Anime Pilihan Squall-Leonhart: Ah! Megami-sama
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Originally posted by aishiteru at 2005-3-18 09:20 PM:
uish mana dapat info tu?
Info nie aku copy-paste kat http://gateway.cjb.net |
dah tgk dah #10 hahahaha best best yang ni aku suka.. |
Originally posted by aishiteru at 19-3-2005 01:24 AM:
dah tgk dah #10 hahahaha best best yang ni aku suka..
blom tengok lagik,... tunggu bf dulu tengok sama2....:hug: |
Aku just tunggu adik aku burn CD untuk aku, aku tak larat nak copy kat hard disk aku pasal hard disk aku dah nak penuh. |
Originally posted by Squall-Leonhart at 19-3-2005 10:15 AM:
eh....baru gak aku save dlm HDD aku......:ah: |
squall,mane adik ko.kate nak jual vcd.hilang terus |
Dia sekarang tgh bz download episod 10. Kat website underground direct download yang dia gie tu kuar episod 9 dgn 10 sekaligus. |
Profile dewi
Nama: Belldandy (Nama sebenar dalam mitos Norse: Verthandi)
Umur: 21 (OVA), 25 (manga)
Tinggi: 165 cm
Ukuran badan: 83/57/84 cm
Warna mata: Biru
Warna rambut: Coklat
Lesen: 1st class, type 2, unlimited
Domain masa: Masa kini
Medium pengangkutan: Cermin
Sumber tenaga: Tidur
Bidadari: Holy Bell
Hobi: Mengemas rumah, memasak, menjahit, etc...
Kelebihan: Baik hati, penyayang, pemaaf, rajin
Kelemahan: Lurus bendul, naif sesangat, boleh mabuk kalau minum Coke
Seiyuu: Inoue Kikuko
Nama: Urd
Umur: 24 (OVA), 26 (manga)
Tinggi: 170 cm
Ukuran badan: 90/60/91 cm
Warna mata: Hijau
Warna rambut: Kelabu
Lesen: 2nd class, type 1 limited
Domain masa: Masa lampau
Medium pengangkutan: TV
Sumber tenaga: Arak aka air setan, terutamanya sake
Bidadari: World of Elegance
Hobi: Buat ubat, minum sake, menyakat Keiichi dgn Belldandy suruh diorang bercouple, gaduh dgn Skuld
Kelebihan: Seksi, pandai mengubati orang
Kelemahan: Panas baran, suka menghukum, penipu, akan tertidur kalau dengar muzik Enka [muzik tradisional slow Jepun, efek dier lebih kurang cam keroncong gak]
Seiyuu: Touma Yumi
Nama: Skuld
Umur: 12 (OVA), 16 (manga)
Tinggi: 150 cm
Ukuran badan: Tak tau...
Warna mata: Coklat
Warna rambut: Hitam
Lesen: 2nd class, type 1 limited
Domain masa: Masa depan
Medium pengangkutan: air
Sumber tenaga: Aiskrim
Bidadari: Noble Scarlet
Hobi: Merekacipta mesin, makan aiskrim, gaduh dgn Urd
Kelebihan: Pandai merekacipta [walaupun kebanyakan ciptaannya sumer tak berguna]
Kelemahan: Memang dah sedia lemah dari segi tenaga, tak matang dan perangai macam budak kecik
Seiyuu: Hisakawa Aya
Nama: Peorth
Umur: sekitar 25 (umur lebih kurang sama dgn Belldandy)
Tinggi: 170 cm
Ukuran badan: Tak tau...
Warna mata: Coklat
Warna rambut: Hitam
Lesen: 1st class, type 2 unlimited
Domain masa: Selama-lamanya
Medium pengangkutan: kamera
Sumber tenaga: Tak tau...
Bidadari: Gorgeous Rose
Hobi: Mengurat Keiichi [time awal kemunculannya]
Kelebihan: Seksi dan serius time jalankan tugas
Kelemahan: Selalu buat keputusan terburu2, suka memandai2 buat ubat [yang selalunya tak jadi]
Seiyuu: Sakuma Rei
Nama: Rind
Umur: Tak tau...
Tinggi: Tak tau...
Ukuran badan: Tak tau...
Warna mata: Biru
Warna rambut: Ungu
Lesen: 1st class, tugas khas unlimited
Domain masa: Tak tau...
Medium pengangkutan: tingkap
Sumber tenaga: Meditasi
Bidadari: Cool Mint dan Spear Mint
Hobi: Tak tau...
Kelebihan: Berkuasa tinggi dan serius time jalankan tugas
Kelemahan: Setakat nie tak tau...
[ Last edited by Squall-Leonhart on 22-3-2005 at 08:42 AM ] |
Nama: Belldandy (Nama sebenar dalam mitos Norse: Verthandi)
Umur: 21 (OVA), 25 (manga)
Tinggi: 165 cm
mitos Norse tu ap? |
ha'ah aku pernah dengar mitos ni, tapi x tau datang dari mana... |
Okey, untuk pengetahuan korang nama watak dewi 3 beradik nie [Belldandy, Urd dan Skuld] diamik drp mitos dewa-dewi Norse kat Scandinavia time zaman sebelum Masihi. Sebenarnya ada banyak kisah dewa-dewi dalam mitos Norse, tapi nama dewi 3 beradik nie datang drp mitos Norn, iaitu mitos dewi 3 beradik yang kononnya bertanggungjawab terhadap kehidupan manusia.
Dalam mitos Norn, ada sepohon pokok yang dikenali sebagai Yggdrasil yang dikenali sebagai pohon dunia dan kononnya segala yang berlaku di dunia bergantung kepada pokok Yggdrasil nie. Dewi 3 beradik nie duduk di bawah pokok Yggdrasil dan menenun sejenis kain yang kononnya menentukan kehidupan manusia di mana nyawa setiap makhluk kononnya diwakili oleh sehelai benang dan nyawa makhluk kononnya ditentukan oleh panjang benang masing-masing.
Antara 3 dewi beradik Norn nie, Skuld jugak seorang dewi Valkyrie yang sering turun ke medan perang. |
Originally posted by Squall-Leonhart at 22-3-2005 09:04 AM:
Okey, untuk pengetahuan korang nama watak dewi 3 beradik nie [Belldandy, Urd dan Skuld] diamik drp mitos dewa-dewi Norse kat Scandinavia time zaman sebelum Masihi. Sebenarnya ada banyak kisah dewa- ...
patut ler dlm movienyer ada dia tunjukkan pokok yg melambangkan kehidupan manusia yer....... |
That's right... even kat opening montage siri TV dier nie pun ada gak tunjuk Belldandy, Urd dgn Skuld dok kat satu pokok... aku rasa tu la dier pokok Yggdrasil... tapi dalam citer Ah My Goddess nie, Yggdrasil adalah mainframe supercomputer yang digunakan kat kayangan kononnya untuk pastikan life kat dunia teratur... |
Originally posted by Squall-Leonhart at 22-3-2005 09:56 AM:
That's right... even kat opening montage siri TV dier nie pun ada gak tunjuk Belldandy, Urd dgn Skuld dok kat satu pokok... aku rasa tu la dier pokok Yggdrasil... tapi dalam citer Ah My Goddess nie ...
ada nama peorth dalam mitos ni ke? |
Memang ada...
Peorth is the 14th rune of the Elder Futhark and the 6th rune of the second Aettir. It is spelled in various forms depending on the language: Perthro (Germanic: lot cup), Pairthra (Gothic: dice-cup), Peordh or Peorth (Old English/Anglo-Saxon: gaming piece), Pailt (Gaelic: plentiful).
Peorth is one of the more obscure and ambigous runes. Various translations include hearth, fruit tree, chessmen, pawn, table-game, and dice box, among others. The latter speculations arise from the context of Peorth in the Old English Rune Poem:
The Rune Poem: Verse XIV Perth
The Peorth is ever the play and laughter
Of proud men . . . .
where warriors sit blithely
Together in the beer-hall.
Donald Tyson in his Book Rune Magic (1998) explains the origins of this rune:
The definition of Peord as some form of game or gaming implement, even if generally correct in the context of the poem is far removed from its first meaning. All runes once stood for natural objects or elemental forces. It was only when the runes were interpreted by settled societies that they became trivialized.For example yew became yew-bow; cattle became wealth; the necessity to endure became feudal obligation.
However, if table-game is the degenerate meaning, a link may be formed with the first meaning of the rune--apple tree. Tacitus in his Germania mentions that the Germans divined by cutting twigs from a fruit bearing tree and carving runes on them. The most obvious fruit tree of the northern forests is the apple. History teaches that traditional forms of divination frequently degenerate into games of gambling. The Tarot devolved into common playhing cards.Geomancy became dice. It is not unlikely that Germanic divination was reduced over time to a form of table sport--probably some form of draughts. If so the runic name for the wood used in divination may have carried down to the game.
All this is highly speculative. It is worth noting, howerver that a scholar named Marstrander arrived at the same meaning for Peord through a separate philological route. He related the rune name Peord to the Irish name for apple tree, ciert, and connected the two references to the evolution of words.
Incidentally, Peorth as a dice cup has a distant connection with the Norns. Warriors would throw dice to ascertain their destinies, and they believed the resulting position of the dice was ordained by the three Norns, past, present and future. |
Nie lak pasal asal-usul nama Rind lak kat mitos Norse...
Rind is the beautiful daughter of King Billing, watchman of the western boundary of Mimir's domain. Rind is best known for being a consort of Odin, bearing the child Vali who eventually killed Hodr and thus avenged Balder's death.
Odin approached King Billing disguised himself as a dwarf intent on wooing Rind. Even though Billing approved of Odin's pursuit of Rind, she treated the chief of the Germanic Gods with undisguised contempt. She finally gave way to his advances and thus bore their son Vali.
Rind is sometimes regarded as a giantess and is also known as the primal goddess of the frozen Earth. |
Originally posted by Squall-Leonhart at 22-3-2005 10:21 AM:
Memang ada...
woo... philosiphy gitu... tapi nang best laa dia punya naming character dlm manga ni, macam robot tu dinamakan Sigel 'Rune that reveals life'.. |
wow thanks a lot Mod.. uish tak sangka aku diorang buat citer ni berdasarkan mitos betul.. Scandinavia pulak tu.. rajin betul org Jepun wat research then kuar bentuk anime.. Orang kita ada ker rajin camtu ek? |
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