iskkk tak jumpa pulak nama hostel nora duduk masa kat amsterdam. leh beritau tak? puteri nak g amsterdam 8 june nih. perhaps boleh booked online ke... atau apa pendapat nora? |
first time backpacking (boleh la dikategorikan backpacking) pegi seoul jer taun lepas berdua ngan member.. |
Originally posted by divasweet_77 at 3-5-2006 07:47 AM
first time backpacking (boleh la dikategorikan backpacking) pegi seoul jer taun lepas berdua ngan member..
me backpacking sorang laos, thailand dan india jugak dalam 5 hari.
yang lebihnya india sebulan dgn kawan baik,
dan yang lain lain dgn travel partner now my suami.
masa travel sorang, me beli ticket dulu lepas tu baru cakap dgn parent.
so dorang dah tak boleh kata no. |
yup! i pun pernah terfikir agaknyer braper lama you plan all this, nora.
esp. tpt2x yg you plan pegi. |
This is my 1st ever backpack...never before either locally or oversea.
Salah satu azam saya bg tahun ini adalah melancung. Ive been talking abt it since
January..tp tak pasti hendak kemana..its either Europe, New Zealand atau China. Beginning of
this year juga Ive been looking for travel partner. My original plan was to look for at least 4
people then we rent a car n drive around. But ramai yg put off sebab tak brani memandangkan
I pun taada experience in backpacking. .Masa beraya rumah my customer (sometime in January)
the couple baru aje balik Europe trip and Im kind of strongly wanted to go to Europe. Then I
started to look for MAS Fair and Matta Fair. The recent MATTA Fair in March 2006, I made up
my mind thats its going to be EUROPE. Worriedly, I purchased the ticket masa Matta fair ..worried
bcos Im not sure whether my leave can be approved.
The ticket purchased was on March 20th & my trrip begin on 10th April, 2006, and from there on ..
its been like reading and asking.
Bahan bacaan utama saya ialah buku, 1) THE ROUGH GUIDE TO EUROPE 2006 publisher,
Rough Guides berharga RM32.50 dr Popular Book Store, and 2) Bacaan dr this site.
Than I banyak bertanya dr org yg berpengalaman... to confirm abt the country & places of
interest. Then I download GOOGLE EARTH to study the places & the distance.
You see, masa I plan I have the rough idea which country & city to go. Details like accomodation
& transportation .. i leave it open, tak buat booking takut tak sampai ke tempat tu pada hari yg
Ive booked.
Dr hari yg I beli air ticket to the actual day of travelling is like 20days of planning. About Eurail
pass I tahu on the "11th hour"! Im leaving on 10th & I bought the Eurail pass on 7th (Friday) 8th &
9th was off day for the travel agent.
My planning was which country & city to go...& some "wish list" of places to visit.
Mmg lost masa 1st time jejak kaki kat Gatwick Airport, London. Easy way out is bertanya
the locals..tetapi sebelum bertanya mesti tahu mana nak pergi, dulu. After bertanya..its home free
..senang aje.
2 "kitab" mesti sentiasa berada di tangan.. (1) Eurail Timetable 2006 book & (2) The Rough Guide
To Europe 2006 book...

(Buku sentiasa dikendong..) |
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Sherrina... kat Jungfraujoch mmg sejuk giler (-9deg).I tak plan nak sampai to the "top
of Europe" .. mmg tak prepare with proper clothing..tu pun kami leh main baling2 salji ball
tak brani nak ski sbb ...eee...sejuk...

Top Of Europe..11,782 ft |
Putri... I duduk kat Craydon Restaurant & Hotel..alamat dia: Varmoes STR-75, Amsterdam
I do not encourage u duduk sini sebab area ni mmg pot jual marijuana, cannabis, hash..
dan yg sewaktu dgn nya. |
kalau camtu better travel masa spring going to summer (tak le panas sgt) atau summer going to autumn (berangin je). kalau pegi time sejuk, kene usung baju sejuk le plak (atau beli kat sana, maybe cheaper?) tapi kurengnya ialah tak merasa le main2 salji.....huhuhu |
Originally posted by sherrina at 4-5-2006 11:29 PM
kalau camtu better travel masa spring going to summer (tak le panas sgt) atau summer going to autumn (berangin je). kalau pegi time sejuk, kene usung baju sejuk le plak (atau beli kat sana, ...
don't worry. kat Jungfraujoch tu sepanjang tahun ada snow. so still boleh main baling2 snow. |
tanya sikit. kalau saya ada 2 hari free kat london - selasa mlm dan kena balik london khamis mlm, apa options quick trip to europe - personal preference swiss. naik apa etc. mintak2 kekawan yg ada pengalaman bagi idea. thks. |
I can advise klau naik train. Ada 2 cara ..
1) London-Brussels-Zurich
I refer to the Eurail Time Table...
1) Lonodon (Waterloo Int) @ 0610 to Brussels midi/zuid @ 0937
from Brussels midi/zuid @ 1215 to Zurich HB @20.24
2) London (Waterloo Int) @ 0634 to Paris Nord @ 10.23
Paris Gare de Lyon @ 1644 to Zurich @ 2232
Klau you nak gi ke Jongfraujoch.. You choose (1) above, the journey will continue,
Zurich HB @ 2100 to Bern @ 2158 change train fr Bern @ 2209 to Interlaken Ost@ 2303.
You spend the nite at Interlaken.
Next morning (Wednesday) you can take the train from Interlaken to Jongfraujoch,
Interlaken Ost @ 0720 to Luterbrunnen @0740 (tukar train fr Luterbrunnen @ 0755 to
Kleine Scheidegg @ 0749 tukar train fr Kleine Scheidegg @ 0755 to Jungraujoch @ 0846.
So main2 salji kat Jungraujoch say spend abt 4 hrs or so..you can get down ..and walk around
Interlaken for some shopping.
Khamis pagi ..you balik to London.

Tak teruja ke nak pergi ke Jungfraujoch  |
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Reply #152 nora8's post
Nora, thanks. I may be in London in June and initially was only planning to spend the 2 free days in London. However, having read abt your europe trip, I am reconsidering. Memang teruja tapi tak sangat pasal nak main salji; more on seeing the places & people. Apart from Switzerland, any other place that you would recommend for such a short time; lagi satu, dlm itinerary above,
1) Lonodon (Waterloo Int) @ 0610 to Brussels midi/zuid @ 0937
from Brussels midi/zuid @ 1215 to Zurich HB @20.24
ni hari Selasa kan - so I spend Wed in Jungfraujoch; I can only leave London Selasa mlm earliest.
Or memang 2 days tak sesuai ke sana. Thanks |
Return Fr Europe Backpack-10
Early mprning, checked out from the EURO YOUTH HOSTEL, placed our bag at the storage
& walked to MUNICH, HBF. Then we booked the ticket to PARIS-to take the nitetrain with
couchette, a 6 bunker room. Most of the shop at the station were closed due to EASTER
celebration. Cant find souvenier for FIFA World Cup..but kami jumpa ni |
nora, gambar dlm castle neuschwanstein takder ke????
btho....masuk castle....ada tourist guide yg bawa berjalan2 & bagi penerangan.
Awal2 dia dah bagi amaran ..tak leh ambik gambar dalam castle  |
Originally posted by nora8 at 5-5-2006 10:36 PM
The nearest to London is Brussels...
London(Waterloo International) @ 1947 to Brussels midi/zuid@ 2310. (selasa) ... (Eurostar)
Wednesday you leh round2 Brussels.
Ataupun ...
thanks. roughly tambang train brp? sebab pendek sangat nak ambik pass right? sorry byk tanya - thanks |
I dunno brapa tambang klau u take short trip cam tu .. I guess u kena check fr the internet.
Mmg not worth it klau ambik EuRail pass.
Don worry abt tanya banyak2..kaunter pertanyaan sentiasa terbuka, 24 hours  |
Originally posted by nora8 at 5-5-2006 10:58 PM
I dunno brapa tambang klau u take short trip cam tu .. I guess u kena check fr the internet.
Mmg not worth it klau ambik EuRail pass.
Don worry abt tanya banyak2..kaunter per ...
thanks a lot. nanti saya check & kalau ada soalan, saya tanya lagi. |
Originally posted by nora8 at 5-5-2006 10:36 PM

gambar mcm ni yg buat aku meronta2 nak gi backpack nih!!!!!!!! |
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