  

[4] Undoubtedly, some people share this view of African Americans. Re-packaged as, "compassionate conservatism" - a motto coined by the CIA's Manhattan Institute - this kind of subtly-coded racism is exactly why Bush appealed to many white voters.  

[5] However, it's not just Blacks and Jews who need to be concerned about the Bush presidency. Bush's cabinet has striking parallels to and many of the exact same corporate players as the IG Farben oil, pharmaceutical, chemical and munitions cartel that formed the industrial base of Nazi Germany. By means of their vaccines, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and pollution these corporations and their modern day subsidiaries have already caused the death, illness and injury of more people than the Nazis did.  

[6] The Bush-Nazi connection began in the 1930's when GW's grandfather, Prescott Bush, and Prescott's father-in-law George Herbert Walker, made fortunes in the Wall Street offices of Brown Brothers-Harriman. They were managing directors for companies funneling laundered money and strategic materials to Nazi Germany. These banks and shipping companies were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act when The US Congress characterized them as Nazi front organizations.  

[7] It is true, as defenders of the President say, that the Bush family were not alone in their support for Hitler. Among the legendary American corporations and individuals who backed the Third Reich were Henry Ford, JP Morgan, The Du Ponts, Allen and John Foster Dulles (America's first CIA director and President Eisenhower's Secretary of State), Charles Lindbergh, William Randolph Hearst, Alcoa Aluminum, Rockefeller's Standard Oil (Exxon), General Motors, ITT and Chase Bank.  

[8] Today this history is suppressed by the corporate media which depends on advertising from the very same companies that put Hitler in power, but prominent Americans were not always shy about being fascists. In the 1930's America's industrial elite was so openly pro-Hitler that in 1937 William E. Dodd, US Ambassador to Germany was quoted in the NY Times as saying: "A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime.... " [8] Immediately following WWII, the US government brought thousands of Nazis to America, provided them with false identities and established them in the newly formed CIA, in universities, in the media, in medical and psychological research institutions and in the US military.  

[9] Former Presidents Bush, Reagan and Nixon used many of these former Nazis as advisors, fundraisers and campaign aides and they were an essential element in building the extreme right wing of the Republican party.  

[10] After WWII Allen Dulles, a Bush associate who was instrumental in financing the Third Reich, became the first CIA director. His brother, John Foster Dulles - the largest stockholder in Standard Oil/IG Farben after Rockefeller - became US Sec. of State. Reagan's CIA director, William Casey - who worked with the Dulles brothers in bringing Nazis to the US. - created The Manhattan Institute - the think tank that invented GW Bush's political agenda and advises him on a daily basis.  

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Post time 31-3-2005 02:55 AM | Show all posts
[11] It was the first Bush administration which gave Sadamn Hussein the chemical and biological weapons we've spent the past decade trying to locate in Iraq. It was the anti-Semitic, anti-Christian Arab oil partners of the Bush family that our soldiers risked their lives to protect in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. The corrupt dynasties which oppressively rule these Arab nations were among Hitler's closest allies in WWII.  

[12] After WWII discredited Nazism its American sympathizers, who numbered in the millions, realized the need for a fresh vehicle to disseminate their views. What they came up with - combining fascism, states rights and white supremacy with a new interpretation of Christianity - has emerged in recent years as the immensely powerful and well-funded Christian far right.  

[13] When John Ashcroft addressed the commencement ceremony at the anti-Catholic, anti-Mormon and until recently, racially segregated, Bob Jones University and solemnly intoned, "We have no king but Jesus", were we hearing patriotism, faith or fascism? (Ashcroft was misquoting a Baptist Revolutionary War slogan, No King, No Pope", according to Revolutionary War historians). As Missouri Attorney General, Ashcroft certainly knew of the US Supreme Court decision declaring Bob Jones University to be racist and revoking its tax deferment.  

[14] Ashcroft's denial under oath that he knew what Bob Jones represented, like claims he did not know Southern Heritage magazine routinely defended slavery, are hard to believe. As evidenced by numerous pamphlets and books from the 18th and 19th century, Southern slave-owners extensively used the Bible to justify slavery, which they claimed was ordained by God.  

[15] In Mein Kampf, in his speeches and in his governmental policies Adolf Hitler frequently exploited religion and religious symbols as shown by the following of numerous possible examples: "Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . we need believing people." -Adolf Hitler speech, April 26, 1933, during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordant.

A number of German ministers were instrumental in helping Hitler come to power by lending their credibility as men of faith. Perhaps these ministers believed Hitler would institute a faith-based government - as GW Bush claims he will do today. Everyone knows the statement of Reverend Martin Niemoeller: "In Germany they came first for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up. What most people don't know is that Reverend Niemoeller - now the most frequently quoted opponent of Nazism - had initially been an enthusiastic supporter of the Nazi party.

[16] Will America's religious leaders end up like Rev. Niemoeller after he was arrested by the Gestapo - denouncing GW Bush from behind the barbed wire of a modern day Auschwitz? Will opposition to Bush, Ashcroft and vouchers fail because Democrats are afraid to be accused of being anti-religious? Like Hitler, Bush's first act as President was an attack on First Amendment freedom of speech - a gag order on overseas agencies receiving funding if they even mentioned birth control or abortion. Likewise, the Third Reich began with executive orders suspending the civil rights of the German people. Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed -From Hitler, Decree For The Protection of the People and the State, 1933.

Confusion as to the real position on abortion within the Bush administration exactly mirrors Hitlers' seemingly contradictory efforts concerning birth control, sterilization and abortion. "In Nazi Germany, abortion was strictly prohibited...Aryan women were to reproduce to increase the master race. Abortion was declared an act against the state...Under the Weimar Republic, birth control information had been widely disseminated. In 1933, birth control centers were closed and the advertising of contraceptives stopped. Women were encouraged not to work and financial incentives were introduced to encourage childbearing. In contrast, Jewish women were forced to have abortions...abortion and sterilization were used by the state against groups it considered racially undesirable."

[17-18] Apart from complaining about his background, you might ask what I as a Jewish American want from GW Bush. Like many Americans I believe he is not a legitimate President, however, the US Supreme Court has allowed this coup-like election to proceed. Therefore, I'm resigned to accepting that for the next four years we will have a Nazi in the White House. All I'd ask of President Bush is something very simple for him to do. Mr. President, please make a public statement - as many of the corporations associated with you have already done - acknowledging your family's past relationship with Nazi Germany, and then, apologize for it - as the Pope recently did. Unlike your father, former President Bush, who said it was time to forgive Nazis Germany's war criminals, you have made seemingly sincere speeches about the Holocaust while fundraising at synagogues and Jewish community centers.

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.....

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Post time 5-4-2005 10:22 AM | Show all posts
:hmm: ... st%20Objectives.htm

Zionist Objectives

The objective of Zionism has never been merely to colonize Palestine - as was the goal of classical colonial and imperial movements during the 19th and 20th centuries. The design of European colonialism in Africa and Asia was, essentially, to exploit indigenous peoples as cheap labor while extracting natural resources for exorbitant profit.

What distinguishes Zionism from other colonial movements is the relationship between the settlers and the people to be conquered. The avowed purpose of the Zionist movement was not merely to exploit the Palestinian people but to disperse and dispossess them. The intent was to replace the indigenous population with a new settler community, to eradicate the farmers, artisans and town-dwellers of Palestine and substitute an entirely new workforce composed of the settler population.

In denying the existence of the Palestinian people, Zionism sought to create the political climate for their removal, not only from their land but from history. When acknowledged at all, the Palestinians were re-invented as a semi-savage, nomadic remnant. Historical records were falsified - a procedure begun during the last quarter of the 19th century but continuing to this day in such pseudo-historical writings as Joan Peters' "From Time Immemorial."

The Zionist movement would seek alternative imperial sponsors for this bloody enterprise; among them the Ottoman Empire, Imperial Germany, the British Raj, French colonialism and Czarist Russia. Zionist plans for the Palestinian people anticipated the Ottoman solution for the Armenians, who would be slaughtered in the first sustained genocide of the 20th century.

Zionist Plans for the Palestinian People
From its inception, the Zionist movement sought the "Armenianization" of the Palestinian people. Like the Native Americans, the Palestinians were regarded as "a people too many." The logic was elimination; the record was to be one of genocide.

This was no less true of the Labor Zionist movement, which sought to provide a "socialist" patina for the colonial enterprise. One of the principal theorists of Labor Zionism, a founder of the Zionist party Ha'Poel Ha'Tzair (The Young Worker) and a supporter of Poale Zion (Workers of Zion), was Aaron David Gordon.

Walter Laqueur acknowledges in his "History of Zionism" that, "A. D. Gordon and his comrades wanted every tree and every bush to be planted by Jewish 'pioneers.'" [14]

Gordon coined the slogan "conquest of labor" ["Kibbush avodah"l. He called upon Jewish capitalists, and the Rothschild plantation managers, who had obtained land from absentee Turkish landlords over the heads of the Palestinian people, "to hire Jews and only Jews." He organized boycotts of any Zionist enterprise which failed to employ Jews exclusively, and prepared strikes against the Rothschild colonists, who allowed Arab peasants to sharecrop or to work, even as cheap labor.

Thus, the "Labor Zionists" employed the methods of the workers' movement to prevent the use of Arab labor; their objective was not exploitation but usurpation."

Palestinian Society
There were over one thousand villages in Palestine at the turn of the 19th century. Jerusalem, Haifa, Gaza, Jaffa, Nablus, Acre, Jericho, Ramle, Hebron and Nazareth were flourishing towns. The hills were painstakingly terraced. Irrigation ditches crisscrossed the land. The citrus orchards, olive groves and grains of Palestine were known throughout the world. Trade, crafts, textiles, cottage industry and agricultural production abounded.

Eighteenth and 19th century travellers' accounts are replete with the data, as were the scholarly quarterly reports published in the 19th century by the British Palestine Exploration Fund.

In fact, it was precisely the social cohesiveness and stability of Palestinian society which led Lord Palmerston, in 1840, when Britain had established a consulate in Jerusalem, to propose, presciently, the founding of a European Jewish settler colony to "preserve the larger interests of the British Empire." [15]

Palestinian society, if suffering from the collaboration of feudal landowners [effendil with the Ottoman Empire, was nevertheless productive and culturally diverse, with a peasantry quite conscious of its social role. The Palestinian peasants and urban dwellers had made a clear, strongly felt distinction between the Jews who lived amongst them and would-be colonists, dating from the 1820's, when the 20,000 Jews of Jerusalem were wholly integrated and accepted in Palestinian society.

When the colonists at Petah Tikvah sought to push the peasants off the land, in 1886, they were met with organized resistance, but Jewish workers in neighboring villages and communities were wholly unaffected. When the Armenians escaping the Turkish genocide settled in Palestine they were welcomed. The genocide was ominously defended by Vladimir Jabotinsky and other Zionists in their attempts to obtain Turkish support.

In fact, until the Balfour Declaration [1917l, the Palestinian response to Zionist settlements was unwisely tolerant. There was no organized Jew-hatred in Palestine, no massacres such as the Czar and Polish anti-Semites prepared, no racist counterpart in the Palestinian response to armed colonists (who used force wherever possible to drive Palestinians from the land). Not even spontaneous riots, expressing pent up Palestinian rage at the steady theft of their land, were directed at Jews as such.

Courting Imperial Favor
In 1896, Theodor Herzl set forth his plan for inducing the Ottoman Empire to grant Palestine to the Zionist movement:

"Supposing his Majesty the Sultan were to give us Palestine; we could, in return, undertake to regulate the finances of Turkey. We should there form an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism." [16]

By 1905, the Seventh World Zionist Congress had to acknowledge that the Palestinian people were organizing a political movement for national independence from the Ottoman Empire - a threat not merely to Turkish rule but to Zionist designs.

Speaking at this Congress, Max Nordau, a prominent Zionist leader , set forth Zionist concerns:

"The movement which has taken hold of a great part of the Arab people may easily take a direction which may cause harm in Palestine. ...The Turkish government may feel itself compelled to defend its reign in Palestine and Syria with armed force. ...In these circumstances, Turkey can be convinced that it will be important for her to have in Palestine and Syria a strong and well-organized group which ... will resist any attack on the authority of the Sultan and defend his authority with all its might." [17]

As the Kaiser undertook to forge an alliance with Turkey as part of his contest with Britain and France for control of the Middle East, the Zionist movement made similar overtures to Imperial Germany. The Kaiser took nearly ten years in his on-and-off dealings with the Zionist leadership to formulate a plan for a Jewish state under ottoman auspices which would have as its principal task the eradication of the Palestinian anti-colonial resistance and the securing of the interests of Imperial Germany in the region.

By 1914, however, the World Zionist Organization was already far advanced in its parallel bid to enlist the British Empire to undertake the break-up of the Ottoman Empire with Zionist assistance. Chaim Weizmann, who was to become president of the World Zionist Organization, made an important public announcement:

"We can reasonably say that should Palestine fall within the British sphere of influence, and should Britain encourage Jewish settlement there, as a British dependency, we could have in twenty to thirty years a million Jews out there, perhaps more; they would develop the country, bring back civilization to it and form a very effective guard for the Suez Canal." [18]

The Balfour Declaration
Weizmann secured from the British what the Zionist leaders had sought simultaneously from the Ottoman and German Imperial governments. On November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration was issued.

It stated, in part:

"His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object" [19]

The Zionists were cynical in the delineation of their claim to Palestine. One moment they would assert that Palestine was a wasteland visited by occasional nomads; in the next breath they proposed to subjugate the very Palestinian population they had attempted to render invisible. A. D. Gordon, himself, repeatedly declared that the Palestinians whom, he insisted did not exist, should be prevented, by force from cultivating the soil.

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Post time 5-4-2005 10:23 AM | Show all posts
This translated into the total expulsion of non-Jews from the Jewish "fatherland." A like description informed pronouncements by British and Zionist leaders in their plans for the Palestinian population. By the time of the Balfour Declaration, British imperial armies had occupied most of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East, having enlisted Arab leaders to fight the Turks under British direction in exchange for British assurances of "self-determination."

While the Zionists in their propaganda insisted that Palestine was unpopulated, in their dealings with their imperial sponsors they made clear that subjugation was the order of the day and offered themselves as the instrument.

The British responded in kind. The Balfour Declaration also contained a passage intended to lull Arab feudal leaders shocked by the treachery of the British Empire in handing over to the Zionists the very land in which Arab self-determination had been promised:

"it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine" [20]

The British had for years used the Zionist leadership to enlist support for its war against Imperial Germany from all the major Jewish capitalists and banking concerns in the United States and Great Britain. With Weizmann they prepared to use Zionist colonization of Palestine as the instrument for political control over the Palestinian population.

The land without a people for a people without a land was in fact a country in ferment against colonial subjugation. Former Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, himself, was brutally explicit in memoranda for the eyes of officials, despite the lip service for public consumption about the "civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish [sic] communities in Palestine."

"Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad is rooted in present needs, in future hopes of far profounder import than the desires of the 700,000-plus Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land." [21]

The South African Connection
There is a particular dimension to this secret consort between Balfour and the Zionist leadership to betray the aspirations of the Palestinian people. It was Weizmann's close friend and future Prime Minister of South Africa, General Jan Smuts, who, as South African delegate to the British War Cabinet during World War I, helped push the British government to adopt the Balfour Declaration and to make a commitment to construct a Zionist colony under British direction.

The relationship between the Zionist movement and the South African settlers had evolved earlier, as had the friendship between General Smuts and Chaim Weizmann. By the turn of the century, a large Jewish population, primarily from Lithuania, had settled in South Africa. The Zionist movement regarded this population as particularly susceptible to Zionist ideas because of their already established settler status in South Africa. Zionist leaders travelled constantly to South Africa seeking political and financial support.

N. Kirschner, former chairperson of the South African Zionist Federation, provides a vivid account of the intimate interaction between Zionist and South African leaders, the identification of Zionists like Weizmann and Herzl with the South African conception of a racially distinct colonizing populace, and the importance of a virtual pact between the two movements. [22]

In identifying Zionism with South African settler ideology, Chaim Weizmann was following the early admiration expressed by Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, for the quintessential colonial ideologue, Sir Cecil Rhodes. Herzl attempted to model his own political future on the achievements of Rhodes:

"Naturally, there are big differences between Cecil Rhodes and my humble self, the personal ones very much in my disfavor; the objective ones are greatly in favor of the Zionist movement." [23]

Herzl advocated achieving Zionist dispersal of the Palestinians by using the methods pioneered by Rhodes, and he urged the formation of a Jewish counterpart to a colonial chartered company, an amalgam of colonial and entrepreneurial exploitation:

"The Jewish Company is partly modelled on the lines of a great acquisition company. It might be called a Jewish Chartered Company, though it cannot exercise sovereign power, and has no other than purely colonial tasks." [24]

"The poorest will go first to cultivate the soil. In accordance with a preconceived plan they will construct roads, bridges, railways and telegraph installations, regulate rivers and build their own habitations; their labor will create trade, trade will create markets, and markets will attract new settlers." [25]

By 1934, a major group of South African investors and large capitalists had established Africa-Israel Investments to purchase land in Palestine. The company still exists after 54 years with South Africans as joint stockholders, the assets held by Israel's Bank Leumi. [26]

The Iron Wall
The tension between the claim that the land was empty and the demand that the "non-existent" inhabitants be ruthlessly subjugated was less acute when Zionists discussed strategy among themselves. The reality of what was necessary to colonize Palestine took precedence over propaganda.

One of the ideological forbears of Zionism, Vladimir Jabotinsky, is known as the founder of "Revisionist Zionism," the Zionist current which had little patience with the liberal and socialist facade employed by the "labor" Zionists. [Revisionist Zionism is represented today by Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir.]

In 1923 Jabotinsky wrote "The Iron Wall," which could be called a benchmark essay for the entire Zionist movement. He set forth bluntly the essential premises of Zionism which had, indeed, been laid out before, if not as eloquently, by Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann and others. Jabotinsky's reasoning has been cited and reflected in subsequent Zionist advocacy - from nominal "left" to so-called "right." He wrote as follows:

"There can be no discussion of voluntary reconciliation between us and the Arabs, not now, and not in the foreseeable future. All well-meaning people, with the exception of those blind from birth, understood long ago the complete impossibility of arriving at a voluntary agreement with the Arabs of Palestine for the transformation of Palestine from an Arab country to a country with a Jewish majority. Each of you has some general understanding of the history of colonization. Try to find even one example when the colonization of a country took place with the agreement of the native population. Such an event has never occurred.

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Post time 5-4-2005 10:24 AM | Show all posts
"The natives will always struggle obstinately against the colonists - and it is all the same whether they are cultured or uncultured. The comrades in arms of [Hernan] Cortez or [Francisco] Pizarro conducted themselves like brigands. The Redskins fought with uncompromising fervor against both evil and good-hearted colonizers. The natives struggled because any kind of colonization anywhere at anytime is inadmissible to any native people.

"Any native people view their country as their national home, of which they will be complete masters. They will never voluntarily allow a new master. So it is for the Arabs. Compromisers among us try to convince us that the Arabs are some kind of fools who can be tricked with hidden formulations of our basic goals. I flatly refuse to accept this view of the Palestinian Arabs.

"They have the precise psychology that we have. They look upon Palestine with the same instinctive love and true fervor that any Aztec looked upon his Mexico or any Sioux upon his prairie. Each people will struggle against colonizers until the last spark of hope that they can avoid the dangers of conquest and colonization is extinguished. The Palestinians will struggle in this way until there is hardly a spark of hope.

"It matters not what kind of words we use to explain our colonization. Colonization has its own integral and inescapable meaning understood by every Jew and by every Arab. Colonization has only one goal. This is in the nature of things. To change that nature is impossible. It has been necessary to carry on colonization against the will of the Palestinian Arabs and the same condition exists now.

"Even an agreement with non-Palestinians represents the same kind of fantasy. In order for Arab nationalists of Baghdad and Mecca and Damascus to agree to pay so serious a price they would have to refuse to maintain the Arab character of Palestine.

"We cannot give any compensation for Palestine, neither to the Palestinians nor to other Arabs. Therefore, a voluntary agreement is inconceivable. All colonization, even the most restricted, must continue in defiance of the will of the native population. Therefore, it can continue and develop only under the shield of force which comprises an Iron Wall through which the local population can never break through. This is our Arab policy. To formulate it any other way would be hypocrisy.

"Whether through the Balfour Declaration or the Mandate, external force is a necessity for establishing in the country conditions of rule and defense through which the local population, regardless of what it wishes, will be deprived of the possibility of impeding our colonization, administratively or physically. Force must play its role - with strength and without indulgence. In this, there are no meaningful differences between our militarists and our vegetarians. One prefers an Iron Wall of Jewish bayonets; the other an Iron Wall of English bayonets.

"To the hackneyed reproach that this point of view is unethical, I answer, 'absolutely untrue.' This is our ethic. There is no other ethic. As long as there is the faintest spark of hope for the Arabs to impede us, they will not sell these hopes - not for any sweet words nor for any tasty morsel, because this is not a rabble but a people, a living people. And no people makes such enormous concessions on such fateful questions, except when there is no hope left, until we have removed every opening visible in the Iron Wall." [27]

The Metaphor of Iron
The theme and imagery of coercive iron and steel evoked by Vladimir Jabotinsky was to be taken up by the nascent national socialist movement in Germany, even as Jabotinsky had, in turn, been inspired by Benito Mussolini. The mystical invocation of iron will in the service of martial and chauvinist conquest united Zionist, colonial and fascist ideologues. It sought its legitimacy in legends of a conquering past.

Cecil B. de Mille's "Samson and Delilah" was more than a Hollywood biblical romance about the perfidy of woman and the virtue of manly strength. It carried, as well, the authoritarian values of the novel from which it was adopted, Vladimir Jabotinsky's "Samson," which trumpeted the necessity of brute force if the Israelites were to conquer the Philistines.

"'Shall I give our people a message from you?' Samson thought for a while, and then said slowly: 'The first word is iron. They must get iron. They must give everything they have for iron - their silver and wheat, oil and wine and flocks, even their wives and daughters. All for iron! There is nothing in the world more valuable than iron."' [28]

Jabotinsky, the siren of "an iron wall through which the local population can not break through" and of "the iron law of every colonizing movement ...armed force," found his call echoed in major Zionist forays against victim peoples in the decades to come.

Israel's current Minister of Defense, Yitzhak Rabin, launched the 1967 war as Chief of Staff with "Iron Will." As Prime Minister in 1975 and 1976 he declared the policy of Hayad Barzel, the "Iron Hand," in the West Bank. Over 300,000 Palestinians were to pass through Israeli prisons under conditions of sustained and institutionalized torture exposed by the Sunday Times of London and denounced by Amnesty International.

His successor as Chief of Staff, Raphael Eitan, imposed the "Iron Arm" - Zro'aa Barzel - on the West Bank, and assassination was added to the repressive arsenal. On July 17, 1982, the Israeli cabinet met to prepare what the London Sunday Times would term "this carefully pre-planned military operation to purge the camps, called Moah Barzel or "Iron Brain." The camps were Sabra and Shatila and the operation "was familiar to Sharon and Begin, part of Sharon's larger plan discussed by the Israeli cabinet." [29]

When Yitzhak Rabin, who had supported the Revisionist Likud in Lebanon during the war, became Shimon Peres' Minister of Defense in the current "national unity" government, he launched in Lebanon and the West Bank the policy of Egrouf Barzel, the "Iron Fist." It is the "Iron Fist" which Rabin again cited as the basis for his policy of allout repression and collective punishment during the 1987-1988 Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza.

It's interesting to recall, as well, that Jabotinsky located his colonial impulse in the doctrine of the purity of blood. Jabotinsky spelled this out in his "Letter on Autonomy:"

"It is impossible for a man to become assimilated with people whose blood is different than his own. In order to become assimilated, he must change his body, he must become one of them, in blood. There can be no assimilation. We shall never allow such things as mixed marriage because the preservation of national integrity is impossible except by means of racial purity and for that purpose we shall have this territory where our people will constitute the racially pure inhabitants."

This theme was further elaborated by Jabotinsky:

"The source of national feeling ...lies in a man's blood his racio-physico type and in that alone. ...A man's spiritual outlook is primarily determined by his physical structure. For that reason we do not believe in spiritual assimilation. It is inconceivable, from the physical point of view, that a Jew born to a family of pure Jewish blood can become adapted to the spiritual outlook of a German or a Frenchman. He may be wholly imbued with that German fluid, but the nucleus of his spiritual structure will always remain Jewish." [30]

The adoption of chauvinist doctrines of racial purity and the logic of the blood were not confined to Jabotinsky or to the revisionists. The liberal philosopher, Martin Buber, located his Zionism equally within the framework of European racist doctrine:

"The deepest layers of our being are determined by blood; our innermost thinking and our will are colored by it." [31]

How was this to be implemented?

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall......

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Post time 10-4-2005 03:39 AM | Show all posts

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers, which are cited to justify it.

President John F. Kennedy
Address to newspaper publishers
April 27, 1961

Is this why he was assasinated??? the statement clearly adressed to the zionist freemasons and illuminati organization....:hmm:

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall.....

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