dia dgn zizi ezzet siapa lagi rendah?
RedDevils Post at 16-12-2009 21:08 
opkos la bung moktar... |
dia dgn zizi ezzet siapa lagi rendah?
RedDevils Post at 16-12-2009 21:08 
tak tau la..tak pernha tgk gambar depa bersama...
rasanya dia nak kawin ngan mak zizi kot, baru sepadan... |
"Saya tidak cukup kacak untuk beliau,” kata wakil rakyat BarisanNasional itu ketika dihubungi melalui telefon selepas wakil media gagalmenjejakinya di Bangunan Parlimen di sini.
urusniaga2020 Post at 16-12-2009 21:01 
Ohh.... sedihnya anya dengar ni UR....... |
kalo aku jadik bung mokhtar,aku tanye balik wartawan tu!eh?zizie estet?sape tu?saye tak kenal |
jappppppp....nafi AKAN kawin....
mungkin dia berkata benar, kalau depa memang SUDAH kawin  |
tak tau la..tak pernha tgk gambar depa bersama...
rasanya dia nak kawin ngan mak zizi kot, baru sepadan...
alahai Post at 16-12-2009 21:17 
Tu ayat pernyataan ATAU ayat mengata ?
anwar ahli parlimen dari sabah.  |
but the commotion is stemmed from the comment made by zizie yaa........maksudnya kat sini........memang zizie tu pun nak ke dia ke?......macam lebih sudu dari kuah gitu?... |
abis la ko zitee duduk dlm hutan la nanti |
kalo la si wartawan tanye aku
"betol ke en shazuyi ade hubungan dgn zizie estet?"
"nape?ko jeles sebab abah ko x kawen ngan die?'
Ooo... macam ni rupanya bergossip...
***- tak pernah pi bod gossip |
Benarkah gossip kononnya Bung Mohtar yang glamer kat parlimen tu kawin dengan pelakon, penyanyi ZIZIE EZZETE ???
YB Bung Mokhtar Radin
Published: Wednesday December 16, 2009 MYT 5:58:00 PM
Updated: Wednesday December 16, 2009 MYT 9:55:29 PM Parliament lobby hot with talk of Bung marrying actress Zizie
KUALA LUMPUR: Talk is rife that Kinabatangan Member of Parliament Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin, 50, is to marry actress Zizie Ezette, 31.
The 'news' of Bung marrying Zizie spread fast around the Parliament lobby on Wednesday after Malay daily Utusan Malaysia reported that the actress had admitted that an MP from Sabah had proposed to her and that she was ready to be his wife.
Thetalk was fuelled by the fact that the outspoken MP, already marriedwith four children, had recently changed his hairstyle and starteddyeing his hair.
MPs present at Parliament building on Wednesday were also keen to find out whether Bung was marrying Zizie.
Bung Mokhtar Radin is said to be marrying actress Zizie Ezette.
Oneof his close friends in the House Datuk Mohamed Aziz (BN - Sri Gading)did not want to comment, while another MP, Datuk Ismail Kassim (BN -Arau) said this was a personal matter and he did not know about it.
In an interview with Malay tabloid Kosmo!,Zizie, who started out as a fresh-faced 13-year-old and now enjoysplaying the villain, said that an MP was special in her life and shefelt he was sincere in the relationship.
Zizie, who starred in Kekasih Awal dan Akhir, said she needed time to consider whether or not to accept his marriage proposal.
“Sincethis proposal is from a married man, I have to think seriously becauseI don’t want to hurt another woman’s feelings,” said Zizie, who won theBest Actress award in Anugerah Skrin 2003 for her performance in thetelemovie 'Aduhai Esah'.
She also picked up the Best Aspiring Actress award at the 11th Malaysian Film Festival in 2003.
Bung, however, denied he is marrying Zizie.
“Iam not handsome enough for her,” Bung said when contacted over thephone, after he seemingly disappeared from the Parliament building onthe second last day of the sitting.
Bung had earlier promised to show up in the afternoon but then changed his mind, saying that he was away attending a meeting.
Later in an SMS, Bung said he would not turn up in Parliament as he was busy.
He also denied he was marrying, but when asked whether he had proposed to Zizie, there was no reply. |
1# cmf_tongkatali
The Parliament lobby on Wednesday was hot with
talk that controversialKinabatangan MP Datuk Bung
Mokhtar Radin is to marry actress ZizieEzette. |
| |