Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2004-1-9 05:12 AM:
Yess... yesss... its not anti-semitism and junk... just that the Jews are controlling the whole world by remote control... and make people die for them... ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif)
now u get the pic that hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists indeed r lustful blood thirsty lot. indeed they're rapin the whole world by proxy. only superdonkey bush is blind to that HARDfact. bless u for the enlightenment that u get from SONNYs perserverin HARDfacts
The Jews press some switch and robots like bush will send his zombie soldiers to kill and murder and... commit genocide mainly Muslims as per wish of the Jews...
And when the Jews kill and murder Palestinian babies and women(mans are not important to mention)... the Puppet American Bush... gives more weapon to destroy and to commit genocide against the Palestinians... babies and women...
concur with u 1000000%. bless u for seein the daylight. may superdonkey bush rot in depest pit of hell for his superhypocrisy.
btw wots ur constructive solution as to how PALESTINIANS should react when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em by buildin 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israeli proper?
lets say u r raped. will be beg for more or will u rape him in return? :bg:
peace |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2004-1-9 05:05 PM:
may u find peace in SONNY's perserverin HARDfacts
Yes... yess... HELL... ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif)
Dubya goona fry in hell for going against SonnyBoys Bible's prediction.
sonofbitch Jews gonna stay Nomads... eventhough they are not Nomads anymore... minor glitch.
may superdonkey bush n hapless pious terrorist cum rapist chief sharon the victor rot in deepest pit o hell
A small glitch... in the noble deed of the "innocent" suicide bombers. Lets give the "innocent" suicide bombers a shovel... let them dig a tunner deeper than 6 meter under... no wall gonna keep the heroic "innocent" suicide" bombers from raping bus load of "criminal"...
As our wiseman HadiAwang said... there is no civilians in Israel... all are the people in Israel are military targets.
6kilo either way is illigal... Israel should not exist... only native Palestine have a right to exist... Jews are all foreigners... invaders from Europe... don't believe ask Muslims...
Suicide bomber will send the sonofbitch Jews packing their bag back to Mesopotenia or whereever their ancestor like Abraham came from... Palestine belong to Palestinians... the true natives... descendance of the great Nation Canaan... whose anscestor never migrated from anywhere else
nonetheless wots ur constructive solution as to how PALESTINIANS should react when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em by buildin 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israeli proper?
Yes... yess... rape them back...
Sonofbitchs Jews don't want peace... everytime some deal is made for peaceful solution... the a sonofbitch Jew will impersonate a palestine "innocent" suicide bomber and destroy the peace process...
Lets rape the sonofbitchs Jews... how dare they set foot in Palestinians Native land of Canaan.
Lets get more "suicide bombers"... Lets see who can rape better...
Lets rape the sonofbitch Jews into extiction... lets finish off where Hitler left...
Train all the people of Palestine to become "innocent" suicide bomber... train them young... babies, kids, women, man, old folk...
Lets see who can rape better...
After all Allah and Yahweh is on Palestianian side... Allah will destroy all the sonofbitch Jews and Yahweh will make the sonofbitch Jews into Nomads till eternity(Sonnyboys Bible say so)... there is no contradictions... just a small glitch...
nonetheless lets say u r raped. will be beg for more or will u rape him in return? :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 9-1-2004 at 05:32 PM ] |
misled_youth This user has been deleted
SFE took a long break so that he can visit Anwar to PROVE MAHATHIR WAS RIGHT - that Anwar was a good cock sucker. |
Originally posted by misled_youth at 2004-1-10 01:44 AM:
SFE took a long break so that he can visit Anwar to PROVE MAHATHIR WAS RIGHT - that Anwar was a good cock sucker.
M.Y argue or constribute something useful lah... instead of making irrelevent statement...
Maybe you can tell me... how many sonofbitch Jews the Europeans kill compared to how many sonofbitch Jews the "innocent"Arabs kill... this is very important to SonnyBoy...
I have no HARDfacts on that... maybe you can enlightent me loh...
or How about answering this...
nonetheless wots ur constructive solution as to how PALESTINIANS should react when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em by buildin 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israeli proper?
or this...
nonetheless lets say u r raped. will be beg for more or will u rape him in return
hint... your answer must be in fovour of the native... bumiputras of Canaan... the Palestinians... if not SonnyBoy gonna calll you a liar...![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
The more you kick the sonofbitch Jews the more praises you gonna get from SonnyBoy... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
[ Last edited by FaithHealer3 on 10-1-2004 at 04:34 AM ] |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2004-1-10 04:33 AM:
M.Y argue or constribute something useful lah... instead of making irrelevent statement...
Maybe you can tell me... how many sonofbitch Jews the Europeans kill compared to how many sonofbitch Jews the "innocent"Arabs kill... this is very important to SonnyBoy...
I have no HARDfacts on that... maybe you can enlightent me loh...
or How about answering this...
nonetheless wots ur constructive solution as to how PALESTINIANS should react when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped em by buildin 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israeli proper?
or this...
nonetheless lets say u r raped. will u beg for more or will u rape him in return?
hint... your answer must be in fovour of the native... bumiputras of Canaan... the Palestinians... if not SonnyBoy gonna calll you a liar...
The more you kick the sonofbitch Jews the more praises you gonna get from SonnyBoy...
so wots ur intelligent response to me intelligent questions? am waitin :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 10-1-2004 at 09:14 AM ] |
FATHHEALER3. read :2cool:
Heb. 3:7-14
So, as the Holy Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’ So I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.”
no wonder yahweh has cursed hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists to be nomads till kingdom come thy will be done
no wonder hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jew/israelis/zionists dont feel guilty in rapin PALESTINE n annihilate their brethren the PALESTINIANS coz they have been murderin n rapin for donkey years, includin the murder of jesus christ
its an eye for an eye really
muslims n christians have raped n murdered the jews those yesteryears.
likewise hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews have murdered n raped others. read on :bg:
Originally posted by Gray at 2003-11-19 10:28 PM:
Does the bible teaches and approves of such acts - it must be, if not why would such detailed acts being mentioned!
Murder and Slavery
After this, David subdued and humbled the Philistines by conquering Gath, their largest city. David also conquered the land of Moab. He made the people lie down on the ground in a row, and he measured them off in groups with a length of rope. He measured off two groups to be executed for every one group to be spared. The Moabites who were spared became David's servants and brought him tribute money. (2 Samuel 8:1-2 NLT)
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 11-1-2004 at 12:09 PM ] |
yawwnn ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-14 11:16 AM:
yawwnn |
wot u wanna say FAITHHEALER3? :re: |
wot so great bout man mohd cursin man when yahweh has cursed hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists to be nomads till doomsday?
only hecklin donkeys wanna make fuss over man cursin man while ignorin divine yahweh cursin man. read
this cut n paste is from trinity priest. jesus is no god coz he can shit pizz n die like u. but this trinity priest twisted yahwehs curse into disobedyin man jesus as god which is crap of course. the rest of his preachin is ok :bg:
By Rev. Ted Pike
The raging conflict in the Middle East sparks two essential questions. First: Do the Jews own Palestine? The answer is yes. Scripture makes it clear that the land of Palestine was given by God to the physical descendants of Abraham. (Gen. 12:7, 13-14-17- 11 Chron. 20:7; Acts 7:5)
Secondly- Do the Jews have the right to occupy Palestine? The answer to this question is no! Scripture states that if Israel rejects Jesus, (Yahweh) who brought them into Canaan, He will expel them from the land. They can never lawfully return until they are obedient to their rejected Messiah.
Yahweh's conditional terms of occupancy are bluntly laid down in Leviticus 26-27,33. "Yet if in spite of this you do not obey me, but act with hostility against me, then I will act with wrathful hostility against you ... You ... I will scatter among the nations and will draw out a sword after you, as your land becomes desolate and your cities become waste."
Deuteronomy 4:25-27 continues: "When you do that which is evil in the sight of the Lord your God so as to provoke him to anger, I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that you shall surely perish quickly from the land ... You shall not live long on it, but shall be utterly destroyed. And the Lord will scatter you among the nations, where the Lord shall drive you."
And in Deuteronomy 58:63-4- "if you are not careful to observe all the words of this law ... you shall be torn from the land where you are entering to possess it. Moreover, the Lord will scatter you among all peoples."
In the Old Testament, when Israel and Judah abandoned Yahweh, both nations were exiled from Palestine: Israel by the Assyrians in 722 B.C., Judah by the Babylonians in 597 B.C.
Only abject repentance entitled a small minority of Judeans, under Ezra and Nehemiah, to return from Babylon and again occupy their land of promise. After the remnant Jews' rejection and crucifixion of Christ, they also were scattered among the nations in fulfillment of God's ancient decree.
Since their expulsion under Titus in 70 A.D., the Jews still have not repented. They have not given Christ the obedience He demands.
Who Has Rights of Occupation? Who, then, are the legitimate occupants of Palestine today? When God exiled Judah under Nebuchadnezzar in 597 B.C. He allowed various mixed people, later called Samaritans, to occupy Judea. Such occupancy was not conditional on righteousness. What was important was that rebellious Jews not occupy the land.
Similarly, when God expelled the Jews from Palestine in 70 A.D. He allowed various peoples eventually known as Palestinian Arabs to occupy the land in lieu of Jewish obedience.
Do the Palestinians own the land? They do not. But they do have divine approval, as did the ancient Samaritans, to become tenants of the land until Israel repents.
Someday, out of great tribulation, a remnant of Jews will give God the obedience He demands. Christ will lead this believing remnant back to the land of their forefathers; they will dwell there lawfully, in peace and safety. This will be the only legitimate return the Jews will make to Palestine since their rejection of Christ 2000 years ago. It will gloriously fulfill hundreds of Old Testament prophecies. (Isa. 4:4, 10:20, 59:20; Hos.14:4; Joel 2:18-20; Zeph. 2:7, 3:11-13) Until that time, God calls heaven and earth to testify that unbelieving Jews must remain dispersed, scattered, "wandering" among the nations (Deut. 4:25-27). And yet, as in ancient Babylon, God encouraged them to build, plant, marry and take root in the land of their dispersion, and to "seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile." (Jer. 29:4-7)
The proper role for unbelieving Jews is to dwell scattered among the very safe and prosperous Jewish communities in New York, London, Paris, etc. They are not to wrest Palestine from its divinely approved occupants, thus inciting persecution and hatred against Jews worldwide. This timeless principle of "no obedience, no occupancy" was illustrated in the time of Joshua. (Num. 13:25-33; 14:1-45) God invited the Hebrews to occupy Palestine by faith. Yet when unbelief emerged, He refused to let them in. When the people decided they wanted to penetrate the land anyway, God rejected them, ultimately condemning them to wander and die in the wilderness. Only a new, obedient generation (like the later generation under Ezra and Nehemiah) would be allowed to take root in a land dedicated to obedience.
(delete) |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-16 12:53 PM:
wot u wanna say FAITHHEALER3? :re: |
thou shalt not go down the toilet bowl yet ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
SonnyDude... I made you wait long enough just like you made me wait.
Anyway... the topic was getting nowhere...
Dr.M being paranoid and you supporting him... and junk
You with your fixed mindset...
that the Jew are evil and must be nomads... and junk
that the jews are raping and genociding the palestinians... and junk
that the Jews stole the lands from the palestinians...and building homes for the jews
that the jews are discriminating the israel palestinians..and junk
that the jews are building wall on palestinian territory... and junk
And i see from the jews point of view...
that the jews have a valid point that Israel/Canaan is indeed where the migrated jew hope to return... along with the native Jews.
that the Arab didn't want Jews there... and that Arabs with the religious backing... wanting to kill/chase away the Jews.
that the Arab attack the Jews... and lost the war.
that the Jews were smart enough to get the aids from UK/US
that the Arabs were foolish enough to attack the Jews.
I see that there is no way this hate between the Jews and the Arabs going to go way.
Diplomatic way is not bring any peace... when diplomatic ways fail... war is the answer... winner rules. loser listens to the winner.
Since Israel had already won the war... Arabs must listen to the Jews.
Since the Arabs are not listening but instigating and resorting to dirty suicide techniques...the Jews must defend themself... from the attacks.
The WALL is a definate answer in preventing the small attacks... since Israel won the war(6day war)... they have a right to build the security wall whereever they like... If the Arabs don't like it they can show it by the old fashion way... start another war to decide...
My view on the Jews... i like the non-religious Jews... the thinkers... the scientist... the inventor... but I don't like the orthodox Jew... the freaks who think they are the chosen ones... and cry at the wailing wall... stupid idiots.
I don't like Moses the freak... who make use of his imaginary friend Yahweh to kill other and grap other peoples property and land... Same goes to all the prophets... Joshua, Saul, David, Soloman who wage war and kill and capture peoples land and property... this warlords the so-called prophets use God for they evil purpose.
I see no point in arguing abt Israel/Palestinian issue... if the UN don't want to take control of the land... even with pressure from oil filled Saudi.. who is gripping the US by the balls...
Israel is not going to disappear... and Palestine will be a nation sooner or later... till then... let the security WALL talk... |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2004-1-23 02:22 AM:
SonnyDude... I made you wait long enough just like you made me wait.
donke excuse. me didnt come in for bout a month coz am christmasin, new yearin. but u did come in off n on
Anyway... the topic was getting nowhere..
another donkey excuse. the HARDfact is u cant counter me HARDproofs. so u wanna slink off with ur tail between ur hind legs right? go ahead
Dr.M being paranoid and you supporting him... and junk
wrong. malaysias former prime minister talked sense n u know it. who control by proxy other than hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionist? who?
You with your fixed mindset...
that the Jew are evil and must be nomads... and junk
indeed hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist r evil n cursed by yahweh. read
Originally posted by Gray at 2003-11-19 10:28 PM:
Does the bible teaches and approves of such acts - it must be, if not why would such detailed acts being mentioned!
Murder and Slavery
After this, David subdued and humbled the Philistines by conquering Gath, their largest city. David also conquered the land of Moab. He made the people lie down on the ground in a row, and he measured them off in groups with a length of rope. He measured off two groups to be executed for every one group to be spared. The Moabites who were spared became David's servants and brought him tribute money. (2 Samuel 8:1-2 NLT)
Heb. 3:7-14
So, as the Holy Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’ So I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.”
that the jews are raping and genociding the palestinians... and junk
hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists indeed rape n genocide by murderin PALESTINIAN innocent + babies along with hamas. n u couldnt counter intelligently me HARDfact
that the Jews stole the lands from the palestinians...and building homes for the jews
hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist indeed rape PALESTININANS by buildin 200 illegal jewish settlements in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories. n u couldnt counter intelligently me HARDfacts
that the jews are discriminating the israel palestinians..and junk
indeed hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist have discriminated against PALESTINIAN israelis when they destoyed PALESTINIAN israelis' homes cozin em to become refugees in the millions to give way to imported jews. n u couldnt counter intelligently me HARDfacts
that the jews are building wall on palestinian territory... and junk
indeed hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists have raped PALESTINE by buildin 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israel proper. n u couldnt counter intelligently me HARDfacts
And i see from the jews point of view...
that the jews have a valid point that Israel/Canaan is indeed where the migrated jew hope to return... along with the native Jews.
n u coulnt c history of the world viewpoint that israel/canaan has now become PALESTINE n is owned by PALESTINIANS be they jews, muslims, christians etc. only with donkey un grace that PALESTINIANS r forced to share PALESTINE so that israel can exist
that the Arab didn't want Jews there... and that Arabs with the religious backing... wanting to kill/chase away the Jews.
n u deny the HARDfacts that saudi has come up with peace plan for the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict n hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist rejected the peace plan for they prefer to continue genocide the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE as they think fit
that the Arab attack the Jews... and lost the war.
n u couldnt c the HARDfact that hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists won the war coz superdonkey bush has donated billions worth of arms to em to genocide the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE who have done no wrong to superdonkey bush or to hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists
that the Jews were smart enough to get the aids from UK/US
n u couldnt c the HARDfact that stooge blair n superdonkey bush dont want hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist to own a part of europe so they make PALESINE as their scapegoat
that the Arabs were foolish enough to attack the Jews.
n u couldnt c the HARDfact that the arabs have no choice but to help the PALESTINIANS fight hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists. otherwise PALESTINE gonna be another america where amerian indians r raped n plundered into extinction by superdonkey white americans
I see that there is no way this hate between the Jews and the Arabs going to go way.
no way the hatred gonna go away unless n until hapless pious terrorist cum rapist stop rapin PALESTINE n genocide PALESTINIANS as they chant piously luv thy neighbour as thyself
Diplomatic way is not bring any peace... when diplomatic ways fail... war is the answer... winner rules. loser listens to the winner.
thats forked tongue pagan talk. hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists won the war coz superdonkey bush donated billions worth of arms to em. otherwise hapless pious terrorist cum rapist israel is nuthin. hence as winner, hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israel/zionists should thank yahweh n make peace with the loser PALESTINIANS. but noooo, theyre blood thirsty parasites. thats why yahweh cursed em to become nomads. only with donkey un grace that they have israel
Since Israel had already won the war... Arabs must listen to the Jews.
thats forked tongue pagan rationale. read me postin above
Since the Arabs are not listening but instigating and resorting to dirty suicide techniques...the Jews must defend themself... from the attacks.
the HARDquestions remain wot will u do if ur're raped? will u beg for more or rape ur rapist in turn? wot should the PALESTINIANS do when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionist rape em?
The WALL is a definate answer in preventing the small attacks... since Israel won the war(6day war)... they have a right to build the security wall whereever they like... If the Arabs don't like it they can show it by the old fashion way... start another war to decide...
u're exposin ur forked tongue pagan evil bloodthirsty self. u wanna PALESTINIANS start a war if they dont like hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist buildin 600 berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israel proper right? in other words u wanna PALESTINE become sucide bombers right? evil pagan indeed
My view on the Jews... i like the non-religious Jews... the thinkers... the scientist... the inventor... but I don't like the orthodox Jew... the freaks who think they are the chosen ones... and cry at the wailing wall... stupid idiots.
the HARDfact remains jews (not all) r hapless pious terrorism cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist n its right for em to be cursed forever by yahweh
I don't like Moses the freak... who make use of his imaginary friend Yahweh to kill other and grap other peoples property and land... Same goes to all the prophets... Joshua, Saul, David, Soloman who wage war and kill and capture peoples land and property... this warlords the so-called prophets use God for they evil purpose.
the HARDfact remains religion has nuthin to do with man's evil. yahweh curses hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists coz they're rotten to the core.
n who dont rape to get land? its happened in canaan, n it happened in america whereby superdonkey white americans have cozed native americans to become extinct
I see no point in arguing abt Israel/Palestinian issue... if the UN don't want to take control of the land... even with pressure from oil filled Saudi.. who is gripping the US by the balls...
wrong. its hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionist who have saudi, superdonkey bush, donkey un, the whole world by their balls. they control the world by proxy as exposed by malaysias former pm
Israel is not going to disappear... and Palestine will be a nation sooner or later... till then... let the security WALL talk...
sure israel not gonna disappear, likewise PALESTINE. thats why theres suicide bombers to counter hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists evil deeds. an eye for an eye :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 25-1-2004 at 02:26 PM ] |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
donke excuse. me didnt come in for bout a month coz am christmasin, new yearin. but u did come in off n on
StupidSonnySwine... Stop faking... Freakin christmas&new year ain't that long... you had your brains up your SorryCanndyAss... thats why you didn't inform that you are taking a break...
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
another donkey excuse. the HARDfact is u cant counter me HARDproofs. so u wanna slink off with ur tail between ur hind legs right? go ahead FAck you.. you ain't got no Shitt... Your freakin HARDfact are FAKEfact...
Get this in Your Shiit head... ISRAEL is alive and fAckin your Stupid brothers there who deny the existence of ISRAEL.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
wrong. malaysias former prime minister talked sense n u know it. who control by proxy other than hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionist? who? The old fool is seniles and paranoid... just like you StupidSonnySwine... nobody have absolute control... freakin shiit like you would not understand.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
indeed hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist r evil n cursed by yahweh. read FAckYou Bitch... Imaginary Yahweh cursed no one... some stupid Jews made up the curse... to make other jews to follow the ShiitJudaismFaith
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
n u deny the HARDfacts that saudi has come up with peace plan for the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict Saudi... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
the fAkin Kingdom is on the top list of HumanRightAbuse... a country well known for generating terrorist... PeacePlan my foot.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
n u couldnt c the HARDfact that hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists won the war coz superdonkey bush has donated billions worth of arms to em to genocide the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE who have done no wrong to superdonkey bush nor to hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists SupidSonnySwine... can't you see... with arab the $ pouring in to the terroristBasstard palestinians... to genocide Jews... its only fair game.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
n u couldnt c the HARDfact that the arabs have no choice but to help the PALESTINIANS to fight hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionist. otherwise PALESTINE gonna be 2nd america where amerian indians r raped n plundered into extinction by superdonkey white americans StupidSonnySwine your are a LIAR...
Arabs wanted to genocide the returning Jews...
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
hence as winner, hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israel/zionists should thank yahweh n make peace with the loser PALESTINIANS. but noooo, theyre blood thirsty parasites. thats why yahweh cursed em to become nomads. only with donkey un grace that they have israel StupidSonnySwine... the Arabs want war... from the day ISRAEL was declared a state... actually even before Israel was declared... the Arabs are blood thirsty morons...
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
the HARDquestions remain wot will u do if ur're raped? will u beg for more or rape ur rapist in turn? wot should the PALESTINIANS do when hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionist rape em? StupidSonnySwine... its the Arab who rape and raping the jews... the Jews are returning what the Arabs are giving them...
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
u're exposin ur forked tongue pagan evil bloodthirsty self. u wanna PALESTINIANS start a war if they dont like hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist build 600 berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israel proper right? in other words u wanna PALESTINE to become sucide bombers right? evil pagan indeed The security wall is a new issue... the result of stupid moronic suicide bomber in the first place... the Freakin Jews own the palestine ... they can freakin well build any Shiit they want anywhere... you just shut the fAckUp and go and blow yourself up... maybe you to can get 72virgins to fAck in heaven... Idiot.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
the HARDfact remains jews (not all) r hapless pious terrorism cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist n they should be cursed forever by yahweh No fAckFace... the is no curse... git dat in ur Freakin brain.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2004-1-25 01:38 PM:
wrong. its hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionist who have saudi, superdonkey bush, donkey un, the whole world by their balls. they control the world by proxy as forseen by malaysias former pm Wrong moron... Jews and Muslim are equally controlling the world by proxy...
Its not Jew alone in control... freakin Muslims are controlling too many thing... and crying... we are humiliated... we need more control... blah blah blah... ad nauseam. |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2004-1-25 02:50 PM:
StupidSonnySwine... Stop faking... Freakin christmas&new year ain't that long... you had your brains up your SorryCanndyAss... thats why you didn't inform that you are that you are taking a break...
r u me dad that i should report to u before me go off somewhere?
FAck you.. you ain't got no Shitt... Your freakin HARDfact are FAKEfact...
Get this in Your Shiit head... ISRAEL is alive and fAckin your Stupid brothers there who deny the existence of ISRAEL.
sure israels alive n hapless pious terrrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists rentlessly genocide PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE. only forked tongue pagan dont c that
The old fool is seniles and paranoid... just like you StupidSonnySwine... nobody have absolute control... freakin shiit like you would not understand.
of course hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists have the world by the balls by proxy as stated by malaysian former pm. otherwise un would not have to seek international court to stop the rape by hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israel/zionist when they build 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israel proper. only forked tongue pagan dont c that
FAckYou Bitch... Imaginary Yahweh cursed no one... some stupid Jews made up the curse... to make other jews to follow the ShiitJudaismFaith
o yes yahweh did curse hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists to become nomads. read. only forked tongue pagan dont c that
Heb. 3:7-14
So, as the Holy Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’ So I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.”
the fAkin Kingdom is on the top list of HumanRightAbuse... a country well known for generating terrorist... PeacePlan my foot.
the HARDfact remains saudi did come up with peace plan for the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict. only forked tongue pagan dont c that
SupidSonnySwine... can't you see... with arab the $ pouring in to the terroristBasstard palestinians... to genocide Jews... its only fair game.
the HARDfact remains superdonkey bush donate more billions to hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists than any arab nations put together. only forked tongue dont c that. read
Since President Truman recognized the state of Israel in 1948, the United States has been Israel's most supportive ally. Since 1950, the United States has provided more than $46 billion dollars in grant military aid to Israel, a sum that outstrips military aid to Egypt, America' s next largest beneficiary, by at least $20 billion. Israel has also received many billions more in grant 'economic' aid, loans for military purchases, and used American armaments.
StupidSonnySwine your are a LIAR...
Arabs wanted to genocide the returning Jews...
liar. its hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews who wanna genocide PALESTINIAN israelis to give way to imported jews. otherwise PALESTINIAN israelis wouldnt have become refugees in the millions when their homes r destroyed by hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists. only forked tongue pagan dont c that. read
Today there are approximately 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. There are about 3.5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 33% live in 59 UNRWA refugee camps and 67% are scattered throughout various countries. There are approximately 1.5 million non-registered refugees scattered throughout the Arab world.
StupidSonnySwine... the Arabs want war... from the day ISRAEL was declared a state... actually even before Israel was declared... the Arabs are blood thirsty morons...
liar. read. only forked tongue pagan dont c that.
Let it be mentioned that until the early 1900s Jews, Muslims and Christians lived in peace in Palestine. The mass immigration of European Jews into Palestine beginning in the 1890s was initially accepted until their intentions were known – that is, the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. So, contrary to popular thought a Jewish presence was not rejected outright but until the presence of the Palestinians was threatened.
StupidSonnySwine... its the Arab who rape and raping the jews... the Jews are returning what the Arabs are giving them...
hence me favourite question is how many hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists that PALESTINIANS have raped n how many PALESTINIANS that hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists have raped? am waitin
The security wall is a new issue... the result of stupid moronic suicide bomber in the first place... the Freakin Jews own the palestine ... they can freakin well build any Shiit they want anywhere... you just shut the fAckUp and go and blow yourself up... maybe you to can get 72virgins to fAck in heaven... Idiot.
liar. hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist dont own PALESTINE. its PALESTINIANS who r forced to share their nation so that israel can exist. read history. n hence why hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist build 600 kilo berlin wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israel proper? thats rapin of the worst kind. only forked tongue pagan dont c that
No fAckFace... the is no curse... git dat in ur Freakin brain.
o yes yahweh did curse hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionist. read me postin above. only forked tongue pagan dont c that
Wrong moron... Jews and Muslim are equally controlling the world by proxy...
Its not Jew alone in control... freakin Muslims are controlling too many thing... and crying... we are humiliated... we need more control... blah blah blah... ad nauseam.
wrong. its hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists whos controllin the world by proxy. otherwise they wouldnt have got away with rapin PALESTINIANS as u can c now :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 26-1-2004 at 01:50 PM ] |
goin once goin twice
down u go into the toilet bowl ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) |
not to go down the toilet bowl jest yet ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) |
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