Post Last Edit by anarina at 2-4-2011 12:00
Reply 159# jetrofa
U better warn the rest as well..coz i'm not the only one who think so (i'm not stupid after all). Beside I also associate her voice with the glee girl...go dump your stupid emo somewhere else!
really? HAHA damn funny, like im buying what u have said! u better read back ur recent writing like for example "coz i'm not the only one who think so" not the only one? meaning that u admit that were thinking like that? duh, and suddenly "beside" i also then associate her voice with that glee girl, trying to cover up?
anyway from thread #1 till urs ya, i didnt see anyone BEFORE u, mentioning anyone in particular let alone paste a person's picture, so u ask me to warn people? when u give platform the rest will follow, i shouldnt warn the rest but the one who have started.
emo ke? agagaga, kalau aku cakap pasal mak ko pasal adik ko ke kakak ko ke makcik ko ke kan, sebab yelah tak mustahil, sapa boleh masuk AF so aku kata dia mcm "distance cousin Mercedes" boleh? org pun ketawa2 baca, pastu aku tulis lagi coz i'm not the only one who think so (i'm not stupid after all) then aku tambah lagi Beside I also associate her voice with the glee girl...go dump your stupid emo somewhere else! bolehhhhh?
go get a mirror, malu la sikit wei muka tu, mengata org, booo ya! anyway aku mmg kaki lawan, bila kau boleh bercakap pasal org, accept the fact that people can talk back about ya! org mcm ko ni sesekali nak kena buku dgn ruas, kalau tak hidup membongkak tau nak mengata org je.
best tak? now put urself in that person's shoe, peace!
p/s: this is by all of us, her friends & family who will support everyone in AF including the subject of ur interest, for them offering their huge talents, not their physical appearance. |